Sortie Release - Info
By SimonSes 2022-09-02 04:30:28
still trouble with casket B1 solo also. got chests 3 and 4 by the end of the fire elementals but went through all of the light elementals with no casket. was doing leaden > aeolian > leaden. if that didn't kill i did one or two solo leadens then the sc
when we do it in group there is a better cor than me and we get it doing rudra > leaden 2 step kill
I was doing Leaden only on ice/light/water, then Expiacion>leaden 2 shot, then 4 step light on umbrils and got nothing after like 30 kills. It was in winds day. In group we usually gets it by just killing stuff Cor and Sam. My teammate also doing boxing from time to time and gets it with spamming Shoha and Savage from few chars.
By SimonSes 2022-09-02 06:45:28
wonder if it requires more than 1 person dealing damage. seems counter intuitive but never know
It doesn't https://www.ffxiah.com/forum/topic/56855/sortie-release-info/47/#3638044
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 185
By Bahamut.Galakar 2022-09-02 08:00:44
I have tried to pop the Chest #A3 which had, according to BG back then, description: Defeat 1~3 Abject foes without using Weapon Skills but killing blow with Magic. It has later been changed to: Kill 3 Abject foes without using Weapon Skills, but casting at least one spell (Dia works), but I do still think that it is not accurate. Tried it as MNK/BLU and only received Casket #A1 for killing 5 mobs. Unless there is a precedence order for which chest drops first.
My strategy was to take mobs to 1% with white damage and finish with a Cursed Sphere.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-09-02 09:15:36
No you can get multiple chests off of one monster. The description keeps changing every day. That objective in particular is not accurate.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 185
By Bahamut.Galakar 2022-09-02 09:18:57
Oh, then I guess there is some magic damage threshold that you need to do. All of my spells did below 700 damage per spell.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28
By Phoenix.Teorem 2022-09-02 09:20:14
I have tried to pop the Chest #A3 which had, according to BG back then, description: Defeat 1~3 Abject foes without using Weapon Skills but killing blow with Magic. It has later been changed to: Kill 3 Abject foes without using Weapon Skills, but casting at least one spell (Dia works), but I do still think that it is not accurate. I've lost count of the number of times myself and others have proven in this thread that "DO NOT use weaponskills" is not part of this objective's condition.
Yes, the #A3 objective can be met by a method that doesn't use or involve abilities considered weaponskills (Monberaux's Mix: Dark Potion is considered a physical weaponskill, certain trusts' auto-attacks are considered weaponskills, etc.). However, the objective CAN also be met after having used both physical and magical weaponskills, and there's plenty of logs, screenshots, and links to video clips here to support that.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Odin.Shamusde 2022-09-02 10:33:38
A JP blog has the #A3 objective condition as:
"3 subjugation under the condition of WS count < magic count"
They too have a 'needs verification' tag on the information.
Since the page is translated, not sure if the count means a sum of the damage, or a literal count of how many of each you've performed.
I've tried killing where I've only weapon-skilled once, then cast multiple spells, which didn't work. In hindsight though, I'm not sure that my trusts didn't affect this in some way, so looking to try this again controlling for trust.
Additionally, I was thinking along the lines of could it be, "WS count < Enfeebles applied count" -- as that would explain some of the reports where melee killed with low/no magic damage.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-09-02 10:42:51
Additionally, I was thinking along the lines of could it be, "WS count < Enfeebles applied count" -- as that would explain some of the reports where melee killed with low/no magic damage.
I don't think it is this. I successfully got this objective cleared on NIN solo, using Tier2/3 nukes, without ever engaging once. Unless you count the -elemental resistance from Ninjutsu nukes, they don't debuff at all. I also successfully cleared this on RDM solo doing nothing but enspell melee damage and T5 spells. I was in a party of 6 real players, so no trusts to interfere with the objective.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 185
By Bahamut.Galakar 2022-09-02 10:54:38
I don't think it is this. I successfully got this objective cleared on NIN solo, using Tier2/3 nukes, without ever engaging once. Unless you count the -elemental resistance from Ninjutsu nukes, they don't debuff at all. I also successfully cleared this on RDM solo doing nothing but enspell melee damage and T5 spells. I was in a party of 6 real players, so no trusts to interfere with the objective.
