Did ff16 flop?
By Afania 2024-02-06 07:38:03
it's down 11.3% over the last year.
minimizing datasets so that your opinion looks stronger is a sign of someone arguing in bad faith.
if the stock dipped 40% tomorrow and then the next day it rose 10% you'd use that as a metric for why it's doing good.
overall just moving goalposts and incredibly disingenuous.
Not really, I never say if you buy SE stocks you will make money regardless of timing. Nor I said SE will see a large growth in the near future.
I only compared the eps ratio with 4-5 other game companies and said SE is still a profitable company relatively as of 2023 Sept. I made absolutely zero prediction of SE's future.
You are the only person who tried to predict SE's future without evidence nor data in the discussion, then label anyone as SE fan for making a point. That is arguing in bad faith lol.
By GetHelpNerd 2024-02-06 07:40:47
so minimizing a dataset of a stock that has been traded since 2004 and underperformed the market every year to a time span of 3 months and using that as the crux of your argument.
yeah, definitely not arguing in bad faith.
maybe you should go buy some $80 plushie merch and help them out a bit.
maybe an NFT or two, some AI generated canvas arts
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-02-06 07:45:14
By Afania 2024-02-06 07:46:06
maybe you should go buy some $80 plushie merch and help them out a bit.
maybe an NFT or two, some AI generated canvas arts
No thanks, don't care. Pretty sure Radial is a much bigger SE fan than I am.
I only care about people making predictions using personal feels not data. It is hard to take them seriously.
By Afania 2024-02-06 07:57:18
I am not surprised, to be honest. Because I feel a large number of their games fail not because of the lack of budget(mid-budget AA game is perfectly fine), but because they didn't utilize early access well enough like indie devs.
Some of their recent mid budget games have flaws that can be easily fixed with EA, that would add at least 0.5-1 metacritic score imo.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-02-06 08:11:54
Stay tunes for April when we'll say the same thing but for a perceived uptick in our 2nd quarter earnings. Beep boop. Buy now!
They're doing bad enough that it's easier to own up to where they are while still blaming outsourced development. Class act
By RadialArcana 2024-02-06 09:17:48
We need investors to lose faith in the video game industry completely, that's what we need. Then when all these bankers and pension fund managers lose interest and go put their money in bull testicles or whatever, then companies can return to making good games for good profits again.
Stock market capitalism in creative industries is cancer. This is why games not only ceased getting better but are regressing and getting worse in every way.
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Arkham knight came out 10 years ago
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-02-06 10:41:55
You mean wait for the ESG funds to dry out.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2024-02-06 16:16:50
SE is doing crap creatively but they are going to put out another console Mana game this year so they can be doing whatever so long as that makes it to release.
There isn't going to be another Vagrant Story. My expectations are unimportant to my personal happiness.
I'm interested in the Mana series, Trials was pretty damn good. Thought I really wish they would remake Vandal Hearts II, that game was awesome.
The funny thing is that a some of the complaints about FFXVI being repetitive action combat with a lesser focus on character building is basically a staple of the Mana series. It's also chasing broad appeal with a cuter fantasy aesthetic and will be all ages. Maybe there will be some sad/dark plot points but there won't be any sexy adult themes that get handled awkwardly. It'll probably still be awkward, but in a localization kind of way.
It only has to be better than the ps2 version for me to be completely happy that they are still making them.
And yes I will play any tactical fantasy rpg at least once so long as they even remotely tried and I have the time. Triangle Strategy wasn't FFT but it was good for a once through.
Mana is supposed to be cute and campy. If they had made trials all grim dark with ham fisted awkward sexual scenes it would of lost it's appeal. Keep it cute and not taking itself too seriously and I think fans of the franchise will be happy.
Vandal Hearts II is mega dark though, not gonna spoil it for those who haven't played through but the later scenes. VHII makes FFT look like Kingdoms Hearts.
By Afania 2024-02-07 04:29:44
We need investors to lose faith in the video game industry completely, that's what we need. Then when all these bankers and pension fund managers lose interest and go put their money in bull testicles or whatever, then companies can return to making good games for good profits again.
Stock market capitalism in creative industries is cancer. This is why games not only ceased getting better but are regressing and getting worse in every way.
So who will pay for game development? Last time I checked customer funded games are often just as bad, if not worse.
Mighty No.9:
Shenmue 3:
Unsung story:
Torment: Tides of Numenera (This game is more mid game than flopped, still nowhere near as legendary as Planescape: Torment):
It is wild that everyone uses Larian studio as some kind of gold standard of indie success. They made 2 decades of mid games until Divinity: Original Sin 2 and BG3 became a hit. They don't magically make good games because they are independent.
There are no easy solution to creativity bankruptcy. It is part of life to create something that people don't like because of wide variety of reasons. should have just deal with it already.
