Sortie Release - Info
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-10-03 08:15:58
They aren't flat out immune to sleep, as evidenced by the "Resist" message. As one player pointed out to me, they likely require at least one Immunobreak to ever land a sleep on them. Entomb is probably enough to control the group all at once, but BLU also has access to Regurgitation, Blastbomb, and Subduction. Haven't heard anybody mention if those land on Fomor, but it's worth mentioning since they are such good spells.
By SimonSes 2022-10-03 08:24:14
Not sure that's a reliable crowd control but, hey, better than nothing I guess.
What do you mean? It's super reliable (entomb). It's way better than sleep, because you can reapply it before it wears off. I regularly just run in solo between 6 fomors and kill them one by one while casting entomb every ~30 sec to keep everything (beside main target) petrified.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2022-10-03 09:03:24
Oh well that's good, some people before you were mentioning that sometimes it gets resisted / doesn't last long
By SimonSes 2022-10-03 09:36:18
Oh well that's good, some people before you were mentioning that sometimes it gets resisted / doesn't last long
I don't recall anything like that really. It usually lasts pretty long and once per maybe 3 casts I have resist on one fomor, but it's very possible it's RDM fomor (RDM has native petrify resist).
By Shiva.Devastation 2022-10-03 13:00:52
They are not immune to Repose. Using simple newer gear will along them to land. I notice people are stuck to older gear sets. So while fomors seem to be immune to both light and dark based sleeps, they are not immune to Entomb and Spectral Floe, hmmm.
Not sure that's a reliable crowd control but, hey, better than nothing I guess.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 288
By Bahamut.Jedigamer 2022-10-03 15:04:39
Can confirm entomb is infact a reliable form of crowd control for Fomors. My group runs with Blu, RDM, WHM, SAM, COR, BRD and have kept large groups of fomors contained with entomb and break.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-10-03 15:31:14
Apologies if this was discussed somewhere in the previous 67 pages... Do immanence SCs count as a "WS" for purposes of Chests A3/A4?
Went in last night with a different setup than I usually do (normally I free nuke these with a GEO as the only nuker, very reliable and pretty quick); we had a SAM hitting the Acuex mobs and never WSing, GEO SCH nuking them down, player WHM tossing cures, and Monberaux was out as our only trust (and our 6th was a BRD who was off looking for the Obdella). SCH did some immanence SCs and we MBed. We needed a few more kills than expected to get the chests, which we did eventually get after doing the last two with no SCH SCs.
SCH said he normally does it with MBs and it works, but something was obviously up. If it was just a single kill we thought maybe one mob died to Helix DoT (which I know doesn't count), but we had to kill several extras so that doesn't seem to be the full story. With a Blaze bubble up, the nukes were very strong (several 99k and ~80k+ MBs) if that makes any difference.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Phoenix.Vespajava 2022-10-03 15:56:53
Credit to OP for his time and effort to put together a hasty guide, and I'm posting with reservations b/c someone out there sees timers for less than it's practical applications. Good outline as it works in our groups dynamic. Can repost, move or delete if it doesn't meet some guideline or another. Cheers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZhYRu5O_PM
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-10-03 16:04:49
Monberaux was out as our only trust (and our 6th was a BRD who was off looking for the Obdella). SCH did some immanence SCs and we MBed. We needed a few more kills than expected to get the chests, which we did eventually get after doing the last two with no SCH SCs.
SCH said he normally does it with MBs and it works, but something was obviously up
Monberaux uses Dark Potion, which is a damaging Job Ability/WS. If your leader was engaged, he could have used it on a monster or two.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 229
By Leviathan.Boposhopo 2022-10-03 16:15:05
Apologies if this was discussed somewhere in the previous 67 pages... Do immanence SCs count as a "WS" for purposes of Chests A3/A4?
Went in last night with a different setup than I usually do (normally I free nuke these with a GEO as the only nuker, very reliable and pretty quick); we had a SAM hitting the Acuex mobs and never WSing, GEO SCH nuking them down, player WHM tossing cures, and Monberaux was out as our only trust (and our 6th was a BRD who was off looking for the Obdella). SCH did some immanence SCs and we MBed. We needed a few more kills than expected to get the chests, which we did eventually get after doing the last two with no SCH SCs.
SCH said he normally does it with MBs and it works, but something was obviously up. If it was just a single kill we thought maybe one mob died to Helix DoT (which I know doesn't count), but we had to kill several extras so that doesn't seem to be the full story. With a Blaze bubble up, the nukes were very strong (several 99k and ~80k+ MBs) if that makes any difference.
