Sortie Release - Info
By klayy 2022-10-17 00:36:47
Yeah, maybe. If I was gonna try anything, it would be reverse order. And if its not order related, some kind of timed deal. tbf I havent even unlocked H yet lol. Its on the to-do-list for this week.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2022-10-17 01:02:46
Can confirm, can ws on 3 acuex to low health. As long as magic kills it. Does this apply to all mobs in A? So Leeches too? It should, right?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Fenrir.Zenion 2022-10-17 04:38:38
So from tonight, I can confirm that Botulus chest is not get the four hall A objectives.
Hall F is not run and hit bitzer before entering any other basement.
Naakuals in F dropped chest without any deliberate effort to do in order or kill in special ways. I don't want to say "we just did it" but... we just did it, I can't imagine there being a trick.
Naraka in G was same deal, no hoops to jump through, we just killed it and got the chest. Fought some mobs before, had a few deaths, it just worked.
Hall G boss Triboulex: There was a bar in upper left of screen for the metal, which started full and didn't deplete. No idea what it was doing, boss still dropped spires and still used Setting the Stage and wiped us out with 4750 damage each. Cruel Joke wasn't inflicting doom, but I'm not sure if that's a metal thing or just how it works in Sortie.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 48
By Asura.Helmaru 2022-10-17 04:46:44
So from tonight, I can confirm that Botulus chest is not get the four hall A objectives.
Hall F is not run and hit bitzer before entering any other basement.
Naakuals in F dropped chest without any deliberate effort to do in order or kill in special ways. I don't want to say "we just did it" but... we just did it, I can't imagine there being a trick.
Naraka in G was same deal, no hoops to jump through, we just killed it and got the chest. Fought some mobs before, had a few deaths, it just worked.
Hall G boss Triboulex: There was a bar in upper left of screen for the metal, which started full and didn't deplete. No idea what it was doing, boss still dropped spires and still used Setting the Stage and wiped us out with 4750 damage each. Cruel Joke wasn't inflicting doom, but I'm not sure if that's a metal thing or just how it works in Sortie.
Did you try using it? Maybe its somekind of shield type deal which holds till depleted?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Fenrir.Zenion 2022-10-17 04:52:22
So from tonight, I can confirm that Botulus chest is not get the four hall A objectives.
Hall F is not run and hit bitzer before entering any other basement.
Naakuals in F dropped chest without any deliberate effort to do in order or kill in special ways. I don't want to say "we just did it" but... we just did it, I can't imagine there being a trick.
Naraka in G was same deal, no hoops to jump through, we just killed it and got the chest. Fought some mobs before, had a few deaths, it just worked.
Hall G boss Triboulex: There was a bar in upper left of screen for the metal, which started full and didn't deplete. No idea what it was doing, boss still dropped spires and still used Setting the Stage and wiped us out with 4750 damage each. Cruel Joke wasn't inflicting doom, but I'm not sure if that's a metal thing or just how it works in Sortie.
Did you try using it? Maybe its somekind of shield type deal which holds till depleted?
We did have one member of the party try to use it, and it just... didn't? Like the other Sortie temp items, it didn't seem to be usable, just something to sit there.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2022-10-17 05:19:46
Managed to get the Metal #E from the Botulus.
Killed it shortly after going up to E from A (can still see an A Objective in the log).
Killed nothing else before it and did not kill it with a skillchain.
We were trying to kill it with a skillchain but messed up.
COR got the killshot with Leaden Salute.
Windsday so likely no correlation between the day of the week and the element used to kill it.
Kill was about 2:30 or so from point of warping into E.
Thinking it might be time-based. Will try again tomorrow and see if we can replicate. Will report back if we replicate the result. Maybe its hit him for over 150k+ with a ws (trueflight + frag dmg) It looks like you guys killed it in 5 WS and WS was killing blow. I've never casted finale on him maybe that could be part of it?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-10-17 06:34:59
I was thinking maybe just 99,999 damage, but that seems very unlikely. I don't think SE would put that gate on.
I'm just out of ideas aside from total prayers like "Botulus must be facing east when killed" or something stupid.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 48
By Asura.Helmaru 2022-10-17 06:55:29
I was thinking maybe just 99,999 damage, but that seems very unlikely. I don't think SE would put that gate on.
I'm just out of ideas aside from total prayers like "Botulus must be facing east when killed" or something stupid.
