Sortie Release - Info
By Lilllith 2022-10-11 20:44:54
theres some bug going on the A chest for shard and metal says ii completed but chest didnt show up
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Odin.Rajih 2022-10-11 20:49:26
ahhh knew it had to be something, thanks for the quick responses!
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19
By Odin.Valisk 2022-10-11 20:55:21
Anybody else notice an extended timer for Bhoot NM in C? Tonight we took well over 2.5 minutes but still got the Red Coffer. If I had to guess we took a little under 5 minutes to locate and kill.
By Seraphpdh 2022-10-11 21:07:07
Anybody else notice an extended timer for Bhoot NM in C? Tonight we took well over 2.5 minutes but still got the Red Coffer. If I had to guess we took a little under 5 minutes to locate and kill. Yes, same here, we killed it assuming we would have to respawn and the red chest appeared. I would assume close to 4-ish minutes for the kill for us.
By klayy 2022-10-11 21:08:10
hmm I got a blue chest in F from using the bitzer to warp back out.. dont think we got that in the LS run. I think only one person use the bitzer then to force pop the naakuuls (that seems to be a thing). My first alt used the device to pop the naakuuls then I sent the WHM after him so it wouldn't get stranded. Saw the blue chest appear as I vanished. So think it was on the 2nd uniqu bitzer usage if someone wants to try that.
Im not sure what pops the naakuuls in E. Pretty sure killing botulus wasn't it. He was in the reive room and nothing happened upon its death. I went to the flan room to clear that. (We'd seen the blue chest from clearing that room w LS but I didn't get it on alt run.. the bitzer wasnt in that room though this time. It was in the LS run so maybe..)... but yeah at some pt while killing flans, the naakuuls popped in the reive room. Same thing happened in LS run... so maybe entering that room does it?
LS run we got one starstone from the red chest that popped from killing the delve family in E. We couldnt make they pop in G .. and to my knowledge, no one has gotten from D into H yet?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Asura.Baeron 2022-10-11 21:23:28
We just did a run where we farmed E, and it looks like the E boss Dhartok takes ~90% reduced WS damage for 10s after each WS. It doesn't matter if you have different weapon skills, or weapon types. Every time we waited 10s, he took full damage, and every time we didn't, he took severely reduced damage. We ended up having our RUN tank him at range with Gravity on him while 1-2 DDs attacked him, and killed him in ~6 minutes after we figured out his mechanic. This was without the metal, because we didn't know how to get it from the Botulus.
At first we were trying Savage/Expiacion from the BLU, Rudra's from the BRD, Last Stand from the COR, Dimidiation from the RUN, and Black Halo from the GEO. By the end, just the BLU and BRD were attacking with Savage and Rudra's.
By drakefs 2022-10-11 21:40:42
Killed the 3 flans in the 1st room of area E and when we went to the reive area, the door was already closed with 2 sets of mini-naakuals (one set on each side of the door, for a total of 12). Killed the botulus first but couldn't clear the first set naakuals.
Edit: For the second run, the second set disappeared as soon as we killed the first set, door opened and chest spawned on door. May be time based as to when the Naakuals spawn and close the door. Killed a slime while the door was open and then the Naakuals spawned and closed the door. Botulus was not killed until after clearing the 6 naakuals.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2022-10-11 22:10:47
Dhartok observations: Cool color palette. After using Nullifying Rain, it appears to leave a black fog area on the ground. The fog will apply Tainted, an unremoveable 200hp/tic dot that lasts for ~4mins. The fog may also apply an aura debuff, my group experienced Drown and Magic Def. Down. These fogs may only apply debuffs if the player has enmity on the boss, as a member reraised and stood directly in it but did not receive any debuffs. It still seems to absorb/retaliate against Water damage, so safe to avoid that. Can't speak to the damage resistances, we struggled more with its TP moves than dealing damage. It also used a single target TP move that seemed to apply Tainted to the target.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-10-11 22:11:18
Im not sure what pops the naakuuls in E.
We saw the Naakuals immediately after killing Botulus, in the room with the slugs. Maybe it's a specific room? Was in the West large room.
We also received a blue E# chest from killing all Flans in the area.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 94
By Asura.Bigtymer 2022-10-11 22:33:15
We got metal G just by killing the Naraka NM. We just Savage Blade zerged it, without intentionally doing MB's or SC's, and we replicated it on our 2nd run. We're thinking that the metal G objective is just kill the Naraka NM (similar to the Obdella objective).
We were not able to kill the zone G boss - even with the metal, he's not a push over until we better understand his SDT mechanic. From the very first WS, WS damage was very low, but a random distortion SC did 20K+. Even with the metal, he seems to have the 3minute enrage timer that the top floor version has, which is 'Setting the Stage'.
By Weeew 2022-10-11 23:04:20
We got metal G just by killing the Naraka NM. We just Savage Blade zerged it, without intentionally doing MB's or SC's, and we replicated it on our 2nd run. We're thinking that the metal G objective is just kill the Naraka NM (similar to the Obdella objective).
We were not able to kill the zone G boss - even with the metal, he's not a push over until we better understand his SDT mechanic. From the very first WS, WS damage was very low, but a random distortion SC did 20K+. Even with the metal, he seems to have the 3minute enrage timer that the top floor version has, which is 'Setting the Stage'.
Our experience with Area G:
- Naraka Zerg drops brown chest with metal
- all mobs don't link
- killed all mobs in the big room with the gate in the middle - immediately after the gate closes and 6 delve NMs pop on each side of the gate. We were stuck on the north side and killed all 6 delve NMs but they just respawned. Did this twice. Our theory is that you need 3 people on each side of the door and kill them together within 5 seconds of each other?
- we then killed all the mobs in the corridors leading to the NM and no blue chests.
