Sortie Release - Info
By Koliz 2022-10-12 19:23:05
I sadly got nq old case from a blue casket in E ;;
By Chimerawizard 2022-10-12 19:24:25
old case from a blue casket G1.
By Vaerix 2022-10-12 19:27:19
2 nq cases from E yday :-(
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Fenrir.Hwangnew 2022-10-12 19:32:08
You still get normal cases.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 137
By Asura.Chendar 2022-10-12 20:05:34
Cleared everything in E, we were just murdering things randomly so no idea if dmg types or SCs or whatnot made any difference for these.
Got Casket #E1 after killing everything in the D/E-6 square area on the combined map on wiki, last mob killed was also the last slime in E.
Casket #E2 after clearing the whole E area, finished up with Flans in the southern room.
Got nq old case from both.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-10-12 20:19:08
Our group killed all of the vampyrs in G, but no chest appeared. We did get metal from killing the Naraka after that, though.
We tried killing botulus ASAP after entering zone (and then again after respawning E mobs), but no chest either time, so probably not time-based like the C bhoot is.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2022-10-12 21:10:08
anyone try bringing E mini boss to other flans ? maybe they take hp or w/e from each other.
Edit: Tested this myself didn't get metal.
By drakefs 2022-10-12 21:10:59
I hope the new zones only drop old case +1. Sounds like it from what you said
Unless you are talking about only from area boss drops, nope. E area Naakuals chest gave an old case for us last night.
By Seraphpdh 2022-10-12 21:51:19
Confirmed tonight:
"Casket #G1 Stand near the Bitzer for 30 seconds."
Being sneak/inviz was fine. The Dullahans aggro sight though, so be careful. Dropped an Old Case.
By Shuko 2022-10-12 23:14:27
Confirmed tonight:
"Casket #G1 Stand near the Bitzer for 30 seconds."
Being sneak/inviz was fine. The Dullahans aggro sight though, so be careful. Dropped an Old Case.
Did this in my run tonight can confirm
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2022-10-13 00:41:31
Confirmed tonight:
"Casket #G1 Stand near the Bitzer for 30 seconds."
Being sneak/inviz was fine. The Dullahans aggro sight though, so be careful. Dropped an Old Case.
This did not work for me. There is probably another condition.
It seems like the entire party needs to be nearby. Our WHM got there first by about 15 seconds. The chest popped between 45-60 seconds from the WHM getting there but closer to 30s from when the whole party got there.
By Shuko 2022-10-13 01:02:50
When I got it my party was uh... dead other then me, and I waited 30 got nothing, then I targeted it, waited 30 and it appeared
By SimonSes 2022-10-13 01:54:58
I killed Naakuls and every trash mobs in E on the side of doors where Naakuls spawn. Then I sneaked to Flans, because I knew I won't be able to kill everything (duobox). I got 2 blue chests after killing last Flan in the Flan room.
By drakefs 2022-10-13 01:57:18
I killed Naakuls and every trash mobs in E on the side of doors where Naakuls spawn. Then I sneaked to Flans, because I knew I won't be able to kill everything (duobox). I got 2 blue chests after killing last Flan in the Flan room.
Was the blitzer in the flan room? We killed all the flans with the blizter being in the room but only got 1 chest.
EDIT: the Naakuals spawn on both sides of the door btw.
By SimonSes 2022-10-13 02:04:00
I killed Naakuls and every trash mobs in E on the side of doors where Naakuls spawn. Then I sneaked to Flans, because I knew I won't be able to kill everything (duobox). I got 2 blue chests after killing last Flan in the Flan room.
Was the blitzer in the flan room? We killed all the flans with the blizter being in the room but only got 1 chest.
EDIT: the Naakuals spawn on both sides of the door btw.
Im not sure where blitzer was tbh. Oh yeah I guess if you are fast enough and go through doors to slugs, then you can kill Naakuls from the other side.
Ok then to be more specific, I killed Naakuls on the side with Slimes, not Slugs.
I was thinking I got 2 blue because 2nd objective might not be to kill everything, but maybe kill whole one random family, so I got one blue for killing all flans in the room and other for killing all flans in the zone?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2022-10-13 02:12:10
we had an interesting scenario happen on our group's first excursion in E. Went straight for the Botulus, which was in the slime/slug room that splits via the door, skipping anything along the way.
