Oathsworn Blade Master Trial - Cleared
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-30 16:50:07
I really wish they'd post this. I asked the last AMA if the strategies we came up with were what they expected and they basically just answered yes, it was inline with what they expected. Personally I think they are full of ***.
Devs lying, keeping us in the dark, withholding information. Nothing new.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-12-30 20:43:38
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »It's fine to disrespect the guy
I actually agree with Shang on this one.
Most people on this forum are min/max ***, if you claim to know your stuff and keep posting numbers all round, telling people how they should or shouldn't play, it's quite comical to not actually perform and meet the standards when playing don't you think ?
The way people deal with criticism is totally personal, if you take it as an attack and try to defend mediocrity then you will most likely stay an average player.
I'm not disagreeing about his point (that some people focus too much on theory and can't actually perform practically), though I'm not sure if it's true with this particular example because I've never played with the guy.
My point was if you're going to ***talk someone, it doesn't do much good to say "no disrespect".
For example:
No disrespect, but you're a fat useless piece of ***who's never going to amount to anything.
No disrespect, but you're a complete moron who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag.
No disrespect, but your girlfriend is an ugly tramp and she's still too good for you.
It's fine to hold these opinions, and maybe they're actually true. Adding "no disrespect" before you say something extremely disrespectful doesn't prevent it from being disrespectful. Telling someone they suck at a video game and should shut their *** mouth is disrespectful. Own it.
It would be nice if they at least
After a certain time period
Released the party setup they designed it around
I would also love to know these answers, but I think the reason they don't do it, or at least the reason I wouldn't do it, is because then it pidgeon holes the creativity of the players and railroads future players into that composition. The beauty of FFXI is that (for most things) there are multiple different party compositions that can do a fight. If SE said "We think V25 Bumba should be done with XXX jobs" then everyone would do that strategy and nobody would be creative with it.
Sure, they could do this months/years later, but it still has the same effect: from that day moving forward, innovation will be stifled and players will say "OK, SE said that the comp is this, that must be the easiest way to do it." Even if you prefer a different job, there would be pressure to switch to the meta job because "that's what SE said."
By Ovalidal 2024-12-30 21:01:39
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »It would be nice if they at least
After a certain time period
Released the party setup they designed it around
I would also love to know these answers, but I think the reason they don't do it, or at least the reason I wouldn't do it, is because then it pidgeon holes the creativity of the players and railroads future players into that composition. The beauty of FFXI is that (for most things) there are multiple different party compositions that can do a fight. If SE said "We think V25 Bumba should be done with XXX jobs" then everyone would do that strategy and nobody would be creative with it.
Sure, they could do this months/years later, but it still has the same effect: from that day moving forward, innovation will be stifled and players will say "OK, SE said that the comp is this, that must be the easiest way to do it." Even if you prefer a different job, there would be pressure to switch to the meta job because "that's what SE said."
I completely agree with what Maletaru is saying here. One of the biggest appeals to FFXI from a new/considering player's perspective is the "player vs. develeper" feeling to the combat. Hearing stories about AV, or Thorny with the Master Trial bots, or Shiraj's group's clear of OB certainly feels like a novelty in today's overly guided game design trends.
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-12-30 21:07:41
It doesn't pigeonhole them anymore than someone winning does.
Every single group who ever even pretends to care about this will do it with the exact same party. That's no different. They were deadset on their strat after one day despite themselves thinking it was impossible.
It's just a time saver, don't try to *** yourself.
By Manque 2024-12-30 21:30:33
I realize the doom couldn’t be removed by magic etc but I wonder if there is a special pass coded specifically for gambanteinn. Would reserve a slot for WHM though. If that’s the case, would definitely have to be a way to dispel the aura’s.
Wish it was more accessible to experiment with different strategies but I guess that’s part of the challenge of these fights.
