Most Worthless Moves In FFXI?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-10-07 09:58:36
I wasn't aware of Aminon use. Thanks for clarifying.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-10-07 10:02:02
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »I also happen to absolutely hate the way Tenuto functions; it's basically impossible to use with Clarion Call and you WILL lose that extra song. I'd argue it's such a terrible ability in the way it behaves that is practically worthless. You should be able to constantly refresh any Tenuto song, so long as you're singing the same one over it.
You may already be aware of this but you can (mostly) do this, you just have to use Tenuto on it each time you cast it. Seeing as how it has basically no cooldown this is possible, if annoying.
During lower tiers of prime horn I was messing with using Tenuto to increase the duration of Aria. I similarly got frustrated with it and stopped bothering, but I think if you routinely use Tenuto each time you cast THAT song, it will overwrite no problem. Downside is you can't use Piannismo with it so you need to run away from your team to do this if it's not something you want the rest of them to get.
I'd have to go back and play around with it too see if it can be done the way you described. I distinctly remember the bard in our v25 Ongo group who was struggling to do all of his songs for tank, mages, and himself, so we suggested using Tenuto on his songs so he'd not lose them. It got so frustrating trying to figure out how to resing and resing songs that he gave up. I tried figuring out how the ability worked and it was very annoying. Could have swore you can't overwrite any songs that have Tenuto applied, but maybe I was mistaken. I'll check again
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 3010
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-07 10:02:14
The only other job that can really make use of it is /cor, and maybe outside of Xevioso, I dont think theres really any situation where /rng is the best option.
No subjobs in Xevi so...-1 for that.
By Shiva.Myamoto 2024-10-07 10:03:37
Warrior's Charge.
Sidebar: SA and TA have WAY too long of recast timers to be effective.
That and restraint... intentionally not using a weaponskill for a couple minutes to enhance the damage of a single weaponskill? lolz
I pop it for an extra buff(most useful with naegling really) but its virtually useless as well.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3010
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-07 10:03:53
Could have swore you can't overwrite any songs that have Tenuto applied, but maybe I was mistaken. I'll check again
Pretty much, but with the caveat of *except by using Tenuto again*. So that slot is STUCK on just Tenuto'd that song. If you try that song again, it will fail to take effect, even if the duration would be longer. If you Tenuto and do that song again, it will overwrite like normal.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 4581
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-10-07 10:12:09
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »The only other job that can really make use of it is /cor, and maybe outside of Xevioso, I dont think theres really any situation where /rng is the best option.
No subjobs in Xevi so...-1 for that. I'm still waking up lol
I was hyperfocused on the events where cor would only be shooting instead of meleeing that I missed the forest for the trees.
Unlimited Shot is useless.
By Homsar 2024-10-07 10:21:34
I'm surprised Boost in its current form hasn't been mentioned.
Aren't the Barstatus spells and BRD equivalents pretty useless as well?
By Shichishito 2024-10-07 10:25:49
Hide on THF. I've never seen anyone actually pull off hide > sneak attack or hide > trick attack. Hide is used for losing hate when you accidentaly pulled agro while box opening in odyssey.
Charm already got listed, but even worse is that both Tame and Gauge both exist to support Charm. forgot about Tame, good call.
That and restraint... intentionally not using a weaponskill for a couple minutes to enhance the damage of a single weaponskill? lolz I guess it could be pretty usefull vs amnesia spam happy mobs but like most of these niche merit abilities there is usually a alternative that's hard to pass on.
merit restriction realy needs to drop.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2024-10-07 10:31:49
I'm surprised Boost in its current form hasn't been mentioned. Because it's useful?
It's basically an out of combat only Meditate for MNK.
As limited as that may be, I think it's way more useful than a lot of stuff mentioned in this thread.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3010
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-07 10:34:13
I'm surprised Boost in its current form hasn't been mentioned.
Aren't the Barstatus spells and BRD equivalents pretty useless as well?
Barstatus can be REALLY helpful. BRD ones basically never see any use because song slots are limited. Barspell costs you nothing and can help reduce chance of being hit and/or reduce duration of debuffs. They're awesome.
Unlimited Shot is useless.
Hilarious that they added single, unstackable ammo (Bayeaux) that would be a good use case for it but...recast on Unlimited is way too long to be relevant. Theoretically, use Unlimited + Bayeaux for a (slightly) stronger WS every 3 minutes? Extremely unlikely to find scenarios where COR is only shoot though. Some Ambu, perhaps? Iron giant? Even then, the bonuses from dual wielding probably outweigh the bonuses /RNG...
