Sortie Release - Info

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Sortie Release - Info
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Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2022-09-04 04:46:59
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KujahFoxfire said: »
Ragnarok.Kanryu said: »
Alrighty lads and lasses it's been a few days since our last info dump and it is coming to a close on the known objective front.

Spoilered-out triggers that are 100% replicated to save space and your eyes. I will now make objectives we know work but are for sure not exact in blue. Do blue ones in the listed way exactly to hit the proc. We don't know why, so there will be other ways to hit it. Feel free to read... all 54 pages of the thread and contribute if you wish!

The final objective has been found. Go find a good path for 29/29. We will test it with the main group tomorrow. We did confirm that it pops Blue Casket #C2.

Zone A -
Zone B -
Zone C -
Zone D -
Misc Fun Facts -
Sortie 6-man Group Optimal Path Proposal
Map -

Unless there is some special reward for 29/29 I'm pretty sure the plate/key objectives are a waste of time, never seen anything from them outside the 100 muffins.

Currently being gated by muffins for upgrades rn, I'd definitely say every little bit helps, even clearing 16k/run muffins are muffins.
By 2022-09-04 05:23:47
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Asura.Amydine 2022-09-04 05:34:39
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Hi guys, i don't post often but i'm following this thread alot and i hope my contribution may help.

I most likely dualbox my runs and i killed A boss last time so i most likely needed metal and chard chests to go there again.

I had me MNK and my mule GEO kill with magic each time (+Yoran, Cornelia, Star Sybil), so without WS, i got the Shard after 4 kills on Acuexs (maybe Yoran fcked one of them??) then i moved to Leeches and killed like 10 of them the same way without getting the Metal. Then i saw Obdella on map and killed it. I killed 1 more Acuex wich aggroed me and got the Metal even though i did WS + MBing away. Here's the screen :

Was wondering maybe the Metal chest objective is connected to NM (or eventually to "Acuex only") ?
Posts: 839
By Tarage 2022-09-04 07:21:25
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Asura.Amydine said: »
Hi guys, i don't post often but i'm following this thread alot and i hope my contribution may help.

I most likely dualbox my runs and i killed A boss last time so i most likely needed metal and chard chests to go there again.

I had me MNK and my mule GEO kill with magic each time (+Yoran, Cornelia, Star Sybil), so without WS, i got the Shard after 4 kills on Acuexs (maybe Yoran fcked one of them??) then i moved to Leeches and killed like 10 of them the same way without getting the Metal. Then i saw Obdella on map and killed it. I killed 1 more Acuex wich aggroed me and got the Metal even though i did WS + MBing away. Here's the screen :

Was wondering maybe the Metal chest objective is connected to NM (or eventually to "Acuex only") ?

Doubtful, but possible. Regardless, the surefire way of "dia + non-skillchain damage" works 100% of the time for me on SMN, so I think that's a very reliable method to use that doesn't require extra work.
Posts: 1506
By Chimerawizard 2022-09-04 08:36:35
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KujahFoxfire said: »
Vaerix said: »
KujahFoxfire said: »

Unless there is some special reward for 29/29 I'm pretty sure the plate/key objectives are a waste of time, never seen anything from them outside the 100 muffins.

Currently being gated by muffins for upgrades rn, I'd definitely say every little bit helps, even clearing 16k/run muffins are muffins.
I get that but you can surely get more than 100 muffins farming mobs in D than you would taking the time to do B key etc is what I mean.
We're trying for 29/29 because we want to refine getting them all in case the final element forces us to re-obtain those keys/plates each time.
Posts: 19
By Koliz 2022-09-04 08:49:55
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Shiva.Trumpy said: »
Monbereaux uses Dark Potion or whatever doesn't he. Maybe that messes it up?

