Sortie Release - Info
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10299
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-03 13:42:26
We don't know what they plan on doing with Sapphires or Starstones beyond Empyrean upgrades, but it may be required to upgrade Prime Weapons, so having a surplus of them ahead of time is probably a very good thing rather than later when you need them for upgrade stages. Just speculation there, though. Granted how SE hates to allow people to farm stuff in advance for things like that I'd be leaning to rule that out BUT it happened a few times (segments is the last example that comes to mind) so who knows?
Regardless, you raised a valid point.
Atm I'm sorta more leaning towards tryin to maximize my Starstones chances at the cost of Sapphire chances, but I'm still testing things out.
On which job and with which 5 trusts do you do the 6 Fomors in order objective? I've done that only once on BLU (Spectral Floe / Entomb to handle adds) and felt like it took way too much time for my tastes.
Granted I only do a few sortie runs per week but my route as of last has been something like this:
01) Kill Deleterious
02) Kill 3 fomors
03) Find the Bhoot and hope it's not so *** far away from the warp that you won't be able to kill within ~5 mins
04) Open Locked B gate (there's one by the corses close to the C warp)
05) Find and Kill the Porxie
06) Find and Kill the Obdella
07) Rest in that A zone
08) Kill 5 A mobs.
09) H zone in and out
10) G zone in, target for 30 secs, zone out
11) D zone in, touch thingy with 5/5 Empy
12) Kill all Veelas (managed to do this only once, so far, need more time I guess =/)
I also do a few Chest objectives that I find on the way, but I don't specifically target them since they have no chance at Sapphire/Case.
Sometimes I have to skip some obj because of issues, or change the order I do them etc.
I've been testing out various DD jobs, think BLU/RDM is what has proved to be the most effective to me so far.
Trusts used are uhm... Cornelia, Sylvie, Monberaux, Qultada. Then either Koru-Moru (on non BLU jobs) or... Zeid2 for BLU. For the occasional Stun and the Chaos Roll boost.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-03 13:56:05
On which job and with which 5 trusts do you do the 6 Fomors in order objective? I've done that only once on BLU (Spectral Floe / Entomb to handle adds) and felt like it took way too much time for my tastes.
I explained this before, but it depends on which job you play. It can be somewhat clunky but it works for me.
I have done it on BST, NIN, BLU and RDM. Last night we couldn't get it in a duo because of miscommunication (weird how its easier for me solo), but most jobs can handle it if you are smart in your planning. For me, the secret is using Valanairel. Depending on which job I am, I try to pull WAR in the 6-job rooms first, when it is cleanest to do so. I expect to get 1-2 extra links, but it is still manageable. Summon qultada/koru beforehand to give me rolls/haste then dismiss qultada for another heal or AAEV works, and I have sylvie. Then I use Monberaux+Vala for additional heals. Then I pull WAR cleanly if possible. Engage, Vala uses Uriel blade so he tags everything. From there, Its just as matter of dealing as much damage as you can to the warrior before Valaineral dies (he will). Since healers get on the adds hate list after healing Vala after he tags, the adds go to them first. So you get a few extra seconds to kill WAR. When there is only 1-2 trusts remaining, either do /refa all and dismiss them (and finish off WAR) or let them die from add fomor and then passive, and run away from them. They won't come after you provided you don't ever get on their hate list. Then I just repeat this process a couple of times, and it gets considerably easier/faster after killing Monk. Takes about 12-15 minutes to pull it off. You might have to summon AAEV to back up Vala during Monk pull, since Monk 1v1 without trusts will basically wreck you.
As BST, none of this is necessary. Just summon Sultry Patrice > sic > and then pull the job you want to kill away from the pack, and repeat, using pets as expendable. Digest is useful.
As RDM, you have access to Bind, Gravity (idk if it lands), and Break, but when I did it, I pulled 3 and kept 2 on Break rotation fully enfeebled.
On BLU, Entomb and Regurgitation pretty much solves the linking issue.
