Sortie Release - Info

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Sortie Release - Info
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1862
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-10-22 20:04:14
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It's fun enough as a solo or double box, but triboxing it is ***.

I would love a griefing solution to +2 JSE earrings, even if it was brutal. No luck = no prize, is never my favorite equation.

They need to start rolling out those prime weapon upgrades, pronto. Idc if it's the first step of many, I just wanna start
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-10-22 21:09:32
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Aurone said: »
Fenrir.Zenion said: »
Aurone said: »
KujahFoxfire said: »
Ruaumoko said: »
KujahFoxfire said: »
Went in tonight, RUN RDM BRD COR GEO RNG.

Killed Botulus, RUN in front, rest on rear, everyone tagged spamming TF, SB and got Metal.

Killed E boss with Metal, tank survived every Clobber, just had to move around the poisons, was pretty trivial. Also have a log of a TF and Dimidation going off approx same time on E boss and both doing full damage.

19:12:30[Kujahfoxfire] Dimidiation → Dhartok
19:12:30[Kujahfoxfire] 32494 Dimidiation → Dhartok
19:12:30[Palmroth] Trueflight → Dhartok
19:12:30[Palmroth] 86123 Trueflight → Dhartok

19:15:09[Kujahfoxfire] Dimidiation → Dhartok
19:15:09[Kujahfoxfire] 20924 Dimidiation → Dhartok
19:15:09[Palmroth] 2452 RA hit squarely → Dhartok
19:15:10[Clyrofoxfire] Erase → Palmroth
19:15:10Clyrofoxfire Erase → Palmroth (No effect)
19:15:11The Dhartok is no longer afflicted with Flash.
19:15:12[Palmroth] Trueflight → Dhartok
19:15:12[Palmroth] 77829 Trueflight → Dhartok
Were Rayke/Gambit up for this window? That might explain the high Trueflight damage. Was it consistent throughout the fight?

Rayke/Gambit were not used for the entire fight and these ws were accidental so didnt test more.

I'm fairly sure, but haven't testet it, that you can get multiple WS to land for full damage in the small window in which skillchains don't connect.

I'm absolutly sure about the window time until you can WS for full damage again, is when the skillchain window is over.

This might open new approaches to deal with E and G bosses if proven true.

So basically, what you're saying is the NM takes reduced damage while it has a skillchain property applied to it. Potential strategy for non-chainable weaponskills?

I mean after someone opens with a weapon skill theres a small window where a following weaponskill, that would skillchain, doesn't connect. During that time I assume multiple weaponskills would do full damage.
That could be tested by 3-4 people using a weaponskill at the same time on a lower level sortie boss.

Once that small window is over any weaponskill will get resisted until the skillchain window is over.

That would explain why some people have 2 weaponskill close to each other do full damage.
If this is true, there's something else as well. Today I managed to close a SC (Rudra > Last Stand > Savage) with Savage doing 46k > 99999 Light. If being within skillchain window was what caused nerfed WSs, that should have been impossible.

We were doing that SC for most of the fight and it was the only unnerfed Savage I did that I noticed, though.
Posts: 153
By klayy 2022-10-22 21:33:57
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Eh, i enjoy the event well enough. It accommodates all levels and rewards you (to an extent) for being fast. efficient. idk.. i feel like the "difficulty" in this game with this gear at this point isnt can you kill this one NM (gaol aside) but it's a sprint. Can you kill everything or do more things in 30/60 minutes. There's no pass/fail. Even in segs, if you don't hit the exit bonus, you still keep what you had. And the gaol NM mechanic is legit terrible in the opposite direction. Cheesing a mob to 94% with a charge up shouldn't be anything like it is.