It would support the idea of doing more than X damage with either a single nuke or many nukes as a way of clearing the objective.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-09-02 11:07:04
I don't even know if that's it either. Friend of mine said (unconfirmed, but his words) that he completed the objective on MNK with trusts just meleeing the acuex down. Stands to reason that one of his trusts cast Dia or something, but not a significant amount. We're close to getting it figured out, just need more testing on it.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 313
By Quetzalcoatl.Tomasello 2022-09-02 11:16:41
Our theory is enfeebles work IF they do initial damage (ie Dia, Bio, etc.)
By Guyford 2022-09-02 11:17:32
So casket C1 is pretty solidly kill 3 mobs within X amount of time (2:30?) of opening a locked door into C or teleporting to C or resetting mobs in C.
Had some time leftover at end of run yesterday so went to C to try for blue. Reset mobs then murdered 3 corses and there it was. Was sam doing kasha shoha fudo, so I guess you could make a sc argument but pretty sure its the same time thing as bhoot.
This brings up an interesting pattern, red chest in A is kill NM, casket A1 is kill 5 normal mobs. Still unclear on the exact conditions of B, but the casket B1 and the red chest are clearly linked, one is required for the other it seems. In C casket C1 and bhoot red chest share the same time condition. In D, kill 1 of every job and whatever the 3 pattern (if any) after NM are at least related.
Edit: to clarify, we almost always kill at least 6 mobs very quickly after having chased down bhoot without ever seeing blue chest. I don't believe the timer is based on pull time per mob, but from opening/resetting the C sector.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-09-02 11:22:59
So casket C1 is pretty solidly kill 3 mobs within X amount of time (2:30?) of opening a locked door into C or teleporting to C or resetting mobs in C.
I don't know if its related to the door or teleporter. We got the clear just killing 3 skeletons pretty quickly, at the end of our run after backtracking from area D. We opened a C door pretty early on upon entering the area and also used the teleporter once at some point, but never reset the area. It was long over 2:30 from interacting with doors/porter. I think the BG description about killing 3 under 30s might be accurate.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 313
By Quetzalcoatl.Tomasello 2022-09-02 11:28:43
We did not have success with the 30 sec pull time each per mob either. 2:30 total for 3 might be more correct. If that's true, then 3 more within another 2:30 or 6 within 5 minutes might complete the next objective?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Quetzalcoatl.Nekonohimitsu 2022-09-02 11:28:49
I have tried to pop the Chest #A3 which had, according to BG back then, description: Defeat 1~3 Abject foes without using Weapon Skills but killing blow with Magic. It has later been changed to: Kill 3 Abject foes without using Weapon Skills, but casting at least one spell (Dia works), but I do still think that it is not accurate. Tried it as MNK/BLU and only received Casket #A1 for killing 5 mobs. Unless there is a precedence order for which chest drops first.
My strategy was to take mobs to 1% with white damage and finish with a Cursed Sphere.
Did you have any trusts out when doing this? If so, which ones if you remember? Also, did you use Chi Blast at all?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 185
By Bahamut.Galakar 2022-09-02 11:38:10
Quetzalcoatl.Nekonohimitsu said: »
Did you have any trusts out when doing this? If so, which ones if you remember? Also, did you use Chi Blast at all?
I have pulled the Leeches with the Chi Blast each time, as I didn't have Provoke. My trusts were Yoran-Oran, Cornellia, Koru-Moru, Monberaux, and Ulmia, summoned in this order.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 181
By Fenrir.Positron 2022-09-02 12:31:32
So casket C1 is pretty solidly kill 3 mobs within X amount of time (2:30?) of opening a locked door into C or teleporting to C or resetting mobs in C.
I don't know if its related to the door or teleporter. We got the clear just killing 3 skeletons pretty quickly, at the end of our run after backtracking from area D. We opened a C door pretty early on upon entering the area and also used the teleporter once at some point, but never reset the area. It was long over 2:30 from interacting with doors/porter. I think the BG description about killing 3 under 30s might be accurate.
I'm inclined to agree that it's not based on time in sector. I could be misremembering but I'm pretty sure last time we got it was on a backtrack after killing Skomora since we didn't think we had enough time left to make it to Degei and wanted another chance at earrings. I'm thinking 30s might be too generous, though, may be as low as 15s as a couple of times we had several fast kills without getting it but did get the chest after several very fast kills (like, run in, 3 people Savage Blade, dead).
By Chimerawizard 2022-09-02 13:05:33
Casket C1 is generally our last objective we try for in the zone.
We kill it after doing C's boss. Easily > 2:30 in area C.
We kill each in probably in the :10~:15 range, not :30.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28
By Phoenix.Teorem 2022-09-02 13:15:11
In case you're having a problem finding Demisang Deleterious, it is also possible for it--like Obdella--to leave the #D area as part of its random walk:
This was in the SE room of the southern acuex area. Not that you'd expect it to, but fortunately it doesn't link with the surrounding acuexes.
