Sortie Release - Info
By SimonSes 2022-10-23 17:39:43
We made 4 red 5 blue basement chests run today.
Finally we got Starstone.. or even two XD
We also got +1 case from Obdella that we killed doing something with 4 min we had left.
0/14 +2 earrings now on main... and 0/2 on three of my alts
One person in our static is like 3/6 +2 earrings and all 3 for jobs he doesn't really play ofc XD
This system really sucks, there is way too many randomness in those earrings.
By klayy 2022-10-23 20:08:06
Im still hoping for some type of 3-for-1 exchange earring wise, but it'd have to be +1 for +1 +2 for +2 but idk not sure I see it. The rate for +1 cases is definitely up in new areas. But yeah, I feel like if some of these things are coming.. that, will sapphs be useful on prime weaps... like just tell us already. Yay or nay so our invs can get on with their lives lol.
By RiggityWrekd 2022-10-23 22:35:14
anyone can confirm what has been said about doing WS at the same time on Boss E to avoid ws damage penalty?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2022-10-23 23:24:42
anyone can confirm what has been said about doing WS at the same time on Boss E to avoid ws damage penalty?
We tried this more than once with no success. It is either a tool-assisted literal same-moment kind of thing, or it isn't true as far as we were able to replicate.
Note: We did not try the tool-assisted literal same-time method.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 256
By Fenrir.Zenion 2022-10-23 23:29:17
We are like 1/10 on Botolus Metal with killing from behind with WS. Not sure what we are doing wrong. 1 time we got it we killed it from 1% from behind with Savage Blade.
We usually have our SAM multi-step him down low then try to finish him with WS killshot from behind, but we must be doing something thats wrong.
Any thoughts?
I think you need to do all/most WSs from behind, not just kill shot. This is probably it. We've gotten it 5 runs in a row now and made sure we did all weapon skills from the back. Tank spikes hate high at the start to make sure.
Based on our experience, total damage from WS+SC must be greater than damage from all other sources (melee + magic).
At first we were doing SCH SC/MB taking it down to 10%, then using ws (Leaden Salude) for the last 10% - got no metal. Once we switched to ws spam or ws+sc we got metal every time.
My group's been working under the assumption that it's "majority of damage from behind" and it's worked well for us. Sam will do four-step light from the front to take hate, then we leaden it in the back 'til it dies, and there's the chest. Last run, our positioning got messed up badly by a multi-member charm and we still got it. That's with basically no magic damage whatsoever though.
"Majority of damage" feels really loose though. It might be "more weaponskills behind than in front", "set number of weaponskills from behind", "stand behind while doing x% damage", it's really hard to know with some of this stuff. I really hope it's not specifically weaponskills, that would be a real pain for melee-light party builds (if those even still exist, anyway.)
By klayy 2022-10-24 00:57:50
Main got 1 starstone today. Alts got 2 just now on their own. idk. WHM is sitting on 7 stones and it only has 41K muffins atm >.>
By klayy 2022-10-24 01:00:59
So question on the E-H boss ws wall... cuz we've only done E once and although we killed it.. wasn't how we drew it up lol. I ended up wildfire spamming it every 10 seconds the last 17% because everyone else was dead or double weak lol.
So question is: Let's say you 4 step any of them and you time your stuff well so that 10 seconds elapses between WS1 and WS4.. do both of them hit for full? or does doing 2 and 3 just keep resetting the dmg wall?
idk.. otherwise seems like SCH is required? and I just cant imagine that is true. Hoping my group will give the E boss a proper go again tomorrow. But similarly I wondered if trueflight open > SCH SC > SCH SC > trueflight would also give you two full dmg tfs.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 181
By Fenrir.Positron 2022-10-24 01:52:26
Polar Roar. I haven't tried to remove it but may be the same as the WKR.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 181
By Fenrir.Positron 2022-10-24 01:54:47
So question on the E-H boss ws wall... cuz we've only done E once and although we killed it.. wasn't how we drew it up lol. I ended up wildfire spamming it every 10 seconds the last 17% because everyone else was dead or double weak lol.
So question is: Let's say you 4 step any of them and you time your stuff well so that 10 seconds elapses between WS1 and WS4.. do both of them hit for full? or does doing 2 and 3 just keep resetting the dmg wall?
idk.. otherwise seems like SCH is required? and I just cant imagine that is true. Hoping my group will give the E boss a proper go again tomorrow. But similarly I wondered if trueflight open > SCH SC > SCH SC > trueflight would also give you two full dmg tfs.
