Did ff16 flop?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2024-01-19 13:13:05
Valefor.Prothescar said: »Well considering one of the main hanging points here is "pressing buttons and moving the protagonist between cutscenes", it's easy to infer that people are assmad that the game isn't the type of gameplay that they want (spoilers, this has been a frequent argument since the game was announced as an action rpg in case you somehow missed it) and thus it's being boiled down as having no gameplay whatsoever instead of being an adult and admitting that it just isn't the type of gameplay that they personally care for.
This is entirely in your head and likely you projecting.
I've was never really into Devil May Cry and find the Tails and Y's games to be more my style of action combo RPG game. If you liked FFXV / FFXVI then more power to you and I'm happy for you.
It's just really fun to watch Apple Final Fantasy fans go apeshit when someone doesn't like their chosen product.
My guy you're not going to gaslight me when you literally wrote that the game has no gameplay and is just an interactive movie at least twice on this that very page. Just because you had an awful point and got called out for it doesn't mean youre gonna get away with walking it back and pretending like it never happened.
Valefor.Prothescar said: »The ring is an easy mode addon for accessibility if people just want to experience the story and is not an indictment on the quality of the gameplay. If you chose to use it and it ruined the game for you, that's on you not the game. I didn't use it(gf played but she didn't either). But, the fact it's there feels like having cheat codes built into the game.
Valefor.Prothescar said: »If you lose a boss in turn based FF games you just load at the save point right outside the boss room and try again, what's your point A lot of them are not necessarily going to have a save point right outside the boss room, you'll probably have to go through a bit of dungeon. More importantly, you will have to start the boss from the beginning, meaning you have to become strong enough to win the entire fight. There's a concept of a boss being too difficult for you at your current strength level, forcing you to go back and acquire new weapons or equipment, buy more medicines to handle a specific status effect, level up, etc. When you can resume from (near enough to) where you last were with free potions, none of that exists.
Valefor.Prothescar said: »What hampers XVI's overall gameplay loop is meaningless gear progression and the fact that you never feel stronger, instead you just get new toys to play with that aren't necessary outside of changing the flavor of gameplay. Agree that it's a major problem, but I don't think it's the only problem with the gameplay loop.
There's a difference between being easy and having a free pass to beat the game without any technique/strategy/preparation. Yes, all turn-based FFs were easy, but you could still lose fights if you didn't prepare or failed to grasp the mechanics. There were consequences for losing fights. This inspired you to go back and become stronger, learn more about the fight, and made finally beating the fight more enjoyable. The level of ease also varied with how much outside information you used, of course someone copying all of their strategies from GameFAQs or reading the brady guide would be able to walk through the games. They had no mechanical skill checks.
It is the year 2024, I don't care if games allow you to skip the parts you don't like to get to the parts that you do like. It's entirely optional and isn't forcing you to use it at all, I don't see a single problem with it.
I struggle to think of many if any FF bosses that don't have a save point adjacent to them. I'll take your word for it that they exist and just assume I don't have perfect memory.
That said I disagree with the idea that there's much merit to failing a boss and having to backtrack. Outside of grinding some levels to get stronger I can't think of a single time I've ever gone out of my way to hunt down a new piece of equipment just to down a single player final Fantasy boss outside of getting ultimate weapons for super bosses like Penance, but you know going into those that you need that kind of ***if you don't want the fight to take the next 3 years of your life. I wouldn't particularly call grinding levels compelling gameplay but I'm.willing to accept that some people like vegging out and grinding mobs. I'm not one of those people anymore. I've seen people as recent as last month play through games like FF7 for the first time with no idea what they're doing, for some it was even their first FF game. They were able to blunder through even the hardest boss fights in the game without grinding with some of the jankest builds I've ever seen in the history of the internet (Tifa wearing 4 cover materia...). Did it take a few tries for them to beat things like the Safe boss in Shinra Mansion? Yes. But they had a save right outside and just went back in and did it again until they won (they never figured out the gimmick btw, just brute forced it).
Only when they did things like emerald weapon did they take some time to grab some extra levels.
Ultimately, while there's room for skill and knowledge in these games, so too is there room for it in XVI. You don't need to stretch muscles to beat any of them. Minmaxing and pushing your limits is something you do if you truly enjoy doing so, but don't get it twisted, it is absolutely optional in XVI and any other FF.
Anyway have to go pick my dog up from the groomer, will respond to further replies later.