You also get Scavenge, another contender for terrible JA, so you can Scavenge another bullet every minute as well!
It's defintely a stinker.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-10-07 10:37:51
I'm surprised Boost in its current form hasn't been mentioned.
It's not useless. Besides the Meditate-effect that Sechs mentioned, it's also something you can pop while you're turned away from the mob not feeding tp. When you turn back, you'll hit them with a massive blow for huge damage. Actually, this next Ambuscade iteration with Dullahan is a perfect place to try it. It just has limited uses.
By Homsar 2024-10-07 11:14:33
It's basically an out of combat only Meditate for MNK.
Good point, I forgot that Ask Sash was a thing.
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Barspell costs you nothing and can help reduce chance of being hit and/or reduce duration of debuffs.
Perhaps I'm misremembering, but isn't there something with the calculation values on the Barstatus spells that makes them functionally useless?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4581
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-10-07 11:26:17
Theres minimal information, unless someone has it somewhere else and decided to not add it to the wiki.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2024-10-07 11:50:57
Warrior's Charge.
Sidebar: SA and TA have WAY too long of recast timers to be effective.
That and restraint... intentionally not using a weaponskill for a couple minutes to enhance the damage of a single weaponskill? lolz
I pop it for an extra buff(most useful with naegling really) but its virtually useless as well.
Restraint is not useless, it's still a bonus to damage and no negatives effect, so just active it and play like normal. Helheim has a 431 delay which gives us a 1.11% WS damage boost per swing (I think it only counts the first swing of an attack round). Should be about 3 or 4 so rounds to get ~1700, 3~4% boost in WS damage for free. 5 min duration so just turn on whenever it's up.
Also it's based on your combined weapon delay after -delay reduction but before haste.
Boost per Round = Floor( (Round Delay )/385 )
By K123 2024-10-07 12:07:40
Defender isn't worthless, but meriting it is. Duration already matches recast out of the box, so why did they waste a category on this? I came here to say defender. Sure it's not "useless" as in it has zero use ever, but it's practically useless
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2024-10-07 12:20:41
Amazing feedback already. Let me go through this and figure out which abilities and spells (they are included) are virtually worthless imo. Grouping some together when it makes sense.
1. Charm/Gauge
2. Modus Veritas
3. Unlimited / Flashy / Stealth Shot
4. Assassin's Charge / Warrior's Charge
5. Concentric Pulse
6. Tranquility / Equanimity
7. Smiting Breath
8. Scholar's / Avenger's / Courser's / Choral Roll
9. Absorb-CHR
10. Aspir Samba
I'm not agreeing with some of the other things mentioned for these reasons:
Hide = As explained, it can lose aggro, which isn't useful in endgame, but great for players travelling through beastmen strongholds. I wish it could be used to pop sneak & invisible, but then it would lose its original purpose. I wish it could help to hide from enemies that detect by sound. That would make it better.
Sneak/Trick Attack = Hardly used in endgame content unless you are building Treasure Hunter. But at least they still have a use. Also, you can dump enmity on a tank with TA when that helps.
Diabolic Eye = I suggest meriting this to returning players who are new to DRK, because accuracy is a bigger concern compared to other melees. It will get replaced by Dark Seal when they have the gear to enhance it, on top of having decent accuracy.
Mug = It's a free emergency heal. Thief doesn't get any form of heal outside of waltzes on /dancer, and while we usually have trusts or someone backing us up, it isn't always the case.
I'd argue there is less reason to use Despoil, because the enfeeble effect is tiny, the TP steal is pitiful, and the treasures you steal are poor. And it shares a timer with Steal, which can actually be useful to steal something annoying like Ice Spikes.
Mikage = The additional multi-attack on this is terrible, but the significant rise in Subtle blow is interesting. Ninjas are primarily used in SB situations, but sadly it only lasts for 45 seconds. If it lasted for 2-3 minutes it would be great. Still, I don't see it being as bad as Mijin or EES.
I don't know enough about BLU to talk about that. If someone can back up what Iocus is saying about that, I'd consider adding everything stated.
Note: I'm going to make a list on the first post later, after figuring out which moves are eligible. Although, I am aware that this could be subjective and some will adamantly disagree with what is decided.
