Did ff16 flop?
By Viciouss 2024-05-13 15:31:02
I didn't bleed them, but I absolutely slept the duo on my first playthrough. Didn't need a video, just common sense and experience playing Souls games. And Final Fantasy games. Multiple mobs coming at you, sleep them. Who would have thought a skill-gap would emerge in this thread.
LMAOOOOOOOOOO....... WHich other boss in DS HISTORY made it so intuitive to sleep them? Ornstein & Smog?
Dude... you and Nynja just turned yourselves in.
No we didn't. Again, if you read my post, I said Final Fantasy games. Specifically 11. The duo wasn't the first sleepable mob in Elden Ring. As Nynja said, you had a tutorial at the very beginning. I slept mobs I didn't want to fight and moved on. It's called playing the game.
You act as if you are on some high and mighty horse, but you "turned yourself in" with your very first post stupidly claiming that FromSoftware stayed true their IP when they very clearly did not. Capital letters, fake laughs, and jealous accusations aren't helping you.
By Viciouss 2024-05-13 15:31:56
Vyre, all the things you said above, from a first play through perspective, require you watching videos or reading tutorials to find that out.
You cannot tell me that in your first path you went and got mimic, then you slept and bled Godskin duo because it just makes no sense. My first pass I didn't even have mimic. My second I didn't know mimic was actually good.
Pretending to have known these things off the bat is an entirely new discussion. Actually, it is entirely possible to have that knowledge on a first playthrough. I've been play Souls games since 2012, and I went back and bought and played original Demon's Souls as well.
If you actually become familiar with the structure of a Fromsoft world, then it's not really hard to figure out "secrets" nor is it hard to try different things. Nor is it hard to try and find every nook and cranny.
On my first playthrough I didn't sleep the Godskin Duo, but I sure as ***had the super easy to find Mimic Tear. You find it naturally exploring Nokstella during Ranni's questline, which is also not hard to follow. I also had dual wielded cold and bleed great swords.
Just because you have an extremely linear experience where you find almost nothing in a first playthrough doesn't mean other people do, lol. Get real.
QFT 1000x
By Godfry 2024-05-13 15:35:33
Lies ;(
Why hate on DMC? ;(
For me. I just don't like it.
But now I can see how if you like FF and DMC then FF16 is a blast for you. I'm not talking down on it at all. I'm glad there is an audience for it.
I'm also not cheering for FF games to suck either. I just think that the direction they took the franchise is clearly distinct from its origin.
For instance, I saw From inviting the Martin to Elden Ring with suspicious eye, but it turned out not have had a great impact on the game overall.
I think SE would have made a helluva DMC-style game while also keeping FF more FFy... It feels like they think that there isn't an audience for games like FF9 anymore. Maybe they are right... I hope they aren't.
By Godfry 2024-05-13 15:35:36
No we didn't. Again, if you read my post, I said Final Fantasy games. Specifically 11. The duo wasn't the first sleepable mob in Elden Ring. As Nynja said, you had a tutorial at the very beginning. I slept mobs I didn't want to fight and moved on. It's called playing the game.
You act as if you are on some high and mighty horse, but you "turned yourself in" with your very first post stupidly claiming that FromSoftware stayed true their IP when they very clearly did not. Capital letters, fake laughs, and jealous accusations aren't helping you.
You did. Sleeping bosses is not a thing in souls-game. Sleep is a very used spell in almost every single final fantasy game.
Elden Ring is not easier than DS3. The arguments "you can just go elsewhere and come back stronger" and the famous "just sleep godskin" are the equivalent of "Oh.. we just used Kaustra on bumba V25 cause that's what good gamers do". We used Kaustra on bumba and we do 9-boss HM aminon because we watched a video. That's why every time I comment on how 9-boss melee is easy I proceed to mention that it's easy because we followed x-y-z strat.
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Vyre 2024-05-13 15:43:46
Also, on another note, the Sword of St. Trina is my preferred way to sleep anything, and it's super easy to figure out how sleep works from having it and using it.