By Zehira 2024-01-19 13:13:05
Tales of Arise is pretty good. interactive anime.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2024-01-19 13:18:24
Valefor.Prothescar said: »My guy you're not going to gaslight me when you literally wrote that the game has no gameplay and is just an interactive movie at least twice on this very page. Just because you had an awful point and got called out for it doesn't mean youre gonna get away with walking it back and pretending like it never happened.
Again all in your head. Some people are just not going to like that new iPhone Final Fantasy game like you do.
The interactive anime comment was on how SE put tons of resources into these cinema quality cut scenes while having the gameplay be lackluster. It's a pattern that's been happening since FFXIII, longer cutscenes with less and less gameplay. Obviously some people like this, and that's good for them. Some of us don't, so we just chose a different product.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-01-19 13:40:38
Valefor.Prothescar said: »That said I disagree with the idea that there's much merit to failing a boss and having to backtrack. Outside of grinding some levels to get stronger I can't think of a single time I've ever gone out of my way to hunt down a new piece of equipment just to down a single player final Fantasy boss outside of getting ultimate weapons for super bosses like Penance, but you know going into those that you need that kind of ***if you don't want the fight to take the next 3 years of your life.
If you already know what the super boss is, and how long it'll take, and how to get the ultimate weapons for it, etc.. then you read everything in a guide anyway. I have nothing against people who use guides, but it is a different kind of gaming.
Server: Hyperion
Posts: 109
By Terlet Sangria 2024-01-19 13:51:54
hell yeah, nine pages
vive le ffxiah
By Zehira 2024-01-19 14:01:16
Again all in your head. Some people are just not going to like that new iPhone Final Fantasy game like you do.
The interactive anime comment was on how SE put tons of resources into these cinema quality cut scenes while having the gameplay be lackluster. It's a pattern that's been happening since FFXIII, longer cutscenes with less and less gameplay. Obviously some people like this, and that's good for them. Some of us don't, so we just chose a different product.
That's too bad. SE wants you to love all Final Fantasy games together. That's why they built XIV to prove it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2024-01-19 16:33:38
hell yeah, nine pages
vive le ffxiah
Think it'll make 17 though?
Server: Hyperion
Posts: 109
By Terlet Sangria 2024-01-19 16:43:05
hell yeah, nine pages
vive le ffxiah
Think it'll make 17 though? yeah but it'll have action combat so people are gonna *** about it
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2024-01-19 16:56:46
hell yeah, nine pages
vive le ffxiah
Think it'll make 17 though? yeah but it'll have action combat so people are gonna *** about it
Hey nothings wrong with action combat, just be good action combat.
Like have folks never played a Tales game before? Ground Artes -> Up Artes -> Air Artes -> Ground Artes -> Mystic Arts type combos.
By Zehira 2024-01-19 17:28:29
9+ pages of discussing whether FF16 did flop or not. My guess is it didn't. Almost nobody has ever come to us to talk about it. I mean, FF16 is no different from most games. People just play a game, beat it, and move on to another game. But man I found the image I posted on discord a year ago. How adorable! It's like Yoshi-P secretly likes Tales of Berseria!
Server: Hyperion
Posts: 109
By Terlet Sangria 2024-01-19 17:48:23
Hey nothings wrong with action combat, just be good action combat.
Like have folks never played a Tales game before? Ground Artes -> Up Artes -> Air Artes -> Ground Artes -> Mystic Arts type combos. Two things
First, 16's combat is good. I don't know where people are getting the idea that it's not, but the combat in 16 is pretty solid as long as you take off the training wheels and actually learn how it works. 16 has its flaws and some people don't like that it HAS action combat, but I've yet to see a credible argument against the combat itself that isn't either "but the rings make it easy" or "but you can just dodge around and wait out the cooldowns" to which I say, don't put on the rings, and if you want to sit on cooldowns then every fight will be the most boring 8 minutes of your life and no wonder you didn't like the game.
Second, and far more importantly, the joke was that we would get to PAGE 17, and no one would like it because it would have action combat.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 493
By Asura.Clintbeastwood 2024-01-19 17:55:06
no one would like it because it would have action combat
Haven't even played it (yet) and I'm 95% certain I will hate this aspect of the game the most.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2024-01-19 18:06:04
Hey nothings wrong with action combat, just be good action combat.