Dunno bout all JAs messing it up as I bring my mule as RDM/dnc and he uses all three step types and uses countless times. On those kills I believe I used Cornelia, Kuro, Yoran, and Ulmia, mule and I just melee with no WS. Mule does cast fire nukes throughout also, with enfire on. When I get to 10% or so HP, I turned myself around on both and use my highest tier fire spell for the kill shot. Lot of my good gear is locked in wardrobes so my nukes kinda suck.

Like I said earlier I had to kill two extra mobs to get second chest because, as I guessed at the time, the previous two kills were the only ones that did less than 10k dmg kill shots. Once I hit over 10k kill shot, the chest dropped. You guys say that's not a requirement, so ok. Also I never said there was a max cap like 10-30k, I was only saying over 10k. My RDM also casts inundation frazzle and distract and dia. Chances are koru would be casting some of those anyways.

I'm in no way saying I'm right about the nukes, I just want to give my full experience here. My point is about JAs messing things up, unless Steps aren't counted as offensive JA? They don't do dmg but they do debuff.
I'm pretty confident nuke damage doesn't matter. The one run I popped chest with Ullegore it was off a ~700 damage nuke. Also, both Ullegore and Shantotto one never nuke for over 2k and both worked. But Shantotto is much, much more consistent.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-09-04 12:31:36
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That's pretty shameful that completing all objectives doesn't reward like a guaranteed Old Case +1, or even just guarantees Sapphire/Old Case/Chance at +1. Would have been an easy way to reward people for not only figuring out the content, but also having the group cohesiveness to clear all of the objectives in the hour.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2022-09-04 12:40:17
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AegParm said: »
ScaevolaBahamut said: »
A 3 and 4 are not magic kills. They're kills without using any offensive JA/WS. You can auto-attack them with the appropriate trusts out and get those chests, for whatever it's worth.

What are you suggesting are the right trusts? A friend said they got it to drop meleeing only as well, but had no luck as drg + cor with koru, sylvie, monbro and cornelia

Monbro's Dark Potion is an offensive JA. I do it with koru, sylvie, Cherukiki, and Cornelia.
Posts: 34
By shastax 2022-09-04 12:46:20
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I'm thinking the A3/4 chest objective might be to cast more instances of damage-dealing spells than damage-dealing WS or JA (combined), and killshot with magic damage. I'll test it out on my next run.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2022-09-04 14:08:18
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Incase it hasnt been said, if you use your Ruspix plate it will reset your Shiny to 20 hrs no matter what its time is.... meaning you need to use it after a run and not the next day prior to a run...
Posts: 71
By Ultimaetus 2022-09-04 14:13:41
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Imagine the +3 update, they make a +2 old case in the line of thinking
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2022-09-04 14:20:32
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Asura.Shupyrg said: »
Based on my experience doing A3/A4 coffers, they always drop if I use the following setup:
Trusts: Yoran-Oran, Corneria, Koru Moru, Joachim, Ulmia.
JAs: Berserk, Aggressor, Warcry, Footwork, Impetus, Focus, Provoke, Perfect Counter.
Never use any WS at all.

Things that I tried that didn't trigger the coffers:
  • Doing exactly the same as before but changing Ulmia for Monberaux.

  • Using only trusts that won't cast any offensive spell.

  • Using Shoulder Tackle WS once per mob (lowest dmg possible on ws) and using Ullegore and Shantotto II for nukes (magic dmg > ws dmg / number of magic spells > number of ws).

The other day something happened that make me thing that perhaps the objective is to land debuff only from magic and not from WS because Ullegore used Silence Seal to unclaimed mobs and then I called the trusts that usually call to get the coffers (Yoran-Oran, Corneria, Koru Moru, Joachim, Ulmia) to kill those mobs affected by Silence Seal and I couldn't get the coffers to drop. This won't explain why I can't get the coffers when I use Monberaux tho. I plan to test this today anyway.

Monberaux messes it up through dark potion, which is a JA that does damage, like Quick Draw. Provoke is probably okay because it does no damage nor applies any debuff so the game isn't registering it as an offensive JA.