It's also got pretty good damage statistics, and is available for use at Rune Level 1.
That sword was my life line and my love in later playthroughs. Just gotta be careful to not go ape with it, and wake things up immediately after the strike that sleeps.
By Viciouss 2024-05-13 15:51:26
No we didn't. Again, if you read my post, I said Final Fantasy games. Specifically 11. The duo wasn't the first sleepable mob in Elden Ring. As Nynja said, you had a tutorial at the very beginning. I slept mobs I didn't want to fight and moved on. It's called playing the game.
You act as if you are on some high and mighty horse, but you "turned yourself in" with your very first post stupidly claiming that FromSoftware stayed true their IP when they very clearly did not. Capital letters, fake laughs, and jealous accusations aren't helping you.
You did. Sleeping bosses is not a thing in souls-game. Sleep is a very used spell in almost every single final fantasy game.
Elden Ring is not easier than DS3. The arguments "you can just go elsewhere and come back stronger" and the famous "just sleep godskin" are the equivalent of "Oh.. we just used Kaustra on bumba V25 cause that's what good gamers do". We used Kaustra on bumba and we do 9-boss HM aminon because we watched a video. That's why every time I comment on how 9-boss melee is easy I proceed to mention that it's easy because we followed x-y-z strat.
Just lol. Elden Ring is absolutely easier to clear than DS3. As I originally said, it is the easiest game From has ever made. You just aren't good at it, that's all it is. I mean, you bought a PS5 to play it, that alone indicates you are a casual. Which is fine, you can be a casual that watches video guides to get through. But you aren't going to pass yourself off as anything but, no matter how much you pretend to.
By Afania 2024-05-13 15:55:47
But now I can see how if you like FF and DMC then FF16 is a blast for you. I'm not talking down on it at all. I'm glad there is an audience for it.
I haven't play FF16 yet, it's on my backlog but other games is on a higher priority atm. I am not in a hurry to get to it.
I do enjoy dmc5's battle system very much, especially as Dante. And I wasn't even a DMC fan from previous titles until I played dmc5 Dante battle system. There is large amount of moveset to pick from in any given situation, each move has different traits such as knock down, ranged, air or stun etc...each enemy combination also has an optimal moveset strategy to use on.
on the higher difficulty picking the right move for different situation is absolutely crucial for survival. I love how "free" this battle system is, you can handle the situation however you want by building your favorite play style and each problem have multiple solutions.
I legitimately wish more game uses design philosophy like this, FF or not. I heard FF16 combat isn't as deep as dmc5 though, which is a shame.
Don't hate on DMC ;(
By Godfry 2024-05-13 16:00:01
Quote: I didn't bleed them, but I absolutely slept the duo on my first playthrough. Didn't need a video, just common sense and experience playing Souls games. And Final Fantasy games. Multiple mobs coming at you, sleep them. Who would have thought a skill-gap would emerge in this thread.
Says it all how you went about Elden Ring dude.. lol.
Quote: I mean, you bought a PS5 to play it, that alone indicates you are a casual
This has got to be the most imbecile thing I've read on FFAH. What does playing on PC have to do with skills? Is it because it helps you watch "get OP early" tutorials? lol
By Godfry 2024-05-13 16:01:20
on the higher difficulty picking the right move for different situation is absolutely crucial for survival. I love how "free" this battle system is, you can handle the situation however you want by picking your favorite play style and each problem have multiple solutions.
You know what? Maybe I should give it a try. I do love the soundtrack!
By Viciouss 2024-05-13 16:05:23
Quote: I didn't bleed them, but I absolutely slept the duo on my first playthrough. Didn't need a video, just common sense and experience playing Souls games. And Final Fantasy games. Multiple mobs coming at you, sleep them. Who would have thought a skill-gap would emerge in this thread.
Says it all how you went about Elden Ring dude.. lol.
