Sortie Release - Info

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Sortie Release - Info
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: gavroches
Posts: 212
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-10-04 11:43:47
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They do come “fast” , I have my 4 probably few runs after my post, leader of the group has 30+, it’s just we all anxious of getting them. You will get a lot more than you know what to do with if you can do HQ when time allows.

Haven’t done HQ since we lost our RDM, interestingly enough, he was gathering +1 box to check the stats, it’s too bad as he was at 70 range and ppl would have love to hear his pet project
Posts: 3650
By Taint 2024-10-04 12:42:31
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Shiva.Liam said: »
Phoenix.Gavroches said: »
Taint said: »

Also what is everyone's Meso luck like? We went 1/2 and now we are in the 1/15 range.

Funny you said that, started hot with 2/2 and now 2/??? lol

I hope you all managed to get the rest of your mesos, if either of these groups see this how many runs did it take in the end?

funnily (frustratingly) enough our group also went 2/2 and haven't seen one since, are now at 2/11. getting disheartening!

one of our members got their 2nd stage 4 after the first two, with spaghetti code as it is i'm starting to worry that they cancel each other out!

Our first 4 took 20 some runs. I meant to get a more firm count for our second batch but we got 3 in 6 ish kills and haven't seen one since.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Myamoto
By Shiva.Myamoto 2024-10-04 12:46:05
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This is a lengthy statement but reading about everyones sortie frustrations lead me to this thought.

My personal issue really is that none of the primes outside of the horn are unique outside of their own associated weapon skills.

I don't dislike Sortie but I also don't particularly find it interesting/challenging. I have done it quite regularly up until the last few months or so but I enjoy being challenged in games. As masochistic as it may sound, I enjoy the process of failing over and over, trying new strategies and then finally clearing content. Odyssey did this well in my opinion and felt like a accomplishment climbing our way and eventually clearing v25.

Sortie unfortunately does not give me the same sense of accomplishment or desire to consistently do on a daily basis.

Now with that said if the weapons had unique traits/skills associated with them, I think the playerbase, including myself would be more inclined to grind sortie and in particular grind Aminon on a regular basis if the Stage 5 provided some sort of job specific unique skill/trait/spell etc.

Imagine the gun at stage 5 gave a unique roll or even a third roll, club giving potency to entrust or even a huge boost to duration so that it could be up full time. Shield giving shield bash an attack down or evasion down effect. Great axe could have "enhanced breaks". They gave BRD a new song... so it could have been done.

Some of those ideas might be to powerful sure and could be different, but my point is that its a long hard monotonous grind for a stage 5 shiny that essentially is just a powered up relic weapon without any "real" uniqueness.

My thought process goes to the new master trials that to the best of my knowledge no one has cleared the recent two. Amongst other dilemmas in the fights, it's known that accuracy is an issue... lets say your stage 5 gun gives you a third roll... all of a sudden you can have chaos/sam/hunters and maybe then not having soul voice madrigals is such an issue.

That would make more sense to me as to how our new shiny primes could be useful in these so called Master Trials that are for "us to have somewhere to use them".
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ahlen
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2024-10-04 13:34:37
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Shiva.Myamoto said: »
This is a lengthy statement but reading about the everyones sortie frustrations lead me to this thought.

My personal issue really is that none of the primes outside of the horn are unique outside of their own associated weapon skills.

I don't dislike Sortie but I also don't particularly find it interesting/challenging. I have done it quite regularly up until the last few months or so but I enjoy being challenged in games. As masochistic as it may sound, I enjoy the process of failing over and over, trying new strategies and then finally clearing content. Odyssey did this well in my opinion and felt like a accomplishment climbing our way and eventually clearing v25.

Sortie unfortunately does not give me the same sense of accomplishment or desire to consistently do on a daily basis.

Now with that said if the weapons had unique traits/skills associated with them, I think the playerbase, including myself would be more inclined to grind sortie and in particular grind Aminon on a regular basis if the Stage 5 provided some sort of job specific unique skill/trait/spell etc.

Imagine the gun at stage 5 gave a unique roll or even a third roll, club giving potency to entrust or even a huge boost to duration so that it could be up full time. Shield giving shield bash an attack down or evasion down effect. Great axe could have "enhanced breaks". They gave BRD a new song... so it could have been done.

Some of those ideas might be to powerful sure and could be different, but my point is that its a long hard monotonous grind for a stage 5 shiny that essentially is just a powered up relic weapon without any "real" uniqueness.

My thought process goes to the new master trials that to the best of my knowledge no one has cleared the recent two. Amongst other dilemmas in the fights, it's known that accuracy is an issue... lets say your stage 5 gun gives you a third roll... all of a sudden you can have chaos/sam/hunters and maybe then not having soul voice madrigals is such an issue.

That would make more sense to me as to how our new shiny primes could be useful in these so called Master Trials that are for "us to have somewhere to use them".

