Sortie Release - Info

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Sortie Release - Info
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Posts: 6
By Demonseed 2022-10-18 20:58:38
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Asura.Baeron said: »
Another confirmed success - we pulled the Botulus in E, did nothing else special except for all the DDs attacking from behind. He used multiple TP moves, including Just Desserts, cast multiple spells. We did some multi-step skillchains (mostly Savage Blade -> Burning Blade and back), but definitely killed from behind.

Got the chest and the metal.

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Koruma
Posts: 13
By Asura.Koruma 2022-10-18 21:33:30
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I've been pouring over combat logs and screenshots in this thread all week, I went into Sortie tonight under the theory that the proc for Botulus is interrupting his spell cast. Can fortunately say we got the metal for the first time tonight using this theory. Here is the log.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2285
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2022-10-18 21:39:25
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Some shitty cor did leaden from behind and killshotted it
Posts: 5
By GlarinAsura 2022-10-18 22:16:17
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Just got the E metal. I tagged the botulus with each character and killed from behind.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ahlen
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2022-10-18 22:22:34
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Asura.Kareman said: »
We tried today that all 6 people in the party performed an action on Botulus, we ended up getting metal.
One of my chars was way out of range and I got it. But maybe since it wasnt on enmity table it was fine? all my other chars hit.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2022-10-18 22:22:54
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Looks like we're closing in on it. Nice one all.

If this is indeed valid then it stands to reason the Ixion in Sector F has a similar mechanic, except from the front. People usually fight Ixions from the sides or behind to avoid Scintillant Lance but in order to break the horn you have to critical hit or crit WS it from the front.

Has anyone reported the Fetid Ixion's horn breaking yet?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Koruma
Posts: 13
By Asura.Koruma 2022-10-18 22:27:16
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I'm not fully convinced killing it from behind is the trigger; it would make the solo players (who are very commonly reporting getting the E metal, in fact the first post in this thread for the E metal was a solo RDM) unable to obtain the proc.

I'm not saying it isn't, more testing is still happening, but it doesn't align with the solo reports.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: larrymc
Posts: 273
By Shiva.Larrymc 2022-10-18 22:27:44
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Twice had everyone behind botulus, no metal. Difference may be kill shot was magic, and not weaponskill?
Posts: 1048
By macsdf1 2022-10-18 22:37:50
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Asura.Koruma said: »
I'm not fully convinced killing it from behind is the trigger; it would make the solo players (who are very commonly reporting getting the E metal, in fact the first post in this thread for the E metal was a solo RDM) unable to obtain the proc.

I'm not saying it isn't, more testing is still happening, but it doesn't align with the solo reports.

but solo players have tank trusts...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Koruma
Posts: 13
By Asura.Koruma 2022-10-18 22:45:34
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macsdf1 said: »
Asura.Koruma said: »
I'm not fully convinced killing it from behind is the trigger; it would make the solo players (who are very commonly reporting getting the E metal, in fact the first post in this thread for the E metal was a solo RDM) unable to obtain the proc.

I'm not saying it isn't, more testing is still happening, but it doesn't align with the solo reports.

but solo players have tank trusts...

This isn't wrong, I've just been pouring over so much data and anecdotal experiences, I had a friend confirm with me earlier today that he got the metal solo on his RDM without a tank trust, including screenshots of the combat and kill, and it's what helped me go down the spell interruption road I posted earlier on this page.

I'll continue testing but I'm hoping like Rua said that we can narrow this down and move on to new areas soon.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2022-10-18 23:23:42
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Killed Botulus in E twice in the same run tonight.

First fight: stunned Flare at ~50%, killed with 4-step. No chest.

Second fight: stunned Flare, Leaden Salute from 4%->0% during the stun, from behind. Chest dropped.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ahlen
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2022-10-19 00:26:35
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got metal again had killing blow from behind and he was casting bio 2 as he died also. (used addle 2 to make cast times longer)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Sphinxo
Posts: 2
By Asura.Sphinxo 2022-10-19 00:46:03
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Ruaumoko said: »
Looks like we're closing in on it. Nice one all.

