Cloud of Darkness HTBF
By Shichishito 2025-01-29 13:28:44
I think it's what ever the last piece is you're missing. I got mask and I'm 3/4 on drops, the last one took easily 2-3 times as many attempts as the previous 3 individually did and it still didn't drop.
By Chimerawizard 2025-01-29 14:39:20
I've been bringing random LS mates to just sit in zone while i solo it for free accessories.
I've handed out 8 accessories, and only one person was actually missing everything.
No mask yet though.
also, even if no one wants to come out, that's not stopping me from spamming the fight, so I likely have failed to see 3x or more that in drops.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4561
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-01-30 09:17:14
Whats the trigger for the adds?
Shearing Undulation unlocks them and every TP move after spawns one?
By Shichishito 2025-01-31 16:30:36
I think primordial surge unlocks access to the add spawning move which I assume is triggered by HP%.
I think shearing undulation is the move that spawns, also drops a chat message ...Gather or something like that.
At this point I suspect drop rates are the same as they were with shinryu or lilith. From what I read here in the thread the 3 "accessories" that drop relatively quickly could be anything of the 4 drops but what ever is left for 4th drop will take forever.
So hope you guys got which ever items you were after within the first 3.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-31 16:54:47
From my experience running VD fairly often (maybe 30 times?) it seems like Shinryu in that the accessories are very common (basically guaranteed to get at least 1, often 2 per run) but the masque is rare. Nowhere remotely close to as bad as Shinryu's rare drops, obviously, but clearly less common than the accessories.
We've had 1 masque drop in all our runs combined while getting DOZENS of every accessory.
Getting any accessory is ludicrously easy, getting a mask is a mild PITA. Overall pretty happy with the drop rates. It's kept us farming it for a fair bit, so we get to "enjoy" the new content, but it's not such a crazy low rate that we'll be doing it for the rest of our lives.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 60
By Phoenix.Michelob 2025-01-31 18:35:14
Phoenix.Gavroches said: »Those gears are niche in my opinion, useless on RDM, no one has accuracy issues (at least the folks i usually play with), maybe I should revisit my enfeebling set on WHM and THF, but that’s about it. They are awesome pieces for solo people, people that didn’t go thru odyssey, players that can’t do a lot of ambu… for those folks they are amazing pieces. But yeah, won’t rewrite many sets….
I mean, I have every piece possible on my RDM for all my enfeebling sets (except my Murg is not AG/R15 yet) and I still can't sleep all of the v25 adds consistently in one shot. Almost always requires an immunobreak or two. Would I call it accuracy issues? No, I manage to get the job done. But if extra Macc can help turn 3 sleep attempts into two or or one, I'll try it. To be clear, I'm only using it in my pure Macc set for Bind/Sleep/Grav/Frazzle 1&2.
And to Maletaru's comment about trading off the 25% duration - this is fair but only if those enfeebles land without partial resist, no?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-02-01 00:22:40
And to Maletaru's comment about trading off the 25% duration - this is fair but only if those enfeebles land without partial resist, no?
Yeah, but how often will the ~7 extra macc bump your spell from a half resist to a fully unresisted state? I doubt anyone could answer scientifically, especially given enemies have different meva and resistance ranks. I would personally prefer the duration, but you can do whatever you want. I'm sure it's also highly context driven, really. I just don't think it's black and white best to use blanket maxed macc and drop duration entirely (in this slot or others). It could mean spending significantly more time recasting debuffs or potentially having them drop at the wrong times.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 56
By Bahamut.Zedoma 2025-02-01 00:29:06
To those that are considering Null Belt for their idle sets but don't want to lose dark/light resistance with Warder's. There's also this as an option: Caract Choker
By Minaras84 2025-02-01 02:41:38
Duo'd VD Sch + Bst.
Bst is there just to speed things up basically.
Arthur > Zhivago and get rid of the add when it pops.
Extremely easy fight, 15 min.
