Bore Or Canter For Digging?

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Bore or Canter for digging?
Posts: 31
By cheyrn 2023-01-22 18:55:12
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My chocobo learned treasure finder, should Bore be next (I read claims it makes common items be dug up less frequently), or Canter (I read 5 minutes additional riding time).
Posts: 1159
By Seun 2023-01-22 23:33:53
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Riding time was more useful back when we relied on the chocobo whistles and had to manage charges, but it's probably redundant now that they have added the mount system. The endurance stat has a greater impact on riding time so it's probably best to use your second learned ability on something you can't get elsewhere.

I personally went with Bore/Burrow, but I raised my chocobo prior to some of the adjustments and additions. It really depends what you're trying to do with your chocobo, but I don't play the hot and cold game so I'm not sure how the stats and abilities apply there.
Posts: 31
By cheyrn 2023-01-27 16:37:22
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Thanks. A person on a social media site pointed out that there is a post from squeenix staff about how treasure finder now affects digging in general, not just hot and cold game.

Then there is the theory that bore adds new things that you can find. So if you only want the highest resale things, not having bore could possibly make those more likely to be found.

I'm not sure though. Really, I'm leveling digging because I always wanted to the experience of a leveled chocobo. Same with racing, I really just want to have a chocobo that does well in races.

But, I won't know until I try. So, for now I plan to have my chocobo learn treasure finder and canter, even thought canter seems barely useful for digging.
Server: Asura
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user: sandman16
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By Asura.Cossack 2023-01-28 07:06:04
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Bore adds certain items to the pool, Borrow adds different items.
Canter adds additional mount time, however you'll max your digs before that ever becomes an issue.
you have a lot more freedom with diggers than racers. The most difficult part will be maxing out the birds stats without making it hate you. I'd invest in chocotrains and food now.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Byrthnoth
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By Lakshmi.Byrth 2023-01-28 08:50:16
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This general area has all the info I could figure out. Base stats are pretty important.