Sortie Release - Info
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-10-18 14:13:57
I'm not so much interested in a starstone from Botulus chest as I am the metal that facilitates the killing of the E Salamander without having to RDM and RNG kite/flight it.
Plus, it's just the principle of figuring out the Botulus now. Sick of this *** clownin' on me.
By Chimerawizard 2022-10-18 14:21:01
I have yet to see a single upgrade item and I've been collecting the three chests in E every day for a millennium now
This!!! Where are the starstones? The drop rate seems to be very low. We are getting Old Cases+1 like candy now - but not a single starstone. I feel like the drops in zone are basically:
Sapphire > Chest > Chest +1 > Starstone.
only 3 are possible from each chest. on the starting floor, it's the first 3. In the basement, it's the latter 3.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Valefor.Kuishen 2022-10-18 14:31:39
I'm not so much interested in a starstone from Botulus chest as I am the metal that facilitates the killing of the E Salamander without having to RDM and RNG kite/flight it.
Plus, it's just the principle of figuring out the Botulus now. Sick of this *** clownin' on me. Then you didn't read my post very well because the metal did not prevent him from doing a 7k Clobbering Wave to our PLD. We still ended up having to kite it.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 273
By Shiva.Larrymc 2022-10-18 14:52:37
I'm not so much interested in a starstone from Botulus chest as I am the metal that facilitates the killing of the E Salamander without having to RDM and RNG kite/flight it.
Plus, it's just the principle of figuring out the Botulus now. Sick of this *** clownin' on me.
We have been killing the E boss + E full clear (without metal) using:
Edit: A little more detail
PUP needs around 6 dawn mulsums. Pup automaton can tank the entire fight. Just move the auto around when it puts up the gas. SCH SC - fire MB from everyone.
Same SC/MB setup on Naakuls and Boltus and the A boss. Blu gathers all the flans and mobs around the square and AoEs them down for the other objectives.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-10-18 15:01:16
Then you didn't read my post very well because the metal did not prevent him from doing a 7k Clobbering Wave to our PLD. We still ended up having to kite it.
Must've missed it; it was at the tail end of a page flip. I went back and read it. I am interested in knowing if the metal got rid of his WS damage wall (meaning x4 people savage blading him dead in 60 seconds).
I see your setup was PLD/THF/COR/RDM. Did you make any stray SC's on Salamander before he crackslammed you? I know that even with a Metal, Sector A Salamander can still get buck wild on people if you do water damage.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2022-10-18 15:03:45
Brown chests can only give temp items and gall
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 273
By Shiva.Larrymc 2022-10-18 15:05:02
I know that even with a Metal, Sector A Salamander can still get buck wild on people if you SC him.
As long as you do not use water, or a SC that has a water component - there is no danger at all - especially with a pup tank.
Same applies to E boss.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-10-18 15:06:31
I know that even with a Metal, Sector A Salamander can still get buck wild on people if you SC him.
As long as you do not use water, or a SC that has a water component - there is no danger at all - especially with a pup tank.
Same applies to E boss.
Larry, do I look like a man who has PUP?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Asura.Kareman 2022-10-18 15:07:43
We tried today that all 6 people in the party performed an action on Botulus, we ended up getting metal.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 273
By Shiva.Larrymc 2022-10-18 15:11:14
Larry, do I look like a man who has PUP? Yes? lol
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Valefor.Kuishen 2022-10-18 15:14:45
Then you didn't read my post very well because the metal did not prevent him from doing a 7k Clobbering Wave to our PLD. We still ended up having to kite it.
Must've missed it; it was at the tail end of a page flip. I went back and read it. I am interested in knowing if the metal got rid of his WS damage wall (meaning x4 people savage blading him dead in 60 seconds).
I see your setup was PLD/THF/COR/RDM. Did you make any stray SC's on Salamander before he crackslammed you? I know that even with a Metal, Sector A Salamander can still get buck wild on people if you SC him.
Setup was PLD/COR/RDM/BRD/trusts and the metal did not remove the damage wall either. The full fight logs are too long to post but here's the section surrounding where our PLD got sniped.
[Greendragon] 1307 HP Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
110 HP ¨ Raptat
79 HP ¨ Koolkitty
553 HP ¨ Kuishen
[Koolkitty] Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
[Koolkitty] 635 HP Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
[3] [Kuishen] 1600 hit ¨ Dhartok
[4] [Kuishen] 351 AE ¨ Dhartok
[Kuishen] 461 critical hit ¨ Dhartok
[Dhartok] 237 hit ¨ Greendragon
[Dhartok] 162 hit ¨ Kuishen
[Dhartok] 222 hit ¨ Raptat
[Dhartok] 172 hit ¨ Koolkitty
[Kuishen] Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
[Kuishen] 237 HP Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
[Greendragon] Savage Blade ¨ Dhartok
[Greendragon] 42620 Savage Blade ¨ Dhartok
[4] [Kuishen] 1856 hit ¨ Dhartok
[4] [Kuishen] 494 AE ¨ Dhartok
[Koolkitty] Aurorastorm ¨ Greendragon
Koolkitty Aurorastorm ¨ Greendragon (Aurorastorm)
[Dhartok] Clobbering Wave ¨ Dhartok
[Dhartok] 2183 Clobbering Wave ¨ Greendragon
[Kuishen] Savage Blade ¨ Dhartok
[Kuishen] 3473 Savage Blade ¨ Dhartok
Records of Eminence: Deal 500+ Damage.