Quote: I mean, you bought a PS5 to play it, that alone indicates you are a casual
This has got to be the most imbecile thing I've read on FFAH. What does playing on PC have to do with skills? Is it because it helps you watch "get OP early" tutorials? lol
You must not read your own posts. As Vyre said, it's not hard to overlevel in Elden Ring, and it's not hard to find the Mimic tear. You are the only one here that watches the videos. It's probably time for you to disappear, your main point failed long ago. SE didn't "go tik tok" and Elden Ring was a horrible comparison.
By Afania 2024-05-13 16:09:33
on the higher difficulty picking the right move for different situation is absolutely crucial for survival. I love how "free" this battle system is, you can handle the situation however you want by picking your favorite play style and each problem have multiple solutions.
You know what? Maybe I should give it a try. I do love the soundtrack!
Maybe, it is cheap anyways. ;) I can't say this game is for everyone, since most people only beat story once then quit, hence never get to the hardcore part of the game that requires more optimization. I think it is kind of battle system that only small group of people will truly enjoy, lol.
By Godfry 2024-05-13 16:09:57
You must not read your own posts. As Vyre said, it's not hard to overlevel in Elden Ring, and it's not hard to find the Mimic tear. You are the only one here that watches the videos. It's probably time for you to disappear, your main point failed long ago. SE didn't "go tik tok" and Elden Ring was a horrible comparison.
Lmao... Yeah... and you slept Godskin duo because you sleep mobs in Final Fantasy games. Sure buddy.
DS3 is easy to over-level as well. While also unnecessary because boss patterns in DS3 are much more predictable. Unlike Elden Ring that reacts to user input. You would know this if you didn't sleep Godskin duo cause you slept mobs in FF11.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4562
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-05-13 16:10:48
Quote: I didn't bleed them, but I absolutely slept the duo on my first playthrough. Didn't need a video, just common sense and experience playing Souls games. And Final Fantasy games. Multiple mobs coming at you, sleep them. Who would have thought a skill-gap would emerge in this thread.
Says it all how you went about Elden Ring dude.. lol.
Quote: I mean, you bought a PS5 to play it, that alone indicates you are a casual
This has got to be the most imbecile thing I've read on FFAH. What does playing on PC have to do with skills? Is it because it helps you watch "get OP early" tutorials? lol
You must not read your own posts. As Vyre said, it's not hard to overlevel in Elden Ring, and it's not hard to find the Mimic tear. You are the only one here that watches the videos. It's probably time for you to disappear, your main point failed long ago. SE didn't "go tik tok" and Elden Ring was a horrible comparison. "You didnt struggle with a boss that *** me up, you clearly looked at videos for tutorials and easy OP locations, no I didnt have problems with it! I just listed it as one of the 4 non-optional bosses that are harder than any DS3 boss. But I didnt struggle, go look at more tutorial videos nub"
By Godfry 2024-05-13 16:12:35
"You didnt struggle with a boss that *** me up, you clearly looked at videos for tutorials and easy OP locations, no I didnt have problems with it!"
"I found bosses weaknesses immediately cause 1. I play final fantasy. 2 I'm just very good! Also, when I go out my the main plot I just so happen to run accidentally on good items".
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Vyre 2024-05-13 16:13:37
No we didn't. Again, if you read my post, I said Final Fantasy games. Specifically 11. The duo wasn't the first sleepable mob in Elden Ring. As Nynja said, you had a tutorial at the very beginning. I slept mobs I didn't want to fight and moved on. It's called playing the game.
You act as if you are on some high and mighty horse, but you "turned yourself in" with your very first post stupidly claiming that FromSoftware stayed true their IP when they very clearly did not. Capital letters, fake laughs, and jealous accusations aren't helping you.
You did. Sleeping bosses is not a thing in souls-game. Sleep is a very used spell in almost every single final fantasy game.