By Shichishito 2025-02-01 07:02:03
Was wondering with all the adds in there, does SU5 THF have a good time vs cloud of darkness?
By Chimerawizard 2025-02-01 12:45:31
To those that are considering Null Belt for their idle sets but don't want to lose dark/light resistance with Warder's. There's also this as an option: Caract ChokerGFDI i thought i was done with casket farming once i got all the torques & belts. Now i gotta go farm this.
Good find, thank you.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1871
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2025-02-01 15:57:25
Phoenix.Gavroches said: »Those gears are niche in my opinion, useless on RDM, no one has accuracy issues (at least the folks i usually play with), maybe I should revisit my enfeebling set on WHM and THF, but that’s about it. They are awesome pieces for solo people, people that didn’t go thru odyssey, players that can’t do a lot of ambu… for those folks they are amazing pieces. But yeah, won’t rewrite many sets….
I mean, I have every piece possible on my RDM for all my enfeebling sets (except my Murg is not AG/R15 yet) and I still can't sleep all of the v25 adds consistently in one shot. Almost always requires an immunobreak or two. Would I call it accuracy issues? No, I manage to get the job done. But if extra Macc can help turn 3 sleep attempts into two or or one, I'll try it. To be clear, I'm only using it in my pure Macc set for Bind/Sleep/Grav/Frazzle 1&2.
And to Maletaru's comment about trading off the 25% duration - this is fair but only if those enfeebles land without partial resist, no?
Immunobreaks have nothing to do with having a deficit of macc. An immunobreak procs due to the monster's resistance trait. They will never proc if you lack macc. But generally, monsters will always require the same number of immunobreaks to land a debuff. The only piece that really affects the number of immunobreaks is chironic hose
Guildwork Premium
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 233
By Carbuncle.Elvaanmoq 2025-02-10 18:53:59
At this point I think they ninja-nerfed the mask drop rate shortly after release.
I know it's all random but at this point I'm really wondering if this happened. From a total of 6 chars doing D difficulty 4-6 times every single day, two masks dropped on the first days (both on the same day, btw, but on different runs). Even since, all 6 chars are capped on accessories but no masks to be seen in... 3 weeks? now, or so.
Random is random but I truly wonder if anything was changed.
(Edit: It's just "D", but TH9 on every single run if that helps).
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-02-10 19:15:24
Carbuncle.Elvaanmoq said: »Random is random but I truly wonder if anything was changed.
Or they imposed a hard cap on how many of these drop per week. That theory was suggested for Kraken Club drop in the Up In Arms BCNM, as well as Crepuscular armor from Shinryu. explains why early on on people report getting desired drops, but then you don't hear of many reports afterwards when people are regularly spamming it.
Or just random
Guildwork Premium
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 233
By Carbuncle.Elvaanmoq 2025-02-10 19:26:10
I've never heard that theory but at this point I am about to believe anything :D.
I also am not sure the difficulty (from "D" to "VD") really changes it that much. I have a friend who always spams it on "VD" and they have yet to see a mask (when I've had two on "D"). I occassionally can do "VD" by burning out the SPs (SV, Bolster, MS) but it's too much of a risk of something going wrong and just lose the KI, so I just tend to stick on "D" as it's really no-brainer, less effort and quicker.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 445
By Quetzalcoatl.Khajit 2025-02-11 01:12:29
To those that are considering Null Belt for their idle sets but don't want to lose dark/light resistance with Warder's. There's also this as an option: Caract ChokerAt that point you can just use FOV augments for resistances slapped on an ammo, ring, or ear.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 60
By Phoenix.Michelob 2025-02-11 02:11:08
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »Phoenix.Gavroches said: »Those gears are niche in my opinion, useless on RDM, no one has accuracy issues (at least the folks i usually play with), maybe I should revisit my enfeebling set on WHM and THF, but that’s about it. They are awesome pieces for solo people, people that didn’t go thru odyssey, players that can’t do a lot of ambu… for those folks they are amazing pieces. But yeah, won’t rewrite many sets….
