Sortie Release - Info
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 129
By Asura.Cthaeh 2022-10-15 22:23:51
Today for the first time I killed the 4 NMs of the upper zone but no Aurum Coffer popped.
I did get the Obdella chest, the Porxie Chest and the Ghost chest, but I couldn't manage to get the Deleterious chest (wiped after killing a single fomor)
Could that be the reason why Aurum didn't pop? Then again if that's the case I guess we should update BG-wiki with the necessary goal being obtaining the chest from the 4 NMs and not just defeating them.
This happened to me one time. Didn't get message, didn't get chest. Ran to do other objectives, came back later and just happened to notice the Aurum coffer was where it should have been. I think its a glitch, and the objective clear gets delayed for a few minutes.
By klayy 2022-10-15 23:54:44
eh not much to report today. Didnt get the bitzer F chest again.. I/we are like 4/9 on it? I just done even know. Did try to kill the botulus with only magic WS leaden/AE/Leaden etc. I think I was the only one on it but no chest. Was worth a shot though.
Got a starstone and a +1 case off the E Nakuals. Wonder if we'll ever see that again lol. Got a second stone off .. something. Wanna say the F Nakuals.
Killed all the veelas, obv got that chest in F. Wondered if ppl had ways to navigate the insane full dispelling. Early on ppl just did w/e to w/e and it got silly to the point I worried we'd time out. Eventually we just sent one SAM in to SC them while everyone else (including the other SAM) stayed back. If one SAM got full dispelled, we sent the other one in while we tried to get some songs and rolls back in the other one. Honestly it worked out kinda ok. But wanted to see if ppl had better ideas.
By klayy 2022-10-16 01:58:21
Just took the alts in. I'm now 5/10 on the F chest and I still couldn't tell you why. Had the COR target the bitzer but the WHM aggroed 2 eles. So had the COR light shot both.. retargeted the device.. then had the WHM click the device instant chest.
That's the entirety of what happened.
I can dispel a couple of thoughts. It's not no kill/no aggro related. I killed two veelas (on COR! painful af lol) and the ixion before I found the bitzer. Pretty sure the targeting thing is not it. I know people who've gotten this solo with trusts. Every time we have seen it, it has coincided with someone clicking the device. First time I got it, the COR was warping out to B and the WHM was about to do the same, chest on his feet. One time with the LS, my main clicked the device and it appeared immediately. I've seen two other people in LS runs report similarly. But what the actual trigger is, idk. It's not simply clicking on it. There's something else to it... idk positioning maybe distance from it? I really don't know.
So that was in the last 8 minutes and I got a starstone out of it. E is fairly solo friendly... if you don't need buffs or can bring your own. Basically if you're a COR. You can toss enough leaden/AE/Leaden/WFs or WF/WFs at stuff and not pull hate off the trust tank to kill flans/nakuals/slugs/slimes. Got 2 blues and a red from there.
By SimonSes 2022-10-16 03:35:20
Killed all the veelas, obv got that chest in F. Wondered if ppl had ways to navigate the insane full dispelling
You need the king of all spells in Sortie - Sudden Lunge :)
By Ruaumoko 2022-10-16 04:36:13
Managed to get the Metal #E from the Botulus.
Killed it shortly after going up to E from A (can still see an A Objective in the log).
Killed nothing else before it and did not kill it with a skillchain.
We were trying to kill it with a skillchain but messed up.
COR got the killshot with Leaden Salute.
Windsday so likely no correlation between the day of the week and the element used to kill it.
Kill was about 2:30 or so from point of warping into E.
Thinking it might be time-based. Will try again tomorrow and see if we can replicate. Will report back if we replicate the result.
By SimonSes 2022-10-16 05:41:43
We had none leave and enter again and we killed it after Naakuls when we got a metal. It's neither going back or time.
Corelation I can find is:
Windsday (probably not important)
It didn't cast a single spell successfully.
Died midcast (it was slightly different for us, I stunned it's casting and it died while stunned, but could be the same thing)
So possibly killshot midcast or kill without letting it cast.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2022-10-16 07:15:03
Is the gallimaufry limit still set at 100k?
Sounds a bit stupid when you need 90k for a Starstone and 70k for a +3 upgrade.
