Sortie Release - Info

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Sortie Release - Info
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 129
By Asura.Cthaeh 2022-08-19 12:27:05
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I dbl'd.

We got the 10k magic kill last night, with a Katon: San MB for 19k. Was first spell used against mob and done on an Acuex.

Also adding, we tried several other ways to kill with magic damage including WSs. Nothing worked. We were careful to try nothing but melee down, then light skillchain from 70% and MB with the Katon: San, the chest popped.

edit: My bad, misread, this was for the B magic kills. We also got A the night before, and I didn't see how but I also AOE cleaved all of the leeches on BLU and I think that was when we got it.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Radec
Posts: 151
By Bismarck.Radec 2022-08-19 12:58:02
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B Gates: You can close gates after opening them, then open 1-6 in order. Last night's run was #3 open, #3 closed, then 1-6 in order and I got the chest as 6 opened.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Soybean
Posts: 28
By Phoenix.Teorem 2022-08-19 13:00:43
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Asura.Neviskio said: »
Fenrir.Ahlen said: »
You have to do only magic spells from 100 to 0. Sch sc magic burst works
(didnt burst kill but took most hp with a big fire burst then finished with fire 4 /5 non burst) but blu aoe is best by far. Don't use phy (havent tested magic ws without meleeing them)

I've done this method 3 times and get both chests in 10-12 kills.

I am very inclined to try this next run, I've been saying this in my own circles a few times but was ignored, and we didn't get objectives while doing physical damage and we tried all the elements. I've also added it to the wiki until disproven as in 3 runs with any phys dmg these are the only 2 objectives I couldn't ever get. Might try solo sch at some point if I can't find a group to try it >.<

"Magic damage only"--for the #A shard at least--is simply not true:
Gwenne uses Chain Affinity.
Teorem hits the Abject Acuex for 245 points of damage.
Soybean hits the Abject Acuex for 209 points of damage.
Teorem hits the Abject Acuex for 213 points of damage.
Gwenne uses Burst Affinity.
Gwenne uses Savage Blade.The Abject Acuex takes 28349 points of damage.
Valaineral hits the Abject Acuex for 122 points of damage.
Gwenne starts casting Barbed Crescent on the Abject Acuex.
Gwenne casts Barbed Crescent.The Abject Acuex takes 2542 points of damage.
Gwenne starts casting Spectral Floe on the Abject Acuex.
Records of Eminence: Vanquish Multiple Enemies I.
Progress: 41/200.
Teorem received 33 gallimaufry for a total of 4728.
#A treasure coffer status report: 6/7 #?: 0/1.
Skillchain: Distortion.The Abject Acuex takes 3418 points of damage.
Gwenne casts Spectral Floe.Magic Burst! The Abject Acuex takes 78070 points of damage.
Gwenne defeats the Abject Acuex.
You obtain the temporary item: Ra'Kaznar shard #A!

I'd already been meleeing the acuex for about 10 seconds before starting the self-skillchain.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ahlen
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2022-08-19 13:10:15
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You might be able to do some non magic dmg but I've seen super reliable chests doing pure magic spells only. So if you have trouble getting chest just stick to 100% magic spells.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Meeeeeep
Posts: 167
By Asura.Sensarity 2022-08-19 13:11:03
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Phoenix.Teorem said: »

"Magic damage only"--for the #A shard at least--is simply not true:
I'd already been meleeing the acuex for about 10 seconds before starting the self-skillchain.

It could just be that a certain % of the enemy HP needs to be done with spell damage.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Neviskio
Posts: 116
By Asura.Neviskio 2022-08-19 13:36:09
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Phoenix.Teorem said: »
Asura.Neviskio said: »
Fenrir.Ahlen said: »
You have to do only magic spells from 100 to 0. Sch sc magic burst works
(didnt burst kill but took most hp with a big fire burst then finished with fire 4 /5 non burst) but blu aoe is best by far. Don't use phy (havent tested magic ws without meleeing them)

I've done this method 3 times and get both chests in 10-12 kills.