After 10 seconds, the next WS does hit for full damage even if it causes a skillchain. Yesterday we did Seraph Blade -> Pyrohelix -> Seraph Blade and the closer consistently did about 60% additional damage as Skillchain damage. It's certainly not necessary to win, as with proper buffs Seraph Blade, Trueflight, and some other WSes can get near 99999 each time, but it does speed things up a little.
Edit: To clarify, it also works with real WSes, but the timing is much harder.
By drakefs 2022-10-24 07:03:35
Which tp move gives the ice kitty aura? It was a super ***. Is there a way to remove it? I kited it for at least three minutes and it never went away. Thanks.
The mini-naakuals follow their delve counterparts when it comes to TP moves and proc'ing them (blue) to remove their aura. For example, Utkux requires fire damage to proc blue (the aura comes from Polar Roar).
By SimonSes 2022-10-24 07:35:13
So question is: Let's say you 4 step any of them and you time your stuff well so that 10 seconds elapses between WS1 and WS4.. do both of them hit for full? or does doing 2 and 3 just keep resetting the dmg wall?
Wall is only from full damage WS, so it's possible to do something like that.
Why you think SCH is required tho?
By Asura.Disclai 2022-10-24 09:26:17
Further, We were doing TF -> Last stand for light and SCH bursting fire, my SCH has a top set and damage was heavily reduced, is using WS to chain nerfing the MBs?
Yes. Weapon skilling puts up an ~8-10 second damage wall (which isn't refreshed on subsequent WSes within that 10s). This seems true of all the second floor bossses. As of right now, there's several strategies to deal with this:
(1) Pure SCH skillchain & MB.
(2) Alternate SCH immanence nuke and one person doing a strong capped damage WS+skillchain, for a resulting 150-200k damage every ~10s.
(3) Coordinate several people WSing at the exact same moment, since there's a split second window where the wall isn't up.
(4) Multi-step skillchain. The first WS will deal full damage, the second WS & skillchain will hit the wall, the third WS & skillchain will deal full damage, etc.
Not sure on the range of Setting the Stage, but if you have the tank sit in one corner, and the party goes to the diagonal corner, the party shouldn't be hit by it. It's possible to survive it by Caper Emissariusing a BLM with a good Mana Wall set, and having them and a luopan eat it.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-10-24 10:18:28
Has anyone mentioned if Setting The Stage can be blocked with Migawari or Scherzo/EA? May have missed it. Also, is the move arena-wide, or is it like 30'?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 94
By Asura.Bigtymer 2022-10-24 10:23:08
Has anyone mentioned if Setting The Stage can be blocked with Migawari or Scherzo/EA? May have missed it. Also, is the move arena-wide, or is it like 30'?
Don't know the exact range cutoff, but at 30+, you're safe. Tank sac strats are viable.
Setting the Stage is apparently 30K split damage (see Skomora page). If Migawari would work, you may still need others in range with you splitting the damage.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-10-24 10:48:56
It could be exactly like Unfaltering Bravado, in which case, Migawari wouldn't work either. Was just wondering
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 48
By Asura.Helmaru 2022-10-24 10:52:55
It could be exactly like Unfaltering Bravado, in which case, Migawari wouldn't work either. Was just wondering
super jump could work in that case?
By SimonSes 2022-10-24 11:03:32
Has anyone mentioned if Setting The Stage can be blocked with Migawari or Scherzo/EA? May have missed it. Also, is the move arena-wide, or is it like 30'?
Its not arena wide. It's like 25 or 30. You can easily sacrifice tank and raise him and let him get hate back (assuming nuke setup or DDs with /drg superjump) and sacrifice again if needed. You can also use SCH to transfer hate to BLM and take in on chest with BLM solo. With Mana Wall up, it took 1500MP from our BLM, but he survived just fine. You can technically use 2x BLM instead of tank and just mana wall and ping pong it the whole fight.
This game also offers other niche things that you could do, like for example 2xDRK with 9999HP + Luopan + avatar. DRKs should survive (it's a 30k+ split among targets). MNK could reach enough HP too with SP2+Mantra, but it would be one time, unless WC would reset it.
You can tank with automaton and sacrifice it for every Stage. Works for every setup now really, since you can Super jump all the hate on melee jobs and COR can RD>WC>RD, so it's ready for another Stage if needed.