Defender isn't worthless, but meriting it is. Duration already matches recast out of the box, so why did they waste a category on this? I came here to say defender. Sure it's not "useless" as in it has zero use ever, but it's practically useless
I'm guessing those are saying Defender is useless is because of Cocoon? Sure, Defender isn't viable on tanks anymore, but what if a main job Warrior needs to play defensively? It's still good for that, right?
By Dodik 2024-10-07 12:26:55
needs to play defensively?
Have you seen many warriors play defensively?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2024-10-07 12:32:07
needs to play defensively?
Have you seen many warriors play defensively?
I have seen situations where a tank dies and the Warrior steps up to tank in a defensive manner until the tank recovers. Rarely happens these days, though. I can agree it is a contender to be considered worthless, although I can see it being good to help a solo Warrior in a tricky situation. I do not see an ability as worthless solely on the premise of it not being used in endgame. A Warrior usually has Berserk on full-time for -25% defense, so popping defender swings up to +50% more than they normally would.
By Dodik 2024-10-07 12:33:43
Sorry, was joking.
No I wouldn't call defender worthless. Even /war you can use it when the hits are rough but you have way more attack than you need. Omen, for example.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2024-10-07 12:41:44
I'm interested by this Barstatus thing. How are they useless? I have always asked White Mages for appropriate barstatus spells, and no one has ever said they are pointless.
I'd like to add Absorb-CHR to this. If I used it for anything, it was to stack useless debuffs on Glassy Thinker (Omen) when we had no one doing Impact. Otherwise it is pointless. Absorb-MND is also debatable.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 3373
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2024-10-07 12:44:26
Last Resort merits are some bull ***.
IIRC it's the only merit that makes a penalty worse
Each merit gains an attack bonus AND a defense penalty.
WTF is that crap?
"Last Resort Effect Increase attacks by 2 percent, but lower defense by 2 percent"
Diabolic Eye is also kind of ***to me. Max HP Down sucks.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2024-10-07 12:47:07
Last Resort merits are some bull ***.
IIRC it's the only merit that makes a penalty worse
Each merit gains an attack bonus AND a defense penalty.
WTF is that crap?
"Last Resort Effect Increase attacks by 2 percent, but lower defense by 2 percent"
Diabolic Eye is also kind of ***to me. Max HP Down sucks.
Merits are something else entirely. We could debate merit groups and all that, but I'm just looking at the individual moves. Last Resort is one of the best, so any kind of boost to it is welcome. Also, you don't lose much HP with Diabolic Eye, and it would mostly get used by newbie DRKs with trusts, or in party content where they are firmly last on the hate list of melee. Also, Drain 2/3 exists.
On a side note to everyone, I'd like to point out that job traits are not classed as moves. So, feel free to debate, but I'm not adding them to anything.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 18
By Asura.Kuumihumi 2024-10-07 12:50:11
Last Resort merits are some bull ***.
IIRC it's the only merit that makes a penalty worse
Each merit gains an attack bonus AND a defense penalty.
WTF is that crap?
"Last Resort Effect Increase attacks by 2 percent, but lower defense by 2 percent"
Diabolic Eye is also kind of ***to me. Max HP Down sucks. we drks like to play on the edge
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-10-07 12:58:10
Sange isn't entirely useless. It can be used to hit Flying monsters (like Ouryu or the Escha Gargoyle) or mobs that use perfect dodge, allowing you to get TP when they otherwise would evade you. You can then use like a magic ws to deal damage during PD (I actually did that this month during ambu while qutrub used PD). I don't have it unlocked because I don't like carrying shurikens besides the one for Daken, but its still a slight dps increase to use it vs not. Still a bad move, but not totally worthless.
By Disastaru 2024-10-07 13:13:53
Hear me out here, Consumable throwing ammo, theres not even a damn WS for it
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Vyre 2024-10-07 13:38:36
Not the most in the know guy about WHM, but always felt like why choose Affaltus Misery over Afflatus Solace?
I guess maybe the extra debuff removal on Misery could be nice from Esuna, but I feel like WHM/sch in Solace would still be almost as effective anyway with JSE neck.
Seems pretty niche to me and not exactly finding that niche very often.
Re: Last Resort merits - It just turns Last Resort into better Berserk, since they started packing in JA Haste to Last Resort as well. Those are like mandatory merits for any DRK afaik.