One day SE could (probably won't) give them SU 5 weapon type augs that could make them more interesting.
By Dodik 2024-10-04 14:23:26
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I've personally seen at least three +1 cases from the upstairs B door objectives and A resting chests. This is from hundreds of runs, so certainly not even just rare.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Lunafreya
Posts: 767
By Asura.Lunafreya 2024-10-04 14:25:50
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Augs on primes is probably the only hope left for that sort of thing, I agree. Would be really cool but I'm not holding my breath.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2976
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-04 14:57:37
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Shiva.Myamoto said: »
This is a lengthy statement but reading about everyones sortie frustrations lead me to this thought.

My personal issue really is that none of the primes outside of the horn are unique outside of their own associated weapon skills.

I don't dislike Sortie but I also don't particularly find it interesting/challenging. I have done it quite regularly up until the last few months or so but I enjoy being challenged in games. As masochistic as it may sound, I enjoy the process of failing over and over, trying new strategies and then finally clearing content. Odyssey did this well in my opinion and felt like a accomplishment climbing our way and eventually clearing v25.

Sortie unfortunately does not give me the same sense of accomplishment or desire to consistently do on a daily basis.

Now with that said if the weapons had unique traits/skills associated with them, I think the playerbase, including myself would be more inclined to grind sortie and in particular grind Aminon on a regular basis if the Stage 5 provided some sort of job specific unique skill/trait/spell etc.

Imagine the gun at stage 5 gave a unique roll or even a third roll, club giving potency to entrust or even a huge boost to duration so that it could be up full time. Shield giving shield bash an attack down or evasion down effect. Great axe could have "enhanced breaks". They gave BRD a new song... so it could have been done.

Some of those ideas might be to powerful sure and could be different, but my point is that its a long hard monotonous grind for a stage 5 shiny that essentially is just a powered up relic weapon without any "real" uniqueness.

My thought process goes to the new master trials that to the best of my knowledge no one has cleared the recent two. Amongst other dilemmas in the fights, it's known that accuracy is an issue... lets say your stage 5 gun gives you a third roll... all of a sudden you can have chaos/sam/hunters and maybe then not having soul voice madrigals is such an issue.

That would make more sense to me as to how our new shiny primes could be useful in these so called Master Trials that are for "us to have somewhere to use them".

This just...isn't how Ultimate weapons work. With the exception of mythic weapons (the only Ultimate category which is job-specific), instruments (because what else could they do...?) and shields (kind of, but not really), very few of them actually change the job.

Relic: The only one of these that offers anything that changes the way you play the job, or adds any new functionality to any job are the gun/bow
Empyrean: None of these do absolutely anything that changes the way you play any of the jobs
Aeonics: None of these do absolutely anything that changes the way you play any of the jobs

Unless you consider "able to make new skillchains", which primes do, then none of the ultimate weapons do anything to change your job or how you play it.

I guess Su5s kinda count? So...there ya go I guess. Considering that Prime weapons have multiple jobs on them, I would not expect that they will ever, under any circumstance, include job-changing things like extra rolls.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 627
By Asura.Melliny 2024-10-04 15:38:19
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Our first 4 took 20 some runs. I meant to get a more firm count for our second batch but we got 3 in 6 ish kills and haven't seen one since.

I actually kept our initial mesosiderite drop count in my bazaar comment so I could keep track of it. I remember our first 4 took like 7 or 8 runs, then the next 4 took almost three times that. Supposidly the drop rate is around 1/4 so we must have had an unlucky streak. We eventually had a turnaround and got a meso almost every kill for a full week lol.

My bazaar comment says I'm 21 meso drops out of 54 HQ aminon kills, but somewhere along the way I stopped updating it. We've seen a few more mesos drop since then but we've switched to NQ kills now since they're faster. There comes a point where you have so many mesos you wont ever realistically use em all so its faster to just do NQ and hope to have time for a set of naakkuls after.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Myamoto
By Shiva.Myamoto 2024-10-04 15:47:55
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I agree that they won't.

The point I was trying to make was that they don't have any real uniqueness to them that make me want to chase down specifically a stage 5. Considering zero content makes much of a difference whether you have them or not from a content completion perspective, its more enticing for me personally to make several stage 4's to have some fun on a few jobs over 1 or 2 stage 5's.

If stage 5 was uniquely different to some degree then perhaps I would be more interested in that grind.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1847
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-10-04 16:11:00
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My complaint is that they didn't put enough jobs on enough of them. PLD and BLU getting on club would have been sick. SAM on bow could have been cool. COR on dagger. WAR on Axe. GEO on staff. Simply put, if PLD can be on 3 already and there can be 4 jobs on dagger, just take the restrictions off.

I think if you're going to enhance jobs then it's you getting to put su5 c path on either the mythics or as a job trait for hitting ML 50. Power adjustments can be made as needed if something is just too good.

