How could SE realistically improve modern FFXI?
By billnes 2025-01-08 20:17:50
I intend to read this. Thank you.
By billnes 2025-01-08 21:01:38
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Sorry to say this: Not a complete and total pay-to-win, but Microtransactions, just good enough to get over bumps that people with varying degrees of abilities may have trouble...
I quit playing because I find myself completely and totally unable to do Assault... If I knew I could pay 75 crysta (US $0.75) to skip over each one of the 50 assaults, I'd come back...
I don't get it. Just cheat through the assaults man, it's fine.
Just cheat...?? How?
1.) What plugins do I need?
2.) Where do they come from? Where do I download them from?
3.) How do I use the plugins that I downloaded? What is the complexity of their use?
4.) Do they sent false data upstream to SE? I have too much time, effort and money invested into my character to get booted now...
5.) If purchasing assault skips were an officially-sanctioned transaction, all of these... "Nuts and bolts??" issues would be handled by SE... I'm willing to pay for convenience.
6.) "Fast and Easy"... I don't understand why that's so hard to understand...?? "For money you get honey." Am I wrong??
By billnes 2025-01-08 21:10:08
Just ASE and speedhack them np
What is "ASE"? How and why is it done? Whatever "ASE" is...? is it something that can get me banned...??
What is a "speedhack"...?? How and why is it done...?? Can it get me booted...??
By Draylo 2025-01-08 21:19:00
Why stop there, they could implement a paid option to get every REMA in the game. There is no point in playing. Maybe a sign people are getting older, we just like to skip things.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2981
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-08 21:54:42
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Sorry to say this: Not a complete and total pay-to-win, but Microtransactions, just good enough to get over bumps that people with varying degrees of abilities may have trouble...
I quit playing because I find myself completely and totally unable to do Assault... If I knew I could pay 75 crysta (US $0.75) to skip over each one of the 50 assaults, I'd come back...
I don't get it. Just cheat through the assaults man, it's fine.
Just cheat...?? How?
1.) What plugins do I need?
2.) Where do they come from? Where do I download them from?
3.) How do I use the plugins that I downloaded? What is the complexity of their use?
4.) Do they sent false data upstream to SE? I have too much time, effort and money invested into my character to get booted now...
5.) If purchasing assault skips were an officially-sanctioned transaction, all of these... "Nuts and bolts??" issues would be handled by SE... I'm willing to pay for convenience.
6.) "Fast and Easy"... I don't understand why that's so hard to understand...?? "For money you get honey." Am I wrong??
1.) I'm not going to answer this because I don't condone this behavior, it was a rhetorical question (not supposed to be answered, supposed to make you think).
2.) Also not going to answer this, see #1.
3.) There is no complexity. You load them and then it solves your problem.
4.) No. Theoretically SE could notice it but likely only if they were actively watching you at the time. People use these things hundreds of times a day and there are no consequences
5.) Cheating in Windower is probably simpler than paying for a microtransaction on SE's website.
6.) This is the most important part of my point...the whole point of playing an RPG is for YOU to increase the power of your character and to enjoy the hard work YOU put into your character, to feel proud of how hard you worked on your character. If you're paying for the rewards to avoid playing the game, that defeats the whole point of an MMORPG.
I get where you're coming from where you want something that's officially-sanctioned and want something that's simpler than installing an add-on, sure. Still doesn't answer my question though.
If you're at the point where you're willing to skip playing the game to get the item, why not just buy gil from an RMT then pay a merc to do the content for you so you can swing your blue weapon?
I guess you kind of answered the question: you don't want to risk your character; that's a fine answer I guess. Except you just asked how to cheat, which seems like weird behavior for someone who doesn't want to cheat.
What is "ASE"? How and why is it done? Whatever "ASE" is...? is it something that can get me banned...??
What is a "speedhack"...?? How and why is it done...?? Can it get me booted...??
ASE is an addon/plugin for Windower. (among other things) it allows you to skip the assault requirement for mythic weapons. As I said above, it's extremely unlikely to get you banned, but it could.
Speedhack is a category of cheats used to...stick with me here...hack your speed. You download a program and change your speed. Yes, it can get you banned.
As you can tell from this discussion, lots of people don't give a ***about the fact that these things *can* get you banned because they've used them repeatedly for years and not been banned. SE's enforcement is terrible.
By Tarage 2025-01-09 00:35:11
I'm going to laugh if after all these years the thing that takes Bill here out is speedhacking...
By Shichishito 2025-01-09 01:15:10
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »As you can tell from this discussion, lots of people don't give a ***about the fact that these things *can* get you banned because they've used them repeatedly for years and not been banned. SE's enforcement is terrible. But if you want to be 100% sure just don't.
I started playing Final Fantasy XI Online on Friday, March 1, 2013. I started with an unused PlayStation2 (PS2) license code that I found for $5.00 at the Joe Koch Comic Book Warehouse, in Brooklyn, New York. I started by installing the Windows PC version of the PlayOnline client software. I then created a Square-Enix account and registered the code that he found in Brooklyn. After that, he was able to delve into the massive realm that is Final Fantasy XI Online. If you made it thru the Square-Enix account process on your own I bet you can do assaults, too.
