I did Cloud Of Darkness last night with my linkshell for the first time. We used the gravity kite method. I was on RUN/DRK. The rest of the party was DDx2 BRD COR RDM. We won 4 or 5 fights with no issues on Normal, Difficult, and VD. Masque dropped on Normal, nothing dropped on D, and we saw some Belts and Loops on VD. No Shawl's yet.
Cloud Of Darkness is quite big and likes to gravitate to the center of the battlefield, so kiting is not as simple as it looks. On all the fights except the last, she got close enough to activate 1 TP move. She did the Primordial on our first fight and got the Red Glow, but it was only magic absorb and she died seconds after. Otherwise, she used TP moves that didn't bother me at all. We have yet to see any Fomor adds.
Some tips from a kiting perspective. If you have the distance plugin, stay between 17-24 yalms, so you can cast something. Foil is the only choice if you are slightly out of range. 16 yalms is cutting it fine. She can do a TP move at 16 yalms, but it isn't guaranteed.
Your strongest DDs go /drg and preferably Super Jump under 50%. BRD COR and RDM (ours went /sch for quicker buffs as they wear on entry) can probably /nin for dual wield, but it depends on the tank. RDM used Gravity II, Addle II, Distract III, and Dia III. Paralyze and Slow is possible (needs Immunobreaks or Stymie), but it doesn't change much. Do not use Silence as it stops moving to cast and will die quicker. We used 1-hours on VD to speed things up, but isn't essential to win. I had plenty of hate doing the following:
Embolden + Crusade. Saving for Phalanx isn't necessary. Stay in an Enmity set (with some DT) for the fight.
Start with Flash or Stun. Valiance & One For All the party. Run away when Gravity II lands.
Pop Elemental Sforzo if using 1-hours. Spend the rest of the fight running while doing Flash/Foil/Stun.
When they first announced Cloud Of Darkness, I had a rush of images through my mind. VD would be ridiculously difficult. The drop rates worse than Shinryu. Players would try it for a few weeks and then not bother. I set myself up for the biggest disappointment, and it has proven to be the opposite. I wouldn't mind setting up PUGs, just because I believe I could. I haven't felt like that in many years. The developers finally threw us a bone and said
"Sorry for being *** with that whole Shinryu thing". It is a relief. I have no complaints, and that makes me happy.