I'll free admit there's a lot of random luck at least in the stones but people whined about no sapphires for the first 2 weeks. Then we figured stuff out, opened up the zone, got faster and more efficient and we quickly stopped giving a damn about sapphs. We had too many of them, even with how fast upgrades were possible. You could upgrade 2 pieces to +2 daily if you had a good group and a good plan.

idk.. I think my main has seen 5 stones now and that's factoring in a current 0-4 stretch. My WHM alt has seen 6 lol. My COR alt has seen 4. We saw a +1 case five consecutive days at one point. While some might be legit unlucky, I cant help but think that some just aren't quite doing it efficiently. I mean unless you're just going for like 2 zone bosses a day, I imagine if you're balancing starstone chances with efficient muffins, you're pulling in 15-18K muffins a run and getting like 6-9 shots at a stone? So like 1 stone every four days puts you right on pace really. Once saw a starstone and a +1 case off the same nakual chest. Luck changes in a hurry. One drop being worth 4-5 days of work.. but how is this any different or worse than omen bodies? I still know people who are farming them like 6 years later?

The event is flexible. You want stones more? Hammer E-H. I think sometime soon most people will be sitting on 5-10 stones and wont have the muffins to use them all.. so the run changes.. more zone bosses, maybe hit up the ABCD roamers or w/e. There's still stuff that's not even unlocked yet. And you can solo OK in there. It's not amazing but you can farm 6-9K muffins and still do the bitzer chests and the onlyflans and the E nakuals in an hour solo (on COR anyway).

tbh I think a good chunk of people are just mad they cant bypass things by throwing gil at it. Gil is just not a thing any more. You gotta put in the work.

(Edit: I'll freely admit that 6-person content makes this harder to accomodate ppl into as an LS event or w/e but how do you get around that? Take 12 ppl in and get double the muffins etc? idk. )
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 202
By Ragnarok.Bepe 2022-10-22 22:10:08
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I have faith (copium) that the final boss that has not been implemented yet due to a bug has a guaranteed starstone drop.
By Agrestic 2022-10-22 22:34:56
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Chimerawizard said: »
In G we tried: Bztavian > Gabbrath > Rockfin > Waktza > Yggdreant > Cehuetzi.

Bztavian > Rockfin > Gabbrath > Waktza > Yggdreant > Cehuetzi.
Door opened + Red Chest.
H is alphabetical order in case folks hadn't put that info into this thread yet
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2022-10-23 02:32:07
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klayy said: »
I mean unless you're just going for like 2 zone bosses a day, I imagine if you're balancing starstone chances with efficient muffins, you're pulling in 15-18K muffins a run and getting like 6-9 shots at a stone? So like 1 stone every four days puts you right on pace really. Once saw a starstone and a +1 case off the same nakual chest. Luck changes in a hurry. One drop being worth 4-5 days of work.. but how is this any different or worse than omen bodies? I still know people who are farming them like 6 years later?

You are extremely lucky, believe me. We haven't seen more than one +1 case per week doing whole ABCD almost every day and for Starstone I specifically don't say what we get per run, because like you said, one run can be 2 red chests and 6 blue, but it can also be just 2 bosses and 2 blue or something. I give you number of all chests. Static is now around 0/11 red 0/35+ blue and 0/5 bosses on Starstones and I think we have seen two +1 cases. People were so tired of not getting the stone and loosing potential Galli, that they bought one (they had capped Galli since update) and they are close to be capped again after farming and using 70k for upgrade, so I would say they got around 170-200k Galli since update without a drop.

Edit: I still don't have even one +2 earring and I'm doing this daily on main and alt
Posts: 313
By Torzak 2022-10-23 02:46:23
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Since new area was added
7 Starstones Plus 1 Purchased with Galli & I think three +1 cases. I think my whole group bought a Starstone with Galli after our first run as our first run didn't give us one and we didn't know what to expect for the drop rate and didn't want to waste Galli. I apply TH4 to all bosses. No idea if it helps.

Our more recent runs are 32 to 35k Galli

I've not gotten a +2 earring through the whole thing as of yet.

I think I upgraded 26 things to +2 and sitting on 77 sapphire.