There may be a requirement to cast some kind of magic on the target - like one dia or whatever - but magic kills or damage are definitely not required.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Phoenix.Godofwars 2022-09-04 14:28:01
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ScaevolaBahamut said: »
Asura.Shupyrg said: »
Based on my experience doing A3/A4 coffers, they always drop if I use the following setup:
Trusts: Yoran-Oran, Corneria, Koru Moru, Joachim, Ulmia.
JAs: Berserk, Aggressor, Warcry, Footwork, Impetus, Focus, Provoke, Perfect Counter.
Never use any WS at all.

Things that I tried that didn't trigger the coffers:
  • Doing exactly the same as before but changing Ulmia for Monberaux.

  • Using only trusts that won't cast any offensive spell.

  • Using Shoulder Tackle WS once per mob (lowest dmg possible on ws) and using Ullegore and Shantotto II for nukes (magic dmg > ws dmg / number of magic spells > number of ws).

The other day something happened that make me thing that perhaps the objective is to land debuff only from magic and not from WS because Ullegore used Silence Seal to unclaimed mobs and then I called the trusts that usually call to get the coffers (Yoran-Oran, Corneria, Koru Moru, Joachim, Ulmia) to kill those mobs affected by Silence Seal and I couldn't get the coffers to drop. This won't explain why I can't get the coffers when I use Monberaux tho. I plan to test this today anyway.

Monberaux messes it up through dark potion, which is a JA that does damage, like Quick Draw. Provoke is probably okay because it does no damage nor applies any debuff so the game isn't registering it as an offensive JA.

There may be a requirement to cast some kind of magic on the target - like one dia or whatever - but magic kills or damage are definitely not required.

you guys are just spamming all the same ***over and over about a3/a4 are ytou all that fuking noobish if so dont go in what so hard follow the guide for a3/a4 auto-attack and have a mage cast any magig on it done i dont see why you guys have to spamm the same thing all the time they is no other way to get the a3/a4 move on stop talking about it and stop spamming the tread im sure we all kno and have try many thing but its not working the dev that find stuff and posted stuff and you all keep trying somthing else dammm you guys are crazy
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2022-09-04 14:39:59
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Phoenix.Godofwars said: »
ScaevolaBahamut said: »
Asura.Shupyrg said: »
Based on my experience doing A3/A4 coffers, they always drop if I use the following setup:
Trusts: Yoran-Oran, Corneria, Koru Moru, Joachim, Ulmia.
JAs: Berserk, Aggressor, Warcry, Footwork, Impetus, Focus, Provoke, Perfect Counter.
Never use any WS at all.

Things that I tried that didn't trigger the coffers:
  • Doing exactly the same as before but changing Ulmia for Monberaux.

  • Using only trusts that won't cast any offensive spell.

  • Using Shoulder Tackle WS once per mob (lowest dmg possible on ws) and using Ullegore and Shantotto II for nukes (magic dmg > ws dmg / number of magic spells > number of ws).

The other day something happened that make me thing that perhaps the objective is to land debuff only from magic and not from WS because Ullegore used Silence Seal to unclaimed mobs and then I called the trusts that usually call to get the coffers (Yoran-Oran, Corneria, Koru Moru, Joachim, Ulmia) to kill those mobs affected by Silence Seal and I couldn't get the coffers to drop. This won't explain why I can't get the coffers when I use Monberaux tho. I plan to test this today anyway.

Monberaux messes it up through dark potion, which is a JA that does damage, like Quick Draw. Provoke is probably okay because it does no damage nor applies any debuff so the game isn't registering it as an offensive JA.