By RadialArcana 2024-02-07 05:23:58
So who will pay for game development? Last time I checked customer funded games are often just as bad, if not worse.
The same people who did before the investment industry took gaming seriously, the customers. The problem in this industry is excessive greed, so companies become really successful and then go public so the owners get massive payouts and effectively flush the thing they made right down the toilet (creatively). Then these people go out and make another small company, to try repeat the process.
The stock market system used to work to a point in the past and when investors kept their noses out of the process, but with social media and investors being as skittish, greedy and stupid as they are it just does not work properly anymore.
When a company is private, and they make a ton of money and can invest heavily into their next games or movies, and improve over time as well as pushing up wages and valuing experienced staff. That is not how public companies work, no matter how much money a game makes they don't invest it back in the games.
Everything about a public company is built to make worse products and turn fanbases against the company.
By Afania 2024-02-07 05:39:59
The same people who did before the investment industry took gaming seriously, the customers
I literally posted 4 customer funded games that failed hardcore to prove your point being incorrect, I can post a dozen more kickstarter failures if I want to, there are too many of them.
Another reason why I call your posts chatGPT, you rarely respond to opposite perspectives even when evidences are provided. You like to go on and on with your own perspectives. Your opinions aren't going to reach out if you can not address different points made by other people.
By RadialArcana 2024-02-07 05:55:02
I literally posted 4 customer funded games that failed hardcore to prove your point being incorrect, I can post a dozen more kickstarter failures if I want to, there are too many of them.
Another reason why I call your posts chatGPT, you rarely respond to opposite perspectives even when evidences are provided. You like to go on and on with your own perspectives. Your opinions aren't going to reach out if you can not address different points made by other people.
If I show you 4 people who lived to 100 smoking 20 cigarettes a day, does that mean cigarettes are not bad for you? I just showed you some exceptions so obviously the rule was wrong right?
Why do you think the entire western video game industry is garbage now and has completely stagnated? Why are almost all the previously loved western video game company giants all despised now? A private company can make 50 million in profits one year and 25 million the next year and be a massive success, a public company making 25m after making 50m last year is a shocking failure and the CEO will be replaced.
The problem with public companies is the demand for constant growth, which means no matter how much money games make they never improve the products. The more money WoW makes from the cash shop the worse it gets, why do you think that is?
By Afania 2024-02-07 06:49:05
If I show you 4 people who lived to 100 smoking 20 cigarettes a day, does that mean cigarettes are not bad for you? I just showed you some exceptions so obviously the rule was wrong right?
Except the harm of smoking has already been proven by scientific evidences. But there are no scientific evidence that can prove one specific way to make games leads to success 100% of time.
There are tons of games that failed everyday, nearly all of them failed for very different reasons. Some games have bad core ideas. Some games have good idea but bad execution. Some games have good ideas but lacks funding or the right people to do it. Some games failed because the producer mismanage or made wrong decisions mid-development, some games failed because people's preference changed over the years etc.
You can not simplify all of the development problems on "investors", this is surface level analysis of why those games fail.
In the case of a failed project, an investor may cut the loss and cancel the project before release, so customers never need to deal with buying bad games and waste money. Big publishers cancel poorly developed projects all the time.
If this project crowdfunded, then the project lead has to release those bad games for the paying customers to avoid being called a scam. That is how you get bad games like Mighty No.9.
tl;dr: Crowdfunding is not the ultimate solution to bad games like you said. The one-size-fits-all solution doesn't exist. Otherwise everyone can be successful following it, lol.
Quote: Why are almost all the previously loved western video game company giants all despised now?
Customer's preference changes, core people leaving the company, Some ideas that worked before no longer works, etc.
I loved StarCraft and WarCraft from Blizzard in late 90, but they stopped making them as RTS genre died, what can I do? Customers just don't play them anymore.
Even talented writer like JK Rowling can not write another book that is as successful as Harry Potter. No creator in this world can keep creating successful games/films/books for decades. That is the nature of creative industry.
Your expectation is unrealstic.
By GetHelpNerd 2024-02-07 07:18:47
more bad faith afania arguments. cherry picking examples and using them as the standard
Server: Asura
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Posts: 24
By Asura.Questaru 2024-02-07 07:52:41
Square Enix reported the final fantasy fan base is rapidly aging as well, this series is on its way out. The era of JRPGs is obviously over
By Afania 2024-02-07 08:26:33
more bad faith afania arguments. cherry picking examples and using them as the standard
what the hell did you read? I literally said there are no universal standard to make a successful game, how did you read them as I am suggesting a standard??? I said the opposite LOL.
The one-size-fits-all solution doesn't exist.
But thank you for supporting my point I guess?
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-02-07 09:44:57
There is a universal standard, it must be turn based!!