Doing capped DMG Skillchains on him most of the time, never had coffer yet.
Seems like all NMs have weird requirements in the extended areas.
Or something we didnt think of at all yet. Bring more Mages than Melees or something stupid indeed.
In Ruau's screenshot the person with killshot has AM on, hail mary that one?
edit: also noticed he has Burn debuff (might have been applied later), wild theories go!
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7
By Ramuh.Spookyfish 2022-10-17 07:03:50
Did Silence stick? Perhaps he has to die with a debuff matching the element of the day? Or enfeebling to be specific
By Penpenn 2022-10-17 07:22:48
Maybe in additional to killing with metal screenshots we should start posting killing without metal screenshots?
Begin wild speculation:
Could it be something like he used Just Desserts (thinking of the HELM where you need to stun this or your screwed) or even he debuffed someone in the party.
Looking at Ruau's fight, he used both Chymous Reek (AoE dmg/stun/choke) and Rancid Reflux (Conal dmg, knockback, Max HP Down,Gravity).
If both were resisted - maybe metal is awarded since no one was debuffed by him?
Additional speculation:
Has anyone tried NOT WSing during TP moves? Depending on the time between the moves noted above and the WSs shown in the screenshot, this may have haphazardly been the case. There is a WS during blaze spikes but that would be a spell and not a TP move.
By Hopalong 2022-10-17 07:27:11
Didn't see an mention of this, but no word on a trade system for unneeded/unused earrings. I'm guessing not gonna happen.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2022-10-17 07:58:30
You can use WS on A mobs now and finish them with nuke and still get shard and metal. Timer to kill the bhoot in C for red coffer seems to be more than 3 min now too. wat
Quite a few reports of both of these instances being true.
Can confirm, can ws on 3 acuex to low health. As long as magic kills it.
Bhoot seems to be increased to 5 min.
Yep I was noticing that yesterday as well on leeches, was able to get all 3 chest in just a few minutes with 2 step sc's and finishing mob off with MB. Also I think Bhoot is longer then 5 minutes as two days this week I've gone over 5 minutes and still received chest, may be 6 minutes.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-10-17 08:37:42
Didn't see an mention of this, but no word on a trade system for unneeded/unused earrings. I'm guessing not gonna happen.
Might still happen. Moogle Amplifiers and "additional segments + gil bonus" from Sheol C came out of nowhere when nobody expected any helping hand.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Fenrir.Zenion 2022-10-17 09:03:18
Maybe in additional to killing with metal screenshots we should start posting killing without metal screenshots?
Begin wild speculation:
Could it be something like he used Just Desserts (thinking of the HELM where you need to stun this or your screwed) or even he debuffed someone in the party.
Looking at Ruau's fight, he used both Chymous Reek (AoE dmg/stun/choke) and Rancid Reflux (Conal dmg, knockback, Max HP Down,Gravity).
If both were resisted - maybe metal is awarded since no one was debuffed by him?
Additional speculation:
Has anyone tried NOT WSing during TP moves? Depending on the time between the moves noted above and the WSs shown in the screenshot, this may have haphazardly been the case. There is a WS during blaze spikes but that would be a spell and not a TP move.
I swear, at this rate we're gonna end up getting an Absolute Virtue official strategy video from the devs on this...
Do not act on Botulus before it attacks.
Claim Botulus with sneak active.
Claim Botulus with invisible active.
Claim Botulus without sneak or invisible active.
Defeat Botulus without using magic damage.
Defeat Botulus without using weaponskills.
Do not autoattack Botulus.
Do not engage against Botulus.
Use pets to fight Botulus.
> (Summoner) (Beastmaster) (Dragoon) (Puppetmaster) (Geomancer)
Do not use pets to fight Botulus.
Defeat Botulus without using physical weaponskills.
Defeat Botulus without using magical weaponskills.
Defeat Botulus without being charmed.
Defeat Botulus without being debuffed.
Defeat Botulus while it has no buffs.
Defeat Botulus while it has more debuffs than buffs.
Defeat Botulus while it has Blaze Spikes effect.
Debuff Botulus a specific number of times.
Use skillchains on Botulus.
Use specific elemental damage on Botulus.
> (Fire) (Earth) (Water) (Wind) (Ice) (Lightning) (Light) (Dark)
Use elemental magic matching day fight is started against Botulus.
