New Asura Endgame Static LFM

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New Asura Endgame Static LFM
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ayahuasca
Posts: 44
By Asura.Ayahuasca 2025-02-10 07:10:48
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NEW Endgame Static lookin for members

Returners are welcome as long as they're geared enough and know the jobs they wanna bring inside out.

Server: Asura

Start time: MONDAY to FRIDAY at GMT20 til 22/23

Weekends optional, either GMT20 or also GMT15 start time for extra events (Gaol NM kills etc)

Content: Sheol C segs + Sortie (ABCGEF+Naaks to begin with)

- building a prime weapon (prog til 8 boss runs, then once ppl get stage 4, farming Aminon HQ etc)
- farming segs 5 days per week at least
- climbing Odyssey Gaol NMs up to v20 initially, then going for v25s eventually.

- voicechat required during sessions (can keep mic muted if you wish, but gotta listen)

If you're interested post here or send dm to asura.ayahuasca or tell in game if i'm online.

We're lookin for skilled teamplayers who know what they're doing.

Not lookin for unaware players, stubborn giant egos and those kind of players.. we'll be able to assist with gearswap, luas, addons and other things if needed.

In general, as long as we all behave like civil human beings, we'll have patience to explain and assist our members/applicants.

Just don't take it personal if you get rejected before or after the trial run, we don't have a lot of time to play and thus we're trying to create a group where all members are on the same page, while trying to avoid wasting anyone's time.

For Sortie we'll need:

WHM WAR RDM BRD and COR still, i'll either WHM RDM or DD as necessary.

Need H access unlocked pls.

For segs we'll need
WHM WAR (or DD) BRD COR and a Tank

For Gaol NMs you'll be required to have at least 3 geared jobs!

There's a slim chance that we'll go for magic burst setup instead of melee.. we'll see how it goes with melee first.

If you got questions etc feel free to ask!

Not in a rush, we're still in the "LFM" phase, lookin for long term good players to build a good network with!!

Ty for your time and patience, see ya in game! (We also have a discord server for LS/YT channel)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ayahuasca
Posts: 44
By Asura.Ayahuasca 2025-02-12 02:07:02
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Bump, we're 3-4/6 atm but we're lookin also for reserve members who would like to replace members whenever they're off (if you can only play few days per week that would also be fine!) trying to build a network of nice people to prog n grind with!

<3 if you got questions etc ask! (If u pm here, send msg to asura.ayahuasca, not normal ayahuasca or cerberus.ayahuasca, otherwise add me on discord sacha3748, i'll try to reply asap once o'm free! (I work a lot mon-fri so might take some time to reply)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Asura.Shiohisa 2025-02-12 05:42:47
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I’m interested, My RDM is well set up for 8boss and aminon+4boss runs and my cor is well equipped for seg farming. I can bring igeo for odyssey Gaol fights too where it helps but need more work on it
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ayahuasca
Posts: 44
By Asura.Ayahuasca 2025-02-12 06:45:03
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Asura.Shiohisa said: »
I’m interested, My RDM is well set up for 8boss and aminon+4boss runs and my cor is well equipped for seg farming. I can bring igeo for odyssey Gaol fights too where it helps but need more work on it

Hey Shiohisa! Sounds good, add me on discord as well if ya can, i'll see if we can gather for some action today already, but in worst case it will take some extra days to fill up remaining spots.

Also looking for "reserve members"!

You're not able to play mon-fri regularly but you're interested to join sometimes?? Can apply as reserve member to join whenever someone is missing (trying to build a network of nice players to avoid pugs!)
Posts: 135
By Tokimemofan 2025-02-12 08:17:52
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Yeah already messaged you on discord, I’m available 5-7 days a week depending on work schedule and time
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ayahuasca
Posts: 44
By Asura.Ayahuasca 2025-02-14 06:38:36
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Bump and update!

Gaol: we're currently starting the v20 gaol climb! Yesterday we did xevioso v15 and could start the v20 climb, killing Dealan-dhe v20.

