Sortie Static
By Jhoo 2024-12-06 15:56:09
On Asura we Looking for 2 - 3 members to add to our static.
Mulitple job if possible, no need to be veteran in sortie but at least job veteran.
we will go Monday to Friday - GMT+1 21:00
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10165
By Asura.Sechs 2024-12-06 17:48:31
Jhoo is a super nice, inclusive and relaxed guy.
Don't be scared to start sortie if you never did before, his group is incredibly welcoming and willing to teach!
By Jhoo 2024-12-08 01:09:14
Jhoo is a super nice, inclusive and relaxed guy.
Don't be scared to start sortie if you never did before, his group is incredibly welcoming and willing to teach!
We prefer Magic strategy so
RUN GEO SCHX2 BLM COR, but dont regret to go DD Strat.
Also main plan is 1st day is 8/8 bosses, day 2 is AMINON + 2 > 4 Bosees
By Jhoo 2024-12-09 13:54:11
By buttplug 2024-12-09 14:24:12
Players only do melee style to play with the new toys
Find magic burst style way better
After getting +3 for my jobs
It started taking for ever to fill a pick up group
Use to do the same thing
First run >> D H C B A E G F
Second run >> Mega boss and whatever else we could get
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-09 17:01:41
Players only do melee style to play with the new toys
Find magic burst style way better
After getting +3 for my jobs
It started taking for ever to fill a pick up group
Another Asura problem. You will struggle to find good SCHs and BLMs here who don't already have set groups. Since everyone generally plays the exact same jobs, WAR SAM DRK COR are plentiful and simply easier to fill. You will be shouting for hours trying to find good RUN SCH BLM or even a Mythic RNG to fill the gap. This was even a problem pre-melee set up. I happen to think mage strat is way cleaner and less can go wrong, but you also have to be buttoned up on bosses like Gartell or you will hit double-hands mode and lose valuable time. It could also be annoying if Aita switches element and you have to start the SC over.
I specifically made a SCH just so I could fill that spot way back when Sortie came out, but it was all in vein since Melee strat basically took over. I personally enjoy the mage strat change-up.
By buttplug 2024-12-09 17:20:14
Almost did the same with RUN
Heal me!!! every time
Switch your sub bro to PLD or WHM
Anything but BLU
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 513
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-12-09 17:22:04
Players only do melee style to play with the new toys
Find magic burst style way better
Melee is the best and easiest way to consistently 9 boss daily. Mage is more consistent/easier for 8 boss. You CAN mage 9 boss, but its much more taxing and not worth it. You can clear alot more extra stuff on top of the 9 boss with melee as well.
Additionally, as far as I'm aware, melee is the only method to do Hard Mode with (which can also be 9 bossed without trouble using the comp.)
To say its just playing with toys its absolute BS, sorry you aren't comfortable running it, but that's simply not true.
This is nothing against Jhoo the OP. Run your static how you wish and work your way towards whatever strategies your comfortable with. I know my static started as an 8 boss
By buttplug 2024-12-09 17:32:12
YouTube Video Placeholder
JP Onry
Go *** yourself > Dexprozius
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 513
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-12-09 17:41:08
Players only do melee style to play with the new toys
Find magic burst style way better Additionally, as far as I'm aware, melee is the only method to do Hard Mode with (which can also be 9 bossed without trouble using the comp.)
Reading Comprehension.
They pull Aminon @33:45, kill @ 22:10. On average Melee hard modes are ~8mins, some groups can do better but its comfy to enter the room with the intent to do hard mode with 10mins on the clock.
It also seems alot riskier than Melee.
There was no reason to be so hostile and curse at me. You're clearly very touchy about what's possible and what's not. If your opinion cant hold up to a little scrutiny then maybe it's not a good one. My points still stand regardless of whether or not a mage group can pull off a Hard Aminon
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 513
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-12-09 17:59:27
I really don't want to derail this persons recruitment post any further. I simply saw some bogus claims and wanted to debunk them.
People do melee 8 boss, as Buuki said, out of convenience. The issue there is that most PUG/shout melees simply arnt up to snuff, experience, or prepared. H and F specifically are VERY zerg and pray, reliant on soul enslavement or yaegasumi, and a strong WHM. As I said earlier, Mage 8 boss is much easier and more consistant.
However, as it goes, most Mage groups eventually need their Mesos, and have to adapt to learn the Melee 9 boss composition of PLD GEO RDM COR BRD DNC, since it's the easiest/most tried and true way of doing HM aminon.