(1) Pure SCH skillchain & MB.
(2) Alternate SCH immanence nuke and one person doing a strong capped damage WS+skillchain, for a resulting 150-200k damage every ~10s.
(3) Coordinate several people WSing at the exact same moment, since there's a split second window where the wall isn't up.
(4) Multi-step skillchain. The first WS will deal full damage, the second WS & skillchain will hit the wall, the third WS & skillchain will deal full damage, etc.
There is another way, but people don't consider it at all for some reason. I guess years of heavy WSing can do that to community :P You can simply use white damage builds like Ukonvasara, Armageddon, MNKs, Redemption etc. Just let one person WS with strong WS at 3000TP and otherwise just run AM3. Those builds can reach 6-7k+ steady white dps and more with temporary buffs like Blood Rage, Scarlet Delirium and/or Focus.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2022-10-24 11:45:24
WAR starts and closes fusion -> light with savage blade, SCH nuking fire burst the whole time. At 2:50 into the battle everyone runs away and setting the stage kills the war, then the sam comes in doing the same method but with shoha
Depends on TP reset and getting off the closing WS but sometimes able to get him to 20% before the first setting stage goes off
Little messy but we consistently kill it
By SimonSes 2022-10-24 12:21:06
Kinda wondering what the end setup is going to look like, I'm guessing something like a 4 run cycle to do everything:
1) ABCD Bosses
2) EFGH Metals + Reives
3) EFGH Bosses
4) W/e is behind the 4x fragment Blitzer
Probably more like:
1) ABCDE Bosses
2) FGH Metals + Reives
3) FGH Bosses
4) W/e is behind the 4x fragment Blitzer
4 bosses is very optimistic, especially that some of them seems to be only kinda smooth if you use specific SP2 and only nuke metod seems to be smooth for F boss now and idk if anyone even did H smoothly.
By SimonSes 2022-10-24 12:51:14
I was watching Lute's video and Vivisection is definitely on timer. It happens every 186-190 sec. Similar to Setting the stage.
engaged 34:40
Vivisection#1 37:50 - 3m10s
Vivisection#2 40:56 - 3m06s
Vivisection#3 44:02 - 3m06s - full wipe
Vivisection#4 46:30 open on every first engage after wipe
Vivisection#5 49:38 - 3m08s
Vivisection#6 52:45 - 3m07s
YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 48
By Asura.Helmaru 2022-10-24 14:09:50
I dont know if this was mentioned before i noticed trying Melee setup on E.
You can actually SC outside the DT window.
If you wait for the last second to close the SC (skillchain addon) it will go through unresisted.
Which makes his DT window a ~second smaller than SC window.
E boss still not proximity friendly with his: your dead moves. But worth mentioning.
Server: Titan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Titan.Lyriane 2022-10-24 15:36:44
Which tp move gives the ice kitty aura? It was a super ***. Is there a way to remove it? I kited it for at least three minutes and it never went away. Thanks.
The mini-naakuals follow their delve counterparts when it comes to TP moves and proc'ing them (blue) to remove their aura. For example, Utkux requires fire damage to proc blue (the aura comes from Polar Roar).
In my experience, this is not exactly correct.
- Ice kitty follows the WKR version, where the SPIKES are removed by fire damage, but you then need to additionally hit it with WS from behind to get the blue proc (and it's not guaranteed). We have tried fire spam, and I'm always TPing with Enfire, but neither of those have ever removed the aura itself. This aligns with Kumhau's mechanics, not Utkux.
- Tree's Timbeeeer CAN be used without the Uproot aura up, and CAN be used consecutively. Our group has seen it used FIVE consecutive times. It only seems to be used after reaching 50%, and once it STOPS using it, it doesn't seem to go back to it, but it always does at least one volley of Timber spam, regardless of aura/proc state. I haven't fought Yumcax enough to say whether this aligns with his behavior, but it is definitely different from Wopket, which is based on a predictable sequence.
The rest don't really have any nasty surprises anywhere near the scale of those two, so I haven't been keeping track quite as closely.
By Chimerawizard 2022-10-24 17:00:37
I always double pull Cehuetzi with whoever comes before it.
Everyone TP's the other mob, two of us WS the Cehuetzi while the rest WS the first mob.
It usually gets off ~2 WS's before it dies. Maybe 3 if the first died too fast vs the Cehuetzi.