Elden Ring is not easier than DS3. The arguments "you can just go elsewhere and come back stronger" and the famous "just sleep godskin" are the equivalent of "Oh.. we just used Kaustra on bumba V25 cause that's what good gamers do". We used Kaustra on bumba and we do 9-boss HM aminon because we watched a video. That's why every time I comment on how 9-boss melee is easy I proceed to mention that it's easy because we followed x-y-z strat. Sleeping monsters as a form of crowd control has been a thing in RPGs since the 80s, and given that it sometimes works on bosses, even in old RPGs, it's not a stretch to give it a try on things in Elden Ring.
That was actually one of the things a lot of people were super curious about, because there things it works on really well, like Godskin entities in all of their incarnations, and things it barely effects like Malenia.
Please, again, bear in mind that if you are the explorative type you can encounter Godskin Apostle 3 times in dungeons and overworld prior to Godskin Duo, giving you three instances of experimentation. One of those instances renders him immune to bleeding and frost.
Then there's Godskin Noble, who you can also encounter 3 times prior to the Godskin Duo fight. Who is also immune to bleed and cold in the same spot as Godskin Apostle.
Keep in mind there are:
Sleep Pots
Sleep Arrows
Sleep Bolts
Sword of St. Trina
Torch of St. Trina
Soporific Grease
As all of the sources of Sleep you can possess and try on enemies. The Godskin Noble in particular will go to sleep in 2 or 3 less applications than the Apostle(though both only take 1 pot), and so you might even come to the faulty conclusion that the noble is sleepable but not the apostle, though they both are.
By Viciouss 2024-05-13 16:17:32
"You didnt struggle with a boss that *** me up, you clearly looked at videos for tutorials and easy OP locations, no I didnt have problems with it!"
"I found bosses weaknesses immediately cause 1. I play final fantasy. 2 I'm just very good! Also, when I go out my the main plot I just so happen to run accidentally on good items".
"Other people that are better at games than me found weaknesses of bosses on their first playthrough by simply looking for them."
It literally only takes one cast to figure out whether or not a boss is weak to a specific spell or attack. It's not like there isn't room for error here. Was Elden Ring your first game? Like, ever?
By Viciouss 2024-05-13 16:19:23
No we didn't. Again, if you read my post, I said Final Fantasy games. Specifically 11. The duo wasn't the first sleepable mob in Elden Ring. As Nynja said, you had a tutorial at the very beginning. I slept mobs I didn't want to fight and moved on. It's called playing the game.
You act as if you are on some high and mighty horse, but you "turned yourself in" with your very first post stupidly claiming that FromSoftware stayed true their IP when they very clearly did not. Capital letters, fake laughs, and jealous accusations aren't helping you.
You did. Sleeping bosses is not a thing in souls-game. Sleep is a very used spell in almost every single final fantasy game.
Elden Ring is not easier than DS3. The arguments "you can just go elsewhere and come back stronger" and the famous "just sleep godskin" are the equivalent of "Oh.. we just used Kaustra on bumba V25 cause that's what good gamers do". We used Kaustra on bumba and we do 9-boss HM aminon because we watched a video. That's why every time I comment on how 9-boss melee is easy I proceed to mention that it's easy because we followed x-y-z strat.
Sleeping monsters as a form of crowd control has been a thing in RPGs since the 80s, and given that it sometimes works on bosses, even in old RPGs, it's not a stretch to give it a try on things in Elden Ring.
Remember how we could sleep Kary in FF1? Obviously, that was before Godfry's time.
By Godfry 2024-05-13 16:20:26
Vyre, the "knowing the enemy weakness" argument is dumb. You can give me all the possible ways that you know a boss weakness. I can use the same argument for DS3. ALl of these bosses have cheese. Whether or not you know the cheese method is thanks to you being an awesome hardcore player or you checked tutorials is impossible to know.
Did you Kasutra bumba V25 in your first encounter? Did you TP-Drain Aminon Hard mode in your first encounter? Did you gravity the H-Boss and kited it on PLD in your first encounter? If not, why not?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4562
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-05-13 16:22:52
Using sleep on the double boss fight to turn the fight into a 1v1 is apparently a cheese lol
Using the pillars to prevent FatSkin from rolling on you while you can continue attacking him is a cheese.