For aura procing ideas:
If August uses specific weapons during his WS/JA attacks, perhaps some action corresponding to that weapon’s damage type? Piercing, blunt, ranged, etc. Though that seems too complex for spaghetti code to handle.
SC or MB corresponding to the element of the nakauul out? Taking this even further, requiring it to be an aeonic sc for radiance?[\li]
Fun to think of these things.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 629
By Asura.Melliny 2024-12-30 22:13:11
Quote: I'm not disagreeing about his point (that some people focus too much on theory and can't actually perform practically), though I'm not sure if it's true with this particular example because I've never played with the guy.
His ramble was exaggerated, and quite frankly it's out of place. We're discussing master trial stuff here. I'm pretty sure nobody cares about what happened in one odyssey group's short term events while they cleared one nm. I've cleared V25 Arebtai three times in three different groups, and that particular group I was just along to help. There were quite a few more complications than just damage before we got the clear too; some of it was tanking related (we had to swap the paladin a couple times), some of it was coordination, and it was partially a pickup so two of the members were changing on a nightly basis and we had to re-cover the same ground with the new people repeatedly. Most of the group was new to the V25 version of the fight, so there was a bit of a learning curve. Despite that it took closer to a couple dozen attempts over the course of about 5 or 6 nights spread across two weeks. That's not unusual for V25 Arebati, nor is it a terrible track record. The damage was there. Blaming the struggles we faced solely on me is just him taking out a personal grudge he has against me in a public setting. And this isn't the place for it.
There is far more behind the scenes stuff to the story, but none of it warrants bringing up here. I wanted to try to keep the discussion on topic which is why I didn't bother responding up until now. Sorry you had to see this.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-12-30 22:13:18
It doesn't pigeonhole them anymore than someone winning does.
Every single group who ever even pretends to care about this will do it with the exact same party. That's no different. They were deadset on their strat after one day despite themselves thinking it was impossible.
As usual, this is just completely untrue. There are myriad different strategies and job combinations for all kinds of fights, some completely different to each other.
Sure, these are shared with other groups and plenty of people follow templates, but they also adjust based on their experience, opinions, and the jobs their team is good at.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 50
By Asura.Shang 2024-12-31 00:43:36
mel mel mel u do live in ur own world =). the point made was gun > bow if ur looking for ranger dps. u compared a aeonic gun against a prime bow why im not sure. but the bow looses before u even started. the arebati part was my personal experience with u on ranger that showed me you do not know the job its cool u learned it but u dnt know it so stop giving bad advice. the part that dnt matter is the specifics of the arebati runs we did and man ur lost. i was helping yall i had the win long before u, i joined some friend for a tp denial strat but thats not the point. i stopped helping got tired of just loosing and slye quit that gave me an out. also side note on ur third time killing i was also the RUN u have no clue who is around you hence how you became known as "main char mel" lmao i held him once again againt ur stupid bow (gandiva btw even though u had prime u knew then it was meh). i remember these fights very well and have done them with any serious person who wanted to go bringing my ls along for the ride cause they are just as stupid as me to keep repeating them. sadly i dnt have a formula for u so i support my claim once again with personal experience. think anyone who knows me will tell u i can be a down right *** but they will also tell u i wont blow smoke up ur ***. now back to the master trial topic ^^ another win coming hopefuly because were suiting up and yes we are following the known strat because it works why fix it we cheered from the sidelines for this one to work these dudes busted their *** and more then the 6 in the picture they earned every bit of claiming worlds first IMO of course. if you want a dif strat go practice and test.
also srry for the no disrespect but then comes disrespect comment saw it in a movie once =)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 629
By Asura.Melliny 2024-12-31 01:15:49
Shang, that group you're talking about was from a year and a half ago. There were bigger issues in that group. The corsair we had at the time had abysmal damage output, and that was a big reason we struggled on our clears. We also didn't bring Arebati as low on our first Ki runs back then as we did since. There were people who didn't even have R20 nyame back then, and three of those members quite the game in summer of 2023. Hell, I didn't have half the ranger gear I did then as I do now. I was still gearing it specifically for Arebati at the time. I didn't have even a quarter of the Mlvls on it then as I do now. I'll be the first to admit my ranger wasn't amazing then. I've improved it a hell of a lot since. Are you really going to fault me for being new to a job 18 months ago?
