Magic Damage Calculator

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Magic Damage Calculator
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2022-11-04 00:48:34
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BGwiki Magic Dmg Calculator —> E=mc2
• Meaning : It doesn’t Add Up to Dmg in Game

1 ) They don’t mention Job Points
2 ) They don’t mention Job Gifts
3 ) They don’t mention MBD II

When you Math additional adding up total MB Bonus I + Job Traits + MBD II + Job Points + Gifts —> like 20k - 40k Dmg ( BGwiki Method )

• The only way I could get Stoneja 70k+ upwards was via

1 ) Multiplying M.Dmg by Target Weakness Bonus
2 ) Multiplying ea. MB Bonus individually via Trait > Job Points > Gifts > MB Bonus I Gear > MBD II Gear
3 ) Then multiplied SC-Step Bonus
4 ) Then multiplied via Weather Bonus

Bgwiki Formula = Nothing that relates in Game

— Magic Damage Stoneja / Akson vs Ongo v15

2160 M.Dmg Stoneja ( 1700 spell + 460 gear )
— dINT
427(+84) BRD / INT Akson Vs Ongo v15 262 INT
— ( 405 INT -80 -63 ) Impact + Burn
50 • 3 ( 150 + 2160 ) 2310 Magic Dmg
— Ongo Stone Weakness
1.0 • 2310 —> 2310
MAB 367 Gear + 50 AM2 + 100 JP —> 517(+90) GEO
( 100 + 607 ) / ( 100 + 0 ) 7.07 • 2310 —> 16332
— MB Trait
1.13 • 16332 —> 18455
— MB Job Points
1.2 • 18455 —> 22146
— MB Gifts
1.23 • 22146 —> 27239
— MBI Gear
1.4 • 27239 —> 38135
— MBII Gear
1.13 • 38135 —> 43093
— 2-Step SC Bonus
1.35 • 43093 —> 58175
— Double Weather
1.25 • 58175 —> 72,718.75
— Affinity
1.0 • 72,718.75 —> 72,718.75

72,719 Stoneja MB

Double Weather Bonus • after MAB / MDB
— 1.25 • 16332 —> 20415
…then rest Multiplied in Order again……
—> 72,720.09 Stoneja MB

Double Weather Bonus can be Multiplied First or Last
• makes no difference whatsoever
— Differential of 1 simply due to Fractions being Rounded

Accumulative M.Dmg • Last
— 1.05 • 72719 —> 76,355
— 1.10 • 72719 —> 79,991
— 1.15 • 72719 —> 83,627
— 1.20 • 72719 —> 87,263
— 1.25 • 72719 —> 90,899 Stoneja MB
Accumulative M.Dmg • First
— 1.25 • 2310 —> 2887.5
…then rest Multiplied in Order again……
— 1.25 —> 90,898.44 Stoneja MB

Accumulative M.Dmg Bonus can be Multiplied First or Last
• makes no difference whatsoever
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2022-11-04 03:09:53
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BLM ( Japanese ) Yuu M.Lv20 assumption
— INT Base 138 + 298 Gear —> 436(+84) BRD
— MAB ( R15 Agwu 582 )( R20 Agwu 597 )

— Magic Damage Stoneja
2080 M.Dmg Stoneja ( 1700 spell + 380 gear )
— dINT
Yuu 520 vs Ongo v15 INT 262
— 405 INT (-80)(-63) Impact + Burn
58 • 3 ( 174 + 2080 ) 2254 Magic Dmg
MAB Agwu R15 gear 582
( 100 + 582 ) / ( 100 + 0 ) 6.82 • 2254 —> 15372
…continue Multiplying until…..
— MBII Gear
1.19 • 35894 —> 42714
…continue Multiplying until…..
— Double Weather + Day Bonus
1.35 • 57664 —> 77846
— Affinity
1.05 • 77846 —> 81,739 Stoneja MB R15


MAB Agwu R20 gear 597
( 100 + 597 ) / ( 100 + 0 ) 6.97 • 2254 —> 15710
…continue Multiplying until…..
— MBII Gear
1.21 • 36684 —> 44388
…continue Multiplying until…..
— Double Weather + Day Bonus
1.35 • 59924 —> 80897
— Affinity
1.05 • 80897 —> 84,942 Stoneja MB R20


Akson —Vs— Yuu ( Japanese )
• Akson minus Earthday —> 72,719 MB Stoneja
• Akson w/ Earthday —> 78,536 MB Stoneja
• Akson R15 w/ Affinity —> 76,562 MB Stoneja
• Akson R15 Earth + Affinity —> 82,687 MB Stoneja
• Yuu R15 minus Earthday —> 75,684 MB Stoneja
• Yuu R15 w/ Earthday —> 81,739 MB Stoneja
• Yuu R20 w/ Earthday —> 84,942 MB Stoneja