We're still looking for some definitive and reserve members:

(Reserve members being people who can't attend mon-fri but they could occasionally join to cover for other members if they can't join!)

For Segs, definitive members in need: we could use a Tank (one of us usually can either COR or PLD for segs/gaol etc), BRD (we got 1 BRD for Ody Gaol clears, but not for sheol C runs yet afaik) and 2 strong heavy DDs for segs (WAR, DRG, SAM, DRK mostly)

Reserve members: Tank, BRD, DDs, and WHM reserve spot are still open if you're interested.

Segs start time monday to friday GMT 20pm, weekend optional.

For now we're not using voicechat most of the time if we're doing segs and we're skipping sortie until we're 5-6/6 not to waste ppl time /yelling n pugging. (But eventually we'll use voicechat for most sessions!)

Post here or contact me via pm or discord if you're interested and wanna join the network.

Lets goooo
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ayahuasca
Posts: 44
By Asura.Ayahuasca 2025-02-16 05:32:42
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Bump and update:

We got all t1 and 4 of the t2 v20 down!

Today after segs we'll go for the crab and the plant with magic burst setup!(Actually we did read about a melee SB zerg for victribell v20 raskovniche that we will try today, while for the crab magic burst setup all the way.)

this upcoming monday we won't do Gaol NMs due to irl things! If everything goes allright, we'll start T3 v20 climb from Tuesday with Kalunga v20.

I really wanna thank all the players who replied to the /yells, that did help us clear the v20s til now! We are having a lot of fun playing with you all <3, thanks

Hopefully in 1-2 weeks we'll be done with v20 climb and thus we'll focus much more towards building the Sortie-side of the static while ppl get their r25 ody items RP'd!

That being said, our static network of players still need:

Definitive members: (start time 20pm GMT monday to friday, weekends optional) BRD, Tank or COR, 2 strong n capable DDs for sheol C.

Reserve members (players who can't attend most days but sometimes will be available to cover those who cannot attend the sessions):
BRD, RUN (or PLD healer for ody and in the future Sortie), strong DDs (DNC, WAR, SAM, DRG, DRK), RDM (backup heal + adds CC for ody gaol), GEO (with decent nuking set), a good WHM reserve is also appreciated in case i'm missing!

See you around Vana Diel!

Pm me here (at asura.ayahuasca not just ayahuasca or i won't probably notice it) or else write me on discord sacha3748
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ayahuasca
Posts: 44
By Asura.Ayahuasca 2025-02-18 02:03:07
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Bump and update

Tonight finishing v20 marmorkrebs then starting t3 v20. Tried 5 bumba v20 attempts as well and got it down to 19% max with invincible and 2 deaths/whm slipups... Eventually we'll get it down!

Refer to the post above for jobs LFM!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ayahuasca
Posts: 44
By Asura.Ayahuasca 2025-02-20 02:08:51
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Bump n update:
after 3 days of casually failing few daily attempts at Marmorkrebs v20 (was rusty on SCH, had to get into the mindset and practice it while trying diff setups) we killed it yesterday!

Did fragmentation with sch into last stand + chant du cygne as multistep, bursting thunder over it. Many things can go wrong and you absolutely need players who can coordinate between each other in order to make it happen. After some bad tries, yesterday we had a proper lovely try where everyone did well enough to clear with some spare minutes!

Going to start with T3 v20 today from GMT 20pm (segs + kalunga v20 kill hopefully, ngai right after)

We're always lookin for more people to join our "network of players", for now we're mostly pugging various spots during event time, but for v20s and Bumba v20 we're gonna need all the help we can get from other knowledgeable players!

Looking for decently geared:
Tank, BLM (for ongo v20 and multi ki v25 strats eventually), RDM, BRD (dd/ws sets), strong non-WAR / DRK DDs like DRG or SAM.

Reserve members: WHM COR and GEO

Can dm me here or on discord for infos (sacha3748)

Once we're done with the v20 climb we gonna focus much more on the Sortie side of the static/network!