Vote — The Verdict
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2023-02-19 14:55:08
Apparently Magnetism doesn’t really EXIST in SPACE nor even DOES anything cuz FFXIAH thinks this is facts I don't like and RELIGIOUS or SCHIZO pointing out SCIENCE backed PROOF that the SOLAR SYSTEM revolves around MECHANICAL MAGNETISM
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-02-19 14:56:28
oh you are just ADORABLE! Never lock this thing, I wanna see his full manifesto split into 4 posts due to character count limits.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2023-02-19 14:58:09
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »oh you are just ADORABLE! Never lock this thing, I wanna see his full manifesto split into 4 posts due to character count limits. I do NOT follow the NBA. All I know is that you think I am someone else?
You mind explaining such?
I looked the dude up & he went Postal like KANYE.
What are you even saying…..
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-02-19 15:06:04
I like how he's just editing a single post 3 times to add info vs quad posting like he was called out for prior. See, you can get new information in your life and apply it to behavior. Bravo!
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2023-02-19 15:08:16
Question : How do Magnets Work
— Via Constructive & Destructive Interference of Sound Waves
Question : How are Magnetic Fields created
— Via the Reverberation of Sound in Solids
Question : What is Electricity
— Sound Waves that are no longer Conal or motioned outwards 360° but rather instead travel as a Needle piercing the Medium Anyone see any Misunderstandings in Science here?
— Anyone wish to contest my Claims via PROOF to the Contrary?
YouTube Video Placeholder
Anyone see anything that actually Works factually speaking
— Anyone whom thinks Orbits + Spin cannot be Re-Produced minus Einstein’s Imagination?
Anyone capable of a Discussion
— Minus low blows + hit & runs + childish cartoons?
Anyone think the Wordship of Saint Einstein
— Is a lil too played out & we are Learning nothing…..
Anyone still Confused by the lack of Measuring Velocity
— Anyone even realize the ERRORS of such Scientific Fallacy instead?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2023-02-19 15:47:50
REAL Math for Rotational Velocity comparing Objects
EARTH — 1 Rotation / 24 Hours
0.041666666666667 Rotation per Hour
SUN — 1 Rotation / 648 Hours ( 27 Days )
0.001543209876543 Rotation per Hour
JUPITER — 1 Rotation / 10 Hours
0.1 Rotation per Hour
The EARTH Spins way FASTER than our SUN yet SCIENTISTS don’t COMPREHEND such….
— cuz they do NOT know How to even use MATH Correctly
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-02-19 15:51:58
brother bear be writing like a chain mail from the 90s
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-02-19 16:03:05
Please, do continue. I'm waiting for the space laser part of your dissertation.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2023-02-19 16:04:38
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »Please, do continue. I'm waiting for the space laser part of your dissertation.
I fully Corrected the Math of NASA
Feel FREE to attempt to Correct myself
I wish you could
Anyone whom thinks they could possibly Challenge or Correct either my Math or my Extreme grip of Science
— Step Up
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-02-19 16:07:39
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2023-02-19 16:09:56
That’s a 1,000 mph Earth spin.jpg
— Science
Momma said Einstein built Clocks too?
— Einscientist
Was Einstein a Horologist too?
— FIXED that Broken mess. Y’all should try.
I corrected NASA
— Idk any Einstein’s capable of Correcting myself
Ain’t nobody at NASA capable of CORRECTING anything I said
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2023-02-19 16:26:05
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2023-02-19 16:32:19
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-02-19 16:32:28
I really don't think Einstein was a watchmaker- Horology is not just a study of time, as you try and convey, but specifically the study of the measurement of time for humanity. There honestly is not a single example you could have given to be more divergent from the definition of Horology than Einstein. You wanna talk scientific theory, yet mis-use a word like Horology?
I take it all back- we don't need this going on any longer, and while I'll miss reading your manifesto, I'm sure some day I'll see it on a used Popeye's napkin.
Stop sniffing glue, stop thinking that if you 'debate' your theory on a website that gives you credibility.....most of us would prefer to discuss FTP transfer vs orbiting bodies, even though you do provide a fun distraction, like watching a dog wearing a cone from the vet.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2023-02-19 16:37:13
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2023-02-19 16:37:38
1 — Obviously Einstein was out of his League
2 — Obviously NASA needs to get Real Mathematicians
3 — Obviously both Astronomy & Science is NOT for everyone
4 — Obviously yall preach Fake Clockwork
By gunn 2023-02-19 16:39:48
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-02-19 16:43:56
1 — Obviously Einstein was out of his League
2 — Obviously NASA needs to get Real Mathematicians
3 — Obviously both Astronomy & Science is NOT for everyone
4 — Obviously yall preach Fake Clockwork
Well thank the LAWD we got you to straighten everyone out!