My point is simply that you can just go about doing your 8 boss or 9 boss normal modes daily with this comp, especially if you're going to have to learn it eventually. But if you want to work your way there, then Mage is exceptional. But to say people who melee are just playing with their REMA toys implying its inferior and for show offs, I take offense to that.
My recommendation would be to have those jobs lined up in your static for a few months down the road so people have expectations and goals to work towards. If you like that comp once you try it, stick with it. It's very fruitful. If you don't, you can easily switch back to mage mode. Alot of people prefer it since its a change of pace.
And finally, to the aforementioned HM mage mode video. If you're bold enough to do that yourselves then kudos, and bravo. At least on Asura, I don't know of Any english statics that do it, nor do I think its commonplace to even attempt. To me, it just doesn't seem worth the effort or risk. You'll be doing this so often as a static that you want to simplify things down to routine and execute which while chatting and having fun, not stressing and focusing the whole time. Theres plenty of guides and people willing to share the ins and outs of hard mode melee once you get there.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-09 18:34:08
Almost did the same with RUN
Heal me!!! every time
Switch your sub bro to PLD or WHM
Anything but BLU
To be fair, in a mage strat, there's at least one SCH who can cure and cast Regen, a GEO who is likely subbing WHM or SCH, and a BLM (shouldn't expect a cure from him but he can), possibly a RDM, Or another SCH. RUN can certainly heal himself, but there's at least 3 other people who could spare one heal instead of staring down your SC window. Won't hurt anyone.
By Kaffy 2024-12-09 19:49:06
I got hatemail today for trying to help someone too, must be the holiday spirit.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 513
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-12-09 20:32:37
YouTube Video Placeholder
JP Onry
Go *** yourself > Dexprozius
One last thing;
I just took his post at face and didnt investigate, and assumed he posted "Evidence of Hard Mode Mage, so haha! Gotcha idiot"
But I just watched the video and it's clearly a normal mode kill. No meso drop at the end either. My understanding from plenty of community posts is that the Dancer centric strategy w/ absorb TP's was designed BECAUSE hard mode aminon possesses excessive MDT that prevented mage mode.
If I'm wrong about that, I guess Amnesty can just shoot me
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Asura.Auxtaru 2024-12-09 21:14:59
YouTube Video Placeholder
JP Onry
Go *** yourself > Dexprozius
One last thing;
I just took his post at face and didnt investigate, and assumed he posted "Evidence of Hard Mode Mage, so haha! Gotcha idiot"
But I just watched the video and it's clearly a normal mode kill. No meso drop at the end either. My understanding from plenty of community posts is that the Dancer centric strategy w/ absorb TP's was designed BECAUSE hard mode aminon possesses excessive MDT that prevented mage mode.
If I'm wrong about that, I guess Amnesty can just shoot me
Good question that I am curious to hear the answer aswell. We did the typical progression of 6 boss mage -> 8 boss mage -> 9 boss mage then when hard mode became a thing we had to revisit, but it was mostly just following the community trend.
Hard mode definitely possesses DT reduction for physical compared to normal, but we still had ample left over time on mage to account for that, so in and of itself would not result in a switch unless it was proportionately more for magic than physical. I also heard things about double TP moves? I guess if that was the case and he immediately does a TP move after Bane then you can't lock him into Dark Mode as needed for Mage. We have been able to recover from TP moves on melee mode, and our strat is forcing Bane again, sacking RUN, getting RUN back up and recommencing, but I can not recall if that was on Hard Mode or normal mode. Sounds like it should not be possible if it was on Hard Mode.
Anyways, we went to the meta melee strat with about a week worth of growing pains with H in particular starting with 8 boss melee -> 9 boss melee. Once the kiting strat is established I find it pretty consistent and easy and likely won't be going back to mage unless people just want a change of pace. I also like melee because at the end depending on how much time you have left (bad blitzers, random D/C) you can pivot between Hard Mode for Mesofarm or Normal Mode for guaranteed 80k+.
The non kiting 8 boss strat that most shout for is definitely spray and pray though.... especially H, but also F. Often groups would be better served doing mage in my opinion, and it is sad to see fewer mage shouts. I find they were a lot more consistent. Even on H with no need to save Tabula Rasa for Aminon, SCH can power through element swaps or CORs that don't extend.