What Buukki said, but just to add, Immanence does not count as a WS for that objective. I go SCH frequently and do a SC MB in that area to burn through the A mobs, works just fine.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-10-03 16:53:45
Thanks guys! Figured there was something up, must have been our idiot trust :)
By Moink 2022-10-09 01:04:44
Howdy all!
I was bored tonight and was curious what drove Leshonn's Hand while it was idle as my group seemed to get Lightning v Wind hand whenever we encountered it. On my first run of the night I had roughly 25-30 min remaining after clearing the NMs and objectives I could on my own so I decided to record / watch Leshonn for the remaining time. He was on Lightning Hand and never switched for over 15 minutes. I had 10-15 minutes remaining and decided to try a few other areas I had theorized.
1) Simply zoning out of the battlefield and back in with no results.
2) Close the closest numbered B gate (B3). I did this and returned to Leshonn and his hand changed to wind.
This is where my testing for the video began on the second run for the night.
1) Opened B4 and B3 - Wind Hand
2) Closed B3 - Wind Hand
3) Duplicate the first run's opened Numbered Gates B1, B3, B4, B5, and B6 - Lightning Hand
4) Reclosed B3 - Wind hand
5) Reopened B3 - Lightning hand
6) Closed B4 - Lightning hand
7) Closed B3 while B4 was also closed - Wind hand.
Conclusion - I believe its simply just having B1, B3 and B5 opened for Leshonn's hand to be Lightning but I could be wrong. I try to be at least once a day. I welcome any feedback and/or further assistance in which other theories there may be out there worth trying for this NM. My testing has been provided in the YT video below of the second run only. I havent decided on posting the 1st run as it only includes watching Leshonn.
YouTube Video Placeholder
By Moink 2022-10-09 10:36:54
My group opens the same doors every time in A, none in B and see and fairly even spread of wind/lightning.
That may be possible with not opening any numbered B gates and have Leshonn's hand be random. My group tends to avoid the wind hand due to the increase in difficulty and defeating it, while possible.
Sector B has twice as many numbered gates when compared to the others and twice as many objectives involving gates. It's not outside of the realm of possibility that the gates can also control the area boss hand element.
If hand is truly controlled by the gates, as I believe, then I hope this makes Leshonn more tempting for those who casually play to not ignore the fight. If I'm wrong and I'm simply getting conveniently lucky with hand change every time I go back and forth configuring the doors then the only time lost is my own.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 56
By Bahamut.Mischief 2022-10-10 02:09:01
I decided to do some testing of my own of Leshonn and the boss rooms in general during one of my runs tonight. It turns out, all four bosses share the exact same room - it just spawns the corresponding boss depending on which Gadget is used. In fact, if you send characters to two different gadgets and try to enter them at the same time, it'll only allow the first person in and kick the others out, giving an unusable message if you try again.
After exiting a boss room with the character that got in, the other character continued to get the unusable message for about 30 seconds, after which they were able to enter and get their boss. I think that what element Leshonn spawns with truly is random, but you can simply warp out of the room and despawn him, then re-enter to try to get the desired element. This is in fact what happened when I then just sent one character in and out of Leshonn's room - he spawned twice with wind, once with lightning, no gates opened or closed in the meantime. Given how much of an *** wind Leshonn can be, it's probably worth sending one character to do this for a few minutes to try to get him in lightning form.
By SimonSes 2022-10-10 03:15:10
I decided to do some testing of my own of Leshonn and the boss rooms in general during one of my runs tonight. It turns out, all four bosses share the exact same room - it just spawns the corresponding boss depending on which Gadget is used. In fact, if you send characters to two different gadgets and try to enter them at the same time, it'll only allow the first person in and kick the others out, giving an unusable message if you try again.
After exiting a boss room with the character that got in, the other character continued to get the unusable message for about 30 seconds, after which they were able to enter and get their boss. I think that what element Leshonn spawns with truly is random, but you can simply warp out of the room and despawn him, then re-enter to try to get the desired element. This is in fact what happened when I then just sent one character in and out of Leshonn's room - he spawned twice with wind, once with lightning, no gates opened or closed in the meantime. Given how much of an *** wind Leshonn can be, it's probably worth sending one character to do this for a few minutes to try to get him in lightning form.
We was thinking that's the case when few weeks ago we had one person died on one of the bosses and went AFK after getting rise or something, then we killed next boss and he came back and was suddenly in our room or just outside of it. Can't remember now.
I think it was Negan, so maybe he remembers it better :)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 977
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2022-10-10 07:38:24
I decided to do some testing of my own of Leshonn and the boss rooms in general during one of my runs tonight. It turns out, all four bosses share the exact same room - it just spawns the corresponding boss depending on which Gadget is used. In fact, if you send characters to two different gadgets and try to enter them at the same time, it'll only allow the first person in and kick the others out, giving an unusable message if you try again.
