Sarama And Dia

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Sarama and dia
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dembe
Posts: 12
By Asura.Lockhartt 2025-01-11 20:14:08
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I presented a theory that UNMs utilized a defense bonus function that causes the defense down effect of dia to be reduced. After testing Sarama, that theory doesn't work well with him. Below I will post the data I have for him, including his nearest defensive values. I tested him with ranged attacks trying to reach the low end value of the PDIF 0.9-1.1 scale for removal of the randomizer.

Debuff: My attack (nearest tested value below a satisfactory value)=> Defense value (probable defense reduction)
None: 1128 (1127 not enough) => defense value = ~1254
Dia: 1097 (1094 not enough) => defense value = ~1219 (Dia 28/1024 about 2.7%)
Dia2: 1042 (1040 not enough) => defense value = ~1158 (Dia2 78/1024 about 7.6%)
Dia3: 1040 (1036 not enough) => defense value = ~1156 (Dia3 80/1024 about 7.8%)

Some notes:
-defense bonus theory post
-Sarama was released 10NOV2015, while Centurio XX-I was released 25JUN2015.
-The effects of dia were changed 03APR2019
-I did not lower STR to find a VIT value for Sarama;however, I did attempt to push STR as high as I could to determine cause for ranged damage discrepancy. My conclusion is that Sarama has a 12.5% resistance against ranged damage.