If you're criticism of my ranger is coming from that old group, then it's not fair at all. I thought you were talking about our more recent attempts when we helped some of the linkshell get clears after we already had our kills. We've come a long way in progression in a short time, and I know you harbor personal negativity toward me. Lets not bring those personal squabbles into this ok. I've cleared V25 arebati three times in the past six months with three different groups, two of which I just came along to help because they were friends and needed the clear. And when I play ranger now I do back up my talk with performance.
Quote: the point made was gun > bow if ur looking for ranger dps. u compared a aeonic gun against a prime bow why im not sure. but the bow looses before u even started.
And on this point your simply wrong. Gun and bow both TP at similar rates. Sarv is an extremely powerful weaponskill, and gandiva has insane white DPS. You saying that one is straight up superior to the other is flat out ignorant. You can't compare the two in a vacuum. Bow has a farther out sweet spot than gun, and standing in true shot range is quite a big deal. The prime weapons are extremely strong, and both Earp and Pinaka perform at exceptionally high levels. They break the mold. And I stand by my earlier statement. IF Pinaka would be capable of firing off 99k sarvs at close to 1k tp then it would match or exceed Fomalhaut in this fight. But I don't know if that would happen because I've never used Sarv under those extreme buffs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 629
By Asura.Melliny 2024-12-31 01:34:03
Quote: gandiva btw even though u had prime u knew then it was meh
No, I knew it was so powerful that if I pulled it out I would die in an instant. It's anything BUT "meh". Pinaka is overwhelmingly powerful. So much so that it generates enough enmity to rip hate from a tank in just 3 or 4 weaponskills toward the end of the Arebati fight. You need /drg and super jump to properly use it, and when you're fighting Arebati you don't have that luxury. I've actually used Pinaka on V25 Arebati since getting it to stage 5. Sarv broke 90,000 damage, when in comparison Coronach only did upwards of 35k. You don't just throw around damage like that on V25 unless it's the very end of the fight. You die in a hurry. Dead rangers deal no damage. The prime bow and gun are both immensely strong. Not using it on Arebati had nothing to do with its power, and everything to do with its enmity generation.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 50
By Asura.Shang 2024-12-31 01:59:10
stop reading when you said earp is powerful again just showing what you dnt know i have earp its meh. i still pref aeonic i do use my earp because i made it but not gnna lie to the community and says its amazing just get a fomal
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 50
By Asura.Shang 2024-12-31 02:07:10
year and a half till now and u still cant just use a relic gun to kill arebati u have to rock the boat because u need more dps. come back when u shoot it with anni only ill apologize and tell u i was wrong.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2997
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-12-31 05:40:24
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »As usual, this is just completely untrue. There are myriad different strategies and job combinations for all kinds of fights, some completely different to each other.
Sure, these are shared with other groups and plenty of people follow templates, but they also adjust based on their experience, opinions, and the jobs their team is good at.
I don't know how literally you're taking it, but I'm gonna have to side with Eiryl on this one. Once a strategy is published, interest in trying novel strategies drops to next to nothing. How many people have made any real effort to do Bumba V25 by dealing with procs? It hits for next to nothing outside aura, DT only builds when aura is up, if you focused on nailing the procs quickly it's completely feasible that a slow strategy would work fine. But, I have yet to hear from a single group actually coordinating around that.
