Sortie Release - Info

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Sortie Release - Info
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Posts: 38
By 1thenumber 2022-08-18 13:49:11
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Anyone tried using Shantotto II for the magic damage/MB kills in area A? Thinking I'll go RDM and try with Shan II first to see if she can proc it.
Posts: 218
By zigzagzig 2022-08-18 13:51:12
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jedigamer
Posts: 288
By Bahamut.Jedigamer 2022-08-18 13:57:12
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Bahamut.Shozokui said: »
Asura.Badness said: »
even @ 70 groups its 2+hr just to get in :/

Even on Bahamut, it's < 30s to enter.

45 minute wait last night at like 7:30 Pacific. Was a bit asura-like.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Phoenix.Godofwars 2022-08-18 14:02:34
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sorry bro here on asura is 2-4 hrs to enter we have like 70+ page wait
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2022-08-18 14:02:56
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Bahamut.Shozokui said: »
Asura.Badness said: »
even @ 70 groups its 2+hr just to get in :/

Even on Bahamut, it's < 30s to enter.

Not really. My static group is waiting like 50 minutes now and still 20+ places in line before they turn.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kaht
Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2022-08-18 14:03:54
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Posts: 464
By drakefs 2022-08-18 14:08:22
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Asura.Disclai said: »

Both times we've entered, the Obdella NM hasn't been popped at all, this is with constant wide scanning and full clearing each area.

It can however seemingly be force popped by using the gadget to respawn abject enemies.

Full cleared Area A on our first run, never saw NM. Second run we where trying to focus on objectives and did not full clear. Checked for the NM with widescan, no where to be found. Respawned from device A and the NM was spawned in.

Which leaves me to believe, if the NM is not up when you enter you may be able to spawn it without killing any mobs by teleporting to Device A.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2022-08-18 14:50:33
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Episode 3 is up where I tested many current theories including

The leech NM spawn conditions. Got a lot of clarity here.
Resting for coffer trigger. Success!
Self Enhancing Location for coffer trigger. Success!
Using high damage magic to kill enemies for Metal A Coffer. Tried multiple methods for over 30 kills of magic, there is still something we are missing.

YouTube Video Placeholder
By 2022-08-18 14:58:12
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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2022-08-18 15:01:37
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1thenumber said: »
Anyone tried using Shantotto II for the magic damage/MB kills in area A? Thinking I'll go RDM and try with Shan II first to see if she can proc it.

Tried this last night. Her and Arciela II actually...

Neither trust could burst for higher than 30K damage. Never saw a condition met.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kaht
Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2022-08-18 15:28:39
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Montigo
Posts: 42
By Asura.Mcdoogle 2022-08-18 15:30:11
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Players would bounce off of Asura if the AH was cross server.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jedigamer
Posts: 288
By Bahamut.Jedigamer 2022-08-18 15:36:39
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Phoenix.Logical said: »
Episode 3 is up where I tested many current theories including

The leech NM spawn conditions. Got a lot of clarity here.
Resting for coffer trigger. Success!
Self Enhancing Location for coffer trigger. Success!
Using high damage magic to kill enemies for Metal A Coffer. Tried multiple methods for over 30 kills of magic, there is still something we are missing.

YouTube Video Placeholder

Curious about what element you tried for MB and wondering if it could be the mobs elemental weakness that triggers it?
Posts: 252
By Weeew 2022-08-18 15:41:36
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Thank you everyone for the support... we managed to successfully get 7/7 in A and 5/7 in B. I am sure not everything is 100% accurate but it worked for us. Just sharing our compiled notes from everyone who contributed to the forums and through some YouTube videos.

Area A
1/7 - Open the door at D-4 - [Brown Chest = Key #A +100 Galli]
2/7 - Kill Aubdela (leech NM) - [Red Chest = 500 Galli + chance of case/case+1/saphire]
3/7 - Kill x5 - [Blue Chest = 100 Galli + chance of case]
4/7 - Magic Damage (Ice) (1k-25k unconfirmed) (5+ finishing blow) Acuex South camp - [Brown Chest = Shard #A + chance of earring/saphire]
*worked with S.Floe/blizzara*
5/7 - Magic Damage (earth) (1k-25k unconfirmed) (5+ finishing blow) Acuex North camp - [Brown Chest = Metal #A + chance of earring/saphire]
*worked with Entomb/stonera*
6/7 - Self-cast ANYTHING at I-5 teleporter - [Brown Chest = Plate #A]
7/7 - Someone in party rest on raised floor immediately after D-4 door. Wait for health tick. - [Blue Chest = 100 Galli + chance of case]
Area B
1/7 - Magic Damage Kills on Elementals - [Brown Chest = Shard #B +100 Galli]
2/7 - Magic WS Kills on Elementals - [Brown Chest = Metal #B +100 Galli]
3/7 - Physical WS Kills on Elementals - [Blue Chest 100 Galli + chance of case]
4/7 - Using /hurray on Diaphanous Device #B - [Brown Chest = Ra'Kaznar plate #B +100 Galli]
5/7 - Kill Porxie NM with magic damage when it is below 20% HP - [Red Chest = 500 Galli + chance of case/case+1/saphire]
6/7 - ??? (TBD)
7/7 - ??? (TBD)
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2022-08-18 15:44:29
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Phoenix.Logical said: »
Episode 3 is up where I tested many current theories including