Total +1 earrings I've gotten
x3 warrior +1
x2 rdm +1
x2 drg +1
x1 bst +1
x1 rng +1
x1 blu +1
x1 dnc +1
x1 geo +1

My attendance for the event was basically soloing for the first week, and then missing I think three days on one weekend when it was just ABCD, and maybe one other day also I missed when it was just ABCD.
By 2022-10-23 02:59:28
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Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2022-10-23 03:29:50
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Torzak said: »

Yeah. Starstone can be a bad luck in my group, but those damn +2 earrings are just ***. Doesn't help few people in my static got +2 earrings, but on jobs they don't plan to ever touch.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Zenion
Posts: 255
By Fenrir.Zenion 2022-10-23 05:23:44
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So apparently you can't use a bitzer to change halls while your party is engaged on a miniboss! I was running through F to prime the naakuals and get the chest over there, my party was in G fighting the naraka. Bitzer refused to operate, said "Now is not the time for that!" and wouldn't even give me the chest until the naraka was dead. ... deader? Unundeaded?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: larrymc
Posts: 273
By Shiva.Larrymc 2022-10-23 05:51:56
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Fenrir.Zenion said: »
So apparently you can't use a bitzer to change halls while your party is engaged on a miniboss! I was running through F to prime the naakuals and get the chest over there, my party was in G fighting the naraka. Bitzer refused to operate, said "Now is not the time for that!" and wouldn't even give me the chest until the naraka was dead. ... deader? Unundeaded?
If you guys are in two different basements - do you both get the drops when the chests are opened if one is in F and one is in G?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Yottaxa
Posts: 178
By Asura.Yottaxa 2022-10-23 06:22:41
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If you guys are in two different basements - do you both get the drops when the chests are opened if one is in F and one is in G?

Pretty sure that is a no.? Believe it was mentioned here before, but I can confirm just the other day, with a party member in G, they did not receive a chest opened in F. Similar to boss rooms - everyone needs to be in room for the drop.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Zenion
Posts: 255
By Fenrir.Zenion 2022-10-23 06:33:15
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Shiva.Larrymc said: »
Fenrir.Zenion said: »
So apparently you can't use a bitzer to change halls while your party is engaged on a miniboss! I was running through F to prime the naakuals and get the chest over there, my party was in G fighting the naraka. Bitzer refused to operate, said "Now is not the time for that!" and wouldn't even give me the chest until the naraka was dead. ... deader? Unundeaded?
If you guys are in two different basements - do you both get the drops when the chests are opened if one is in F and one is in G?

Haven't tried chests but people have been saying no. I know the galimaufry doesn't carry between halls. I always just leave the F chest to pick up when we come back for the naakuals.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2022-10-23 07:13:45
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So, the Zone F blitzer spawned partially inside a wall (was still perfectly targetable).
This leads me to believe the Blitzer can spawn pretty much anywhere, even in the corridors that lead to closed doors.

Also got super lucky there, got a Starstone AND an NQ old case in the same chest.
It was the Casket #F1 (interact with the blitzer with 5/5 empyrean armor)

On a different note, how do you handle soloing the Demisang Deleterious with just yourself and trusts?
On NIN I managed by playing defensively and keeping shadows ALWAYS up.
On GEO/NIN I managed by also playing defensively with AAEV and double defensive bubbles (indibarrier, entrusted indiwilt).
On RUN I could probably just tank it with Epeolatry.
But on other jobs how the *** do you survive?
For instance today I had a MNK deleterious, his Ascetic's Fury was hitting for >4k
I mean, if I were on SAM I wouldn't have a chance to survive that, or on MNK... I guess on BLU I could sudden lunge to death but that would make the fight super slow and tedious.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karppa
Posts: 456
By Asura.Karppa 2022-10-23 07:44:01
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Asura.Sechs said: »
So, the Zone F blitzer spawned partially inside a wall (was still perfectly targetable).
This leads me to believe the Blitzer can spawn pretty much anywhere, even in the corridors that lead to closed doors.