Progress: 100/200.
[3] [Kuishen] 1105 hit ¨ Dhartok
[4] [Kuishen] 348 AE ¨ Dhartok
[Kuishen] 454 critical hit ¨ Dhartok
[Greendragon] Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
[Koolkitty] Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
[Kuishen] Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
Kuishen's Protect effect wears off.
Kuishen's Shell effect wears off.
[Koolkitty] 1455 HP Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
[Greendragon] 1287 HP Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
[Kuishen] 0 HP Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
The Dhartok is out of range.
[Dhartok] Fetid Eddies ¨ Greendragon
[Dhartok] 696 Fetid Eddies ¨ Greendragon
[2] [Kuishen] 1280 critical hit ¨ Dhartok
[4] [Kuishen] 354 AE ¨ Dhartok
[2] [Kuishen] 904 hit ¨ Dhartok
[Greendragon] Reprisal ¨ Greendragon
[Dhartok] 455 hit ¨ Greendragon
Greendragon Reprisal ¨ Greendragon (Reprisal)
[3] [Kuishen] 1552 hit ¨ Dhartok
[4] [Kuishen] 1079 AE ¨ Dhartok
[Kuishen] 433 critical hit ¨ Dhartok
[2] [Kuishen] 971 hit ¨ Dhartok
[2] [Kuishen] 143 AE ¨ Dhartok
[4] [Kuishen] 1838 hit ¨ Dhartok
[4] [Kuishen] 956 AE ¨ Dhartok
[Greendragon] Majesty ¨ Greendragon
Unable to see the Dhartok.
[Koolkitty] Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
[Dhartok] 139 hit ¨ Greendragon
[Koolkitty] 1119 HP Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
[Greendragon] Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
[Greendragon] 1010 HP Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
[Kuishen] Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
[Kuishen] 315 HP Cure IV ¨ Greendragon
[Dhartok] 336 hit ¨ Greendragon
Raptat is too far away.
[Greendragon] Enlight II ¨ Greendragon
Greendragon Enlight II ¨ Greendragon (Enlight)
[Kuishen] Cure IV ¨ Raptat
[Kuishen] 1020 HP Cure IV ¨ Raptat
Kuishen's Drown effect wears off.
Kuishen's Magic Def. Down effect wears off.
[Kuishen] Cure IV ¨ Kuishen
[Kuishen] 1057 HP Cure IV ¨ Kuishen
[Dhartok] 354 hit ¨ Koolkitty
[Kuishen] Gravity II ¨ Dhartok
Kuishen Gravity II ¨ Dhartok (weighed down)
[Koolkitty] Cure IV ¨ Koolkitty
[Koolkitty] 670 HP Cure IV ¨ Koolkitty
[Kuishen] Raise II ¨ Greendragon
It started getting out of control after the trusts died so we were instructed to get off of it to let him stabilize it and then it killed him while he had it pulled out of range to get out of one of the clouds. So I have no idea what triggers the high damage. My enspell is Enthunder fwiw.
EDIT: It's possible him being inside one his poison clouds gives him access to the high damage? That's the only sensible theory I can come up with.
By Viciouss 2022-10-18 15:15:06
I know that even with a Metal, Sector A Salamander can still get buck wild on people if you SC him.
I have solo'd the A boss on Sam with trusts so no this is not accurate. Water damage sends him over the edge, not skillchains.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2022-10-18 15:23:16
The metal does not protect from Clobbering Wave. It makes it so that nasty poison can be removed. Without the metal, after our first kill, I had a 250 HP per tic poison that could not be removed.
With proper preparation, Clobbering Wave can be weathered. However, kiting him prevents him using Cesspool, getting his aura, and popping those stink clouds so I think kiting is still the ticket.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Fenrir.Zenion 2022-10-18 16:06:18
The metal does not protect from Clobbering Wave. It makes it so that nasty poison can be removed. Without the metal, after our first kill, I had a 250 HP per tic poison that could not be removed.
With proper preparation, Clobbering Wave can be weathered. However, kiting him prevents him using Cesspool, getting his aura, and popping those stink clouds so I think kiting is still the ticket.