I am very inclined to try this next run, I've been saying this in my own circles a few times but was ignored, and we didn't get objectives while doing physical damage and we tried all the elements. I've also added it to the wiki until disproven as in 3 runs with any phys dmg these are the only 2 objectives I couldn't ever get. Might try solo sch at some point if I can't find a group to try it >.<

"Magic damage only"--for the #A shard at least--is simply not true:
Gwenne uses Chain Affinity.
Teorem hits the Abject Acuex for 245 points of damage.
Soybean hits the Abject Acuex for 209 points of damage.
Teorem hits the Abject Acuex for 213 points of damage.
Gwenne uses Burst Affinity.
Gwenne uses Savage Blade.The Abject Acuex takes 28349 points of damage.
Valaineral hits the Abject Acuex for 122 points of damage.
Gwenne starts casting Barbed Crescent on the Abject Acuex.
Gwenne casts Barbed Crescent.The Abject Acuex takes 2542 points of damage.
Gwenne starts casting Spectral Floe on the Abject Acuex.
Records of Eminence: Vanquish Multiple Enemies I.
Progress: 41/200.
Teorem received 33 gallimaufry for a total of 4728.
#A treasure coffer status report: 6/7 #?: 0/1.
Skillchain: Distortion.The Abject Acuex takes 3418 points of damage.
Gwenne casts Spectral Floe.Magic Burst! The Abject Acuex takes 78070 points of damage.
Gwenne defeats the Abject Acuex.
You obtain the temporary item: Ra'Kaznar shard #A!

I'd already been meleeing the acuex for about 10 seconds before starting the self-skillchain.

Guess it has to be either element (we tried ice, didn't seem to work, maybe wrong mobs, dunno) or something else then. I guess if you get this objective it'd be worth just going into details on what you did, cause it's the only ones in #a that seems to flip flop all the time.

has it only been achived on acuex mobs or someone got the treasure on some other mobs? that might be the key, ice on acuex?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: swordwiz
Posts: 216
By Asura.Lordoftheseven 2022-08-19 13:41:57
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Asura.Neviskio said: »
Phoenix.Teorem said: »
Asura.Neviskio said: »
Fenrir.Ahlen said: »
You have to do only magic spells from 100 to 0. Sch sc magic burst works
(didnt burst kill but took most hp with a big fire burst then finished with fire 4 /5 non burst) but blu aoe is best by far. Don't use phy (havent tested magic ws without meleeing them)

I've done this method 3 times and get both chests in 10-12 kills.

I am very inclined to try this next run, I've been saying this in my own circles a few times but was ignored, and we didn't get objectives while doing physical damage and we tried all the elements. I've also added it to the wiki until disproven as in 3 runs with any phys dmg these are the only 2 objectives I couldn't ever get. Might try solo sch at some point if I can't find a group to try it >.<

"Magic damage only"--for the #A shard at least--is simply not true:
Gwenne uses Chain Affinity.
Teorem hits the Abject Acuex for 245 points of damage.
Soybean hits the Abject Acuex for 209 points of damage.
Teorem hits the Abject Acuex for 213 points of damage.
Gwenne uses Burst Affinity.
Gwenne uses Savage Blade.The Abject Acuex takes 28349 points of damage.
Valaineral hits the Abject Acuex for 122 points of damage.
Gwenne starts casting Barbed Crescent on the Abject Acuex.
Gwenne casts Barbed Crescent.The Abject Acuex takes 2542 points of damage.
Gwenne starts casting Spectral Floe on the Abject Acuex.
Records of Eminence: Vanquish Multiple Enemies I.
Progress: 41/200.
Teorem received 33 gallimaufry for a total of 4728.
#A treasure coffer status report: 6/7 #?: 0/1.
Skillchain: Distortion.The Abject Acuex takes 3418 points of damage.
Gwenne casts Spectral Floe.Magic Burst! The Abject Acuex takes 78070 points of damage.
Gwenne defeats the Abject Acuex.
You obtain the temporary item: Ra'Kaznar shard #A!

I'd already been meleeing the acuex for about 10 seconds before starting the self-skillchain.

Guess it has to be either element (we tried ice, didn't seem to work, maybe wrong mobs, dunno) or something else then. I guess if you get this objective it'd be worth just going into details on what you did, cause it's the only ones in #a that seems to flip flop all the time.

has it only been achived on acuex mobs or someone got the treasure on some other mobs? that might be the key, ice on acuex?
To give a bit of context i got both a shard and a metal this morning started with 28k Spectral Floe on on blue aux's only blue chest than moved to leechs and did Spectral Floe burn again but was hitting for 18k both brown boxs spawned on leechs death with shard and metal. no damage was used outside Spectral Floe. hope that helps
Posts: 37
By Autherius 2022-08-19 13:51:58
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For the opening of B doors 1-6 is it possible to get the chest if you send 1 party member to each door then open the 6th together? Or does everydoor need every party member present
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2022-08-19 14:04:12
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Episode 4 is up with a full run of Zone A consisting of:

Shard and Metal Triggers within 9 mobs of the start and an analysis of what accomplished it
Full 7/7 Coffer Triggers
Clear of 3 Different Mob Family Area's in Zone A
Full Zone Boss Kill

I look forward to trying out Zone B next week, expect more video's then. Have a great weekend all!