If this is indeed valid then it stands to reason the Ixion in Sector F has a similar mechanic, except from the front. People usually fight Ixions from the sides or behind to avoid Scintillant Lance but in order to break the horn you have to critical hit or crit WS it from the front.

Has anyone reported the Fetid Ixion's horn breaking yet?

We tried to break its horn last night but no bueno
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Shiva.Liam 2022-10-19 01:09:47
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Ruaumoko said: »
Looks like we're closing in on it. Nice one all.

If this is indeed valid then it stands to reason the Ixion in Sector F has a similar mechanic, except from the front. People usually fight Ixions from the sides or behind to avoid Scintillant Lance but in order to break the horn you have to critical hit or crit WS it from the front.

Has anyone reported the Fetid Ixion's horn breaking yet?

I tried breaking it's horn a few times yesterday, nothing outside of the box just the usual, trying to crit ws when it ws... things like that. did one with 100%-0% only hitting it from the front with only Blade: HI (and melee hits of course) No dice..
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 630
By Asura.Melliny 2022-10-19 01:50:34
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My group tonight killed botulus with everyone standing behind it but the tank. We did get the chest from the kill. Apparently metal E allows you to remove the poison in the boss fight. The kill shot from behind correlation is there. More groups should try it to help confirm.
Posts: 153
By klayy 2022-10-19 02:06:47
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Hmm we'll try botulus from behind tomorrow. I got the metal once on alt run but its entirely possible my COR was behind the mob. August tanked it and I do nothing but magic WS.

F bitzer chest continues to frustrate me. 0 for last 3 tries.. 2 solo with just a COR, one w LS. Got a guy who says he gets it every time solo without even trying but cant seem to impress upon them the need to pay attention to every detail. idk. I have failed every time I've been solo. My only observation is the chest pops when someone interacts with it. And i'd wager if you dont see it the first time you interact with it, it may just never happen. Every time I've seen it, it's been a first interaction. Not the first interaction by anyone, but first by a specific person. My COR alt has touched it with no chest 3 times only for the WHM to then immediately get it by interacting. But I cant for the life of me figure out why.

Just now I had my COR click it from every which way from a variety of distances. Nothing. Didnt kill anything prior.. but I've done it after kjilling the horse and without killing a thing. It took me a while to find it.. so I cant rule out it being timed but I dont feel like that lines up with what I've seen. No idea. I'm to the point where I just dont wanna bother with it lol

We did try the H bitzer chest. We killed the raffelsia first as the first guy to report it said he did that.. and it was right there. I can add a bit of info.. only one person needs to leave the zone and you can turn around and immediately re-enter H and the chest pops right on you.

One wrinkle I think exists on the G bitzer chest. It def 30 secs like everyone has said. idk about the within 5 yalms bit but I just do that every time cuz duh. BUT if you move it resets I'm fairly sure. I had my COR target it within 5 yalms at :46 and purposefully moved him after like 10 seconds. then I waited and 30 seconds after moving the chest appeared. If anyone is struggling with the G chest, that might be the missing piece.
Posts: 129
By Serjero 2022-10-19 02:09:41
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Killed Botulus from behind w/ RNG and COR doing Leaden > TF for frag for 9s across the board, got the chest. Everyone but the tank was stacked up behind it.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Kanryu
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2022-10-19 02:25:48
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Here is where we are with compiled info so far on our side. Formatted it so it was easier to read.

At multiple people's requests, I have included a guide on how to get started for a first-time entry to sortie.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Careman
Posts: 24
By Asura.Kareman 2022-10-19 02:58:50
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We did the same strat today again, + adding killing it from behind (not sure if we did that before).