- there is a dead end large room up a ramp with 12 vampires all stuck together but we skipped that after killing one. They all use dread spikes and highly resistant to dark dispel.
-someome used the bitzer to warp back to the start and no chest for that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2022-10-11 23:18:22
Aggroed mobs have party aggro, So you cant just Device warp solo and lose a group aggroed, it will go to your PT anywhere in that Area.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Shiva.Liam 2022-10-11 23:33:48
Killing the fairies in B (2 at the start and then the end room) dropped a blue chest.
first run killing all flans in A (first room and large room) got us 2x blue chests, but only one the 2nd time. only major difference i can think of is first run botulus was killed before any flans, 2nd time it died after the first 3
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2012
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2022-10-12 00:31:02
Just confirming that killing the Botulus at #E is not enough to trigger a chest. I killed it solo and got the gallimufry for the kill, but no message about any chest spawning. I didn't touch any of the other mobs. I took the blizer back to #A and nothing special happened then either.
By ksoze 2022-10-12 01:19:00
Am i the only one that think the mini Naakuals look lame af?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2022-10-12 01:40:02
Hi friends. Just wanted to share what we learned today in Sortie.
[Area E] Botulus was in the first room. We zerged him down immediately. No chest. On the second run, we again found the Botulus in the first room. We four stepped him first and then killed him but still got no chest.
We then proceeded to kill *everything.* Naakuals were already spawned. We killed them and got a red chest. We got another chest when we killed all the Flans in the large Flan room. We then got another chest when we killed the final gaggle of monsters at the Bitzer to go back down.
I was told that killing all the mobs at the Bitzer was a trigger. We did this on the second run, but did not kill all the mobs in the zone, and did not receive a chest. We did, however, get the Flan chest a second time.
[Area G] We found a Naraka NM immediately. Killed it first with a zerg and got a brown chest with the Metal #G. We then proceeded separated in the middle by a door: hounds on one side, Dullahans on the other. We cleared this room and the Naakuals popped. We killed them three times and they keep repopping. We think possibly the order of the kills matter. We tried
Tree -> Bird -> Trex -> Cat -> Bee -> Shark
Trex -> Bird -> Cat -> Tree -> Fish -> Bee
Bee -> Fish -> Trex -> Tree -> Bird -> Cat
No chest and the respawned. The amount of Gallimaufry goes down every time they repop, too!
We then explored G and found a room full of Vampyres (possibly kill all Vampyres ala Flans like E????). We went back to the Naakuals but did not have time to try another order.
I hope this helps!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 144
By Carbuncle.Arakon 2022-10-12 01:51:41
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »Just confirming that killing the Botulus at #E is not enough to trigger a chest. I killed it solo and got the gallimufry for the kill, but no message about any chest spawning. I didn't touch any of the other mobs. I took the blizer back to #A and nothing special happened then either.
Is there any tricks you used for avoiding Slimy Proposal? Tried to solo it and got charmed a few times.
By Shuko 2022-10-12 02:06:13
its evadable with a high MEVA set
By Asura.Shupyrg 2022-10-12 02:27:46
Does anybody had any problem getting the #A shard and metal? Yesterday I enter on E, killed Botulus and then came back to A.
Killed Ghatjot and went to the Hecteyes to farm the shard/metal but they didn't drop after killing 6 of them(same trusts as always, only melee + Dia as I have been doing for the last couple of months).
By klayy 2022-10-12 03:09:42
If the G delve mobs are order, why not this one? similar to the WAR>THF order in D.
Colkhab.png Brier-proof net: Colkhab, entered at (H-6) in Ceizak Battlegrounds (nearest bivouac is #2)
Tchakka.png Compass of transference: Tchakka, entered at (F-10) in Foret de Hennetiel (nearest bivouac is #4)
Achuka.png Magma mitigation set: Achuka, entered at (E-5) in Morimar Basalt Fields (nearest bivouac is #5)
Yumcax.png Resurrection retardant axe: Yumcax, entered at (E-9) in Yorcia Weald (nearest bivouac is #3)
Hurkan.png Insulator tablet: Hurkan, entered at (I-6) in Marjami Ravine (nearest bivouac is #3)
Kumhau.png Anti-glaciation gear: Kumhau, entered at (I-6) in Kamihr Drifts (nearest bivouac is #3)
By Vaerix 2022-10-12 03:20:12
So E 4/4 today, we decided to just take our time and full clear the zone as we went and killed anything in the way to Blitzer room.
Naakuals killed 1 chest spawned in doorway to next room
Botulus was in Blitzer room, killed NM received 1 chest in center of the room.
Finished killing flans 4/4 popped on screen.
Honestly wasn't paying attention to every chest spawn but once we had finished that room we were 4/4 and went to boss.
Botulus was killed with leaden > seraph > leaden sc's, I believe one time I closed with a wildfire as well. No spells outside of debuffs from rdm were cast, definitely no bursts, we had ifrit enfire on, not much else interesting went on. It kinda just fell over to sc's.
Boss kill yielded Fragment. Going to move onto F or G tomorrow.
By Ruaumoko 2022-10-12 05:25:25
They've absolutely done something to the objectives in A, and not for the better.
It took clearing all the Acuex on the way to Ghajot, the Leeches in the large room before Ghajot and the 'Gully' below the large room to just get Shard A. This was with changing target between casts.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 254
By Fenrir.Zenion 2022-10-12 05:48:00
Still trying to crack the code on Bitzer D, tonight we were able to confirm that it is not unlocked by clearing 7/7 hall D objectives, nor by visiting hall E (probably eliminates visiting any basement hall as an unlock, but G might do it.)
I feel like "obtain aurum coffer" might be a possibility, would appreciate confirm/deny if someone tries it.