The leech NM spawn conditions. Got a lot of clarity here.
Resting for coffer trigger. Success!
Self Enhancing Location for coffer trigger. Success!
Using high damage magic to kill enemies for Metal A Coffer. Tried multiple methods for over 30 kills of magic, there is still something we are missing.

YouTube Video Placeholder

You mb are doing too much. It was suppose to be 1-25k magic damage and you are doing 30k+
Posts: 153
By klayy 2022-08-18 15:44:31
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Soo theory on why ppl cant find the obdella... well not theory lol

I found him at Device A and wanted my group to come to ther and get both of those chests. They got the metal at the same time in another area. Have to be in exp range so I ran back to them. then led them to the Device and...

Obdella had gone behind the locked D gate by then and it stayed there for some time before eventually emerging in the acuex north north of the starting point.

So if you cant find him... really good chance he's actually not in the A map at all.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2022-08-18 15:49:27
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Bahamut.Jedigamer said: »
Phoenix.Logical said: »
Episode 3 is up where I tested many current theories including

The leech NM spawn conditions. Got a lot of clarity here.
Resting for coffer trigger. Success!
Self Enhancing Location for coffer trigger. Success!
Using high damage magic to kill enemies for Metal A Coffer. Tried multiple methods for over 30 kills of magic, there is still something we are missing.

YouTube Video Placeholder

Curious about what element you tried for MB and wondering if it could be the mobs elemental weakness that triggers it?

Yep that is my exact thought as well. To be clear I used Raiton: San 100% of the time today and 99% of the time the last 3 days. Tomorrow in my run I will still do dark/light mb's but use the other 5 elements(starting with weakness) and see if I get any success. The other theory someone had on my vid is that possibly Ninjutsu can't trigger it (similar to vagary) and that it really does need to be a Fire IV or something, I intend on going in with my Red Mage this weekend to test this theory as well.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2022-08-18 15:50:53
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klayy said: »
Soo theory on why ppl cant find the obdella... well not theory lol

I found him at Device A and wanted my group to come to ther and get both of those chests. They got the metal at the same time in another area. Have to be in exp range so I ran back to them. then led them to the Device and...

Obdella had gone behind the locked D gate by then and it stayed there for some time before eventually emerging in the acuex north north of the starting point.

So if you cant find him... really good chance he's actually not in the A map at all.

Yep similar expereince for me today. He wasn't present at all after clearing Map 1. When I got to device at end of A I used it to go back to Map 1 (not respawn mobs, just teleport) and he was now out from behind Gate D.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2022-08-18 15:52:23
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SimonSes said: »
Phoenix.Logical said: »
Episode 3 is up where I tested many current theories including

The leech NM spawn conditions. Got a lot of clarity here.
Resting for coffer trigger. Success!
Self Enhancing Location for coffer trigger. Success!
Using high damage magic to kill enemies for Metal A Coffer. Tried multiple methods for over 30 kills of magic, there is still something we are missing.

YouTube Video Placeholder

You mb are doing too much. It was suppose to be 1-25k magic damage and you are doing 30k+

Yea I had tried the lower numbers the last two days with Ni and Shantotto II with no success. Todays was an effort to see if spamming higher numbers on more mobs would help, it didn't. Tomorrow will be alternating elements (as I've only been using Raiton) and this weekend I'll try Rdm (in case Ninjutsu just can't trigger it). I'll also say I've ONLY been killing with MB's, maybe I need to try not to do that I guess.
Posts: 1506
By Chimerawizard 2022-08-18 15:54:27
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on BLU:
I 3shot 7 acuex's, did NOT get a chest. minimum dmg was just over 25k.