Everyone tagged it(whm slow, geo bubble+dia2, sch paralyze) tank infront, killed it from behind(COR and RNG).

Third time in a row we got chest

Edit: Can add that we got the chest one run with just resolution/rudra/atonement spam.
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2022-10-19 03:13:54
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klayy said: »
Hmm we'll try botulus from behind tomorrow. I got the metal once on alt run but its entirely possible my COR was behind the mob. August tanked it and I do nothing but magic WS.

F bitzer chest continues to frustrate me. 0 for last 3 tries.. 2 solo with just a COR, one w LS. Got a guy who says he gets it every time solo without even trying but cant seem to impress upon them the need to pay attention to every detail. idk. I have failed every time I've been solo. My only observation is the chest pops when someone interacts with it. And i'd wager if you dont see it the first time you interact with it, it may just never happen. Every time I've seen it, it's been a first interaction. Not the first interaction by anyone, but first by a specific person. My COR alt has touched it with no chest 3 times only for the WHM to then immediately get it by interacting. But I cant for the life of me figure out why.

Just now I had my COR click it from every which way from a variety of distances. Nothing. Didnt kill anything prior.. but I've done it after kjilling the horse and without killing a thing. It took me a while to find it.. so I cant rule out it being timed but I dont feel like that lines up with what I've seen. No idea. I'm to the point where I just dont wanna bother with it lol

We did try the H bitzer chest. We killed the raffelsia first as the first guy to report it said he did that.. and it was right there. I can add a bit of info.. only one person needs to leave the zone and you can turn around and immediately re-enter H and the chest pops right on you.

One wrinkle I think exists on the G bitzer chest. It def 30 secs like everyone has said. idk about the within 5 yalms bit but I just do that every time cuz duh. BUT if you move it resets I'm fairly sure. I had my COR target it within 5 yalms at :46 and purposefully moved him after like 10 seconds. then I waited and 30 seconds after moving the chest appeared. If anyone is struggling with the G chest, that might be the missing piece.

For science we did H Blitzer without touching anything in zone, 1 person leaves, comes back chest spawns. Another freebie for the world. Just have the party run together to exit, 1 person with invis-ability exit and re enter, immediately open chest while everyone waits at exit, once you get rewards everyone exit and move on to G for more freebies.

In regards to the free chest on F, we've stopped entering, we've tried a bunch of different things, everyone target and click as soon as everyone is present, stand around it, nothing. It's going to be another non-combat related chest as the people who claim to get it regularly aren't participating in combat.

I do find it interesting that some of these objectives/events are very similar. E reive spawns after set time, G Blitzer spawns after waiting, F reive spawns after exiting and re-entering, H Blitzer chest spawns after exiting/re-entering. Just an observation. Maybe G and H reive spawn conditions hold the secret to E/F Blitzers.

G reive, clear reive room- E Blitzer, clear Blitzer room

H reive kill party(?) to spawn reive = secret to F Blitzer someone die or maybe the entire party needs reraise?
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-10-19 03:15:30
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klayy said: »
F bitzer chest continues to frustrate me. 0 for last 3 tries.. 2 solo with just a COR, one w LS. Got a guy who says he gets it every time solo without even trying but cant seem to impress upon them the need to pay attention to every detail. idk. I have failed every time I've been solo. My only observation is the chest pops when someone interacts with it. And i'd wager if you dont see it the first time you interact with it, it may just never happen. Every time I've seen it, it's been a first interaction. Not the first interaction by anyone, but first by a specific person. My COR alt has touched it with no chest 3 times only for the WHM to then immediately get it by interacting. But I cant for the life of me figure out why.