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Thorny 2024-02-07 14:01:03
We only really see the games that succeed, whether from kickstarter or from big studios. Big studios will almost never let a AAA title flop, because there's too much investor money riding on it. That means safe decisions and relatively bland.
Smaller studios have more creative freedom, and when they hit something good it's often disproportionately good for the funding behind it. That doesn't mean it's the more profitable way to develop, there are tons of failures there.
But, as someone who plays games, there's plenty of reason to dislike big money backing the studios you enjoy.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2024-02-07 19:14:57
We only really see the games that succeed, whether from kickstarter or from big studios. Big studios will almost never let a AAA title flop, because there's too much investor money riding on it. That means safe decisions and relatively bland.
People really need to understand that "Gaming" is now part of the mega big entertainment industry. The same people deciding which blockbusters to make are also deciding which AAA games to produce. It's the exact same pile of money with an expected rate of return. Pissing off that pile is how a producer finds themselves serving overpriced milk and sugar coffees.
Smaller studios have more creative freedom, and when they hit something good it's often disproportionately good for the funding behind it. That doesn't mean it's the more profitable way to develop, there are tons of failures there. But, as someone who plays games, there's plenty of reason to dislike big money backing the studios you enjoy.
This is why I like indi-games so much. They aren't nearly as polished but are often projects of passion and you can find lots of genuinely fun experiences.
I mean this game right here was the passion project of a single dude as a hobby over five years.
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IGN's making of interview with the maker of Axiom Verge.
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Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-04-18 16:41:17
Time to see if the Rising Tide DLC is a flop.
Not a good start though, but its not for gameplay reasons. I thought my PS5 in sleep mode would have auto-updated the game and picked up the DLC. Loaded FF16 just to get a message that "the content must be manually downloaded". Fortunately it was pretty quick, took me about as long to find this thread.
Welp, now there are gameplay reasons. I'm using my old complete game file with Echoes of the Fallen DLC complete, and I cant start the new DLC, despite being on the proper mission and having the two subquests done.
gg me, didnt shut down the game when I downloaded the DLC. I thought reloading the save would do it since I got the prompt of new items at Charon's shop, which were also added with the DLC.
By Pantafernando 2024-04-18 17:05:37
So, did FFXVI flop or no?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4567
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-04-18 17:27:48
I'm still trying to remember how to fight things lol
I did get to the town named after a village from a previous iteration and I wasnt accosted by twins, so its in flop territory right now.
By Zehira 2024-04-18 17:47:14
So, did FFXVI flop or no?
Mixed from what I heard. I can't play it yet. Whenever SE CEO learns the hard way that constantly licking Sony's butthole in 2024 is a mistake. PS5 users are often told not to spread spoilers.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Stephenjd 2024-04-18 18:12:02
Flopped less than Rebirth
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 225
By Lakshmi.Sahzi 2024-04-19 12:20:06
There are many ways a game can succeed. If you want to know if it flopped follow this handy dandy flow chart:
1. Did you buy it?
If YES, go to 2.
If NO, go to 3.
2. Did you enjoy it?
If YES, stop. Nothing else matters. It's a good game.
If NO, go to 3.
3. Did it ship a lot of units?
If YES, stop. The game is successful.
If NO, go to 4.
4. Compare stock value prior to and after release.
Did stock value rise?
If YES, stop. The game is successful.
If NO, stop. The game failed at every metric. Flop.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 225
By Lakshmi.Sahzi 2024-04-19 12:27:34
Above is the standard which shows, conclusively, the outstanding success of the german game "Dubbelmoral!" where the objective is to sneak out of the house and get as drunk as possible without your mom finding out.
Flow chart full stops at step 2.
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 112
By Asura.Buffyslyph 2024-04-19 14:44:53
I never played this game and I don't care about it, I just want to note the OP bumped his own thread 19 minutes after creating it.
By Draylo 2024-04-19 14:45:44
Flopped sadly, RIP
I think matusai should be the one to to lead ff17 he is entitled to have it, not only he worked in 11 for 20 years he was a director for crono trigger.
Not to mention he also was moved to 14 to fix the battle for arr!
I don’t understand this stupid mind set by yoshi that it has to be action, look at baldurs gate, ff needs to evolve in the turn based genre, don’t change what is already main to the franchise..
We dont want action rpg
I want to cast haste reflect double magic limit break and nuke stuff!!!!!!!
What makes dragon quest xi good its still a turn based game!!
Square needs to treat ff like dq!
Make a vagrant story 2
Make a new kingdom hearts
Dont add shit to finalfantasy
Satisfy your older fans if you want a new generation of fans, or else they will lose their 30 years of their fanbse, ff was a lifestyle to me do you guys dont remember waiting for a new console to imagine how a new ff will be like in that console?
The sales is bad for 2023-2024 standards alot of the fans are grown up too it should be much higher