Mischief's strategy was replicable and showed it could actually win, so people would rather gear those jobs and do it that exact way than try something new that might not.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 216
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-12-31 07:32:21
Would love to hear from the GEO/WHM and his cure/idle set, his struggles, his adjustment. Did he get hit a lot, is SIRD base cure needed, was it just bubbling and casting cure left and right with no extra complications?!? that’s the part that interest me.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 961
By Asura.Iamaman 2024-12-31 08:12:42
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Sure, these are shared with other groups and plenty of people follow templates, but they also adjust based on their experience, opinions, and the jobs their team is good at.
I think this is very optimistic. I can see how you'd come to this conclusion if you've only been in groups/statics that are willing to accommodate changes, but there are a lot that do not and just stick with whatever guide is published even if they've failed doing it over and over 40 times. I'd argue the majority of players are kindof limited in their willingness to experiment and risk failure to potentially uncover something new. You see this a lot with gearing, too, "well the guide says I should use x", they don't put any thought in what to use beyond that. Maybe it's just my experience, but I doubt it.
Groups/people fall into two camps: willing to experiment and try new things at risk of failing, then groups/people who shoot down anything that doesn't align with word by word of the guide. There are a lot more in the latter category than I think you probably recognize and if the source of the strat is SE or a player, it doesn't matter. People willing to try something new aren't all of a sudden going to stop and it'll have no material change on the other group. I would've agreed with you in the year or so after v25 was released, but at this point it's old enough and enough published strats are out there, I don't think it'd change much.
At the end of the day I just want to see someone at SE do this and show that they actually put some thought behind it or that there is some intended strategy they came up with when tuning the fight, especially Bumba and this one. I don't think the way the player base reacts to it is going to have any real change on how people do the fights unless there is some new mechanic revealed. Either way, they will never do it for a number of reasons.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-12-31 11:23:28
I don't know how literally you're taking it, but I'm gonna have to side with Eiryl on this one. Once a strategy is published, interest in trying novel strategies drops to next to nothing. How many people have made any real effort to do Bumba V25 by dealing with procs? It hits for next to nothing outside aura, DT only builds when aura is up, if you focused on nailing the procs quickly it's completely feasible that a slow strategy would work fine. But, I have yet to hear from a single group actually coordinating around that.
Mischief's strategy was replicable and showed it could actually win, so people would rather gear those jobs and do it that exact way than try something new that might not.
Depends a lot on the example. I've heard of several ody fights that were done with very different setups to mine. I've heard of sortie strats with probably 5-10 different job setups. People do dynamis and Omen and all kinds of ***with modified strats. There are entire threads on this site full of people debating which weapons to use, which job is better than which, and how to make do with what they have. Bumba is more of the exception that proves the rule, for me.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-31 11:38:52
It depends on how good the original strategy is. It just might not be worth innovating over the original if it's already easy to pull off. Arebati V20 is an example of an annoying fight for the BRD to have to kite the add, but it changed to having a pld hold it once people struggled doing it the "first" way. Just whatever is easier for the average player to do imo
Thorny himself came up with a far superior method to doing Sealed Fate than what the first few groups used, and then the initial strategy basically died off. His strategy was easier to perform, didn't require any significant buffing, alts, tools, gear or automation, and was simple enough that it left very little room for error besides alternating mew and magical damage on demand from SMNs. Players always choose the easiest path for completing something, not necessarily the first one. People saw Mischief's group (widely known as some of the best players) employing a simple strategy for dealing with an annoying boss and getting a win and decided that was simple enough to replicate vs dealing with Bumba and all his shenanigans. If the best groups find a really good and workable strategy, THAT imo is what kills off any motivation to innovate.
By olson2189 2024-12-31 12:57:57
Some recollections on here are mistaken. Xolla's group was the first to clear Bumba v25 and established the strategy. Mischief's group just replicated it. Sure, perhaps with minor tweaks/slightly different job selections for KI 1, but the foundational concept behind the strategy was Xolla's.
Xolla's first clear.