Using the gravity staff to nuke the bull in the mines without engaging the boss fight is a cheese.
Getting the horse boss to jump off the bridge before the tower where the beastman is is a cheese.
Killing the elder dragon (idk its name) that doesnt attack you without killing off any of the babies is a cheese.
Putting one of the enemies to sleep is not a cheese. Its called crowd control and its a literal staple of any game of any genre that has crowd control options available to the player.
By Viciouss 2024-05-13 16:23:57
Vyre, the "knowing the enemy weakness" argument is dumb. You can give me all the possible ways that you know a boss weakness. I can use the same argument for DS3. ALl of these bosses have cheese. Whether or not you know the cheese method is thanks to you being an awesome hardcore player or you checked tutorials is impossible to know.
Did you Kasutra bumba V25 in your first encounter? Did you TP-Drain Aminon Hard mode in your first encounter? Did you gravity the H-Boss and kited it on PLD in your first encounter? If not, why not?
"using an argument that destroys me is dumb."
By Godfry 2024-05-13 16:24:44
Viciouss saying that he slept Godskin duo cause he plays Final Fantasy is laughable.. lol.
Dude must have sported a Moonveil build on Morgit cause he is such an elite Souls player and a great explorer! GG ez.
By GetHelpNerd 2024-05-13 16:26:17
nowhere else on earth is ff16 being talked about like it was a good game. albeit they are slowly admitting they didn't even play it. embarrassing.
this forum is truly full of people with the most extreme cases of stockholm syndrome the world has ever seen.
what an insane waste of time to even engage
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-05-13 16:30:03
Hey save all this energy for Plaudits. I WANT 6 MONTHS OF CORNELIA!
By Godfry 2024-05-13 16:36:41
Using sleep on the double boss fight to turn the fight into a 1v1 is apparently a cheese lol
Using the pillars to prevent FatSkin from rolling on you while you can continue attacking him is a cheese.
Using the gravity staff to nuke the bull in the mines without engaging the boss fight is a cheese.
Getting the horse boss to jump off the bridge before the tower where the beastman is is a cheese.
Killing the elder dragon (idk its name) that doesnt attack you without killing off any of the babies is a cheese.
Putting one of the enemies to sleep is not a cheese. Its called crowd control and its a literal staple of any game that has crowd control options available to the player.
Yeah... It's pretty intuitive. Every time I see more than one boss in the room in a souls game I just sleep one of them. It's just a Dark Souls thang!! You know.. Sometimes I breakga, bind... Shadowbind. Ez...
By Viciouss 2024-05-13 16:40:29
Viciouss saying that he slept Godskin duo cause he plays Final Fantasy is laughable.. lol.
Dude must have sported a Moonveil build on Morgit cause he is such an elite Souls player and a great explorer! GG ez.
Nah. Keep trying though. I said I slept the duo because of my previous experiences in not only Elden Ring but other games, including Final Fantasy. As Vyre and I have both told you, sleeping mobs is not a novel concept. I tried to sleep *every* Elden Ring boss at least one time, just to see if it would work. Again its called playing the game. You have to search for the weaknesses of the bosses. Didn't watch a single tutorial video, unlike you apparently.
By Godfry 2024-05-13 16:47:50
Nah. Keep trying though. I said I slept the duo because of my previous experiences in not only Elden Ring but other games, including Final Fantasy. As Vyre and I have both told you, sleeping mobs is not a novel concept. I tried to sleep *every* Elden Ring boss at least one time, just to see if it would work. Again its called playing the game. You have to search for the weaknesses of the bosses. Didn't watch a single tutorial video, unlike you apparently.
Lmao... what other arena with multiple bosses did you sleep in Dark Souls? Why did you not know a boss weakness in DS3? Cause once you know their weakness they become pretty manageable. What prepared you for Elden Ring but not DS3?
"These guys are hard... but with my vast knowledge of previous DS games and Final Fantasy, I'll just sleep one of them". Come on buddy...