By Asura.Doryl 2022-11-03 15:25:26
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Query how many people are carrying around and using BiS holy water received sets
I mean I do, and I don't even carry a BIS version (Purity+Blenmot +1, Gishdubar (for a trust simultaneously hitting me with Cursna), Nicander's), it's only 3 pieces of gear and monsters deal doom frequently enough for it to be a problem. If you can't remove doom you die, so carrying 3 pieces is well worth the tradeoff imo. That's an easy 80% Holy Water received set which also adds +37% Cursna received in the same set. Also, any doom you remove quickly on yourself frees up Monberaux, Sylvie, or other healers to remove on it each other, as it indirectly aids in keeping them alive, too.
Do you have a lua fonction for automatically wearing this set when holy water is used, or is this just a macro with equipset ?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-03 15:50:02
Just a standard macro
By Asura.Doryl 2022-11-03 16:08:17
ok thank you
By macsdf1 2022-11-03 16:37:23
On which job and with which 5 trusts do you do the 6 Fomors in order objective? I've done that only once on BLU (Spectral Floe / Entomb to handle adds) and felt like it took way too much time for my tastes.
I explained this before, but it depends on which job you play. It can be somewhat clunky but it works for me.
I have done it on BST, NIN, BLU and RDM. Last night we couldn't get it in a duo because of miscommunication (weird how its easier for me solo), but most jobs can handle it if you are smart in your planning. For me, the secret is using Valanairel. Depending on which job I am, I try to pull WAR in the 6-job rooms first, when it is cleanest to do so. I expect to get 1-2 extra links, but it is still manageable. Summon qultada/koru beforehand to give me rolls/haste then dismiss qultada for another heal or AAEV works, and I have sylvie. Then I use Monberaux+Vala for additional heals. Then I pull WAR cleanly if possible. Engage, Vala uses Uriel blade so he tags everything. From there, Its just as matter of dealing as much damage as you can to the warrior before Valaineral dies (he will). Since healers get on the adds hate list after healing Vala after he tags, the adds go to them first. So you get a few extra seconds to kill WAR. When there is only 1-2 trusts remaining, either do /refa all and dismiss them (and finish off WAR) or let them die from add fomor and then passive, and run away from them. They won't come after you provided you don't ever get on their hate list. Then I just repeat this process a couple of times, and it gets considerably easier/faster after killing Monk. Takes about 12-15 minutes to pull it off. You might have to summon AAEV to back up Vala during Monk pull, since Monk 1v1 without trusts will basically wreck you.
As BST, none of this is necessary. Just summon Sultry Patrice > sic > and then pull the job you want to kill away from the pack, and repeat, using pets as expendable. Digest is useful.
As RDM, you have access to Bind, Gravity (idk if it lands), and Break, but when I did it, I pulled 3 and kept 2 on Break rotation fully enfeebled.
On BLU, Entomb and Regurgitation pretty much solves the linking issue.
just use smn or pup to solo pull them one by one
By drakefs 2022-11-03 16:48:27
just use smn or pup to solo pull them one by one
This can be done as /SMN.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10299
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-03 16:52:43
Aye aye, but if you do that no more /NIN or /DNC or /RDM or /WHM for sneak/invi and having to rely on oils and pots for a 1hr long event is a major annoyance if you ask me.
By macsdf1 2022-11-03 16:58:25
you can buy unlimited sneak/invis oils off the moogle, vs having to wait for ***to path to solo pull if u can't tank more than one fomor. Remember they can one shot u with a ws too and ruin ur day.
/smn attack release, solo every time.
only concern would be mana regen, but you can fix that with the adoulin buff thing whatever its called again.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10299
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-03 17:01:26
I don't see how the moogle makes a difference.
You can easily buy off the AH or craft them yourself (they're very low level)
They're still super annoying to use and waste a lot of inventory space because they only stack up to 12.
At least with /NIN's ninjutsu you can stack them up to 99 and with the other jobs I mentioned you simply don't need anything.
To each his own priorities of course, but to me this is a massive difference when soloing in a 1hr event where I'm gonna have to use sneak/invi countless times.