Also got super lucky there, got a Starstone AND an NQ old case in the same chest.
It was the Cascket #F1 (interact with the blitze with 5/5 empyrean armor)

On a different note, how do you handle soloing the Demisang Deleterious with just yourself and trusts?
On NIN I managed by playing defensively and keeping shadows ALWAYS up.
On GEO/NIN I managed by also playing defensively with AAEV and double defensive bubbles (indibarrier, entrusted indiwilt).
On RUN I could probably just tank it with Epeolatry.
But on other jobs how the *** do you survive?
For instance today I had a MNK deleterious, his Ascetic's Fury was hitting for >4k
I mean, if I were on SAM I wouldn't had a chance to survive that, or MNK... I guess on BLU I could sudden lunge to death but that would make the fight super slow and tedious.

Last nite did Deletrious as Monk quite easy..even no R15 Trust set up was AAEV, August, KoruMoru, Cornelia and Apururu he usually slay august XD but AAEV will handle finally last nite as well upgraded Godhands so I'm exited to see what this weapon do in action..and also wanna thank that Ls who made this possible..cuz my endgame LS days are over..I'm too old for this ***as they say :D
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2022-10-23 07:49:45
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How the heck was your AAEV surviving? When I was on GEO and used defensive bubbles sure, my AAEV was surviving as well.
But today I was on NIN and in the end I had to tank it myself.
AAEV was being oneshot by Ascetic's Fury every *** time
By Afania 2022-10-23 07:53:47
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Asura.Sechs said: »
On a different note, how do you handle soloing the Demisang Deleterious with just yourself and trusts?
On NIN I managed by playing defensively and keeping shadows ALWAYS up.
On GEO/NIN I managed by also playing defensively with AAEV and double defensive bubbles (indibarrier, entrusted indiwilt).
On RUN I could probably just tank it with Epeolatry.
But on other jobs how the *** do you survive?
For instance today I had a MNK deleterious, his Ascetic's Fury was hitting for >4k
I mean, if I were on SAM I wouldn't had a chance to survive that, or MNK... I guess on BLU I could sudden lunge to death but that would make the fight super slow and tedious.

It's been discussed pages back, cor can do it easily.
Afania said:
I soloed another MNK Demisang Deleterious again with no trust death entire time. I got hate from trust tank after a 4 step SC, ended up tanking all the way until it's killed. This time I paid attention to actual dmg taken: normal attack hit me for 40-100, v.smite hit me 1.8k(I have 2.5k HP, so it hurts but it didn't kill me), A.fury hit me for 600.

I was in my usual offensive DT- set with 1100 base defense, had CC gallant on before pull.

I think stacking defense should work. Even if you are on a job without gallant, Use rabbit pie, /BLU for cocoon, or use a more defensive DT set like Nyame or sakpata, or whatever attack down that you have available. And use med for erase if trust is slow.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2022-10-23 08:06:41
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Yes that's kinda in line with my experience.
Gallant on COR
Def bubbles on GEO
Cocoon on BLU
Maybe Minnes on BRD I dunno

What else? Is that it?
Because going /BLU on a DD would mean having to rely on Oils and Pots to sneak around, it's quite annoying.
Also I'm not sure Cocoon from /BLU would be enough honestly. Maybe?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karppa
Posts: 456
By Asura.Karppa 2022-10-23 08:14:37
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Asura.Sechs said: »
How the heck was your AAEV surviving? When I was on GEO and used defensive bubbles sure, my AAEV was surviving as well.
But today I was on NIN and in the end I had to tank it myself.
AAEV was being oneshot by Ascetic's Fury every *** time
Asura.Sechs said: »
Yes that's kinda in line with my experience.
Gallant on COR
Def bubbles on GEO
Cocoon on BLU
Maybe Minnes on BRD I dunno

What else? Is that it?
Because going /BLU on a DD would mean having to rely on Oils and Pots to sneak around, it's quite annoying.
Also I'm not sure Cocoon from /BLU would be enough honestly. Maybe?
No idea XD gonna test again :) maybe I was just lucky..
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2022-10-23 10:13:33
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Asura.Sechs said: »
I guess on BLU I could sudden lunge to death but that would make the fight super slow and tedious.

Occultation, Cocoon, Demoralizing Roar. You dont even need Sudden Lunge, unless you got hit with Aegis Schism, then I would do it to give healer time to take def down off.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Siyual
Posts: 53
By Ragnarok.Siyual 2022-10-23 10:47:00
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Asura.Sechs said: »
On a different note, how do you handle soloing the Demisang Deleterious with just yourself and trusts?