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 204
By Bismarck.Stephenjd 2024-05-13 16:48:57
Yup, no one thinks 16 is a good game. Only gethelpnerd (the irony in the name is funny at least) knows how good the game is.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4562
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-05-13 16:51:21
He is REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLY miffed about that godskin duo comment.
GodSkin >>>>>>> GodFry
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-05-13 16:52:26
Remember that a 202X "8" may as well be a zero.
we measure 8-10 now, thats how stupid scores have gotten.
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 15963
By Asura.Vyre 2024-05-13 16:52:39
Vyre, the "knowing the enemy weakness" argument is dumb. You can give me all the possible ways that you know a boss weakness. I can use the same argument for DS3. ALl of these bosses have cheese. Whether or not you know the cheese method is thanks to you being an awesome hardcore player or you checked tutorials is impossible to know.
Did you Kasutra bumba V25 in your first encounter? Did you TP-Drain Aminon Hard mode in your first encounter? Did you gravity the H-Boss and kited it on PLD in your first encounter? If not, why not? I haven't done Sheol Gaol at all. Haven't done Aminon, heck, don't even have H access in Sortie yet.
These particular comparisons are non-starters, though. Mainly because FFXI is a team oriented game, where you are not free to try whatever strategies you want, unless your group that you need is also of the same mind as you to experiment.
Elden Ring and all of the souls games are games where you are solo most all of the time. If you're having trouble with a boss, you'll probably experiment unless it was a near thing. Unless you're a stubborn mule that insists they don't need to try things or don't want to make things easier for yourself.
Your argument is the dumber of the two, since you're essentially just being stubborn and ignoring that these options are available in Elden Ring when they are far less available in the earlier titles. And/or weaker. And that it's not some major ordeal to just switch weapons/spells/etc. like trying a new strat is when you got to convince 5 other people to alter their jobs and mindsets and playstyles to implement on an attempt.
For instance, Rapid Poison in Bloodborne. It essentially functions like bleed does in other games, where when the status ailment bar fills, it takes chunk damage. The hardest Fromsoft boss of all time, Orphan of Kos, will take double damage from it. You can find it out, simply by using it against him, without knowing why it deals double damage to him (it's a programming quirk due to him having a shared health bar anchor part below the map that causes two instances of the status effect to occur). But you aren't likely to do that even on a second playthrough, because Rapid Poison builds even using the Chikage, do not cause a lot of build up or come with major drawbacks (The Chikage has to be transform all the time to inflict it and saps your HP, so no gun and poison yourself etc).
This is not like that. Sleep build up on the Godskin can be found out even by accident with Sword of St. Trina or Sleep Arrows and a Summoned Ash. Those videos don't come out instantly, and it's always a triumphant feeling when you knew a cheese strat or "secret" before a popular vid gets put out on it.
Believe it or not, a lot of gamers don't go look things up at all, ever, and that's why secrets videos and, "10 Things you Still Didn't Know" type videos still get people commenting, "Wow I never found that!" years later.
It's like you're essentially trying to say youtubers and video makers are the only ones who find secrets or are the ones who find them first lol.
You don't have the take you think you have.
I think matusai should be the one to to lead ff17 he is entitled to have it, not only he worked in 11 for 20 years he was a director for crono trigger.
Not to mention he also was moved to 14 to fix the battle for arr!
I don’t understand this stupid mind set by yoshi that it has to be action, look at baldurs gate, ff needs to evolve in the turn based genre, don’t change what is already main to the franchise..
We dont want action rpg
I want to cast haste reflect double magic limit break and nuke stuff!!!!!!!
What makes dragon quest xi good its still a turn based game!!
Square needs to treat ff like dq!
Make a vagrant story 2
Make a new kingdom hearts
Dont add shit to finalfantasy
Satisfy your older fans if you want a new generation of fans, or else they will lose their 30 years of their fanbse, ff was a lifestyle to me do you guys dont remember waiting for a new console to imagine how a new ff will be like in that console?
The sales is bad for 2023-2024 standards alot of the fans are grown up too it should be much higher