After exiting a boss room with the character that got in, the other character continued to get the unusable message for about 30 seconds, after which they were able to enter and get their boss. I think that what element Leshonn spawns with truly is random, but you can simply warp out of the room and despawn him, then re-enter to try to get the desired element. This is in fact what happened when I then just sent one character in and out of Leshonn's room - he spawned twice with wind, once with lightning, no gates opened or closed in the meantime. Given how much of an *** wind Leshonn can be, it's probably worth sending one character to do this for a few minutes to try to get him in lightning form. Thanks for finding this out and taking the time to do it. Alot of people been giving out info on boss for a bit now ***has been all over the place. The boss room thing I can't really say I'm shocked about the zone is already semi unstable as is so sharing one room with 4 control entrance makes some sense. This shots down the idea I wanted to try which was split boss fights to give more time in the second zone when it comes out.
By Koliz 2022-10-11 02:27:23
Sheets do come from the bosses. Got E sheet from A Boss. Each area has an 8th objective now. I tried hitting the original 7 in A but nothing happened so I imagine they're all new, random things. There's a warp by each device at the doors, but they don't work until the Nov. update.
By Koliz 2022-10-11 02:32:57
Ah, nevermind. the KI i got from the A boss isn't the ones the patch notes said did nothing until the November update. My bad. Well I /did/ get a new temp item from the A boss and the new warp by the A device said it wasn't working yet; so I guess I just didn't trigger it. Probably requires the new 8th objective. My mistake!
Edit: Yeah. The new warps by each device were called Diaphonous Blitzer's, or something. So they're probably not the same thing and I just didn't trigger access to the new area~
By Vaerix 2022-10-11 03:14:52
Shard E, F, G, H Come from the original Area Bosses.
Our group received B Sheet tonight and here's what we did, I have no idea what caused us to get the 8th chest but here's exactly how the run went.
A Area 7/8 Chests
D Area 6/8 Chests (No Key Chest)
C Area 6/8 Chests (No full clear chest)
*Before entering B we had done teleporter objective*
We went into B,
#1 Popped Blue
#2 Popped Shard
#3 Popped Red and Aurum
#4 Popped Metal
At this point we went 5/6 to B Boss. 1 Person stayed out to explore. We had engaged the boss with 5 of us, the 6th person said he clicked B Blitzer and a coffer spawned. When we came out of boss, he popped chest and we got B Sheet.
Idk how to upload screenshots but I'll send someone a ss of starstone on disc for them to upload it, along with having B Sheet.
By GlarinAsura 2022-10-11 03:21:06
I also received the Sheet B from a casket popped by examining the Diaphonous Blitzer B. That allowed me to access the 2nd area which did indeed unlock +3 for the job I was on. The +3 upgrade costs 70k galli and 1 Ra'Kaznar starstone. The starstones are also purchasable from Ruspix for 80k galli.
By Vaerix 2022-10-11 03:25:55
I also received the Sheet B from a casket popped by examining the Diaphonous Blitzer B. That allowed me to access the 2nd area which did indeed unlock +3 for the job I was on. The +3 upgrade costs 70k galli and 1 Ra'Kaznar starstone. The starstones are also purchasable from Ruspix for 80k galli.
90k Muffins, not 80k
By GlarinAsura 2022-10-11 03:27:07
Yup, sorry for the typo, it's 90k.
By Mrxi 2022-10-11 03:29:40
I also received the Sheet B from a casket popped by examining the Diaphonous Blitzer B. That allowed me to access the 2nd area which did indeed unlock +3 for the job I was on. The +3 upgrade costs 70k galli and 1 Ra'Kaznar starstone. The starstones are also purchasable from Ruspix for 80k galli.
90k Muffins, not 80k So like 16 days per piece if can get 10k a run, I know what i wont be doing, and not 18 man. Sortie ruined the game. Maybe 7 days once they add nms. Joking but SORT of true I will probably do it once people figure it out
By SimonSes 2022-10-11 03:50:08
Most groups get 15-20k a run. Figure upgrade a piece every 4-7 days.
You can get ~30k if you focus on getting Galli. Also Starstone will drop, not only gonna be purchasable. We were getting up to 27k going for +1 case objectives only and farming formors in last 10min+, but you can do more AoE oriented composition and just clear all trash mobs in zone with easy.
By Mrxi 2022-10-11 03:53:38
Because you know most people, ok. imo most people would want to come on unlock jobs. 10k is average.