Sortie Release - Info
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 310
By Bismarck.Sterk 2022-09-01 08:28:51
I'd try losing the malaise. Another friend of mine was having the same problem. Once he dropped the malaise, he was able to get the casket for B. Doing this seemed to improve my success rate as well with Leaden spam. I only added Malaise when we didn't bring a COR and were using Sanguine Blade for our WS spam of choice and got it that way as well. In regards to the "kill with enfeeble" suggestion, I do always cast Silence on all the Fire Elementals.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 74
By Bismarck.Zubuis 2022-09-01 08:33:35
I usually do Fudo -> Leaden for elementals in B. Usually use wizards roll from the COR. No other enfeebles. Never have problems getting the Blue or the two brown chests for B.
Think its 3 kills for the blue chest. Five for the first brown chest. And another 5 for the second brown chest from eye-balling it.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2022-09-01 08:51:09
Chest A3 maybe... it just requires magic that deals some damage, even if it's just "1". Could be. I got it easily on MNK with Trusts.
But Chest A4 has some magic damage threshold that you have to go through.
I couldn't get it on MNK and after like 15-20 targets killed with no A4 popping I simply gave up, my trusts couldn't deal enough damage it seems.
On RDM and BLU solo I never had this issue. My RDM nukes were 13~23k roughly, and my BLU ones I don't remember but clearly way above 10k.
I went 7/7 on A chests last night (farming hecteyes) and did the boss as THF/NIN with a GEO/WHM mule that didn't nuke and only cast Dia II. My trusts were Cornelia, Sylvie, and Monberaux. I don't think there's a threshold and I'm skeptical that there's even a magic damage requirement. I can share the logs if you're interested, but they're too long to put into a post.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2022-09-01 09:37:10
Chest A3 maybe... it just requires magic that deals some damage, even if it's just "1". Could be. I got it easily on MNK with Trusts.
But Chest A4 has some magic damage threshold that you have to go through.
I couldn't get it on MNK and after like 15-20 targets killed with no A4 popping I simply gave up, my trusts couldn't deal enough damage it seems.
On RDM and BLU solo I never had this issue. My RDM nukes were 13~23k roughly, and my BLU ones I don't remember but clearly way above 10k.
I went 7/7 on A chests last night (farming hecteyes) and did the boss as THF/NIN with a GEO/WHM mule that didn't nuke and only cast Dia II. My trusts were Cornelia, Sylvie, and Monberaux. I don't think there's a threshold and I'm skeptical that there's even a magic damage requirement. I can share the logs if you're interested, but they're too long to put into a post. Then I dunno what to say.
I know I killed all *** leeches and a decent amount of acuexes but couldn't get the A4 chest (got the A3 just fine, took a while with the no WS thing though, I was usually activating AM3 with Vere, popping Impetus and then ride the white damage)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Asura.Daethsightt 2022-09-01 09:45:59
We were doing our typical 4/4 NM 4/4 Boss run - when we entered for boss C, he was just not there. All 6 of us entered at the same time, all had corresponding temp items for the boss. Everything else spawned and operated normal except him.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 36
By Gilgamesh.Maletaru 2022-09-01 10:54:20
Asura.Daethsightt said: »We were doing our typical 4/4 NM 4/4 Boss run - when we entered for boss C, he was just not there. All 6 of us entered at the same time, all had corresponding temp items for the boss. Everything else spawned and operated normal except him. I've had several of the bosses just not spawn. Unclear on what causes it, it really sucks when it happens and AFAIK there isn't a solution. If anyone has figured anything out about this please post it, but I think it's just a glitch?
By Asura.Disclai 2022-09-01 10:59:17
Wonder if it would possibly be fixed by respawning that quadrant's enemies.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-09-01 11:32:54
I'm curious if anyone has run over to see if it is just invisible, like sometimes when you warp to Reisenjima and the crystal isn't there, or you can't see Mireu.
It'd be funny if you ran over there and he started beating on you and you just couldn't see him... lol
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2022-09-01 11:36:29
Here is a fun fact. Not sure if it matters or not.
You can get Key #C from Gate C-2 or Gate C-1 but not Gate C-3. Incomplete thought trailed off so Edit... The can't have killed anything still seems to apply, but not being able to get the Key from Gate C-3 seems oddly specific if nothing else important is going on with this gate.
By Tarage 2022-09-01 12:22:27
When I asked it I got answered that the Magical BPs don't count for the A chests objectives.
Now you're telling me they do count, and that even Hybrid like Flaming Crush work?
Nom nom!
For all intents and purposes, they do/did not. This was an oddity, and I am still unclear as to why it counted when previously it did not.
Also there's some *** around Casket A1, because I did a run prior where I was killing a bunch of enemies after doing nearly every other chest and I did not get it, so it may be that you have to get it before you open a door.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2022-09-01 14:07:13
I unlocked PLD today and tried to get the A boss chests (very very slowly) making sure to never do any magic damage (including Dia) while using very conservative trusts (Sylvie, Cornelia, Sakura, Moogle). No luck. I did manage to get the A1 Casket after 5 non-Obdella kills, though.
I think some magic damage is probably required but maybe not much.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 229
By Leviathan.Boposhopo 2022-09-01 15:58:09
Just adding for info, when trying to do A3/4 chest it seems Excalibur After Effect stopped me from being able to complete the objective. Was solo on RDM, nuked and enfeebed and tried to melee down with enspells. After about 10 Acuex I took Excal off and tried again. No change to what I was doing before (Same enfeebs, same nukes on leeches instead) and completed in 6 kills.