By phunky 2022-11-03 17:38:58
on RDM, I just chainspell bind them and pull the the job you want with Bio III to avoid getting one-shotted. Break works, grav works. If things get crazy, run to the nearest teleporter and gravity the job you want to kill. Teleport and tele back and pick them off it one by one that way. Easiest room to do for me is the one closest to the C tele.
By macsdf1 2022-11-03 18:12:35
easier to just should and make a friend instead of soloing all the time. How are you getting +3s soloing slowly like that. One item per month pace?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2022-11-03 18:30:49
easier to just should and make a friend instead of soloing all the time. How are you getting +3s soloing slowly like that. One item per month pace?
I'm soloing about 1 piece per week... sometimes it takes 8 days. Starting 5th +3 piece tomorrow and never partied in Sortie. Also have 7 jobs with full +2 Empy. Soloing in Sortie really isn't hard and moves you at a decent pace, especially on lower population server's where things like shouts for sortie don't even exist.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-03 19:01:28
The gear isn’t THAT good to obsess over in the first place, especially if you already have R25 Odyssey gear. It's a slow pace to solo, but you CAN get pieces done without requiring a group.I feel like +3 is in the same place as Master levels. Nice to have, no rush to finish it. You can grind to get it done fast or slow, but it gets done when it gets done.
By Draylo 2022-11-03 19:56:34
I just dont like this content at all, just me I guess. I think Odyssey was more fun
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-03 20:17:14
It's just like Odyssey though? Just a Vagary variant.
Daily repeatable fast-paced content, Farming points, hidden objectives, lots of traveling and exploration (pick what you want to do in the time remaining), mini and mega bosses requiring unique strats to kill vs just ws spam, unique mechanics and models for some monsters, able to do solo or in party, unique gear.
What exactly is different about Sortie that you don't like that you like in Odyssey? The only difference is they broke Odyssey into a separate boss section and in Sortie they put everything in one zone, with unique ways to reach the bosses
By drakefs 2022-11-03 20:32:25
What exactly is different about Sortie that you don't like that you like in Odyssey?
Personally, I do not dislike Sortie but in Odyssey at least I can cruel joke farm in a relatively effective manner. AoE got nerfed with no notifcation or warning (could be bug a bug for all we know) in Sortie. No RNG drops to worry about in Odyssey as well. Starstones are rare enough to cause Gallimaufry cap issue and the earring system is just out right horrible.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 456
By Asura.Karppa 2022-11-03 21:04:51
The gear isn’t THAT good to obsess over in the first place, especially if you already have R25 Odyssey gear. It's a slow pace to solo, but you CAN get pieces done without requiring a group.I feel like +3 is in the same place as Master levels. Nice to have, no rush to finish it. You can grind to get it done fast or slow, but it gets done when it gets done.
Exatly my thoughts as well^^
By Seun 2022-11-03 21:52:55
What exactly is different about Sortie that you don't like that you like in Odyssey?
I don't have any ranked Odyssey gear because the content is not accessible to solo players. As people have stated already, Sortie is something that everyone can make progress on. This is the greatest distinction between these events. The job/subjob restrictions make it even more restrictive and less appealing.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-03 22:05:19
What exactly is different about Sortie that you don't like that you like in Odyssey?
I don't have any ranked Odyssey gear because the content is not accessible to solo players. As people have stated already, Sortie is something that everyone can make progress on. This is the greatest distinction between these events. The job/subjob restrictions make it even more restrictive and less appealing.
What? You can augment up to R15 off of a V1 clear. With a modest Moogle mastery rank or just do 3-run clears, most people can do that completely solo. Also, the comments were the opposite of yours. People are saying Odyssey was better for different reasons, lol.
By Serjero 2022-11-03 22:20:07
What exactly is different about Sortie that you don't like that you like in Odyssey?
Sortie feels boring as all hell. Half the time people start falling asleep mid run because so much time is just spent running with bolters roll and sneak/invis between doing some asinine objective with the occasional boss fight where SCH + BLM goes brrr (oh man so much different than Savage Blade goes brrr) as if that strategy has never in the history of the game been overly dominating and equally boring. Doesn't help they just completely gutted most physical DDs in the basement boss fights either.