Server: Excalibur
Posts: 673
By Idiot Boy 2023-02-19 16:48:25
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »When did Kyrie Irving start lurking on ffxiah? Hey now. To the best of my knowledge Akson hasn't been spouting anti-semitism, so let's not drag him to the level of Kyrie
no, no, no. You want to use that phrase, you gotta deal with the text replacer like everyone else.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-02-19 16:50:57
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »When did Kyrie Irving start lurking on ffxiah? Hey now. To the best of my knowledge Akson hasn't been spouting anti-semitism, so let's not drag him to the level of Kyrie
Exceedingly Fair point. I was more commenting on the flat earth aspect than his more recent escapades^^
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 887
By Fenrir.Niflheim 2023-02-19 17:18:30
REAL Math for Rotational Velocity comparing Objects
EARTH — 1 Rotation / 24 Hours
0.041666666666667 Rotation per Hour
SUN — 1 Rotation / 648 Hours ( 27 Days )
0.001543209876543 Rotation per Hour
JUPITER — 1 Rotation / 10 Hours
0.1 Rotation per Hour
The EARTH Spins way FASTER than our SUN yet SCIENTISTS don’t COMPREHEND such….
— cuz they do NOT know How to even use MATH Correctly You did not define a hour, I will assume it is 60 min which is 60sec and at that i will ask how do you measure time in your model? distance is measured using time by "conventional science" Since 1983, the meter has been internationally defined as the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299792458 of a second, and a second how is that defined?
By RadialArcana 2023-02-19 17:24:02
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-02-19 17:25:06
something something cesium 133....
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 300
By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2023-02-19 18:13:08
Look he has already established he is smarter than everyone at NASA and Einstein so clearly his problem is that he struggles to convey his great knowledge onto us mere mortals.
He's smarter than any scientist so I don't think he needs a scientist, he needs someone who listens to and talks to people everyday, someone who helps solve misunderstandings. I think what he needs is a therapist to help him find better ways to explain his discoveries.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 96
By Bahamut.Ayasha 2023-02-19 18:17:44
I have a few spare minutes in my day, may as well waste that valuable time posting in this thread...
REAL Math for Rotational Velocity comparing Objects
EARTH — 1 Rotation / 24 Hours
0.041666666666667 Rotation per Hour
SUN — 1 Rotation / 648 Hours ( 27 Days )
0.001543209876543 Rotation per Hour
JUPITER — 1 Rotation / 10 Hours
0.1 Rotation per Hour
The EARTH Spins way FASTER than our SUN yet SCIENTISTS don’t COMPREHEND such….
— cuz they do NOT know How to even use MATH Correctly
The problem here is using linear velocity to describe angular velocity. 1000km/hr on a rotating sphere is meaningless without describing the angular velocity... which should be in radians or degrees per unit of time, not distance per unit time. A small ball bearing spinning at 1000km/hour linear velocity at its surface is spinning monumentally faster in radians/second than a planetary sized object.
Deliberately using incorrect units to prove a point is disingenuous at best, and malicious at worst. The worst part about all of this is that you got the correct answer already in your post here... 0.04166667 rotations per hour translates to 15 degrees per hour, which may as well be stationary from an outside observer. Also, and magically, 15 degrees per hour, times 24 hours, = 360 degrees, which is the amount of degrees in a circular object. Imagine how slow your car would travel if your wheels were rotating that slowly... hint: you've already done the math.
And there's 2.5 degrees of Earth's rotation of my life wasted. Fun™
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2023-02-19 18:31:40
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »Stop sniffing glue, stop thinking that if you 'debate' your theory on a website that gives you credibility..... Never that son.
I only use The GOOD Stuff. Directly Shipped from NASA themselves.
Now I see Spacetime Warped & Distorted like the Fabric of my Cushion w/ my buttocks on that Sofa. I’m tripping face in my Einstein Academy of Spaghettification. I see Dark Matter + Dark Energy all around me. I see the Electrons shooting out my Mouf as I blast the Good Word of Einstein Gospel into the Microphone. I know there’s Holes in my Head as Super Massive as those Black Hole pics. I cannot even distinguish, nor describe let alone explain, the Existence of Magnetism nor am I able to even comprehend How Magnets Work. This concept of Warping & Distortion of Spacetime is strictly something ONLY applied to MASS yo.
Not that inferior Photon Field device. You all foolishly consider as being the backbone of our Modern Tech. If it ain’t Built by Gravity then I don’t even EXIST bruh.
I’m normal.
I’m just another Mindless Zombification walking amongst our Society. I fit right in w/ everyone else included Thx to NASA and that Super Glue. I seek clout yo. Credibility bro. As if that’s seriously something anyone amongst yourselves is even capable of supplying to me to match my High from NASA Glue. Yet Dats what dis is ALL bout. Yeah.
Call me y’all Ein-Lobotomy-Stein Monster.
— I am the Reality you have all Accepted and Created your own selves.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2023-02-19 18:47:14
I have a few spare minutes in my day, may as well waste that valuable time posting in this thread...