Yuu was driving me absolute MAD trying to pinpoint Where, How & Why he was making absolutely everyone else look BAD on BLM. Which lead me to creating my own Magic Damage Calculator

BGwiki Magic Damage Formula was very intriguing indeed but flawed yet I found the Answers I was looking for in The End regardless.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Jakey
Posts: 300
By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2022-11-04 04:34:03
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MAB Agwu R15 gear 582
( 100 + 582 ) / ( 100 + 0 ) 6.82 • 2254 —> 15372

He used Vidohunir (-10 MDB) and bolstered Malaise (I seem to recall it being a 75% nerf so -22 MDB?) so it's divided by significantly less than 100 which boosts damage quite a bit which would probably account for why you think the formula is wrong.

As to doing better against Ongo its just about setting up stacking buffs/debuffs with long SCs for big pushes around Rayke or Subtle Sorcery.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2022-11-04 09:24:21
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Quetzalcoatl.Jakey said: »
MAB Agwu R15 gear 582
( 100 + 582 ) / ( 100 + 0 ) 6.82 • 2254 —> 15372

He used Vidohunir (-10 MDB) and bolstered Malaise (I seem to recall it being a 75% nerf so -22 MDB?) so it's divided by significantly less than 100 which boosts damage quite a bit which would probably account for why you think the formula is wrong.

As to doing better against Ongo its just about setting up stacking buffs/debuffs with long SCs for big pushes around Rayke or Subtle Sorcery.
The formula is Non-Existent as I alrdy full explained.

The Calculation of MAB / MDB is literally an Impossible task since nobody knows what Ongo’s MDB actually is hence assuming Vidohunir -10 MDB + Geo-Malaise -22.5 MDB —> -32.5 MDB cancels out Ongo MDB since nobody knows what it is to begin w/

I also had to Multiply Weakness vs Stone as 1.0 rather than 1.3 as listed on BGwiki cuz the M.Dmg was a tad excessive. Not sure where we actually gathered Ongo takes such Bonus Dmg but it is what it is.

BGwiki laid down the path via showcased M.Dmg values which I seriously am grateful but never Updated itself so I simply took what I saw as Absolute Facts & ran w/ it Adding our Job Points + Gifts + MBII Gear to the Equation but had to Multiply rather than Add all of such together.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 390
By Bahamut.Suph 2022-11-04 09:34:27
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Did you tested your theory on anything at all aside from eye balling number from someone else's video?

Seems like you're making a lot of assumptions and at the same time already dismissing other opinion when it contradict you.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2022-11-04 09:37:57
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Bahamut.Suph said: »
Did you tested your theory on anything at all aside from eye balling number from someone else's video?

Seems like you're making a lot of assumptions and at the same time already dismissing other opinion when it contradict you.

I made no assumptions about the Info on BGwiki being Pre-Mastered Level of Jobs

I made no assumption about BGwiki not only NOT listing BLM full range of Magic Burst Bonus % but also NOT mentioning Targets weakness into the Equation neither.

I was staring at an Incomplete Formula on BGwiki.
That’s NOT my assumption.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3,185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-11-04 11:33:02
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The BG wiki formula takes all of those into account.

Damage Dealt = D × MTDR × Staff × Affinity × Resist × Resistance Rank Reduction × MB × MBB × Day & Weather × MAB/MDB × TMDA × Potency Multipliers

The MBB term handles BLM's Magic Burst Bonus. You're expected to take all of the different sources of MBB and use them in the calculation.
Target damage reduction/enhancement are handled under the Resistance Rank Reduction, MAB/MDB, and TMDA terms, depending on the specific manifestation.

You're also using properties such as the 30% listed on Ongo's page incorrectly, and should read up more on how resistance ranks work on the Resist page. 30% does not mean that he takes +30% damage from stone.

Finally, you're assuming things like Ongo's MDB being unknown just because you never saw the testing, when it's been tested. Ongo has 100 MDB (and -20% MDT at V20).
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2022-11-04 13:22:24
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Asura.Geriond said: »
The BG wiki formula takes all of those into account.

Damage Dealt = D × MTDR × Staff × Affinity × Resist × Resistance Rank Reduction × MB × MBB × Day & Weather × MAB/MDB × TMDA × Potency Multipliers

The MBB term handles BLM's Magic Burst Bonus. You're expected to take all of the different sources of MBB and use them in the calculation.
Target damage reduction/enhancement are handled under the Resistance Rank Reduction, MAB/MDB, and TMDA terms, depending on the specific manifestation.

You're also using properties such as the 30% listed on Ongo's page incorrectly, and should read up more on how resistance ranks work on the Resist page. 30% does not mean that he takes +30% damage from stone.