Mischief's post, posted 10 days after Xolla's clear which essentially just replicated Xolla's strategy.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 16
By Asura.Nefertarii 2025-01-01 06:27:35
Phoenix.Gavroches said: »Would love to hear from the GEO/WHM and his cure/idle set, his struggles, his adjustment. Did he get hit a lot, is SIRD base cure needed, was it just bubbling and casting cure left and right with no extra complications?!? that’s the part that interest me.
The healing was split between the GEO/WHM, the BRD/SCH, and even at times the RUN/BLU was helping. When things went well the Bee and Shark would pop early and regen5 was still up which made things a lot easier. I used a set of Vanya gear, Idris and AF+3 GEO hands to cap cure potency / player DT / Bubble DT. Bubble breaking and MP management was a big issue. I used full circle around 25% bubble health to redo bubbles often in order to save MP. I felt like the more stressful part of the fight was after the zombie phase where I was weak. I had to alternate through cure2/3/4 because of cooldowns, and the bosses are still doing quite a bit of damage. As time went on we got really good at working as a team. I think the last 4~5 pulls we didn't have a single death before the zombie phase.
By RadialArcana 2025-01-01 11:11:33
You guys should make a list of who you know was taking part in trying to take this down.
It's nice to list all the elite players trying to do these things, even if the groups were not successful they played a part in the win in some way or another.
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-01-01 11:15:38
Oh, a list of losers who failed and/or gave up. Sounds fun!
Now we're talkin. That (and this post) will wad up some panties for sure.
By RadialArcana 2025-01-01 11:17:41
Oh, a list of losers who failed and/or gave up. Sounds fun!
trying too hard
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 493
By Asura.Clintbeastwood 2025-01-07 10:00:54
Badass. Congrats to the team for beating this! Love to see it.
By Ovalidal 2025-01-13 08:49:54
Frosty (the FFXIV world first coordinator) had me and Bigtymer on his stream to discuss this clear and the FFXI endgame scene in general. Nice to see this achievement get a little recognition in the high-end FFXIV scene.
YouTube Video Placeholder
By Kadokawa 2025-01-28 07:34:46
Biggest cheaters on Asura has Cleared something "hard", just wow.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-28 07:59:24
Biggest cheaters on Asura has Cleared something "hard", just wow.
So uh...what happened here? Fixing a typo?
By Kadokawa 2025-01-28 08:26:24
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Biggest cheaters on Asura has Cleared something "hard", just wow.
So uh...what happened here? Fixing a typo?
Maybe bakerboy and shiraj not cheaters but others for sure they do amazing with Lua and all cheats that not detected by SE.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-28 08:56:03
Well, can't put the toothpaste back into the tube now, might as well share what you consider "the biggest cheats" to be. From my perspective you're both cheaters so I wonder where you draw the line between "OK cheating" and "too much cheating."
It's funny to see the pot calling the kettle black in real-time, for me anyway.
By Kadokawa 2025-01-28 08:57:27
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Well, can't put the toothpaste back into the tube now, might as well share what you consider "the biggest cheats" to be. From my perspective you're both cheaters so I wonder where you draw the line between "OK cheating" and "too much cheating."
It's funny to see the pot calling the kettle black in real-time, for me anyway.
Some of them got banned and bought new character, some cheats like advanced Lua, speed hackig and knows all location of nm and exits in sortie. SE ban tako but don't ban anchor, ja0 advanced Lua, or sortiebuddy users.
By K123 2025-01-28 12:03:29
How is there a child talking about playing FFXI? Or is he FFXIV player?
Party Comp: RNG/DRG (ML50), RNG/DRG (ML45), COR/NIN (ML50), BRD/SCH (ML50), GEO/WHM (ML50), RUN/BLU (ML47)
General Encounter Notes:
All buffs carry in. Geomancy debuff potency is nerfed by 50% on August, but is full potency on all adds. There is no WS wall. There is no prime weapon damage bonus (nor a non-prime penalty).