Edit: Did some research and Hard Mode Bane of Tartarus seems to create a very potent regain and he uses Incessant Void shortly thereafter so you can not lock him into Dark Mode. Also when Incessant Void is used a 90% MDT reduction kicks in. This potent regain seems to go away when Incessant Void is used after the Bane of Tartarus so it seems to be a SE attempt to prevent Dark Mode magic locks resulting in the physical strat that is now the meta.
By Jhoo 2024-12-09 22:52:17
I really dont care what do you think about what's better between MAGE strat or DD strat, or 9 bosses and so on.
My group already completed 3 prime stage + all 3 equip.
I do not require your previous comment, as it is truly off-topic
This is my recruiting post for Sortie Mage Strat 8 Boss.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 513
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-12-09 23:09:13
My commentary was based on the 2nd post of yours, where you said your plan was to Day 1 8 boss, Day 2 Aminon+, and that you wouldnt regret DD strat if needed, but prefer Mage.
That being said; do you still need the 2-3 slots filled? Or have you gotten some people since the original post?
Any specific jobs or are your 3 members flexible and you can take Any of the jobs (RUN SCH RDM GEO BLM)? I can ask around to see for that time slot, since alot of people don't read the forums.
By Jhoo 2024-12-10 13:30:39
On Asura we Looking for 2 - 3 members to add to our static.
Mulitple job if possible, no need to be veteran in sortie but at least job veteran.
We prefer Magic strategy so
RUN GEO SCHX2 BLM COR, but dont regret to go DD Strat.
Also main plan is 1st day is 8/8 bosses, day 2 is AMINON + 2 > 4 Bosees
we will go Monday to Friday - GMT+1 21:00
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15842
By Asura.Vyre 2024-12-10 14:12:16
Ah yeah, let's keep it on topic for Jhoo, though can't deny more posts does keep it front page.
Tone the hostility down, if you want to discuss Sortie group comps or theorycraft make a new topic.
By Jhoo 2024-12-11 12:13:18
Bumb up.
By Jhoo 2024-12-12 15:13:52
Bumb up.
By Jhoo 2024-12-13 14:45:10
By Jhoo 2024-12-14 17:02:47
By Jhoo 2024-12-15 16:09:25
By Jhoo 2024-12-18 13:22:20
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1390
By Asura.Pergatory 2024-12-19 15:28:16
Melee is the best and easiest way to consistently 9 boss daily. Spoken like someone who loves to melee and really wants it to be the best.
I've done lots of both, and I find manaburn 9 boss to be way more enjoyable than melee 9 boss, more chill, and more consistent as well. Melee strat has all sorts of little things that can go wrong or generally be annoying, manaburn has pretty much nothing that can go wrong. It's dead consistent. You'll never have B steal the critical set of buffs that let it start one-shotting people. You'll never have C/G knocking back and binding you and stealing your TP every time you get it. No E changing hate and tainting the DDs so the healers need to babysit everyone for a few minutes. Lots of little stuff like that just doesn't even come into play for manaburn. Sure a well-practiced melee group can adapt to all those things on the fly, but manaburn doesn't have to.
It is slower, but not as much as you make it sound. All other things being equal, it's about 2-3 minutes slower to kill all 9 and basically ALL of that time is on Aminon with a "fast" normal mode Aminon being in the 7-8 minute territory. Naaks are significantly slower if you try to add those in, but let's be honest, anything past 9 boss is not going to make much difference. Maybe 1% more galli, making it a pretty poor argument.
Doing a strat you enjoy is far more important than 1% more galli, so if melee is what you enjoy then this point is moot and if manaburn is what you enjoy then the speed difference shouldn't convince you to do otherwise anyway.
TL;DR: They're basically both the same. Choose the one you enjoy and/or have the setup for.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 513
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-12-19 18:15:26
After a mod came in and told everyone to chill out derailing the guys RECRUITMENT thread, you decided many days later to relitigate the 'debate' ???? Bro what
Spoken like someone who loves to MAGE and really wants it to be the best.
There I did the same thing you did. Did I win the arguement? This is pointless. We're both clearly biased in one direction or the other.
I simply said the things I said based on his original posts. From my perspective he wanted a group that would do mage, and sometimes Melee when it didnt work out, but he wanted to work his way towards 9 boss daily rather than A day B day type runs. With that in mind, I suggested what I did knowing you'll need to do hard mode eventually and that needs to be done with the specific Geo + Dnc style melee comp. That's all.
Lets leave this guy to get his members now, okay???
On Asura we Looking for 2 - 3 members to add to our static.
Mulitple job if possible, no need to be veteran in sortie but at least job veteran.
we will go Monday to Friday - GMT+1 21:00