I believe in you Bill!
By K123 2025-01-09 01:33:04
If they wanted to they could have just added a timer that if you popped the chest before a certain time had elapsed you would clearly be using ASE and they could ban you. I think even SE realised it's quite sadistic to make you redo all 50 assaults and let people get away with it.
Necro Bump Detected!
[39 days between previous and next post]
By billnes 2025-02-16 21:37:38
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Sorry to say this: Not a complete and total pay-to-win, but Microtransactions, just good enough to get over bumps that people with varying degrees of abilities may have trouble...
I quit playing because I find myself completely and totally unable to do Assault... If I knew I could pay 75 crysta (US $0.75) to skip over each one of the 50 assaults, I'd come back...
I don't get it. Just cheat through the assaults man, it's fine.
Just cheat...?? How?
1.) What plugins do I need?
2.) Where do they come from? Where do I download them from?
3.) How do I use the plugins that I downloaded? What is the complexity of their use?
4.) Do they sent false data upstream to SE? I have too much time, effort and money invested into my character to get booted now...
5.) If purchasing assault skips were an officially-sanctioned transaction, all of these... "Nuts and bolts??" issues would be handled by SE... I'm willing to pay for convenience.
6.) "Fast and Easy"... I don't understand why that's so hard to understand...?? "For money you get honey." Am I wrong??
1.) I'm not going to answer this because I don't condone this behavior, it was a rhetorical question (not supposed to be answered, supposed to make you think).
2.) Also not going to answer this, see #1.
3.) There is no complexity. You load them and then it solves your problem.
4.) No. Theoretically SE could notice it but likely only if they were actively watching you at the time. People use these things hundreds of times a day and there are no consequences
5.) Cheating in Windower is probably simpler than paying for a microtransaction on SE's website.
6.) This is the most important part of my point...the whole point of playing an RPG is for YOU to increase the power of your character and to enjoy the hard work YOU put into your character, to feel proud of how hard you worked on your character. If you're paying for the rewards to avoid playing the game, that defeats the whole point of an MMORPG.
I get where you're coming from where you want something that's officially-sanctioned and want something that's simpler than installing an add-on, sure. Still doesn't answer my question though.
If you're at the point where you're willing to skip playing the game to get the item, why not just buy gil from an RMT then pay a merc to do the content for you so you can swing your blue weapon?
I guess you kind of answered the question: you don't want to risk your character; that's a fine answer I guess. Except you just asked how to cheat, which seems like weird behavior for someone who doesn't want to cheat.
What is "ASE"? How and why is it done? Whatever "ASE" is...? is it something that can get me banned...??
What is a "speedhack"...?? How and why is it done...?? Can it get me booted...??
ASE is an addon/plugin for Windower. (among other things) it allows you to skip the assault requirement for mythic weapons. As I said above, it's extremely unlikely to get you banned, but it could.
Speedhack is a category of cheats used to...stick with me here...hack your speed. You download a program and change your speed. Yes, it can get you banned.
As you can tell from this discussion, lots of people don't give a ***about the fact that these things *can* get you banned because they've used them repeatedly for years and not been banned. SE's enforcement is terrible.
I found the correct All Seeing Eye lua... I have a trash account that I don't care about... I'll test ASE there before I do it with Billnes...
I know this is a Necro Bump... Sorry
By K123 2025-02-17 06:42:20
You're welcome. ASE Will never get you banned. Speed hacking could though.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2995
By Shiva.Thorny 2025-02-17 06:55:54
ASE Will never get you banned.
Probably shouldn't make a broad statement like this; using ASE for assaults has never been confirmed to get anyone banned in the past. It is possible that at any point in time, SE finally decides to patch it and/or punish users. Both would be easy to accomplish.
It's not likely, but it is always possible. Taking the attitude that cheating is safe with your own character is your decision, but it's just plain not true to claim it could never cause you to be banned.
By RadialArcana 2025-02-17 07:02:18
ASE can 100% get you banned, cause they can literally watch you do it.
If I was in charge of the dev team I would silently patch it, so that if you interact with it before 1m I would flag your account as having cheated. Then I would let you silently carry on with the entire questline till the very end, and instead of giving you the mythic I would hand you a brass xiphos and await your gm call about it.

By K123 2025-02-17 13:16:25
Pretending a GM would ever be watching people do assaults in 2025 when they let people afk bot 24/7
They could, but they're never going to. Unless a GM reads this thread and wants to make bilnes commit suicide and bans him after he does it.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4548
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-02-17 13:38:12
If you stop talking about this exploit, SE is less likely to patch it. I miss the fight club days.
By K123 2025-02-17 13:39:56
idc, assaults are one of the good pieces of content (except the ones you can lose with bad luck of position of chest or whatever)
By RadialArcana 2025-02-17 13:46:05
Pretending a GM would ever be watching people do assaults in 2025 when they let people afk bot 24/7
They could, but they're never going to. Unless a GM reads this thread and wants to make bilnes commit suicide and bans him after he does it.