The encounter starts with August (level 157) by himself. Every 10%, August summons a random Naakual add starting at 90%, all the way down to 40% for a total of all 6 Naakuals. At 30%, he summons Teodor as the final add.
While a Naakual is alive, August has extremely strong DT and regen (something to the tune of -99% DT, and 1% HP regen every 15ish seconds). August does not have this DT/regen when Teodor is alive.
All adds (including Teodor) spawn in with an aura and there is no known way to proc these auras. The auras give the adds approximately -25% DT, along with other effects that are mostly consistent with other versions of these NMs (i.e., the Bee's aura gives it a blink effect, the Lion's aura is a 20' paralyze aura, etc.). Teodor's aura is unique to this encounter and I'll discuss that later. The auras wear off over time. The aura on the first add lasts 3.5 minutes, and each subsequent adds' aura lasts 30 seconds longer - so the 2nd add has a 4-minute aura, the 3rd add has a 4.5-minute aura, etc., with the final add (Teodor) having a 6.5-minute aura.
In addition to having a longer aura duration, each subsequent add spawns in at 1 higher level than the previous add. The first add is level 150, 2nd add is level 151, etc., with the final add (Teodor) being level 156. The level of the add influences the potency of the aura. With the Naakual spawn order being random, this creates a layer of RNG as there are certain adds that you hope will spawn early (i.e., the Bee).
Pre-buffs before entering, many of which were from outside characters included the following: x8 Soul Voice songs (honor, prelude x2, minuet 5+4, aria, STR etude, AGI etude). x4 crooked rolls (SAM, Chaos, Misers, Tacticians). Flurry 2 on the COR/RNGs. Full SCH buffs - regen, embrava, baraero/barparalyze, adloquium, Minuo, phalanx, aquaveil. WHM for pro/shell/auspice/boost-STR. The main BRD's SV was reset using outside CORs before entering, or it was reduced to sub-10minutes with multiple Cutting Cards.
Main songs throughout the encounter: honor, prelude x2, minuet 5+4. Dirge fulltime on the GEO as the GEO does the majority of the healing and can pull hate later into it if they're not being given dirge.
Main rolls: crooked Chaos / SAM.
GEO bubbles varied by mob - see below.
Frailty/fury/entrust STR with SV songs up. Without SV songs, swap fury to precision. Last Stand.
Similar TP moves as the Sinister Reign version has, ramped up of course. The same applies to all of the adds and their previous versions.
Null Field is one of his notable TP moves, as it's an AoE 1-3 buff dispel, and is one of several reasons why a melee setup on this encounter is probably not viable.
He also has access to AoE terror and conal amnesia. Most of his AoE moves are 10' radius centered on his target.
Each time an add dies, August uses Daybreak, which visually gives him wings along with a damage boost. Daybreak also begins the countdown for No Quarter. The countdown lasts exactly as long as the previous add was alive. For example, if it takes 4min20sec to kill the Tree add, then once the Tree dies, August uses Daybreak which begins a 4min20sec countdown until No Quarter.
No Quarter is a 15' split damage conal move. Following an add death, to prepare for No Quarter, the tank turns August toward the group while the group moves within 13'-14'. The tank gets as close to August as possible in this position to help ensure that the 10' radius moves (which are centered on the tank) do not hit the rest of the party. You can then just plant in this position until No Quarter goes off. There may be times where damage needs to be stopped if No Quarter hasn't happened before the next add is about to spawn. No Quarter going off while an add is out should be avoided.
Yggdreant (Tree)
If Tree spawns within the first 3 adds, Malaise + Acumen, otherwise Malaise + Focus. With the increasing levels of later adds, we found that there was a tipping point where resists become too much of a problem to not run focus.
Light Threnody. x2 lux + x1 Tenebrae Rayke + Gambit. Storms from the BRD/SCH. Trueflight from the RNG's, Leaden from the COR.
Cannopierce hurts real bad with the tank solo soaking it (along with perhaps a luopan). x3 Flabra Vallation/Valiance.