I could understand setting it low BEFORE the +3 upgrade because they didn't want people to store 2 gazilion of points before that. But now that the +3 upgrade is out what's the big deal with letting people store more points and decide later?
These small, annoying, little things that go against QoL are quite irking and completely out of place in 2022.
This is not 2004 FFXI gfdi.
By SimonSes 2022-10-16 07:20:53
I lost around 60k Galli holding it at 99999 before I got Starstone to drop (and I got 2 in the same run XD). Your question and irritation are logical, but once again none knows this beside devs and they won't respond you here :)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 48
By Asura.Helmaru 2022-10-16 07:31:15
Managed to get the Metal #E from the Botulus.
Killed it shortly after going up to E from A (can still see an A Objective in the log).
Killed nothing else before it and did not kill it with a skillchain.
We were trying to kill it with a skillchain but messed up.
COR got the killshot with Leaden Salute.
Windsday so likely no correlation between the day of the week and the element used to kill it.
Kill was about 2:30 or so from point of warping into E.
Thinking it might be time-based. Will try again tomorrow and see if we can replicate. Will report back if we replicate the result.
Nice one - We have killed it in <2 mins from entering E before with no chest so not sure it's a time thing. Could it be exiting and re-entering that triggered it, similar to the F naakuls chest, maybe one obj for each zone revolves around that, similar to each zone having a kill all based on NM and a blitzer obj.
We also tried that buffed up outside , went in, was in first room went down after one To > Chi > To (ninja hybrid WSs are amazing in sortie specially with malaise XD)
So the time thing for me is out the window especially considering it can spawn in the furtherst room way back.
preventing it from casting is an interesting theory might try that one next
Im leaning towards correlations to A.
A) has anyone gotten chest NOT messing around in A?
B) has anyone gotten chest AFTER Killing A boss?
Would lead me to believe that you maybe have to get A pop in order to get E Chest? Just brainstorming (might have been debunked already)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2022-10-16 07:38:34
Managed to get the Metal #E from the Botulus.
Killed it shortly after going up to E from A (can still see an A Objective in the log).
Killed nothing else before it and did not kill it with a skillchain.
We were trying to kill it with a skillchain but messed up.
COR got the killshot with Leaden Salute.
Windsday so likely no correlation between the day of the week and the element used to kill it.
Kill was about 2:30 or so from point of warping into E.
Thinking it might be time-based. Will try again tomorrow and see if we can replicate. Will report back if we replicate the result. We tried this sneak/invis straight to as first mob, killed with no SC, no metal
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-10-16 09:10:16
I see from the picture that it might've died mid-cast on that Blaze Spikes. I'll go try.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Fenrir.Zenion 2022-10-16 09:37:26
Managed to get the Metal #E from the Botulus.
Killed it shortly after going up to E from A (can still see an A Objective in the log).
Killed nothing else before it and did not kill it with a skillchain.
We were trying to kill it with a skillchain but messed up.
COR got the killshot with Leaden Salute.
Windsday so likely no correlation between the day of the week and the element used to kill it.
Kill was about 2:30 or so from point of warping into E.
Thinking it might be time-based. Will try again tomorrow and see if we can replicate. Will report back if we replicate the result.
Is anyone else 100% sure they've killed the botulus before killing or aggroing any other mobs in E, without getting its chest? That feels like a pretty simple and straightforward first basement objective, so I'd lean toward believing that's it unless proven otherwise.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2022-10-16 09:45:19
Managed to get the Metal #E from the Botulus.
Killed it shortly after going up to E from A (can still see an A Objective in the log).
Killed nothing else before it and did not kill it with a skillchain.
We were trying to kill it with a skillchain but messed up.
COR got the killshot with Leaden Salute.
Windsday so likely no correlation between the day of the week and the element used to kill it.
Kill was about 2:30 or so from point of warping into E.
Thinking it might be time-based. Will try again tomorrow and see if we can replicate. Will report back if we replicate the result.
Is anyone else 100% sure they've killed the botulus before killing or aggroing any other mobs in E, without getting its chest? That feels like a pretty simple and straightforward first basement objective, so I'd lean toward believing that's it unless proven otherwise.