Ody at least is only 30 min for a seg run where the packs are closer together and the entire goal is to just constantly be in combat killing stuff. It also still feels better when getting 1M+ gil at the end. Compared to sortie where you can cap points in 2 runs, and if you didn't get a starstone in those two runs you just burn 90k points to buy a starstone that you then need to do 1-2 more runs for to even upgrade a piece to +3 that for the most part is only marginally better than the +2 and in most cases worse that R20/R25 ody gear.
Ody bosses also feel much more diversified in the strategy and mechanics since each fight is so uniquely different with different setups, requirements, damage types, etc...
Also RNG drops suck, JSE earrings suck. They gave us more wardrobes and then just completely trashed inventory for anybody that plays more than 3-4 jobs. Which compared to Odyssey gave us inventory space back because of how good the gear was and how most of it was multi-job. Especially in regards to getting rid of Reis augmented gear.
Sortie just missed the mark for its combination of difficulty, engagement, time, and reward. More so for players who already have done Ody.
I wouldn't really say they are comparable at all beyond being daily entry 6 man content.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 351
By Fenrir.Aladeus 2022-11-03 23:44:39
What exactly is different about Sortie that you don't like that you like in Odyssey?
Sortie feels boring as all hell. Half the time people start falling asleep mid run because so much time is just spent running with bolters roll and sneak/invis between doing some asinine objective with the occasional boss fight where SCH + BLM goes brrr (oh man so much different than Savage Blade goes brrr) as if that strategy has never in the history of the game been overly dominating and equally boring. Doesn't help they just completely gutted most physical DDs in the basement boss fights either.
Ody at least is only 30 min for a seg run where the packs are closer together and the entire goal is to just constantly be in combat killing stuff. It also still feels better when getting 1M+ gil at the end. Compared to sortie where you can cap points in 2 runs, and if you didn't get a starstone in those two runs you just burn 90k points to buy a starstone that you then need to do 1-2 more runs for to even upgrade a piece to +3 that for the most part is only marginally better than the +2 and in most cases worse that R20/R25 ody gear.
Ody bosses also feel much more diversified in the strategy and mechanics since each fight is so uniquely different with different setups, requirements, damage types, etc...
Also RNG drops suck, JSE earrings suck. They gave us more wardrobes and then just completely trashed inventory for anybody that plays more than 3-4 jobs. Which compared to Odyssey gave us inventory space back because of how good the gear was and how most of it was multi-job. Especially in regards to getting rid of Reis augmented gear.
Sortie just missed the mark for its combination of difficulty, engagement, time, and reward. More so for players who already have done Ody.
I wouldn't really say they are comparable at all beyond being daily entry 6 man content.
Let's not forget that Odyssey doesn't require you to perform asinine objectives.
By Linsivi 2022-11-04 00:24:42
Has anyone else opened a chest with one character on say, Floor G, while another is on Floor F, and the Floor F character did not get the same (any) reward? Happened me tonight, and I wasn't aware that could happen.
Was just doing a quick farm with my two, popped the G floor blitzer chest before the F, the G floor character got an old chest and the F floor character did not receive a reward.
Working as intended? Bug?
By Tokimemofan 2022-11-04 00:32:43
Has anyone else opened a chest with one character on say, Floor G, while another is on Floor F, and the Floor F character did not get the same (any) reward? Happened me tonight, and I wasn't aware that could happen.
Was just doing a quick farm with my two, popped the G floor blitzer chest before the F, the G floor character got an old chest and the F floor character did not receive a reward.
Working as intended? Bug? Probably working as intended, i noticed that you can see monsters on widescan from neighboring areas only if you have entered it in the same run, for example the fairies in F showing in widescan from G. Someone ought to play around with this btw
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-04 00:33:14
Have to be in the same sector to receive chest rewards.
By klayy 2022-11-04 00:48:24
I feel like so much of what people say they don't like about it is just.. idk, in their head? Or its based on expectations, which again, in your head. I get that whole "omg u guys 20th anni is gonna be lit" for 2-3 years thing maybe jacked up ppl's expectations too much. But the alternative was still having omen/ambu/dyna as end game lol. RNG earring drops can be frustrating/disappointing but I maintain they certainly aren't worse than omen bodies/rare ou stuff are. You never expected to get an omen body every run though. I feel like people expect they should have every +2 ear they ever wanted already. Well, why? Can't stuff be rare?