It's difficult to replace dedicated players, don't encourage stupid ***that can get people banned.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4548
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-02-17 13:48:08
You're welcome. ASE Will never get you banned. Speed hacking could though. They could, but they're never going to. Unless a GM reads this thread and wants to make bilnes commit suicide and bans him after he does it. I know you're autistic, but could you not throw stones across the pacific ocean towards SE's windows please.
By Pantafernando 2025-02-17 13:54:05
Sometimes I think youre a lost cause.
But most of time Im sure you are.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4548
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-02-17 14:05:52
By Seun 2025-02-17 14:11:54
Dog's react file is on point
By K123 2025-02-17 14:20:39
You're welcome. ASE Will never get you banned. Speed hacking could though. They could, but they're never going to. Unless a GM reads this thread and wants to make bilnes commit suicide and bans him after he does it. I know you're autistic, but could you not throw stones across the pacific ocean towards SE's windows please. If anyone gets banned for ASE for assault I will give them an account.
It will never happen, unless doing some really stupid ***and hitting invisible NPCs in other areas.
By K123 2025-02-17 14:32:11
Pretending a GM would ever be watching people do assaults in 2025 when they let people afk bot 24/7
They could, but they're never going to. Unless a GM reads this thread and wants to make bilnes commit suicide and bans him after he does it.
It's difficult to replace dedicated players, don't encourage stupid ***that can get people banned. This is bilnes we're talking about.
By Meeble 2025-02-17 14:38:37
Pretending a GM would ever be watching people do assaults in 2025 when they let people afk bot 24/7
They could, but they're never going to. Unless a GM reads this thread and wants to make bilnes commit suicide and bans him after he does it.
I'd be more concerned with player reports. Someone burning through all 4+1 tags as quickly as possible is incredibly obvious to any/everyone standing near Whitegate #2, but even a false report by someone being petty can be enough for SE to look at you.
It's like talking in-game about using 3rd party software - SE doesn't have real-time monitors for it, but if you're reported and they see obvious cheating or blatant admissions in chat history when they do look, you're cooked.
By Seun 2025-02-17 15:04:06
I can only think of 2 assaults that I can't stand and I don't think ASE would be useful for one of them. Definitely not worth risking your account to save a few minutes in a process that's going to be a pain in the *** anyway.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4548
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-02-17 15:46:14
Thats not what ASE is for in this case, but IYKYK. Discussing further will definitely go behind acceptable scope of these topics.
By Meeble 2025-02-17 16:17:28
I can only think of 2 assaults that I can't stand and I don't think ASE would be useful for one of them. Definitely not worth risking your account to save a few minutes in a process that's going to be a pain in the *** anyway.
I was more pointing out that SE doesn't need GMs watching in real time.
Obvious cheating in your logs is like driving around with a big bag of illegal drugs in plain view - you may be able to get away with it for a long time, but if the police pull you over for any reason, you're going to jail instead of driving away with a warning or a ticket.
Definitely not worth the risk.
By Seun 2025-02-18 00:36:00
It was more of a general statement that wasn't directed at anyone in particular.
There are two streets running east/west through my city. The lights are synced so that as long as you maintain speed that doesn't exceed the limit, green all the way across. Except people don't obey the signs and they speed and have to stop at every light, completely oblivious that they're not getting anywhere any faster.
This is like people who get banned for using tools in Sortie. Sure, you're going to get more galli/run overall, but this does nothing to address the psych/month gate. What are we actually trying to accomplish here?
To each their own, but I usually do the 'chores' associated with mythic making in the months to a year it takes to accumulate the currencies. You don't have to wait until the last minute unless you didn't know which weapon you wanted to make, in which case you weren't in a rush anyway...
Completely agree, not worth the risk
By billnes 2025-02-23 21:59:20
Pretending a GM would ever be watching people do assaults in 2025 when they let people afk bot 24/7
They could, but they're never going to. Unless a GM reads this thread and wants to make bilnes commit suicide and bans him after he does it.
I'd be more concerned with player reports. Someone burning through all 4+1 tags as quickly as possible is incredibly obvious to any/everyone standing near Whitegate #2, but even a false report by someone being petty can be enough for SE to look at you.
It's like talking in-game about using 3rd party software - SE doesn't have real-time monitors for it, but if you're reported and they see obvious cheating or blatant admissions in chat history when they do look, you're cooked.
A recent article in Gamer Escape said that FFXI only has a six person production staff... Do you really think that anybody at SE takes the time to lurk in these forums? I seriously doubt it.
The common complaints I see for modern FFXI is Sortie and LFG for Odyssey.
I'm not familiar enough with current endgame to say much about Odyssey, but I do have some ideas about Sortie.
The fact that Gallimaufry only comes from Sortie rather than being able to buy it from the AH or earn it in other content seems like a big issue. I think making Gallimaufry and the other Sortie currencies earnable through other content would go a long way towards helping the Sortie burn-out. There are even some mostly defuncted content they could recycle/rebalance to reward it, like the Sea NMs, Voidwalker, and Campaign. They wouldn't need to change much, it might even be easier than what they're doing for Besieged.
What are your thoughts?