Like have folks never played a Tales game before? Ground Artes -> Up Artes -> Air Artes -> Ground Artes -> Mystic Arts type combos. Two things
First, 16's combat is good. I don't know where people are getting the idea that it's not, but the combat in 16 is pretty solid as long as you take off the training wheels and actually learn how it works. 16 has its flaws and some people don't like that it HAS action combat, but I've yet to see a credible argument against the combat itself that isn't either "but the rings make it easy" or "but you can just dodge around and wait out the cooldowns" to which I say, don't put on the rings, and if you want to sit on cooldowns then every fight will be the most boring 8 minutes of your life and no wonder you didn't like the game.
Second, and far more importantly, the joke was that we would get to PAGE 17, and no one would like it because it would have action combat.
I did get to play both FFXV and FFXVI and both systems were definitely mediocre. That's likely due to me playing games with more developed systems. I put that video earlier for a reason, that is how you do action RPG combat. Itemization and skillpoints matters because it changes the attributes and balance between offense and defense. This is important because the better you are at dodging / countering / avoiding damage, the more you can build for damage and less for defense. Someone who is newer is going to build more towards defense to survive making a mistake and taking a boss hit to the face. Being able to do aerial acrobatics and keep linking moves together for 40+ hit combos is the difference between a 5~7 minute boss fight and a 30+ minute boss fight.
This is a proper fight
YouTube Video Placeholder
You can find other YT videos where they are using much slower defensive strategies and take two to three times as long.
Server: Excalibur
Posts: 673
By Idiot Boy 2024-01-19 19:01:33
I platinumed Arise on unknown. It's a good game! It's also not even the best combat in the Tales series.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2024-01-19 19:34:25
I platinumed Arise on unknown. It's a good game! It's also not even the best combat in the Tales series.
Nope, just the most recent. Namco is pretty damn good at making action RPG games.
By Zehira 2024-01-19 19:52:32
Also good at releasing on multi-platform the same day.
By Draylo 2024-01-19 20:09:34
I platinumed Arise on unknown. It's a good game! It's also not even the best combat in the Tales series.
Me too, I really enjoyed it. I have to get around to doing the DLC
Server: Excalibur
Posts: 673
By Idiot Boy 2024-01-19 20:18:05
Me too, I really enjoyed it. I have to get around to doing the DLC It's fine. It's in the weird spot where it came so long after the original game that it feels a little like a sequel, but it's not big enough for that.
I still liked it quite a bit, but it just hit kind of a weird spot in terms of size/timing. The fact that I couldn't use my super tricked out party from my main save slot was annoying. But! It was good and I was glad to spend time with those characters again
By Draylo 2024-01-19 20:26:36
I really liked the characters and enjoyed the combat a lot. Still have a little hootle above my monitor. I never played a tales game before that but I had it on max difficulty to start and it was fun/challenging. Still remember having to redo Ganabelt like 50 times and the fights felt salifying. If only they decided to copy that one instead.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1694
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2024-01-20 01:53:05
I platinumed Arise on unknown. It's a good game! It's also not even the best combat in the Tales series.
Nope, just the most recent. Namco is pretty damn good at making action RPG games. Curious what you guys thought of Berseria's combat. I never played a Tales game before it & was drawn to it by its character designs (more rugged & less colorful than Xillia for example) so I thought I might give it a shot. Reached the midpoint and lost interest because I didn't like how combat evolved nor the progression system. Like, I liked the idea but not the execution. A lot of my long-time Tales veteran friends tell me its gameplay is a low point in the series, so I'm curious if that's a popular opinion amongst Tales fan.
By Nariont 2024-01-20 05:23:03
Havent played arise so cant vouch for thst but among the 3d tales graces/xilla 2 have the best combat, but come at the cost of just about everything else being subpar, graces moreso there.
Ones before graces are largely just punching bag enemies who go into overlimit, you kite that, then go back to comboing/juggling them, nice spectacle but gets dull after awhile
As for beseria, it okay, it did enough to keep me engaged but story/chars couldnt carry the rest and i ended up dropping it, never really saw why people loved that one apart from it coming off of zesteria which was a dumpster fire
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2024-01-20 11:33:01
I platinumed Arise on unknown. It's a good game! It's also not even the best combat in the Tales series.
Nope, just the most recent. Namco is pretty damn good at making action RPG games. Curious what you guys thought of Berseria's combat. I never played a Tales game before it & was drawn to it by its character designs (more rugged & less colorful than Xillia for example) so I thought I might give it a shot. Reached the midpoint and lost interest because I didn't like how combat evolved nor the progression system. Like, I liked the idea but not the execution. A lot of my long-time Tales veteran friends tell me its gameplay is a low point in the series, so I'm curious if that's a popular opinion amongst Tales fan.