I feel like the "reward isn't worth the effort" thing is another one and tbh im kinda 50/50 on it. MLs same argument. Like is it worth it? Maybe not.. but is anything else? like really, what else are u doing on this game? Dynamis? Should be totally irrelevant content at this point. I also feel theres some element of people either not being quite good enough to progress quick enough for w/e reason or maybe just making bad choices. OK so the E-H bosses so far lock you into a pretty rigid lineup that doesn't make a ton of sense or most of the other stuff in there. So don't do them. We've done the E boss like idk 8-10 times. Not one starstone or +1 case lol. The 10k muffins are great ofc but I'm not really trying to do like 2-3 of these per run. You just end up outpacing your starstones as someone described like 2-4 posts up. Worst case scenario. Pile up stones now, get like idk 5-10 at least then go ham on muffins.
Solo you can progess fairly well if you target the right stuff. Logical said 8 days and that's been my experience as well. I can get 8-10K muffins solo on COR. I target easy A-D objs like the gimme ones.. open thsi door, cast buff here, kneel there, kill obdella etc etc. If I can get all 4 roamers thats great. tbh it's probably the most efficient muffins you can get solo. The 6 fomors or w/e after the NM.. not efficient in the slightest. I do as much A-d easy stuff as I can, whatever roamers I can find without wasting time. There's no reason a soloer can't get at least 5 starstone shots per run bare minimum. The three easy bitzer ones in F G H, the flans/bitzer ones in E. I'm a COR, so I'm not messing with veelas or dullahans. But I'll always take down one set of nakuals solo. Depending on my luck with avoiding dispels, I can do that in like 10 mins. (Edit: i'd also add that at leats for now with the WSD/PDL other big pieces still on the table, i'm more willing to do this on alts for the mean time... when its just low-hanging fruit,, maybe not so much. My alts have 4-6 jobs that they play at an event level and they've got 4 and 3 +3 pieces done, respectively. This isnt gonna be months and months or a year+ even solo for them.)
idk.. sortie is accessible on some level to everyone. Its like mashing Ody A B and C into one zone and telling ppl to pick their own adventure. I find that groups that dont try to collaborate are gonna struggle. If you cant drop a 4 step, you need to team up with someone. COR and BRD works great, COR and RDM works great. My main was on SAM and the BST was doing my 2nd step for me so we could utilize him and super charge my 3rd step etc.
By Seun 2022-11-04 00:56:19
What exactly is different about Sortie that you don't like that you like in Odyssey?
I don't have any ranked Odyssey gear because the content is not accessible to solo players. As people have stated already, Sortie is something that everyone can make progress on. This is the greatest distinction between these events. The job/subjob restrictions make it even more restrictive and less appealing.
What? You can augment up to R15 off of a V1 clear. With a modest Moogle mastery rank or just do 3-run clears, most people can do that completely solo. Also, the comments were the opposite of yours. People are saying Odyssey was better for different reasons, lol.
I see that there are people who prefer Odyssey to Sortie, but they're not saying the opposite of me.
If I want to progress Odyssey, I have to clear all previous tiers of NM at vengeance just to unlock the intended tier. Even if I can augment to R15, I can't enter a high enough vengeance level to make it meaningful to RP. Even if I could get entry V20, it's still taking weeks just to earn the segments necessary for the attempts/charges.
Sortie allows me to upgrade a full set of +2 inside of a week. I can take any job I feel like playing and adjust which objectives I target or just ignore the objectives and farm points.
I understand it wasn't posed to me directly, but your question asks what differences in content makes you prefer one over the other. I prefer Sortie because it's more accessible and rewarding than Odyssey.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10299
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-04 02:34:01
What exactly is different about Sortie that you don't like that you like in Odyssey? Granted I'm on the opposite edge of the discussion (so far I prefer Sortie to Odyssey, no contest here) I would dare to say they're QUITE different eh °-°