Carbuncle.Maletaru said:
»Personally, I'd argue that very little, if any, of the content of FFXI is actually fun on its face if you ignore the social aspect and the rewards that come out the other end.
Who would grind:
Einherjar if not for the Ichor?
Nyzul if not for the tokens?
Dynamis [D] if not for the RP/gil/unlocks?
Odyssey if not for the segments?
Omen if not for the job cards?
That's fair, XI has always been grindy, that's for sure, but being grindy isn't the only problem. I think the difference is that the grinds were more rewarding, the time commitments were more segmented, you could bring more people in, and more importantly - there was variation in the content. I will concede that compared to 75-era LS structured content, it's pretty casual - but I also think the phase of the game and most players lives needs to be accounted for when considering that.
Sortie is just the same zone. Same objectives. Same running. Same bosses. Same hour timeframe, every time. Same 6 person limit. (I don't think Bitzer hunting is really interesting enough to be a consideration)
Nyzul has some variation at least and drops between, it's probably the closest to what Sortie is out of your list but it still feels more rewarding and it's a shorter time limit. Although I swore up and down about those damned lamps in era, admittedly. I didn't do much Einherjar in era but the zone format and different mobs at least shake it up somewhat, personally I find the chamber really interesting compared to the way XI does most content. Dyna-D has different zones and a multitude of rewards, it's fairly rewarding content and you have a lot of variation in jobs/comps. Omen is again, rewarding in other ways, with the potential for different drops but also the ability to choose different bosses, the objectives also rotate. Odyssey segfarms are only 30 minutes and reasonably fast paced, you run a bit but not before you start engaging with mobs.
Most of this content could also be spread out, we could have "Omen night" once or twice a week and stack entry items, between that and the variation in the content it kept it interesting - even if I could stack Sortie KIs beyond the one brewing, I'm not sure I'd want to do it twice, but the current system penalizes you for not doing it regularly.
I have my complaints about the content above but it always feels more tolerable to me. I see myself largely doing it (Nyzul being the possible exception) for both the content itself and the social aspects. With Sortie...I just don't get that. I think if they had fixed one of the 6 things I listed above, it'd be more tolerable for the content itself. You are right that a social aspect of this is always a big element, it is a MMO after all, but I think there's a limit to how much people cling onto it for that purpose alone - the content itself needs to be rewarding and interesting.