Berseria was fun but they kinda went in a weird direction with it. Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition was pretty solid though same with Symphonia though now we're getting into the older games. Some folks really want cinematic graphics and Namco was never known for amazballz graphics. Different folks liked different combat styles and each game mixed character growth / itemization and combat in different ways. If you want a fun joy ride go use an emulator (Duck Station) and play Tales of Destiny.
Server: Excalibur
Posts: 673
By Idiot Boy 2024-01-20 12:18:07
Graces is by far my fave Tales game; the combat is so great. I realize it has flaws but I love it anyway
(I think Vesperia is probably the _best_ Tales game; I liked Berseria and Zestiria a lot too, Vesperia is hard to argue against.)
By Thunderjet 2024-01-20 12:30:15
i loved abyss and symphonia only!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2024-01-20 12:41:20
Graces is by far my fave Tales game; the combat is so great. I realize it has flaws but I love it anyway
(I think Vesperia is probably the _best_ Tales game; I liked Berseria and Zestiria a lot too, Vesperia is hard to argue against.)
As an entire series Tales is pretty strong with combat systems, though often games will lack in another department. ToD had one of the best stories IMHO plus was funny as heck. The graphics though ... barely better then ToP from SNES. Music was pretty on point also, and the little church girl with the ginormous sword with a perverted old man personality was never ending laughs.
By Zehira 2024-01-20 13:08:03
I think Yuri combos probably are a lot more smooth than most of Tales of games I have played.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 194
By Cerberus.Natsuhiko 2024-01-20 22:23:22
Graces is by far my fave Tales game; the combat is so great. I realize it has flaws but I love it anyway
(I think Vesperia is probably the _best_ Tales game; I liked Berseria and Zestiria a lot too, Vesperia is hard to argue against.)
Graces is my favorite of the more modern ones, but Eternia will always be my favorite over all.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-01-21 07:24:11
nothing wrong with removing the middleman for cheats in a single player game, do whatever makes you happy.
removing some of the nintendo hard elements from dungeon crawls and bosses is good and bad. cheapens the sense of accomplishment but saves a ton of frustration if you are truly stuck. i could go either way on this one depending upon the circumstances.
If the journey is part of the reward the please leave in the sense of accomplishment by difficulty. If it's me playing 2 player yoshi with my child, I'm going to immediately put it on easy mode.
By Draylo 2024-01-22 20:23:08
I love a proper hard mode, makes me feel like the game is more challenging/fun. I try to do it in every game, the hardest mode to start and its been fun. I don't like when they let you change the difficulty mid game though, or when they allow you to change parameters of the hard mode because then you feel like you might cheat. I wish the pokemon games continued with hard modes from black/white, those were weak but they should keep trying.
By Kasaioni 2024-01-23 12:58:11
I wish CBU3 would put out anything that had any kind of rpg-systems-depth to it. Both XIV and XVI are basically entirely execution based and don't even have basic rpg staples like elemental weaknesses or a meaningful distinction between physical and magical damage.
XVI's combat is a little more interesting to me than XIV's because you have to put some thought into your build, but it mostly feels like a watered down action game. And compared to FFVII Remake, XVI feels extremely shallow.
(Meanwhile XIV at max level is just a rhythm game with no note lane where you memorize what buttons to press and just repeat that to infinity).
I think matusai should be the one to to lead ff17 he is entitled to have it, not only he worked in 11 for 20 years he was a director for crono trigger.
Not to mention he also was moved to 14 to fix the battle for arr!
I don’t understand this stupid mind set by yoshi that it has to be action, look at baldurs gate, ff needs to evolve in the turn based genre, don’t change what is already main to the franchise..
We dont want action rpg
I want to cast haste reflect double magic limit break and nuke stuff!!!!!!!
What makes dragon quest xi good its still a turn based game!!
Square needs to treat ff like dq!
Make a vagrant story 2
Make a new kingdom hearts
Dont add shit to finalfantasy
Satisfy your older fans if you want a new generation of fans, or else they will lose their 30 years of their fanbse, ff was a lifestyle to me do you guys dont remember waiting for a new console to imagine how a new ff will be like in that console?
The sales is bad for 2023-2024 standards alot of the fans are grown up too it should be much higher