YouTube Video Placeholder
By Asura.Aragan 2022-08-19 14:17:07
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This test need some group transfer to server low ppl
And inter every run solo with trust that be faster
In asura long wait
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2022-08-19 14:21:22
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No queues on Asura atm.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Kanryu
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2022-08-19 14:30:24
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Bismarck.Radec said: »
B Gates: You can close gates after opening them, then open 1-6 in order. Last night's run was #3 open, #3 closed, then 1-6 in order and I got the chest as 6 opened.

That is a fun fact! We did try that in D but it didn't work unless we messed up some other portion of the process.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: elii
Posts: 912
By Lakshmi.Elidyr 2022-08-19 14:53:25
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Finally did another run today after bad weather and stuff, and still not seeing any mention on Leshonn.


He keeps removing buffs, retaliation for 1600+. Savage goes from 45-55k (70k MS). Savages eventually end up doing 10k by last 20%. Using all WAR buffs + Rolls. Songs constantly getting removed.

I couldn't pinpoint what the attack was in log, but this animation seems to remove them when hands are lightning/wind. It is definitely absorb/dispel. Retaliation was murdering me pretty bad. When I was doing damage though, nothing was much of any issue.

Maybe some of it was mentioned in here and I missed it. WAR gear is not BiS, but pretty close.

Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Phoenix.Godofwars 2022-08-19 15:34:56
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hello everyone today we did a great run me and my friends and at the last 5mins i dc and i try to log back in but it wont let me login i have try for 1hr already and nothing its just say loading and after 1 min say i cant login can anyone please help me with some info or tip plz ty for all
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-08-19 15:36:57
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Only help is you're boned. Go do something else and try again tomorrow.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2022-08-19 15:49:15
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Asura.Aldolol said: »
I love how people keep saying Asura problem, when the reality is the Dev's will only listen to the JP community and not the NA one, and they are primarily on Odin.

Suck it up small servers, something will change and you will have to deal with it

Balderdash. It's one thing to acknowledge that technical fixes are going to have to made primarily with large servers in mind. It's quite another to arbitrarily cut off the accessibility of a huge portion of the playerbase so that a small subset of Asurans, not even the majority (frankly, pretty much exclusively posters on this forum as far as the English-speaking playerbase goes), can have their cake and eat it too.

You wanted a 6-man game, and you've got it now. It just so happens that "6-man" means "soloable." Deal with it.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Velner
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2022-08-19 16:00:07
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Autherius said: »
For the opening of B doors 1-6 is it possible to get the chest if you send 1 party member to each door then open the 6th together? Or does everydoor need every party member present

We sent a single member to do the doors while the others killed elementals. We got the chest at 6.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2022-08-19 16:08:48
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Lakshmi.Elidyr said: »
Finally did another run today after bad weather and stuff, and still not seeing any mention on Leshonn.


He keeps removing buffs, retaliation for 1600+. Savage goes from 45-55k (70k MS). Savages eventually end up doing 10k by last 20%. Using all WAR buffs + Rolls. Songs constantly getting removed.

I couldn't pinpoint what the attack was in log, but this animation seems to remove them when hands are lightning/wind. It is definitely absorb/dispel. Retaliation was murdering me pretty bad. When I was doing damage though, nothing was much of any issue.

Maybe some of it was mentioned in here and I missed it. WAR gear is not BiS, but pretty close.

I can concur with this and can agree Leshonn has some form of buff absorb = does more damage the more buffs it absorbs in 1 time.
I mentioned this on Ejiin's stream, whether he read it or not, idk. but sounds like either buff absorb = slightly more damage or pain sync kinda, but prob buff. I vod reviewed our run and noticed I get hit for 0-100 normally then after the animation I get hit for 600~
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: olson2189
Posts: 94
By Asura.Bigtymer 2022-08-19 16:19:23
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Asura.Aldolol said: »
Pretty sure the Porxie box is a SC needed and not just magic ws kill. Saw chest with a skillchain. Last night I melee only down to 20% and leaden kill got nothing.

This isn't the case. I did one SC on the Porxie, and then killed it, and no objective.

Unrelated note, I killed a zone D Fomor with a light SC, which gave me a red chest objective, separate from the objective for killing all 6 fomors in the H-9 room.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 129
By Asura.Cthaeh 2022-08-19 16:40:59
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Asura.Shiraj said: »
Lakshmi.Elidyr said: »
Finally did another run today after bad weather and stuff, and still not seeing any mention on Leshonn.