When we engaged the Botulus the door dropped, leaving our SCH on one side, and the other 5 of us with the Botulus hehe^^ Wasn't an issue healing thru the door, but it did allow us to see that Naakuls has spawned after the death of the Botulus on both sides, but the door didn't open. Upon defeating the 6 on the side with our DDs/Buffers, the door opened, and about 5 seconds after that the 6 on the side with the SCH despawned.
We didn't get a box from the Botulus or a KI, not sure what we did (or didn't) do that caused that reaction.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 48
By Asura.Helmaru 2022-10-13 02:16:50
I think the door dropping/nakulus spawn on E might be on a timer.
Did anyone who got chest from botulus, kill him after doors went down? or before?
By SimonSes 2022-10-13 03:47:38
I think the door dropping/nakulus spawn on E might be on a timer.
Did anyone who got chest from botulus, kill him after doors went down? or before?
The door went down when the Botulus was claimed.
Doesn't matter, it was coincidence. When I solo/duo, the doors are shut down and Naakuls up before I even show up there. With group, when I was killing much faster, Naakuls popped and doors shut down when we was killing Slimes (2-3 were still up) and we havent touched Botulus at all (we killed it after clearing Naakuls, Slimes and Slugs near the door, since it was deeper in the zone). Its definitely on timer, unless claiming Botulus is another trigger, but I doubt that :P
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2022-10-13 03:55:47
I think the door dropping/nakulus spawn on E might be on a timer.
Did anyone who got chest from botulus, kill him after doors went down? or before?
The door went down when the Botulus was claimed.
Doesn't matter, it was coincidence. When I solo/duo, the doors are shut down and Naakuls up before I even show up there. With group, when I was killing much faster, Naakuls popped and doors shut down when we was killing Slimes (2-3 were still up) and we havent touched Botulus at all (we killed it after clearing Naakuls, Slimes and Slugs near the door, since it was deeper in the zone). Its definitely on timer, unless claiming Botulus is another trigger, but I doubt that :P
Moderndayz was on the run with me I spoke of. Considering we only killed 2 flan prior to getting to the door room in E, and ran straight there, its quite possible that we associate the door with the claim but it was more timer-related.
Or- its possible that if you engage the Botulus before the timer has reached its end, that claiming him just forces the issue.
By phunky 2022-10-13 03:58:53
For me, the door dropped after I killed botulus. The door dropped around the same time the Naakuals spawned which was about 30 sec'ish after death.
I also saw blue procs happening fighting the Naakuals that I haven't been able to replicate. They happened as I was switching through weapons finding out which WS worked best. This was on RDM.
By Ruaumoko 2022-10-13 04:02:53
Managed to get Coffer #G to appear. (Undead Floor 2).
Kill both the Poxhounds and Dullahan in the central room, this causes the Mini-Naakuals to spawn. Beat them and the Coffer appears in the archway.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2022-10-13 04:03:07
well, if we have 3 accounts regarding the door and the Botulus, one is door was already down prior to engaging, one that the door dropped upon engaging, and one that the door dropped after killing, I think we can be comfortable associating it with time only.
By SimonSes 2022-10-13 04:09:03
We killed Dhartok yesterday. the only thing that was doing damage to it was Ranged/Trueflight. Slashing was resisted Fudo/Savage was doing 2-3k damage. Maybe it's randomly weak to one type based on jobs you enter on? Just a guess.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 130
By Asura.Aerox 2022-10-13 04:39:03
I killed Naakuls and every trash mobs in E on the side of doors where Naakuls spawn. Then I sneaked to Flans, because I knew I won't be able to kill everything (duobox). I got 2 blue chests after killing last Flan in the Flan room.
Was the blitzer in the flan room? We killed all the flans with the blizter being in the room but only got 1 chest.
EDIT: the Naakuals spawn on both sides of the door btw.
Im not sure where blitzer was tbh. Oh yeah I guess if you are fast enough and go through doors to slugs, then you can kill Naakuls from the other side.
Ok then to be more specific, I killed Naakuls on the side with Slimes, not Slugs.
I was thinking I got 2 blue because 2nd objective might not be to kill everything, but maybe kill whole one random family, so I got one blue for killing all flans in the room and other for killing all flans in the zone?
Killed all flans in the zone inc that room but only got 1 blue chest. Then again skipped nakuals with tractor through gate so not sure if that has a bearing.
Edit: wasnt a blitzer in flan room for me so kujah might be correct