Gun and Bow are pretty unique, same with the Scythe. But yeah after that you're seeing a lot of the same.
I went 4/9 with TH4 on my mesos.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: zedoma
Posts: 54
By Bahamut.Zedoma 2024-10-04 17:28:19
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My groups meso batch drop rate: 4/12 4/11 4/13
:edit 1/21:
4/11 4th meso batch
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2024-10-04 17:33:45
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we were seeing about 60% drop rate with Th4, I think th4 should definetly be applied for mesos
Posts: 3650
By Taint 2024-10-04 17:56:14
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Asura.Toralin said: »
we were seeing about 60% drop rate with Th4, I think th4 should definetly be applied for mesos

Wow we TH4 all of ours and are 7/30+++ Closer to the 25% others are reporting.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2024-10-04 17:58:42
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Taint said: »
Asura.Toralin said: »
we were seeing about 60% drop rate with Th4, I think th4 should definetly be applied for mesos

Wow we TH4 all of ours and are 7/30+++ Closer to the 25% others are reporting.
These numbers are crazy to me, we had a new member so we did some HM and went 4/5. I thought after they changed the drop rate it was like 90%, guess we were just lucky
Posts: 19
By deathsv 2024-10-04 20:13:53
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4/9, no TH
Posts: 72
By paladinepsot 2024-10-09 02:36:30
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Botulus dropped chest tonight with the last hit being an auto attack from the front.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 541
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-10-09 03:03:56
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Usually takes our group 2 weeks (14 kills) to get 4 Mesos, on Average
Posts: 1830
By Felgarr 2024-10-09 04:34:50
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Our group is 5/7 on Mesos, with TH4. (We're aiming to farm 8).

Our RDM applies TH4 with Inundation. (Our GEO was applying TH4 with Absorb-TP once in a while, but we asked him to stop that, for obvious reasons).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Lunafreya
Posts: 767
By Asura.Lunafreya 2024-10-09 09:19:42
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Our group just has terrible luck on mesos then I guess. 7/30+
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Lunafreya
Posts: 767
By Asura.Lunafreya 2024-10-23 06:35:53
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This may or may not be common knowledge at this point, but our group has some (anecdotal) evidence that Aminon has a significant regain effect if fought on Darksday. Our absorbs were consistently in the 300s even when slowing down our WS frequency throughout an entire fight last night during our run on darksday.

We’ve had other instances where we are setting up post pull and an absorb or two was delayed and he TP’d/we wiped, we suspect those were also darksday runs.
By Dodik 2024-10-23 07:03:53
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Can confirm, not just regain he seems to level up on Darksday.

He hits our Pld for harder (same set), gains more TP (we've had TP moves within 10sec of pulling while doing absorbs) and is generally a little ***.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 135
By Ragnarok.Creaucent 2024-10-23 07:42:55
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Dodik said: »
Can confirm, not just regain he seems to level up on Darksday.

He hits our Pld for harder (same set), gains more TP (we've had TP moves within 10sec of pulling while doing absorbs) and is generally a little ***.

Very much doubt its a level up and probably just day boost combined with the weather boost.
By Dodik 2024-10-23 08:09:59
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Level up as in gains some increase in general stats and nastiness, not an actual level. Not just regain, is my point.
Posts: 3650
By Taint 2024-10-23 21:51:52
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3 nights in a row Aminon drew me to him instead of the middle of the map and I got dispeled. He also hasn't done his first auto attack prior to draw in. Anyone else experience that?
By Kadokawa 2024-10-23 23:50:46
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Sortie for me is a place to play with stage3 prime and finish empyrean armors upgrades, other than that is a big waste of time. so far I made stage3 GS and Dagger and soon I'm making either Horn or Scythe. Currently doing Sortie when I have free time. once a week or so. I wish we have a campaign same as cards or dyna for sortie to boost galli. I totally gave up on +2 earrings.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [36 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 104
By Tathamet 2024-11-28 23:14:33
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A few hard mode Aminon questions:

If a TP move manages to get off is there a way to recover and force, or otherwise get back to, the mode that allows me to absorb-tp again?

If recovery is a possibility, do I still have to proc it with the opposite magic type to avoid it gaining -DT? Is blue proc enough to stop the -DT or does it have to be red?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2976
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-11-28 23:28:40
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Recovery is:

Cast the spell of the same element he just used (fire if he did Demonfire). This will cause him to use Bane, so you need to be far away from the tank (if they're alive). After Bane, get the tank back up (if no seal) and then start absorbing again, that's all there is to it.

No need to do anything special from that point on, just get back to doing your regular Aminon strat, though you may need to slow down a little bit if people are weakened or w/e.
By Dodik 2024-11-29 05:57:10
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Don't you also need to proc blue before bane or he gains DT?

Or is it that if you trigger bane and 30sec have not elapsed since he put down fetters, he does not gain dt?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2976
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-11-29 06:37:28
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I've had lots of tp moves go off and every time we do the above and it gets him back to being fightable. Haven't noticed any DT but it could be a small % that we didn't notice. It's quite unpleasant to do, especially if you don't have seal
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Shiva.Liam 2024-12-04 16:07:20
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Final count on the meso hunt - 4/25 with th4, 2 in a row at the start and 2 in a row at the end! Strangely enough we stopped seeing drops after one player made a 2nd stage 4, 21 disappointing runs later another player made their 2nd stage 4 and they started appearing again. coincidence i'm sure but here's hoping it's not spaghetti code causing issues.

Big thanks to Flowen, Crescient and Gnar for humoring my need for a pink glow :)

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