He keeps removing buffs, retaliation for 1600+. Savage goes from 45-55k (70k MS). Savages eventually end up doing 10k by last 20%. Using all WAR buffs + Rolls. Songs constantly getting removed.

I couldn't pinpoint what the attack was in log, but this animation seems to remove them when hands are lightning/wind. It is definitely absorb/dispel. Retaliation was murdering me pretty bad. When I was doing damage though, nothing was much of any issue.

Maybe some of it was mentioned in here and I missed it. WAR gear is not BiS, but pretty close.

I can concur with this and can agree Leshonn has some form of buff absorb = does more damage the more buffs it absorbs in 1 time.
I mentioned this on Ejiin's stream, whether he read it or not, idk. but sounds like either buff absorb = slightly more damage or pain sync kinda, but prob buff. I vod reviewed our run and noticed I get hit for 0-100 normally then after the animation I get hit for 600~

It's only when he has both elements on his hands though that the enfeebles start boosting him. You can remove the element of you choice by healing him with it, but use T1 cause it will still cure him for around 20k+

He's really not much trouble with only one element on his hands, and I prefer to drop thunder because of his stun BS.

Or maybe absorbing buffs is what gives him the 2nd element, seeing as he only has wind in your SS.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: elii
Posts: 912
By Lakshmi.Elidyr 2022-08-19 16:41:28
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Asura.Shiraj said: »
Lakshmi.Elidyr said: »
Finally did another run today after bad weather and stuff, and still not seeing any mention on Leshonn.


He keeps removing buffs, retaliation for 1600+. Savage goes from 45-55k (70k MS). Savages eventually end up doing 10k by last 20%. Using all WAR buffs + Rolls. Songs constantly getting removed.

I couldn't pinpoint what the attack was in log, but this animation seems to remove them when hands are lightning/wind. It is definitely absorb/dispel. Retaliation was murdering me pretty bad. When I was doing damage though, nothing was much of any issue.

Maybe some of it was mentioned in here and I missed it. WAR gear is not BiS, but pretty close.

I can concur with this and can agree Leshonn has some form of buff absorb = does more damage the more buffs it absorbs in 1 time.
I mentioned this on Ejiin's stream, whether he read it or not, idk. but sounds like either buff absorb = slightly more damage or pain sync kinda, but prob buff. I vod reviewed our run and noticed I get hit for 0-100 normally then after the animation I get hit for 600~

Glad I am not crazy. Also noticing elements in hand effecting the animation color.

*Just seen the post above. This was the conclusion we came too as I noticed a healing effected this directly after I healed it on accident.*
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Kanryu
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2022-08-19 16:46:13
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Alrighty lads I have FNM tonight so we had to run early.

Here is the info we got for the day. Firstly, you get a do-over with Key #D if you close and reset the doors. What the JP Twitter post didn't say was there is a time limit between opening the doors. We waited and paused to fight for a while between D-2 to D-1 the first time. No dice. We closed the doors back up and ran straight from one to the other, tah-dah Key D! So keep that in mind. (Ej tested this for us on stream and confirmed C doors are not needed, just time-based.)

Secondly, for the 2nd time we've not gotten the red chest from killing the NM in D. However... we did get it later for killing a fomor that matched it. This could be a coincidence but I strongly doubt it at this point. We've seen the D NM 5 times, each time in a random configuration of armor_era/weapon/race.

Twice now the red chest has spawned when killing a member of the matching race. Today's NM was wearing MNK AF head, WHM empy body, RDM relic gloves, BLM relic pants, and WAR relic shoes. We killed a relic RDM elvaan in the next room and got the red chest. The first time we killed a relic hume thief last to get the box after killing an NM who was a hume female (we didn't know to look for her armor yet). There is a hefty bit of speculation in this but I am inclined to believe this is not a coincidence after the second time.

Followup on the NM in D. (Less certain on this) It appeared to be gaining damage and DT the more things we killed around it. Can't confirm this either but it very much seemed that way. We'll have to kill it again to prove it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 129
By Asura.Cthaeh 2022-08-19 16:48:39
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Lakshmi.Elidyr said: »
Asura.Shiraj said: »
Lakshmi.Elidyr said: »
Finally did another run today after bad weather and stuff, and still not seeing any mention on Leshonn.


He keeps removing buffs, retaliation for 1600+. Savage goes from 45-55k (70k MS). Savages eventually end up doing 10k by last 20%. Using all WAR buffs + Rolls. Songs constantly getting removed.

I couldn't pinpoint what the attack was in log, but this animation seems to remove them when hands are lightning/wind. It is definitely absorb/dispel. Retaliation was murdering me pretty bad. When I was doing damage though, nothing was much of any issue.