Magic burst against Botulus.
Magic burst specific elemental magic against Botulus.
Deal 99999 damage to Botulus in one blow.
Deal 99999 damage to Botulus with a skillchain.
Defeat Botulus without slashing damage.
Defeat Botulus without piercing damage.
Defeat Botulus without blunt damage.
Defeat Botulus without ranged damage.
Use slashing weapons against Botulus.
Use piercing weapons against Botulus.
Use blunt weapons against Botulus.
Use ranged weapons against Botulus.
Prevent Botulus from using any magic during fight.
Prevent Botulus from using any TP moves during fight.
Prevent Botulus from using more than a fixed number of TP moves.
Allow Botulus to use all TP moves.
Do not weaponskill during TP moves.
Do not cast magic during TP moves.
Do not weaponskill or cast during TP moves.
Do not weaponskill while Botulus is casting.
Do not cast magic while Botulus is casting.
Do not weaponskill or cast while Botulus is casting.
Do not weaponskill while Botulus casts or uses TP moves.
Do not cast while Botulus casts or uses TP moves.
Do not weaponskill or cast while Botulus casts or uses TP moves.
Do not use job abilities while fighting Botulus.
Use a fixed number of job abilities while fighting Botulus.
Defeat Botulus without fighting any other foes in Hall E.
Defeat Botulus after all flans in Hall E are slain.
Defeat Botulus before naakuals appear in Hall E.
Defeat Botulus after defeating Hall E naakuals.
Defeat Botulus after completing four Hall A objectives.
Gain a merit point by defeating Botulus.
Gain a job point by defeating Botulus.
Gain a master level by defeating Botulus.
Deal more physical damage than magical while fighting Botulus.
Deal more magical damage than physical while fighting Botulus.
Suffer a number of KOs while fighting Botulus.
Defeat Botulus without any KOs.
Defeat Botulus without healing.
Heal a fixed number of times during the fight.
Use a fixed number of items while fighting Botulus.
Defeat Botulus without having any buffs active.
Defeat Botulus within a specific timeframe from engage.
Defeat Botulus while it readies a TP move.
Defeat Botulus while it casts a spell.
Perform a 4 step skillchain on Botulus.
Perform a double Light or Darkness skillchain on Botulus.
Perform a weaponskill aligned with the day you entered Hall E.
Perform a skillchain aligned with the day you entered Hall E.
Perform a double skillchain aligned with the day you entered Hall E.
Perform only skillchains aligned with the day you entered Hall E.
Perform a weaponskill aligned with the day you engaged Botulus.
Perform a skillchain aligned with the day you engaged Botulus.
Perform a double skillchain aligned with the day you engaged Botulus.
Perform only weaponskills aligned with the day you engaged Botulus.
Perform only skillchains aligned with the day you engaged Botulus.
Defeat Botulus while it faces a specific direction.
> (N) (NE) (E) (SE) (S) (SW) (W) (NW)
Defeat Botulus while you face a specific direction.
> (N) (NE) (E) (SE) (S) (SW) (W) (NW)
Defeat Botulus while it faces a direction based on day engaged.
Defeat Botulus while you face a direction based on day engaged.
Defeat Botulus while you face in the same direction as it.
Defeat Botulus with damage over time.
Complete a skillchain of as many weaponskills as you have party members.
Defeat Botulus with a skillchain opened by party member who first engaged it and closed by another.
Deal no elemental damage other than that matching element of day of entering Hall E.
Deal no elemental damage other than that matching element of day of engaging Botulus.
Have all party members perform an action against Botulus.
Deliver killshot from behind Botulus.
Interrupt Botulus while it casts a spell.
Defeat Botulus while all non-trust party members are behind it.
Defeat Botulus while one party member is in front, and all others are behind it.
Deal the majority of damage against Botulus from behind.
Can anyone else think of any other stupid conditions SE might have wanted to put on this that we could try and test specifically for?
By Hopalong 2022-10-17 09:20:55
There are interesting puzzles and there are dumb puzzles that you just throw darts at. Zelda puzzles vs. FFXI puzzles.
I wish they didn't try to make things up like this Sortie bs. Do some like timed revolving floors or pit traps instead. The Naaukuls should have been automatically released after some time period and you'd have to run/ fight/intercept/divide them to survive etc.
You know what, I bet this ***is some of the ffxiv devs influence since it is becoming so scripted.