By Chimerawizard 2022-09-02 14:38:39
Seems like Casket C1 requires Coffer C first.
Killed a bunch of skeles real fast but failed to pop the casket. Nothing changed except failing to find bhoot quickly enough.
Also, was in U2, so no ffxidb :( and Degei didn't spawn.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 463
By Shiva.Cerderic 2022-09-02 15:12:01
I don't think it is this. I successfully got this objective cleared on NIN solo, using Tier2/3 nukes, without ever engaging once. Unless you count the -elemental resistance from Ninjutsu nukes, they don't debuff at all. I also successfully cleared this on RDM solo doing nothing but enspell melee damage and T5 spells. I was in a party of 6 real players, so no trusts to interfere with the objective.
It would support the idea of doing more than X damage with either a single nuke or many nukes as a way of clearing the objective. Can confirm it's not magic damage > WS damage, as I got the chest from acuex I used Savage blade twice and only one or two subductions (2-4k each) to kill it.
It could be number of spells > WSs, or my current theory,
white damage + magic > WS dmg.
By phunky 2022-09-02 15:52:15
Seems like Casket C1 requires Coffer C first.
Killed a bunch of skeles real fast but failed to pop the casket. Nothing changed except failing to find bhoot quickly enough.
Just did a run where I got casket C1 before finding bhoot.
As for Casket B1, I use to spam sanguine blade on fire elementals and get the casket maybe 60% of the time. For the past week I've made sure sanguine blade was the killshot and I've gotten it everyday since then. I've also changed my enspell to fire so not to kill it with autoattacks. That could be another variable to consider that i've done differently.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 185
By Bahamut.Galakar 2022-09-02 16:09:08
I don't think it is this. I successfully got this objective cleared on NIN solo, using Tier2/3 nukes, without ever engaging once. Unless you count the -elemental resistance from Ninjutsu nukes, they don't debuff at all. I also successfully cleared this on RDM solo doing nothing but enspell melee damage and T5 spells. I was in a party of 6 real players, so no trusts to interfere with the objective.
It would support the idea of doing more than X damage with either a single nuke or many nukes as a way of clearing the objective. Can confirm it's not magic damage > WS damage, as I got the chest from acuex I used Savage blade twice and only one or two subductions (2-4k each) to kill it.
It could be number of spells > WSs, or my current theory,
white damage + magic > WS dmg.
Will need to test it with different trusts, as I did no WS for sure. Maybe trusts skills do count (which would be weird, as their magic does not count for objectives).
By Koliz 2022-09-02 16:31:44
I tried to replicate getting a3/4 chest on MNK with Sylvie, Monberaux, Koru-More and Cornelia and had no luck. Killed at least 6 then summoned Ullegore and got the a3 chest a couple kills later with him killing with aero 1. Killed several more and was never able to get a4 chest but Ullegore kept killing with auto-attacks. Killed A boss without any difficulty at all without metal, though. Going to mess around with it more tomorrow. This did not work today; Dropped Monberaux for Cherukikki and tried adding in Shantotto II and still didn't work. Hecteyes both attempts.
Seems like Casket C1 requires Coffer C first.
Killed a bunch of skeles real fast but failed to pop the casket. Nothing changed except failing to find bhoot quickly enough.
Also, was in U2, so no ffxidb :( and Degei didn't spawn. Got C1 Casket without doing bhoot today but it took more kill tries than i expected it to on MNK.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2022-09-02 16:47:46
Seems like Casket C1 requires Coffer C first.
Killed a bunch of skeles real fast but failed to pop the casket. Nothing changed except failing to find bhoot quickly enough.
Also, was in U2, so no ffxidb :( and Degei didn't spawn.
I don't think the Bhoot matters. I almost never get the Bhoot chest, or even find the Bhoot first, but consistently get the blue that appears to be linked to quick kills. I suspect that if quick kills is the trigger, aggroing starts that timer.
By Deridjian 2022-09-02 17:53:32
for the record: I just did Fudos for 15-20k+ on Umbrils in Sortie Area B including Light SC on three different Umbrils and instantly got Casket B1 (blue), then killed Porxie right after, did one Fudo to Fudo Light and auto attacked. Got Coffer B (red).
I did not touch ANY other mobs in area B, other than 3 umbrils and porxie for a quick blue and red
Note to self though: always have a dozen stacks of holy waters and several reraise items...