ATA - Targeting Addon For Windower 4

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ATA - Targeting addon for Windower 4
Posts: 9
By ToastWasTaken 2023-06-08 16:25:05
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Dodik said: »
Another thing I've noticed trying this addon is when it chooses a target, switching to another target via the 'Switch target' menu item does not work.

You are stuck on the target ATA chose until it is dead or you manually disengage and re-engage on something else.

Switching targets is sometimes needed when it chooses a target other people have also switched to. Disengaging and re-engaging is a big slowdown in this case.

ATA does not stop you from targeting manually. There may be cases where the specific timing of the server's reply changes your target back, but that's purely coincidence. For instance: ATA picks a new target, injects incoming and outgoing packets. You decide you want to manually target something else before the server reply reaches you, then the reply from the original target switch comes in and changes your target back. I have tried to put in measures to reduce the chances of this happening but haven't yet figured out how to make it foolproof.

But, again, there is nothing in it that prevents you from manually switching your target. Also if you find yourself targeting something you don't want to there is the //ata next command which will force the addon to run through it's logic again to select the next best target according to your settings, other than what you're engaged to, and send all the relevant packets again. The visual enemy list is also clickable for precision targeting if you prefer that method.
By Dodik 2023-06-09 08:36:45
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Yes, that seems like what is happening. Will clarify that often hit switch target right after ata engages, after which it quickly switches target back, or I don't see target switch at all.

Presumably this is server sending reply back and target being switched before can see it happen on client. This is with instanced areas with heavy lag, Sheol C, plus packetflow in use.

All in all works great for what it does, thank you for sharing this.
Posts: 1161
By DaneBlood 2023-06-09 09:41:37
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I recently started using another add-on get around the horrible autotarget function in FFXI
however it had some horrible issues as well especially that any targeting would be overridden resulting in
- unable to target non-aggressive mob when aggressive mobs were nearby since it would change target to that one instead. making it impossible to spread out in oddy
- unable to target feathers in oddy as the add-on would try to target he non-targetable mobs instead.

So im ready to try yours but here is the other add-on in case there is potential for inspiration on how to handle things
Posts: 789
By Lili 2023-06-09 09:44:33
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DaneBlood said: »
- unable to target fathers

A father's life is already hard as it is, they don't need your targeting and the addon knows it!
Posts: 9
By ToastWasTaken 2023-06-09 17:02:09
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Dodik said: »
Presumably this is server sending reply back and target being switched before can see it happen on client. This is with instanced areas with heavy lag, Sheol C, plus packetflow in use.

Odyssey and Dynamis Divergence are the bane of my existence. Inconsistent congestion, communications getting dropped, or repeated, and limited ability to enter those zones for testing.

I hope someday I can figure out a way to eliminate only the incoming target change chunks that are not needed, without causing any desync with the server, while still letting players have the flexibility to change targets at will.

Dodik said: »
All in all works great for what it does, thank you for sharing this.

I'm glad you're enjoying it.

DaneBlood said: »
So im ready to try yours but here is the other add-on in case there is potential for inspiration on how to handle things

I'll take a look at it, thank you
Posts: 1161
By DaneBlood 2023-06-28 21:59:53
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Just a quick report. and please note this is from the perception of what im trying to use it for and not from the perspective of what the add-on is meant to do.

autotargeting seems a bit inconsistent with keeping locked target on.
Smarttarget is way more consistent

smarttarget appears faster but might just be an me issue

smarttarget also has a nice priority of mobs (Aka do aurix before anything else. do statues last, dont do pets. etc)

ATA let me target something manually. Smart target takes that away and redirect my target to the nearest mob that has aggro. which makes it hard to pull nw stuff

ATA does not interfere with my personal targeting. Smart target will stop me from targeting an angon in oddy-C farm run if there are mobs nearby (Even the invisible ones) making it highly annoying here.

For dyna D i use smart target and its clear smart targets focused usage

i just really need a midt point

- fast and stable with lock as smart target
- But does not override manual targets (like ATA)

what I would love is a feature to target toselect between anything you party is already attacking (claimed mobs) or anything that is NOT claimed so you would spread out on individual mobs

This is just a subject experience, on a narrow scope of ATA. ATA comes with more functionality.
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By ChaoCobo 2024-09-22 15:11:15
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Hi. Sorry for reviving this old thread, it’s just I’m new to addons and such, so I was wondering how do I actually turn off the big HP bar that shows up when you engage an enemy? I’ve tried turning the things that say “true” to “false” next to “visible” in the bar.lua but it doesn’t work, and I’ve tried just outright deleting the bar.lua entirely but then I get a lua runtime error and the addon won’t load at all. I’ve also tried //ata barsettings and //ata setup but I can’t figure out how to actually modify the settings themselves. Can someone please walk me through it real quick?

This seems like the perfect addon what with autotargeting the next available engaged mob, it’s just I don’t want any visual elements from the majority of my addons. Can someone please help me configure this addon to remove the HP bar?

Edit: Evidently there are commands that I didn’t see from within the actual readme file in the file folder, but did see here:

Tbf I didn’t get the addon directly from GitHub, but that’s no excuse I think. Sorry for necrobumping this thread.

If anyone else is curious you can toggle it with “//ata bar visible <t/f>”.

Thank you for making this addon by the way. It’s really great. :)