Finally, you're assuming things like Ongo's MDB being unknown just because you never saw the testing, when it's been tested. Ongo has 100 MDB (and -20% MDT at V20).
You are expected to just Add all Magic Burst Bonus I / II together then Multiply such vs the previous Value. I know yet the end result figure was so Low that it didn’t look Correct. Also even the whole Order of Multiplication didn’t look Correct and when combined gave Results that were drastically different.

1 ) Can you point out Where to actually Find such supposed Testing that somehow show Ongo MDB to be MDB+100?

2 ) I have read about Resist since such was linked to Affinity page but did not equate what I read to be that which was found under Ongo page. Thx for pointing such out.

Yuu is seen Capping MBD repeatedly nonstop yet going by BGwiki Method + what you have stated suggesting Ongo has a MDB of 100 Yuu should be nowhere even remotely close to hitting 99,999 MB let alone repeatedly hitting such MBD figures via every Spell he has.

With my Method of Calculation Yuu is capable of at least hitting Stoneja, which is BLM 2nd strongest spell, via 99,999 MBD and ofc Stone VI itself. Using BGwiki Method of Calculation combined w/ your statement, you add 100 to MDB and plus simply Add all MBI + MBII then Multiply rather than Multiply 1x1x1 Individually, such would certainly NOT be the case
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2022-11-04 17:53:38
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I know now I have BiS Gear via Mathematical Proof to back up my Claims.
I also now know why Yuu is doing more MBD than myself.
— Mission Accomplished !! —
Posts: 15
By mohgeroth 2022-11-04 21:05:36
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I'm not an expert here so take what I say with a grain of salt, but have you run your version through other bosses to test this to see if you get the same result? I know Ongo is a special case because of those resistance tiers and the requirement of rayke or subtle sorcery to break through.

I would be interested to see this on other bosses if possible. Obviously most other bosses that aren't on this level would take 99k from most spells so you may have to use t4 or t5 nukes to avoid that.

I'm new to figuring out magic damage myself so I'm definitely interested in any findings and though this formula may explain Ongo, I would like to see if it also matches up to other bosses.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2022-11-04 21:55:15
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mohgeroth said: »
I'm not an expert here so take what I say with a grain of salt, but have you run your version through other bosses to test this to see if you get the same result?

You cannot do any actual Math w/ certainty minus dINT of Target assuming Bgwiki Info claiming Ongo v15 INT is 405 is correct allows you to do the Math but you cannot decide Magic Defense Bonus of any Target at all whatsoever. Not sure how we learned of Ongo v15 INT but its a close enough comparison vs our own INT to where you can actually calculate what your Magic Damage can & will be w/ the proper Buffs

You have to go w/ the assumption that Target MDB is crossed out to 0 via Debuffs like GEO Bolster Malaise and then check Magic Damage in game compared to the Math itself attempting to decide if Target has more or less MDB

Its not a Perfect Solution yet nothing is w/o knowing 100% what the MDB of Target is in question & if you do NOT know Target INT value then you cannot Calculate anything whatsoever

mohgeroth said: »
I would be interested to see this on other bosses if possible.
You can very easily. You only need to know Target's INT to do the dINT Math part which then allows you to complete the rest of the Math very easily just the same as vs Ongo v15.

Like I could figure out Magic Damage of Yuu w/ his Gear just via being able to calculate dINT 1st
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-04 21:57:10
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that's why you do a controlled test. nuke, change your stats a bit, and compare. other than resists, there is no variance in spell damage as long as you keep your test controlled.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2022-11-04 22:39:55
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
that's why you do a controlled test. nuke, change your stats a bit, and compare. other than resists, there is no variance in spell damage as long as you keep your test controlled.
Then I am glad someone actually did such allowing Bgwiki to give us the Info of Ongo v15 INT and v20 INT as well as the rest of the Vengeance Levels included

Great Job to whoever actually went out of their way to do such!
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-04 22:47:23
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yeah, since it's on the wiki it is very nice of them
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Siyual
Posts: 53
By Ragnarok.Siyual 2022-11-05 10:24:59
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Quetzalcoatl.Jakey said: »
MAB Agwu R15 gear 582
( 100 + 582 ) / ( 100 + 0 ) 6.82 • 2254 —> 15372

He used Vidohunir (-10 MDB) and bolstered Malaise (I seem to recall it being a 75% nerf so -22 MDB?) so it's divided by significantly less than 100 which boosts damage quite a bit which would probably account for why you think the formula is wrong.

As to doing better against Ongo its just about setting up stacking buffs/debuffs with long SCs for big pushes around Rayke or Subtle Sorcery.

It's also a little more than that. He's using Laev with 2990 TP Vido, which gives -10 MDB on Ongo, but ALSO gives MAB+50 aftermath.