Thank you. Finally somebody else saying the metal turns Taint into Poison. I thought I was going crazy.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14
By Asura.Jezper 2022-10-18 16:22:49
We tried today that all 6 people in the party performed an action on Botulus, we ended up getting metal. To elaborate, PLD COR RNG BRD GEO WHM, did Leaden Trueflight, PLD did Shield Bash. BRD did Elegy, WHM Dia II GEO did geo-malaise and paralyze
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Fenrir.Zenion 2022-10-18 16:29:06
We tried today that all 6 people in the party performed an action on Botulus, we ended up getting metal. To elaborate, PLD COR RNG BRD GEO WHM, did Leaden Trueflight, PLD might have atonement but was engaged. BRD did Elegy, WHM Dia II GEO did bubbles and paralyze
Shouldn't be it.
Kuishen log - they had Sylvie in their party as a trust, and she didn't act directly against the botulus. From that, we can conclude that if this is a requirement, trusts do not count toward it.
From there, I'd refer back to my blu geo attempt. Geo used geo-malaise on the botulus, and blu... did everything else basically. Both characters acted, so if trusts don't count then that should have done it.
EDIT: Okay, this is getting into "so stupid I'll scream if it's true", but... can anyone find a record of a party getting the chest without someone earning a merit point from the fight, or conversely, one of a party not getting it when someone did earn a merit point?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Leviathan.Denorea 2022-10-18 17:12:52
I don't post much but seeing multiple ppl having a hard time with chest from Botulus. Our setup is PLD,GEO,RDM,COR,COR,RNG doesnt matter what room we've killed it in or day of week. I tank against the wall everyone else gets behind Cors and Rngs do their thing and kill from behind and we've always seen a chest from that strat.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Fenrir.Zenion 2022-10-18 17:28:34
Leviathan.Denorea said: »I don't post much but seeing multiple ppl having a hard time with chest from Botulus. Our setup is PLD,GEO,RDM,COR,COR,RNG doesnt matter what room we've killed it in or day of week. I tank against the wall everyone else gets behind Cors and Rngs do their thing and kill from behind and we've always seen a chest from that strat.
... so I guess we can add "kill from behind" to the list of things to try? I don't see anything else in there that differs meaningfully from what everyone else has been trying.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Valefor.Kuishen 2022-10-18 17:47:20
Everybody WSing it at least once maybe?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Fenrir.Zenion 2022-10-18 17:52:56
Everybody WSing it at least once maybe?
Shouldn't be that, the Ruau screenshot has a party of six getting it after only two party members weaponskill at it.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 162
By Shiva.Cziella 2022-10-18 18:22:54
EDIT: Oh and we went to boss afterwards and it still used Clobbering Wave for over 7k damage to a PLD so we ended up grav kiting and having me WS it down while chasing it around the room. So I don't know what the metal actually does if it doesn't prevent the massive damage from Clobbering Wave.
Got a starstone from it though so at least it was worth the trouble.
EDIT EDIT: After thinking about it, it's possible the Metal made it so that it's moves were only giving us Poison instead of Taint, as my DoTs were being removed during the fight and nobody mentioned getting it.
It makes the poison/taint curable, without metal you can't cure poison with magic or items, and it's slightly stronger HP/tic too, regen V can't keep up compared when metal is present.
By Demonseed 2022-10-18 18:49:58
Like I mentioned before we've always seen the chest drop when killing from behind.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-10-18 18:57:00
Like I mentioned before we've always seen the chest drop when killing from behind.
I'm gonna kill myself from behind if that is the answer. But I'll put it on the list for tomorrow.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2022-10-18 18:57:05
We tried today that all 6 people in the party performed an action on Botulus, we ended up getting metal. To elaborate, PLD COR RNG BRD GEO WHM, did Leaden Trueflight, PLD might have atonement but was engaged. BRD did Elegy, WHM Dia II GEO did bubbles and paralyze
Shouldn't be it.
Kuishen log - they had Sylvie in their party as a trust, and she didn't act directly against the botulus. From that, we can conclude that if this is a requirement, trusts do not count toward it.
From there, I'd refer back to my blu geo attempt. Geo used geo-malaise on the botulus, and blu... did everything else basically. Both characters acted, so if trusts don't count then that should have done it.
EDIT: Okay, this is getting into "so stupid I'll scream if it's true", but... can anyone find a record of a party getting the chest without someone earning a merit point from the fight, or conversely, one of a party not getting it when someone did earn a merit point?
Was a cute try but was not merits / JPs
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Valefor.Kuishen 2022-10-18 18:58:16
Like I mentioned before we've always seen the chest drop when killing from behind.
I was at the very least not in front of it when we got it last night and I got the killshot so we'll try that again tonight if we do E.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Asura.Baeron 2022-10-18 20:12:25
Another confirmed success - we pulled the Botulus in E, did nothing else special except for all the DDs attacking from behind. He used multiple TP moves, including Just Desserts, cast multiple spells. We did some multi-step skillchains (mostly Savage Blade -> Burning Blade and back), but definitely killed from behind.
Got the chest and the metal.