I mean, I have every piece possible on my RDM for all my enfeebling sets (except my Murg is not AG/R15 yet) and I still can't sleep all of the v25 adds consistently in one shot. Almost always requires an immunobreak or two. Would I call it accuracy issues? No, I manage to get the job done. But if extra Macc can help turn 3 sleep attempts into two or or one, I'll try it. To be clear, I'm only using it in my pure Macc set for Bind/Sleep/Grav/Frazzle 1&2.
And to Maletaru's comment about trading off the 25% duration - this is fair but only if those enfeebles land without partial resist, no?
Immunobreaks have nothing to do with having a deficit of macc. An immunobreak procs due to the monster's resistance trait. They will never proc if you lack macc. But generally, monsters will always require the same number of immunobreaks to land a debuff. The only piece that really affects the number of immunobreaks is chironic hose
I know how immunobreaks work. I'm simply saying that if you can land a sleep, gravity, or Bind more easily with more Macc, you don't need to be as dependent on immunobreaks.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2025-02-11 10:31:10
Just saw that there's still discussion around what makes him absorb phys versus magic and wanted to throw in my observations.
I've been soloing as SCH and he's only ever absorbed physical once in all the times I've done it. That's the one time I brought a THF with me and he tagged it for TH early in the fight. Just one round of melee attacks then he was back out.
This was VD so I definitely would've reapplied Luminohelix again afterward, I think that usually happens around 82%. So the most recent hit before shield went up would've been magic. Also total magic damage dealt would be 26,904 while I'm pretty sure the THF did no more than about 1k physical.
My assumption is that it's totally random unless you've only dealt one type or the other. Or it could be based on the total number of hits rather than damage amount? I hit it twice with Luminohelix, maybe the THF hit it 3 or 4 times?
By Taint 2025-02-11 10:51:18
I'm done with CoD but in all my kills on E (50+) he only absorbed physical a few times. Whenever my opener went according to plan it was magical absorb.
My thought was it was number of actions per type.
SAM/WAR main, RDM/BLM mule, Sylvie, KoH, Monb, Ygnas.
Voke > Dia > Addle > Ageha > Mumeix3. As long as all 4 WSs landed and landed before Surge then he absorbed magic. If anything went wrong, was slow or missed then Physical was absorbed.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2025-02-11 19:40:06
Had an insane run tonight! 8 VD fights dropped 3 masks and 5 shawls. Compare this to what we usually see, which is perhaps 1 mask and/or 1 shawl. It got everything my group needs on main chars, minus one mask. 5 of the fights had full THF TH on, and the last three had TH from a BRD. I recall having two fights where only a loop or belt dropped. Luck was most definitely on our side.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 4561
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-02-14 12:10:34
ngl im getting bored of fighting this for nothing.
By Godfry 2025-02-14 12:23:59
Lazy question here.
Have these pieces made their way into BiS for any job? Or they are very situational?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2025-02-14 12:35:04
Have these pieces made their way into BiS for any job? Or they are very situational? Yes. Everything is situational.
By Taint 2025-02-14 12:41:11
Lazy question here.
Have these pieces made their way into BiS for any job? Or they are very situational?
Head: I'm using in my PLD aminon set, various idle sets for jobs that don't have valorous or turms and on my max meva tanking set on RUN. (10dt allows me to use the cape as well which is a meva gain and still caps DT)
Back: Useful on most jobs that don't have good base stats on their ambu cape.
Waist: Idle sets, also in my PLD Aminon set.
Neck: I not currently use in any sets.
By Godfry 2025-02-14 12:44:45
Lazy question here.
Have these pieces made their way into BiS for any job? Or they are very situational?
Head: I'm using in my PLD aminon set, various idle sets for jobs that don't have valorous or turms and on my max meva tanking set on RUN. (10dt allows me to use the cape as well which is a meva gain and still caps DT)
Back: Useful on most jobs that don't have good base stats on their ambu cape.
Waist: Idle sets, also in my PLD Aminon set.