I go in as MNK/WAR and have no problems with Deleterious. My trust setup is: Cornelia, Yoran, Koru, Monberaux, Qultada. Mostly using a DT setup. Shijin > Victory > Victory makes short work of him.

I avoid using tank trusts, since they tend to be really dumb and squishy at times, and MNK is already super tanky. Not really had issues on MNK with D mobs, even with the whole party room on me doing the order & 4-step objectives.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2022-10-23 11:31:12
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How do you deal with Qultada WSing and interrupting your multistep?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2022-10-23 11:31:58
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We are like 1/10 on Botolus Metal with killing from behind with WS. Not sure what we are doing wrong. 1 time we got it we killed it from 1% from behind with Savage Blade.

We usually have our SAM multi-step him down low then try to finish him with WS killshot from behind, but we must be doing something thats wrong.

Any thoughts?
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2022-10-23 11:43:56
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Asura.Toralin said: »
We are like 1/10 on Botolus Metal with killing from behind with WS. Not sure what we are doing wrong. 1 time we got it we killed it from 1% from behind with Savage Blade.

We usually have our SAM multi-step him down low then try to finish him with WS killshot from behind, but we must be doing something thats wrong.

Any thoughts?

I think you need to do all/most WSs from behind, not just kill shot.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-10-23 13:02:31
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Asura.Sechs said: »
How do you deal with Qultada WSing and interrupting your multistep?

You really only should be using Qultada to put on initial chaos roll then dismiss him immediately. All he does is feed tp and is a healing liability. You’re better off with 4 trusts and chaos roll or just add another healer.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Siyual
Posts: 53
By Ragnarok.Siyual 2022-10-23 13:23:50
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Asura.Sechs said: »
How do you deal with Qultada WSing and interrupting your multistep?

Honestly, he can't hit them to save his life, so unless he gets an odd Burning Blade off, it's usually a non-issue. But yeah, can always dismiss him after he rolls.

For 4-steps, I usually just do SS -> TK -> SS -> SS -> VS
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1862
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-10-23 13:44:04
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On RDM, Bio 3 and Sanguine Blade. If he looks at you, full turtle (raetic bangles). Demon Arrows if you need more attack down.

I think I've only been killed by him once as the Sword version because he Req > CDC. If you have a stun, throw it after the first WS so they can't SC. Stoneskin or Blink can also make him significantly less scary.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2022-10-23 16:35:07
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SimonSes said: »
Asura.Toralin said: »
We are like 1/10 on Botolus Metal with killing from behind with WS. Not sure what we are doing wrong. 1 time we got it we killed it from 1% from behind with Savage Blade.

We usually have our SAM multi-step him down low then try to finish him with WS killshot from behind, but we must be doing something thats wrong.

Any thoughts?

I think you need to do all/most WSs from behind, not just kill shot.
This is probably it. We've gotten it 5 runs in a row now and made sure we did all weapon skills from the back. Tank spikes hate high at the start to make sure.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: larrymc
Posts: 273
By Shiva.Larrymc 2022-10-23 16:40:10
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Ruaumoko said: »
SimonSes said: »
Asura.Toralin said: »
We are like 1/10 on Botolus Metal with killing from behind with WS. Not sure what we are doing wrong. 1 time we got it we killed it from 1% from behind with Savage Blade.

We usually have our SAM multi-step him down low then try to finish him with WS killshot from behind, but we must be doing something thats wrong.

Any thoughts?

I think you need to do all/most WSs from behind, not just kill shot.
This is probably it. We've gotten it 5 runs in a row now and made sure we did all weapon skills from the back. Tank spikes hate high at the start to make sure.

Based on our experience, total damage from WS+SC must be greater than damage from all other sources (melee + magic).

At first we were doing SCH SC/MB taking it down to 10%, then using ws (Leaden Salude) for the last 10% - got no metal. Once we switched to ws spam or ws+sc we got metal every time.
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