Re: Defender - Defender is pretty dang nice, actually. Especially when solo or when helping newbies. Last year I took some newbs to their very first Sortie run, and took them around to kill the mini NMs (D.D. Leech Bhoot Porky Pig). I had to tank D.D. with a scrub BRD (nowadays I think he's ML50 on several jobs and waaaay ahead of me), scrub WHM, and decent THF w/ Naegling. It was Gaxe D.D. and if I didn't use Defender I woulda bought the farm several times from his WS alone. I haven't been playing much since June, but when I solo my Sortie runs, Defender is like my oh ***button for the times when my tank trust dies/inevitably can't hold hate.
Gonna also go out on a limb and say that Aspir Samba is meh. Little reason to use it over Haste Samba, right? And the amount of MP returned has never WOWed anyone. I don't think I've ever read a strategy that incorporates it, but then again I'm just some scrub myself, so... probably wrong again.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-10-07 13:40:54
By SimonSes 2024-10-07 14:00:49
I don't know enough about BLU to talk about that. If someone can back up what Iocus is saying about that, I'd consider adding everything stated.
I already commented on that. Chain Affinity can't be considered bad or useless by any means. It's part of the bumba V25 strategy for example. I wouldn't consider efflux to be useless too. It's good to do damage on piercing weak mobs, especially the ones with slashing resist. There is also at least one good use case for Efflux and that's using it for Tourbillion to increase def down duration.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4581
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-10-07 14:04:57
Im sorry but who is puttin CA/Efflux on the same useless tier as Modus Veritas and Unlimited Shot??
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1863
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-10-07 14:05:04
I'm surprised Boost in its current form hasn't been mentioned.
Aren't the Barstatus spells and BRD equivalents pretty useless as well?
Nothing wrong with getting the Domain ring for some extra regain in quiet times with Boost.
The bar status spells generally are ok. Petrify or Amnesia are worth something because they can reduce low duration debuffs to even small durations. Paralyze ymmv like everything about paralyze. Everything else is not nearly as impactful because you can just eat a remedy.
As the title suggests, I'm looking to concoct a list of FFXI moves that are so ineffective they might as well not exist. However, I'm only adding moves that can be adequately explained as to why they are worthless at least 95% of the time. There are always going to be niche uses for some moves. Let's take Steal on Thief for example. It may not see as much use in 2024 as it did back in the day, but it remains useful for stealing buffs and Impish Boxes.
I'd like to begin with Modus Veritas on Scholar. Heavily abused back when introduced, SE nerfed it so hard that nobody has used it for anything meaningful ever since.
Description: Increases damage done by helix spells while lowering spell duration by 50%.
If the ability lands, the DoT effect of the Helix will be doubled, and the remaining duration will be halved. Resist rate is high even on regular enemies, and extremely high on NMs. Modus Veritas will always fail if the current potency of the Helix effect is 5,000 or higher.
There are two reasons why Veritas became useless.
1) The resist rate is so high on everything, and even more so for NM (the prime target for putting a Helix on), that it doesn't work most of the time.
2) It only makes sense to use on a low damage Helix. Scholars aim for a Helix effect of 10k, which is the cap. Therefore, if a player hit a 4k Helix and then used Modus Veritas, they would get a 8k Helix for with a lower duration. But that's only if it lands. Most Scholars would prefer to Magic Burst another Helix to cap, or at least get close to capping.
Does it have any use? Perhaps. When a player is in a situation where setting up a skillchain to Magic Burst isn't viable, then they could nuke a Helix and boost it further with Modus, but that only makes sense if the target won't last for a long time, and if they know it won't resist, which it probably will, so why bother? I'm not clued up on the most advanced endgame strategies in Odyssey, so maybe it has found some use somewhere? Feel free to confirm it has. Please be encouraged to add your own moves here with an explanation. Thank you.
Edit: This is the list I made from the comments. Please know that it is subjective, and some of the moves may still be viable in exceptionally rare scenarios.
1. Charm / Gauge
2. Modus Veritas
3. Unlimited / Flashy / Stealth Shot
4. Assassin's Charge / Warrior's Charge
5. Concentric Pulse
6. Tranquility / Equanimity
7. Smiting Breath
8. Scholar's / Avenger's / Courser's Roll
9. Any CHR boosting spells and songs
10. Aspir Samba
11. Odin
12. Astral Flow Blood Pacts
(minus Clarsach Call, Altana's Favor & Perfect Defense)
13. Level ? Holy
14. Brave Hero Glenn
15. Deodorize
16. Many BLU spells (look at Maletaru's list to agree/dispute)
17. Enspell II