By Chimerawizard 2022-09-01 16:11:14
Okay, yup. WAR > MNK > WHM > BLM > RDM > THF kill in order got us both Casket #D1 & Casket #D2.
Also, when my 4th step in my 5step skillchain killed the Demisang foes, we did not get credit toward Chest #D3/4. Could swear it didn't work like that before, and i could deal the killing blow with the skillchain's damage on 4th step. caused us to waste another good 5+ minutes dealing with another pull of mobs.
Requiscat > Burning > Flat > Savage > CDC
By Koliz 2022-09-01 17:02:46
I tried to replicate getting a3/4 chest on MNK with Sylvie, Monberaux, Koru-More and Cornelia and had no luck. Killed at least 6 then summoned Ullegore and got the a3 chest a couple kills later with him killing with aero 1. Killed several more and was never able to get a4 chest but Ullegore kept killing with auto-attacks. Killed A boss without any difficulty at all without metal, though. Going to mess around with it more tomorrow.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 266
By Asura.Aburaage 2022-09-01 17:56:38
Okay, yup. WAR > MNK > WHM > BLM > RDM > THF kill in order got us both Casket #D1 & Casket #D2.
Also, when my 4th step in my 5step skillchain killed the Demisang foes, we did not get credit toward Chest #D3/4. Could swear it didn't work like that before, and i could deal the killing blow with the skillchain's damage on 4th step. caused us to waste another good 5+ minutes dealing with another pull of mobs.
Requiscat > Burning > Flat > Savage > CDC tried this killing order, got both blue chest at the same time as well
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Odin.Fiction 2022-09-01 18:46:19
Anyone want to test if #B1 casket is doing Magic WS while elemental is casting or doing Physical when umbril is doing Abilities. X3 I assume
By Ultimaetus 2022-09-01 18:54:40
I'm speculating that Leshonn's Proc to change his element is either random chance off of the Ice/Stone damage or it's based on timing it to his tp moves.
I've seen him change off of a couple blizzard I's or a barrage of blizzard V's and not changing at all.
I've pugged all attempts on him, and I'd say its pretty difficult to zerg him if he starts in wind stance.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 178
By Asura.Yottaxa 2022-09-01 19:24:29
Anyone want to test if #B1 casket is doing Magic WS while elemental is casting or doing Physical when umbril is doing Abilities. X3 I assume
I thought this was pretty confirmed or still needs testing?
For what its worth, today I had no issues with killing 3x Umbrils with 4 step radiance, popped on 3rd one that died from the radiance. (There was one in the bunch of 4 I killed that died from only 2x fudo into single light (due to low hp around 15%) and that did not proc the chest, next one in group died to Radi and Casket #B1)
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3
By Cerberus.Kevplaything 2022-09-01 19:25:13
Confirmed Casket can drop Old Case +1's not just coffers.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 351
By Fenrir.Aladeus 2022-09-01 21:17:38
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »I'm curious if anyone has run over to see if it is just invisible, like sometimes when you warp to Reisenjima and the crystal isn't there, or you can't see Mireu.
It'd be funny if you ran over there and he started beating on you and you just couldn't see him... lol
a couple of days ago, Degei wasn't there for us, and we did run over to the spawn spot. nada. We warped back down and up then ran over again. We didn't try to respawn the area though, so maybe that'll work.
By alamihgo 2022-09-02 01:02:45
Attempted to pop the Casket #C2:
Given the /heal objective on the sector A platform, I proposed a KO objective for sector C on the platform directly opposite A on the map. We had our BRD pull many skeletons to the platform at M-10, die, and then reraise. No casket spawned, so we had him die again to become the target of a Raise spell. No casket spawned from the spell or the raise acceptance, but we did get a taru to die twice in the span of about 10 seconds.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 122
By Odin.Bangla 2022-09-02 02:33:10
Attempted to pop the Casket #C2:
Given the /heal objective on the sector A platform, I proposed a KO objective for sector C on the platform directly opposite A on the map. We had our BRD pull many skeletons to the platform at M-10, die, and then reraise. No casket spawned, so we had him die again to become the target of a Raise spell. No casket spawned from the spell or the raise acceptance, but we did get a taru to die twice in the span of about 10 seconds. You don’t actually have to heal directly behind door A1. The objective can be fulfilled anywhere behind door A1. Anywhere in the room, tunnel and past the tunnel. Haven’t checked anywhere further.
I think this objective is tied to the doors. You have to pass door A1 and open a locked B door to get those caskets.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 181
By Fenrir.Positron 2022-09-02 02:42:53
I tested Casket #A2 yesterday. The area is basically from Gate #A1 up through a rectangle that encases it and the Leech room. For some reason it does not work in the hallway east of there near Gate #A2, despite featuring another raised platform.
By zigzagzig 2022-09-02 02:49:20
Map from jp to English + Gates route for Chest #B1
By SimonSes 2022-09-02 04:14:26
Anyone want to test if #B1 casket is doing Magic WS while elemental is casting or doing Physical when umbril is doing Abilities. X3 I assume
I thought this was pretty confirmed or still needs testing?
For what its worth, today I had no issues with killing 3x Umbrils with 4 step radiance, popped on 3rd one that died from the radiance. (There was one in the bunch of 4 I killed that died from only 2x fudo into single light (due to low hp around 15%) and that did not proc the chest, next one in group died to Radi and Casket #B1)
It's not confirmed at all. Some people get it from doing leaden only, other from savage spam, other from 4steping. I once tried everything above and haven't got it.