Neck: I not currently use in any sets.
Really good rundown Taint. Thanks so much!!
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 208
By Sylph.Timepassesbye 2025-02-14 12:54:36
I feel like the neck is a nice option for all mages when they need to melee and are lacking physical accuracy, it also boasts the highest magic acc for melees using magic in atypical setups. for example a thief sleepga TH tagging in dynamis. having 5 DT also gives you more options to pull DT out of other slots or just use pdt for light armored jobs
By Shichishito 2025-02-14 13:10:18
I think Belt is BiS for idle and replaced Sveltesse Gouriz +1 for evasion. It should also be BiS for Meva at least for many jobs if not all of them. Probably also BiS macc option in situations where you have far less INT or MND than your target.
Back must be BiS for meva, some argue it also is for TP.
Masque is arguably BiS idle piece, might can make a case against it on some jobs if you have a +2 Refresh from DM augments but the mix of refresh, regen and regain are hard to pass on most jobs. It's also BiS for evasion for some jobs like BLU.
Neck is afaik only piece with good -dt % + HP so it might make sense in some swapping sets to preserve a certain threshold of HP without sacrificing -dt?
I think neck, belt and back are BiS for BLU physical spells or Weapon skills with additional effects and although I'm not familiar with RDM I also assume they are BiS for enspell situations. Maybe BiS for ranged accuracy, at least for most jobs, not sure if also for RNG and COR.
Pretty sure all 3 also qualify for BiS in melee sets for mage jobs since most are ACC starved, GEO in particular is. Can probably also justify masque for meleeing, even if it's slightly behind other ACC options you get 10% -dt and together with gazu bracelets +1 you're already haste capped.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-02-14 13:18:58
Shell Crusher, Armor Break, Shockwave~ any Physical WS that has an added effect (Magic Accuracy affects land rate) should get immediate use out of Null Loop. I suppose if for some reason NIN wasn't using the JSE+2 neck and wanted a swap with defensive traits, you could use the neck for that also. Super situational and I don't think you'd ever drop the huge Daken Bonus for 5 DT, unless you were seriously hurting for (Ranged)Accuracy.
The waist is the highest evasion you can get in that slot, and it's BIS for self-Regen sets (it's actually one of only two Regen waist options, the other being Lycopodium sash). IMO, all jobs should try to make a self-regen set for Sortie if you don't have a dedicated healer, as it can help counteract Poison/Taint DOT, but also idle healing while traveling between camps for something like Segs is also good, though not pertinent. You can make a decent self-Regen+ set with Ambuscade cape, Bathy Choker +1, Chirich +1 rings, Infused/Dawn Earrings, and whatever mix of armor for jobs that have Regen+ on it (MNK SAM NIN PUP can use Rao +1 set and Haramaki +2 body, Sacro Breastplate for those jobs, Volte Chainmail, Meghanada +2 set, Turms +1 set etc).
Back is very good but too many options to list. Can figure it out just by looking at it and the jobs and simming if you want hard numbers.
The mask looks like it completely replaces Gleti's Mask for jobs that were using it for Idle Regen/Regain (idk, BLU?). Having a refresh headpiece (which is rare) that has -10%DT is nifty, if you don't have a Refresh +2 Reisenjima Oseem DM augment piece. Comes with 10% Haste which is unusually high for the head slot. Can help out jobs like GEO that might struggle to cap Haste in melee sets without the waist slot (Cetl belt is fine) or don't feel like dropping their defense to use Gazu Bracelet +1. Probably a number of other situational uses, too many to list them all out. If nothing else, you can make super lazy sets with -40% DT in in only 3 slots combine it with Adamantite Armor and Defending Ring.
By Godfry 2025-02-14 13:32:16
Thanks everyone for putting so much thought into these answers!!!!
By buttplug 2025-02-14 15:26:23
This is probably a dumb new-player question, but how difficult have the VD versions of the last couple HTBF's been? How do their progs compare to something like V25 Bumba or Crystal Paradise?