There may be a requirement to cast some kind of magic on the target - like one dia or whatever - but magic kills or damage are definitely not required.

you guys are just spamming all the same ***over and over about a3/a4 are ytou all that fuking noobish if so dont go in what so hard follow the guide for a3/a4 auto-attack and have a mage cast any magig on it done i dont see why you guys have to spamm the same thing all the time they is no other way to get the a3/a4 move on stop talking about it and stop spamming the tread im sure we all kno and have try many thing but its not working the dev that find stuff and posted stuff and you all keep trying somthing else dammm you guys are crazy
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-09-04 14:44:03
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Phoenix.Godofwars said: »
you guys are just spamming all the same ***over and over about a3/a4 are ytou all that fuking noobish if so dont go in what so hard follow the guide for a3/a4 auto-attack and have a mage cast any magig on it done i dont see why you guys have to spamm the same thing all the time they is no other way to get the a3/a4 move on stop talking about it and stop spamming the tread im sure we all kno and have try many thing but its not working the dev that find stuff and posted stuff and you all keep trying somthing else dammm you guys are crazy

Chill, they are trying to figure out setup that works for people doing it solo. Not everyone has group (or multiboxing) with mage (even as subjob).
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2022-09-04 14:45:14
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Phoenix.Godofwars said: »
you guys are just spamming all the same ***over and over about a3/a4 are ytou all that fuking noobish if so dont go in what so hard follow the guide for a3/a4 auto-attack and have a mage cast any magig on it done i dont see why you guys have to spamm the same thing all the time they is no other way to get the a3/a4 move on stop talking about it and stop spamming the tread im sure we all kno and have try many thing but its not working the dev that find stuff and posted stuff and you all keep trying somthing else dammm you guys are crazy

Why are you so *** angry in every one of your posts? Maybe take a step back, you sound like an idiot.
Posts: 69
By AegParm 2022-09-04 14:58:30
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He's mad because someone has stolen all his punctuation keys.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Phoenix.Godofwars 2022-09-04 15:01:27
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Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Phoenix.Godofwars said: »
you guys are just spamming all the same ***over and over about a3/a4 are ytou all that fuking noobish if so dont go in what so hard follow the guide for a3/a4 auto-attack and have a mage cast any magig on it done i dont see why you guys have to spamm the same thing all the time they is no other way to get the a3/a4 move on stop talking about it and stop spamming the tread im sure we all kno and have try many thing but its not working the dev that find stuff and posted stuff and you all keep trying somthing else dammm you guys are crazy

Why are you so *** angry in every one of your posts? Maybe take a step back, you sound like an idiot.
im not mad im just sick of readng the tread looking for the other stuff and all i see is A3/A4 thats all some ppl just cant read or understand things in game white dmg and 1 spell cast dmg on mobs for a3/a4 thats all stop spamming the tread with same stuff that ppl have said already
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Phoenix.Godofwars 2022-09-04 15:04:12
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AegParm said: »
He's mad because someone has stolen all his punctuation keys.
yep thats it bro they stole all my keys and your next lol naw its same stuff ppl spamming in the whole tread about a3/a4 they should read the tread before they post and say the same thing over and over i come to the tread to find out stuff for area c n d and as i read the treads its 95% talks about a3/a4 if you like start from page 9 and till the end you will see what i'm talking about
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2022-09-04 15:06:38
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Phoenix.Godofwars said: »
readng the tread

I put new all terrains on my truck last year, my treads looked good this morning though.
Posts: 71
By dontclickme 2022-09-04 15:08:07
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Phoenix.Godofwars said: »
you guys are just spamming all the same ***over and over about a3/a4 are ytou all that fuking noobish if so dont go in what so hard follow the guide for a3/a4 auto-attack and have a mage cast any magig on it done i dont see why you guys have to spamm the same thing all the time they is no other way to get the a3/a4 move on stop talking about it and stop spamming the tread im sure we all kno and have try many thing but its not working the dev that find stuff and posted stuff and you all keep trying somthing else dammm you guys are crazy

this has already been hashed out and it seems the point of this thread is still going over your head. there's honestly no reason for your frustration.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Velner
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2022-09-04 15:14:53
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Phoenix.Godofwars said: »

you guys are just spamming all the same ***over and over about a3/a4 are ytou all that fuking noobish if so dont go in what so hard follow the guide for a3/a4 auto-attack and have a mage cast any magig on it done i dont see why you guys have to spamm the same thing all the time they is no other way to get the a3/a4 move on stop talking about it and stop spamming the tread im sure we all kno and have try many thing but its not working the dev that find stuff and posted stuff and you all keep trying somthing else dammm you guys are crazy