I like 9shot 7 & 5 acuex in a single group. max dmg was <25k. First 7 died on one nuke and we got shard chest. very next nuke killed the remaining 5 and dropped the metal chest.
nukes set: spectral flow, entomb, tenebral crush, rending deluge.
rending deluge only did like 1.8k.

it could be multiple dmg between x & y dmg that flags the chests, and they could be the exact same objective with the 2nd unable to drop until the first does. no idea. just know that's been proven to work.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2022-08-18 15:55:51
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Weeew said: »
Thank you everyone for the support... we managed to successfully get 7/7 in A and 5/7 in B. I am sure not everything is 100% accurate but it worked for us. Just sharing our compiled notes from everyone who contributed to the forums and through some YouTube videos.

Area A
1/7 - Open the door at D-4 - [Brown Chest = Key #A +100 Galli]
2/7 - Kill Aubdela (leech NM) - [Red Chest = 500 Galli + chance of case/case+1/saphire]
3/7 - Kill x5 - [Blue Chest = 100 Galli + chance of case]
4/7 - Magic Damage (Ice) (1k-25k unconfirmed) (5+ finishing blow) Acuex South camp - [Brown Chest = Shard #A + chance of earring/saphire]
*worked with S.Floe/blizzara*
5/7 - Magic Damage (earth) (1k-25k unconfirmed) (5+ finishing blow) Acuex North camp - [Brown Chest = Metal #A + chance of earring/saphire]
*worked with Entomb/stonera*
6/7 - Self-cast ANYTHING at I-5 teleporter - [Brown Chest = Plate #A]
7/7 - Someone in party rest on raised floor immediately after D-4 door. Wait for health tick. - [Blue Chest = 100 Galli + chance of case]
Area B
1/7 - Magic Damage Kills on Elementals - [Brown Chest = Shard #B +100 Galli]
2/7 - Magic WS Kills on Elementals - [Brown Chest = Metal #B +100 Galli]
3/7 - Physical WS Kills on Elementals - [Blue Chest 100 Galli + chance of case]
4/7 - Using /hurray on Diaphanous Device #B - [Brown Chest = Ra'Kaznar plate #B +100 Galli]
5/7 - Kill Porxie NM with magic damage when it is below 20% HP - [Red Chest = 500 Galli + chance of case/case+1/saphire]
6/7 - ??? (TBD)
7/7 - ??? (TBD)

Earth Damage for 1-25K on North camp Map 1 for 5 mobs... I'll be trying that tomorrow thanks for the detailed results. Were you MB'ing to kill or simply a normal spell without burst?
Posts: 153
By klayy 2022-08-18 15:58:33
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FYi i kept him on widescan the entire time if that is important
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2022-08-18 16:00:50
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Phoenix.Logical said: »
Earth Damage for 1-25K on North camp Map 1 for 5 mobs... I'll be trying that tomorrow thanks for the detailed results. Were you MB'ing to kill or simply a normal spell without burst?
Posts: 218
By zigzagzig 2022-08-18 16:04:14
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1.5k Ga.... no solo you can do 3.5k to 4k
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2284
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2022-08-18 16:06:19
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Logical should make a video on how to leave asura
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 98
By Asura.Panasync 2022-08-18 16:08:16
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Rather a wait than a dead server personally
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2022-08-18 16:11:25
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SimonSes said: »
Phoenix.Logical said: »
Earth Damage for 1-25K on North camp Map 1 for 5 mobs... I'll be trying that tomorrow thanks for the detailed results. Were you MB'ing to kill or simply a normal spell without burst?

Thanks Simon, that may have been my other error then. Excited to try again in the AM.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2022-08-18 16:13:07
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Asura.Panasync said: »
Rather a wait than a dead server personally

I’ll be capped out on emp+2 before you guys can even enter by the looks of it.
Posts: 23
By SavageJoke 2022-08-18 16:30:40
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Got 5 kill chest and ice magic dmg?kill? chest from mobs south of start. (S.Floe killing blow was ~28k)
Got door, leech NM, and resting boxes.
Got earth magic dmg?kill? chest on the group of 21 leeches. (Entomb killing blow was ~ 18k)

Finally got to try the A boss and got it to 45% before it one shot everyone with Clobbering Wave. Probably a pain sync style move.

Our RUN went BLU for the objectives and the only other tank we had available was a fairly under geared PLD so we gave him 3 mins ish to build enmity and just get a feel for the boss. The first Clobbering Wave did 387 dmg, but the second one, after we had started to try to kill it, did over 5k. BLU was on chant > chant for light and geo was MB thunder. Reraised and tried again with COR doing last stand > last stand. Wiped again but it was a lot more chaotic.

Died near door with just BLU and COR auto attacking. Wasn't a Clobbering Wave, we were just weakened trying to test the ability. We reraised, took the teleporter out of the boss area and got the last chest for enhancing magic @ I-5.

If you don't kill the boss, you get to keep all the KIs.

We'll kill the leeches + hecteyes tomorrow to see if that changes the boss behavior any.
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