I have 4-5 times now at least My usual process is to enter E, find botulus first and kill him. I have yet to see chest. Normally takes me 5-6 minutes to kill and with time to locate him normally have him dead 8 minutes or so after entering floor. He's my first aggro in E and only kill. Tried to kill both before gate and after gate the closes.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-10-16 09:53:34
Killed Botulus first mob in the entire Sortie run. No aggro. SAM spamming Fudo.
Waited until he was casting Drain, killed him with WS, no chest/no metal.
I will repop and try to kill him while he is stunned.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-10-16 09:58:19
Watch it be something utterly arcane like "one of the attacks on Botulus must have been between 20000 and 25000 damage".
By SimonSes 2022-10-16 09:58:40
Killed Botulus first mob in the entire Sortie run. No aggro. SAM spamming Fudo.
Waited until he was casting Drain, killed him with WS, no chest/no metal.
I will repop and try to kill him while he is stunned.
Did it cast anything prior the spell it tried to do while you killed it, or was it the first spell?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-10-16 10:12:06
It cast many things prior.
This attempt I killed him while he was stunned and had RDM meleeing with en-fire because why not at this point. Nothing.
Repopping a third time and going to try silencing/stunning all spells.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-10-16 10:18:44
Third attempt, no spells got off (stunned the first one, silenced after). He only got off one TP move.
No chest.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2022-10-16 10:26:31
Fourth attempt, dragged him all the way to the Bitzer which was in Flan room. Fudo spam, ended up killing him with Fire 5 MB from RDM.
Hey guess what, no chest.
Game is so stupid sometimes.
By SimonSes 2022-10-16 11:15:32
In Rua pic, they casted lots of dispels, in my kill it didn't tp move or cast, so another similarity could be it died with no buffs?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-10-16 11:25:38
For those that got chest from it, what room did you find (and thus kill) Botulus in?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Fenrir.Zenion 2022-10-16 11:31:45
It cast many things prior.
This attempt I killed him while he was stunned and had RDM meleeing with en-fire because why not at this point. Nothing.
Repopping a third time and going to try silencing/stunning all spells. It cast many things prior.
This attempt I killed him while he was stunned and had RDM meleeing with en-fire because why not at this point. Nothing.
Repopping a third time and going to try silencing/stunning all spells. Third attempt, no spells got off (stunned the first one, silenced after). He only got off one TP move.
No chest. Fourth attempt, dragged him all the way to the Bitzer which was in Flan room. Fudo spam, ended up killing him with Fire 5 MB from RDM.
Hey guess what, no chest.
Game is so stupid sometimes.
Freakin' legend right here. So it's not "no casting." It's not "kill first." "Kill fast" is still on the table, but unlikely. My group has killed in both large rooms but not the four-square so it could require killing there but that seems so esoteric. Pretty sure all magic weaponskills has been debunked. Skillchain kill is no. Not sure I've seen anything conclusive on fire damage/fire damage kill?
Tonight's run, I think we're going to be trying to get the four pacifist chests in A before killing, to see if that's it, hoping to report back with good news on that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-10-16 11:33:06
Kill fast is off the table unless it's something crazy low like less than 1 minute.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Fenrir.Zenion 2022-10-16 11:53:04
Kill fast is off the table unless it's something crazy low like less than 1 minute.
I was thinking the most sensible mark would be "before the Naakuals spawn", so if we've got kills below that threshold, perfect. Knock that off the list, that would have been an awful target to have to shoot for anyway.
By SimonSes 2022-10-16 12:10:43
If anything it would be time of kill from engage, not from entering the zone, because we got metal when we killed it like 10 min after entering. I doubt it's fast kill tho, because we once spawned it 5 times and every time we destroyed it probably faster than when we got metal, but we didn't on those 5 kills.
By SimonSes 2022-10-16 12:11:43
For those that got chest from it, what room did you find (and thus kill) Botulus in?
Found in slugs next to naakuls doors. Killed exactly where red coffer spawns.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 253
By Fenrir.Zenion 2022-10-16 12:21:40
For those that got chest from it, what room did you find (and thus kill) Botulus in?
Found in slugs next to naakuls doors. Killed exactly where red coffer spawns.
Based on the Ruaumoko screenshot, I'm going to say that debunks the room you kill in as the trigger. There's flans, slimes, and slugs in there, so it's the first room. I know I've seen kills both there and in the OnlyFlansâ„¢ room at the end of the hall without a chest.