REAL Math for Rotational Velocity comparing Objects
EARTH — 1 Rotation / 24 Hours
0.041666666666667 Rotation per Hour
SUN — 1 Rotation / 648 Hours ( 27 Days )
0.001543209876543 Rotation per Hour
JUPITER — 1 Rotation / 10 Hours
0.1 Rotation per Hour
The EARTH Spins way FASTER than our SUN yet SCIENTISTS don’t COMPREHEND such….
— cuz they do NOT know How to even use MATH Correctly
The problem here is using linear velocity to describe angular velocity. 1000km/hr on a rotating sphere is meaningless without describing the angular velocity... which should be in radians or degrees per unit of time, not distance per unit time. A small ball bearing spinning at 1000km/hour linear velocity at its surface is spinning monumentally faster in radians/second than a planetary sized object.
Deliberately using incorrect units to prove a point is disingenuous at best, and malicious at worst. The worst part about all of this is that you got the correct answer already in your post here... 0.04166667 rotations per hour translates to 15 degrees per hour, which may as well be stationary from an outside observer. Also, and magically, 15 degrees per hour, times 24 hours, = 360 degrees, which is the amount of degrees in a circular object. Imagine how slow your car would travel if your wheels were rotating that slowly... hint: you've already done the math.
And there's 2.5 degrees of Earth's rotation of my life wasted. Fun™ So what you’re saying is.
We are NOT actually on a Spinning Globe going at Speeds w/ the Velocity of that which is even Greater than & beyond Mach Speed.
Interesting. I almost fell off the Globe. I was getting Dizzy w/ Spacetime Warping so fast all around myself.
We don’t even Measure the Velocity of Cars Axel rotation Speeds using The Circumference of our Tires. Since we use MPH to Measure the Asphalt covered rather than the Velocity of our Axels. So idk who’s Bright Idea it was to totally blunder that Miscalculation attempting to Decipher the Rotational Velocity of Earth and other Heavenly objects.
It was blatantly obvious that a SKINNY person Spinning in circles once per Hour is spinning at the SAME exact Velocity as a FAT person also Spinning in circles once per Hour. Hence we do NOT measure the FAT nor the SKINNY for Circumference Differential to explain Rotational Velocity of anything Spinning.
Which only leaves me frustrated Battling everyone & attempting to Explain the ERRORS in such Logic. So here I am. Up front center once again.
Same as it Ever was. Same as it Ever was.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2023-02-19 19:05:06
no, no, no. You want to use that phrase, you gotta deal with the text replacer like everyone else. Seriously thx. Reading such made me smile. Much appreciated.
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »When did Kyrie Irving start lurking on ffxiah? Hey now. To the best of my knowledge Akson hasn't been spouting anti-semitism, so let's not drag him to the level of Kyrie
Exceedingly Fair point. I was more commenting on the flat earth aspect than his more recent escapades^^ Anyone whom points out any ERRORS in the Gravitational Model or that flat out DENIES that anything Revolves around Up vs Down is a FLAT Earther but ofc.
— Logic
“I must Destroy the ENEMY via looking down upon their FILTHY Existence in this Gravity Crusade we must ALL embrace”
I’m an Apple. Therefore you must Equate me w/ an Orange. Brilliant comparison.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 96
By Bahamut.Ayasha 2023-02-19 19:30:46
It is not my intent to offend you here, but I have no idea what you are talking about. We absolutely use the angular velocity of the vehicle's wheel to determine our linear velocity on the road. How do you think the vehicle's computer can show you your vehicle's velocity? Since I have already provided mathematical proof to defend my argument, I would like to challenge you to qualitatively defend your statement above, and quoted below.
"It was blatantly obvious that a SKINNY person Spinning in circles once per Hour is spinning at the SAME exact Velocity as a FAT person also Spinning in circles once per Hour. "
Please define which type of velocity you are using here. Angular or linear? If angular, we are in agreement, as angular velocity is independent of a rotating body's diameter and is described solely by the unit radians/second of rotation. If linear, please go in to more detail as to why this occurs. Do they share the same diameter? If not, can this same result be extrapolated to an object of arbitrarily large diameter? Would this also indicate that the linear velocity of a rotating object is not determined based on it's diameter, but solely on its angular velocity? Provide examples that exhibit this behavior.
You do not need to use mathematics to defend your argument, but please be honest and polite when explaining your reasoning. I have been fair to you, courtesy requests you respond in kind.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2023-02-19 19:53:28
YouTube Video Placeholder
Does Magnetism NOT actually Work in Space?
YouTube Video Placeholder
Does Gravity even seriously Override Magnetism?
YouTube Video Placeholder
Does our Perception just need a lil bit more Gravity Sauce?
You tell me. Beat me over the head w/ your Vastly Superior Intelligence please.
Question : How do Magnets Work
— Via Constructive & Destructive Interference of Sound Waves
Question : How are Magnetic Fields created
— Via the Reverberation of Sound in Solids
Question : What is Electricity
— Sound Waves that are no longer Conal or motioned outwards 360° but rather instead travel as a Needle piercing the Medium