Some people aren't just trying to find ways that work, but trying to discern what exactly the objectives are. If you're not interested in that, just enjoy all the information people have collected for you and go about your Sortie. . .
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Phoenix.Godofwars 2022-09-04 15:36:24
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Fenrir.Velner said: »
Phoenix.Godofwars said: »

you guys are just spamming all the same ***over and over about a3/a4 are ytou all that fuking noobish if so dont go in what so hard follow the guide for a3/a4 auto-attack and have a mage cast any magig on it done i dont see why you guys have to spamm the same thing all the time they is no other way to get the a3/a4 move on stop talking about it and stop spamming the tread im sure we all kno and have try many thing but its not working the dev that find stuff and posted stuff and you all keep trying somthing else dammm you guys are crazy

Some people aren't just trying to find ways that work, but trying to discern what exactly the objectives are. If you're not interested in that, just enjoy all the information people have collected for you and go about your Sortie. . .
you are right!
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Phoenix.Godofwars 2022-09-04 15:41:11
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Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Phoenix.Godofwars said: »
readng the tread

I put new all terrains on my truck last year, my treads looked good this morning though.
then you must not drive that much if your treads are still good i have a 4x4 truck my self and i had to put new tires on last weak cause i do drive for work maybe you should go out more then just play ffxi and get a GF or wife or maybe BF matbe idk you seem more mad then anyone on here when i post stuff im like thinking you have a bell set for when ppl post stuff here lol you like like a big bully from that pic and will get 1shot from a flaming blade = weak lol take care BTW to the ppl who have done a great job on here for 29/29 nice work take care
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Quetzalcoatl.Nekonohimitsu 2022-09-04 16:00:04
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I have been doing some testing on Chest A3 for a few days, summarizing findings so far in case it helps anyone:

  • Not a requirement to kill with magic damage.

  • Quick Draw is OK to use.

  • No damage requirement from magic -- Dia is OK.

  • Chest can be obtained after using a Magical WS, but other conditions apply.

  • Physical or Magical WS usage prevents objective from being obtained if just meleeing with Dia.

  • Number of Physical WS being less than number of spells cast or debuffs present is not a condition.

Conditions for obtaining a chest after using a Magical WS appear to be related to number of spells cast (<2) and a magical killing blow. However, this is very much unknown currently -- more testing needed.

From posts above, en-spells also appear to mess up the meleeing approach but I haven't tested that, just making an assumption based on situation described. I also haven't tested other offensive job abilities (such as Chi Blast, Jump) -- Quick Draw could be unique in this case.

Also, it was mentioned above, but trusts Weapon Skills do matter -- Monb's use of Dark Potion will prevent objective from being met. Ygnas' Enlight potentially does as well.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2022-09-04 16:22:35
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I tried white damage only on drg, and only had koru who did dia and other non damage debuffs he does. Never could get a chest. Not sure if pet hitting it did something but appears so?

Other trust were sylvie, ulima, cornelia, and joachim for first 6, then tried without him thinking maybe his ranged counted against it and still nothing.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2022-09-04 17:47:34
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Got to be pet attacks, someone upthread said they had to leave their automaton off to get the chest.

Maybe redo with the same conditions but put your wyvern away and see what happens? I'd do it myself but no DRG.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Jakey
Posts: 300
By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2022-09-04 18:21:17
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I can confirm killing all of C gave the last casket and completing all objectives in all 4 areas gave no additional bonus.

I really wish there were some garanteed drops its bad enough the cases give random earrings and for me at least have been wildly disproportionately giving me jobs I don't do.
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