Constant Timber AoE doom spam (the removeable kind, smile).
Cehuetzi (Lion)
Similar to Tree, if Lion spawns within the first 3 adds, Malaise + Acumen, otherwise Malaise + Focus.
Fire Threnody, x3 Ignis Rayke + Gambit. Firestorm. Hot Shot from the RNGs and COR. Wildfire is an option for the COR if accuracy becomes a problem (i.e., if Lion is a later add and SV songs are not up).
The paralyze aura is quite brutal and depending on RNG, may really debilitate your tank's ability to spike hate on him. Tank can make a judgment call here to use Sforzo if enmity generation isn't going well. Losing hate on Lion, even if only for a moment before a jump gets used, can be run-ending due to his AoE full dispel.
Gabbrath (Dino) / Waktza (Bird)
Similar approach for both of these - Frailty/Fury. Last Stand.
Damage dealt is physical here, so the RNGs should coordinate a Super Jump around 50%, otherwise hate will likely be pulled before these adds die. Try to time the Super Jump right after a TP move as both of these have access to dispels (Static Prison from the Bird and Volcanic Stasis from the Dino).
Dino is particularly threatening to the tank (especially if he spawns later in the add order). We like entrusting an indi-wilt on the tank for Dino.
Rockfin (Shark)
Indi-wilt, Geo-frailty, entrust Barrier. Last Stand.
I haven't said it until now, but other than Shark, Bee, and while waiting for August's No Quarters, you should be fighting everything from 20'+.
Fight Shark inside the donut of Marine Mayhem (so everyone within 5' of him). If you try fighting him outside the donut, you will very likely have wipes to the wombo-combo of Protolithic Puncture (hate reset) on tank, followed by Marine Mayhem on the backline, which he can use at range while he's in transit from the tank to the backline, instantly killing everyone. A big downside of fighting him inside the donut is that everyone is now in range of August's Null Field. Since you're not shooting August during this time, he should only get off 3-4 TP moves while you're killing Shark and you either hope that none of those TP moves are Null Field, or at a minimum hope that neither of your rangers lose a song if a Null Field is used. Another layer of RNG.
Spread out around him within the donut - he's got conal moves. With frequent hate resets, we found the Wilt to be extremely important in preventing deaths. Panacea off debuffs. His autos are AoE and the BRD/SCH has a limited number of AoE heals, so the damage pressure gets a bit real here. Spreading out Valiance, One For All, Liement, and Odyllic are important resources for making it through. An early Shark spawn while Regen/Embrava are still up is dreamy, but he's doable without that.
Bztavian (Bee)
Bolster geo-frailty, indi-wilt, entrust fade. Last Stand.
Bee is THE most difficult of the Naakuals.
With constant hate resets, we found it best to fight him with everyone in melee range except the tank, who should keep August away to limit the chances of a Null Field hitting the group. Spread out around him since he also has conals.
Zombie, weakness, stun, and a potent paralyze on his TP moves make him really dangerous. The tank is not even attempting to hold hate here, so it's the backline eating all of these things. RNGs should save their Super/High Jumps for a bad Zombie. If they get paralyzed or stunned along with Zombie, the run may just be over.
I mentioned that the auras are more potent the higher level the add is (the later it spawns in the RNG order). Where this matters the most is with the Bee. His blink aura very noticeably has higher chances of absorbing hits the higher level he is. Having an early Bee spawn with pre-buffs and a shorter duration aura is extremely desirable.
In general, Double/Triple shot should be saved for every add. The adds dying as quickly as possible is one of the win conditions of the encounter - the regen August has while an add is out is very potent, so more damage output on the adds effectively does double duty. With Bee, these cooldowns, along with Overkill, felt particularly important in helping with the blink effect from the aura.