Quote: Interact with Diaphanous Bitzer #B while walking from the start of the zone. If you enter with multiple people they all must walk from the start or be in a boss area. If they used a Diaphanous Devices to warp they must warp back to the start then make the walk.
For real?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2022-10-17 09:38:00
Maybe in additional to killing with metal screenshots we should start posting killing without metal screenshots?
Both screenshots we have seen it appeared the Botulus was either casting or readying a TP move while defeated. We tried yesterday but I lagged out on the killshot WS. We are going to attempt to kill it during mid-cast again today.
By klayy 2022-10-17 11:38:06
Both screenshots we have seen it appeared the Botulus was either casting or readying a TP move while defeated. We tried yesterday but I lagged out on the killshot WS. We are going to attempt to kill it during mid-cast again today.
Yah my metal came with a TP move readying. So might try get my group to do that like knock it to 5% or so, get TP, wait n kill.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-10-17 12:50:07
I have confirmation that killing it while its CASTING does not give chest/metal. I did not try during a TP move.
By klayy 2022-10-17 12:53:25
We tried to kill it while it did just desserts. no chest. was mostly leaden/tflight spam/SCs.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-10-17 13:12:33
BG Wiki now has:
Quote: Vanquish Esurient Botulus in under 2:30 (?) from entering area E. - Verification needed.
I wonder who is updating the page and if they have receipts for this claim.
By Homsar 2022-10-17 13:24:53
Did a run with my shell mates the other day. One told me that the objective for Botulus was killing 6 slimes first, then Botulus. We did that and got chest. Didn't pay attention to literally anything else while killing.
By SimonSes 2022-10-17 13:28:09
Did a run with my shell mates the other day. One told me that the objective for Botulus was killing 6 slimes first, then Botulus. We did that and got chest. Didn't pay attention to literally anything else while killing.
Some people here got chest killing botulus as first target in E, so no
By Homsar 2022-10-17 13:28:56
Did a run with my shell mates the other day. One told me that the objective for Botulus was killing 6 slimes first, then Botulus. We did that and got chest. Didn't pay attention to literally anything else while killing.
Some people here got chest killing botulus as first target in E, so no
Maybe it's simply believing the chest will spawn and it will.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2022-10-17 13:31:14
I wonder who is updating the page and if they have receipts for this claim. You don't have to wonder. You can check the page history to see who makes what edits. The objective has two citation needed icons, so clearly it is still an unconfirmed requirement. Better to have speculative information with tags denoting that it needs verified than no information at all.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2022-10-17 13:52:29
G.. you kill all the hounds on one side, all the dullahans on the other. That pops them. I've yet to see someone kill them without them just respawning. If its order, idk.. if someone confirmed that WKR order doesn't work Our group has gotten the Red Coffer in G four times in a row so we're pretty confident this is how it's done.
Kill all Hounds, then kill all Dullahans.
Naakuals spawn (pull Dullahans to a doorway to avoid mass aggro).
Kill in the order the WKR appeared in, rather the zones closest to Adoulin outward.
(These 3 might be interchangable)
Bztavian > Rockfin > Gabbrath
Will record it later. I cleared both rooms before starting and didnt get red coffer. I think its kill order that matters.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-10-17 13:55:34
I wonder who is updating the page and if they have receipts for this claim. You don't have to wonder. You can check the page history to see who makes what edits. The objective has two citation needed icons, so clearly it is still an unconfirmed requirement. Better to have speculative information with tags denoting that it needs verified than no information at all.
I mostly want to know what led them to that conclusion because if they don't have receipts or other context, I might as well go jam something totally unfounded in there myself, ya know? Prior iterations had blatantly wrong information as well like "kill 5 mobs and Botulus". I'd rather have nothing than false leads, personally.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 90
By Bahamut.Skald 2022-10-17 13:55:50
Both screenshots we have seen it appeared the Botulus was either casting or readying a TP move while defeated. We tried yesterday but I lagged out on the killshot WS. We are going to attempt to kill it during mid-cast again today.
Our run yesterday was first time success for chest, did not notice whether killshot was during tp move readying.
If relevant or not we were whm cor brd blm rng run, last stand >> trueflight and burst, one of which was extended with a dimi.
Had 8/8 A objectives going in. Botulus was in first room, killed the 3 flans prior to engaging.
Will likely try similar tonight and note point of killshot.