Seems like it requires random person from party to touch it, but includes trusts maybe like G Bitzer? So if you have Trusts and are unlucky, it might choose Trust and you are ***. Try go in solo without Trusts (including zoning in to F without them).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: lafilnemi
Posts: 48
By Asura.Helmaru 2022-10-19 03:16:05
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Killed him from behind without taking care of anything else, no coffer, so there has to be atleast one more requirement to it. (i tried to tag it with everyone not 100 percent sure i succeded, so might be that)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: lafilnemi
Posts: 48
By Asura.Helmaru 2022-10-19 04:11:07
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SimonSes said: »
klayy said: »
F bitzer chest continues to frustrate me. 0 for last 3 tries.. 2 solo with just a COR, one w LS. Got a guy who says he gets it every time solo without even trying but cant seem to impress upon them the need to pay attention to every detail. idk. I have failed every time I've been solo. My only observation is the chest pops when someone interacts with it. And i'd wager if you dont see it the first time you interact with it, it may just never happen. Every time I've seen it, it's been a first interaction. Not the first interaction by anyone, but first by a specific person. My COR alt has touched it with no chest 3 times only for the WHM to then immediately get it by interacting. But I cant for the life of me figure out why.

Seems like it requires random person from party to touch it, but includes trusts maybe like G Bitzer? So if you have Trusts and are unlucky, it might choose Trust and you are ***. Try go in solo without Trusts (including zoning in to F without them).

All of my party interacted with it and no chest, all exited, touched again, no chest.
Everoyone chose 'nervmind' option, everyone materialized foes, no chest.
Alos tried synchronizing the options, no chest
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2022-10-19 04:32:01
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YouTube Video Placeholder

Got the Metal to drop again.
It looks very likely that the requirement is performing some/all Weapon Skills from behind the Botulus.

I have a good view of what is going on in this short clip, see if you can spot something else. Full screen and HD 1080p for best quality.
By 2022-10-19 04:52:51
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Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: larrymc
Posts: 273
By Shiva.Larrymc 2022-10-19 05:02:16
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Ruaumoko said: »
Got the Metal to drop again.
It looks very likely that the requirement is performing some/all Weapon Skills from behind the Botulus.

Yesterday we used SCH skillchain only - all from behind - no metal. Tonight we will try having our cor land killing blow from behind with leaden salude. All the successes I have seen there is a ws kill final blow from behind.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: lafilnemi
Posts: 48
By Asura.Helmaru 2022-10-19 05:27:22
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Shiva.Larrymc said: »
Ruaumoko said: »
Got the Metal to drop again.
It looks very likely that the requirement is performing some/all Weapon Skills from behind the Botulus.

Yesterday we used SCH skillchain only - all from behind - no metal. Tonight we will try having our cor land killing blow from behind with leaden salude. All the successes I have seen there is a ws kill final blow from behind.

Just tried that 3 times (killshot from behind with leaden, with interactions from all of them, no chest), so my money is on what rua is suggesting , all WS from behind, maybe you have to atleast make one WS from behind, or more from behind than front or whatever.
Going to try with all from behind next time.
Posts: 51
By Penpenn 2022-10-19 05:35:44
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Time for wild speculation again.

In E (North zone) you attack from behind.

In C (South Zone) you are attacking Naraka (facing him I e. North). Most people reporting that it's just kill Naraka, but some say they miss it. Could it be cardinal direction?

Has anyone tried fighting Ixion (East Zone) by standing in his left flank (so if he was a compass facing south, proccing would be on his left side)

If so, could also try the H NM on it's right.
By 2022-10-19 06:10:22
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2022-10-19 07:12:59
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Ruaumoko said: »
Looks like we're closing in on it. Nice one all.

If this is indeed valid then it stands to reason the Ixion in Sector F has a similar mechanic, except from the front. People usually fight Ixions from the sides or behind to avoid Scintillant Lance but in order to break the horn you have to critical hit or crit WS it from the front.

Has anyone reported the Fetid Ixion's horn breaking yet?

I have not seen it break yet in 3 days of fighting it from the front (me as tank solo). Note I may not be doing enough damage or hitting crit'ing enough to break it but sadly can say standing in front alone and ws'ing all fight hasn't produced it.
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