Teodor's dark aura gives him Dread Spikes and provides his auto attacks with an en-doom effect. This doom is seemingly un-removeable. He rotates through several auto attacks, one of which is a 25' ranged attack that is also AoE, and everyone hit by it receives the doom. His aura also applies Avoidance Down to anyone in range, so parrying/blocking in hopes of avoiding the en-doom is off the table.
It's worth mentioning that Teodor could not be slept - we've tried both light (with NiTro) and dark sleeps. It's also quite difficult to even get to Teodor and when you do get to him 45min+ into a pull, you have exactly 30 seconds to test/try things before your tank dies from doom and everyone else dies very quickly thereafter. Hence why the encounter took so long to clear.
But I'm digressing - so yeah, a 25' ranged un-removeable AoE doom. Not really sure if the devs fully thought this one through or how they expected players were going to deal with him, but here is how we navigated it.
The approach involves a zombie/death rotation between the BRD, GEO, and COR. The tank holds August on one side of the arena (the entrance platform), and the BRD/GEO/COR take turns tagging Teodor and dying on the opposite side of the arena. Teodor does not spawn with shared hate on August, which is one detail that makes this possible. Another detail that makes this possible is the fact that you have control over where Teodor will spawn in the arena. He spawns exactly where the 6th Naakual was killed. If he always spawned on August, it would be very difficult/inconsistent for someone in the zombie group to tag him before he hits the tank with his first en-doomed auto attack. For this reason, we kill the 6th add near the Teodor corner in the image below, then drag August to the opposite side before pushing him to 30%.
When the next player up in the zombie cycle dies, Teodor will (somewhat) slowly leash back to the center of the arena (green arrow) as he no longer has anyone on his enmity list. An important note is that while he is leashing back to the center, he will not sight/sound aggro. Upon reaching his reset spot (which is pretty much directly in the center of the arena), he links to August and full sprints toward the tank. With a 3-man zombie rotation, it's possible to perpetually prevent him from crossing that threshold. To facilitate the re-raising, the BRD/GEO/COR loaded up on Scapegoats, items that give reraise and, importantly, are instant-use items that have no animation/spell/ability lockout after using them.
Dropping the BRD/GEO/COR from the party to do this zombie juggling may or may not be necessary, but it does offer extra wiggle room. As mentioned, some of Teodor's auto attacks are AoE, and if the zombie gamers are not in the same party, then they will not hit each other with those AoE's, allowing them all to zombie near each other in the furthest possible corner without worrying about perfect positioning.
Tank heals himself while this is all going on. Continue the zombie rotation for 6.5mins until his aura wears off, then allow him to reset to the center, link to August, and attack the tank. Killing Teodor is straightforward once the aura is off. Frailty/fury, Last Stand. GEO/WHM keeps banish 2/1 on cooldown because he's undead and why not.
To provide a rough DPS benchmark to be aiming for: Teodor needs to spawn with approximately 17mins left on the instance timer to allow for this.
Final Phase
Unlike the other adds, Teodor doesn't give August DT, but once August gets to 1%, he will take 0 damage if Teodor is still alive. Once Teodor dies, August uses Daybreak and restores his HP to 30%. Therefore even though you're able to, it's pointless for the RNGs to damage August while the BRD/GEO/COR zombie juggle Teodor. The RNGs can basically AFK while the juggling is going on.
After he restores to 30%, you're in the final zerg phase. August will keep his wings out for the remainder of the fight. He will use No Quarter at 20% and again at 10%. The end.
Some subjective thoughts/opinions in closing: the difficulty of this encounter is incredibly high as it currently stands. Miles ahead of Crystal Paradise in terms of the damage output required and party survivability. SE has "nerfed" this fight once already with an evasion tweak, but we found that adjustment to be barely noticeable. The solution we had to come up with for dealing with Teodor is obviously quite janky, and is surely not the intended way. It's possible that the adds' auras can be proc'ed, and if a method for that is ever discovered, the difficulty would be eased substantially.
Good luck to those who pursue this!