Maybe some of it was mentioned in here and I missed it. WAR gear is not BiS, but pretty close.

I can concur with this and can agree Leshonn has some form of buff absorb = does more damage the more buffs it absorbs in 1 time.
I mentioned this on Ejiin's stream, whether he read it or not, idk. but sounds like either buff absorb = slightly more damage or pain sync kinda, but prob buff. I vod reviewed our run and noticed I get hit for 0-100 normally then after the animation I get hit for 600~

Glad I am not crazy. Also noticing elements in hand effecting the animation color.

*Just seen the post above. This was the conclusion we came too as I noticed a healing effected this directly after I healed it on accident.*

I questioned it at first because there is a 5-10 second delay before the element drops, but we repeated it 3 times and even successfully switched elements. This will be the way to kill him without a plate, keep him in wind and don't debuff him. If he puts thunder up, hit him with a thunder 1 and repeat.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2022-08-19 16:52:05
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Asura.Cthaeh said: »
I questioned it at first because there is a 5-10 second delay before the element drops, but we repeated it 3 times and even successfully switched elements. This will be the way to kill him without a plate, keep him in wind and don't debuff him. If he puts thunder up, hit him with a thunder 1 and repeat.

My first ever run of sortie, Leshonn started in thunder, not wind. I want to believe it's just random which he starts in, but subsequent events mid fight make him use both?

Easiest way to tell is ask your WHM if people being stunned/paralyzed so often lol.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Kanryu
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2022-08-19 16:56:00
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Forgot some stuff in the above.

We did Fusion, Fragmentation, Light, and Darkness on the Porxie then did a Leaden at 19%. Still no red, only gold.

We did Gravitation, Light, and Darkness on the Bhoot. No red. We also killed it on Device C with no chest. We tried a Corse in the room with Device C, but it did not work until the second Corse which we killed on the raised center of the room.

Also, we pulled and killed the Obdella from F-6 to Device D. We got the red for A all the way down in D, but did not get a D Plate.
Posts: 133
By Icciagnarok 2022-08-19 17:03:41
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Asura.Shiraj said: »
Asura.Cthaeh said: »
I questioned it at first because there is a 5-10 second delay before the element drops, but we repeated it 3 times and even successfully switched elements. This will be the way to kill him without a plate, keep him in wind and don't debuff him. If he puts thunder up, hit him with a thunder 1 and repeat.

My first ever run of sortie, Leshonn started in thunder, not wind. I want to believe it's just random which he starts in, but subsequent events mid fight make him use both?

Easiest way to tell is ask your WHM if people being stunned/paralyzed so often lol.

He can start in either mode from what I've seen, and you can change him by enfeebling him until he gets buffed (If this is for sure what caused it, I can confirm on our second run we did not enfeeble and we never saw him go into god-mode with both elements). Then kite him and heal him to switch, wait for it to go down then run back in. Would be much faster than fighting him through thunder tbh, that stun gets pretty stupid.

On our first run when we timed out, we had mistakenly healed him back up to 70% and got him back down to 30% in 7 minutes using that method. We still had 1/2 our group in zombie mode though and our BLM was triple weakened at that point.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: elii
Posts: 912
By Lakshmi.Elidyr 2022-08-19 17:05:35
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My buddy just went in and he just took three hits off the go for 1200 a normal hit on MNK in full DT. Only element on hand was thunder, on pull, with the KIs. :/
Posts: 133
By Icciagnarok 2022-08-19 17:12:40
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Lakshmi.Elidyr said: »
My buddy just went in and he just took three hits off the go for 1200 a normal hit on MNK in full DT. Only element on hand was thunder, on pull, with the KIs. :/

He may get an attack boost with thunder up, he definitely has an increased crit rate.

With wind up, he's more evasive and silencegas. He also puts up a massive Elegy in response to you enfeebling him.

What we saw in regards to the modes:

Concussive Shock - Slow/Stun
Undulating Shockwave - Heavy Damage 10' yalms (20 yalms if both elements are up and hit tank for 12k at one point)

Chokehold - pull in, silence, gravity. (Also uses this in response to taking hate from a range)
Shrieking Gale - Uses this after Chokehold with both elements up, don't remember seeing it with wind only but its possible.
Tearing Gust - Destroys your Magic defense (Possibly caused the 12k US), heavy damage and knockbock.

Zap - used in response to enfeebling him. Amnesia, plague, elegy, and seems to power him up.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 129
By Asura.Cthaeh 2022-08-19 17:15:34
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Sorry, Iccicagnarok is my default posting and I need to find a way to kill it on here.

And 2 seconds of not being lazy fixed it.
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