Sortie Release - Info
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2968
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-08-21 00:48:36
Is there an updated what the heck to do on B/F? We're having the absolute worst time with him and for the life of us we can't seem to figure out what to do. It seems like there's... missing pieces in the bg-wiki article.
Are you doing it melee mode? Presuming so..
You need to kill him very fast. The longer the fight goes on, the riskier it gets.
WHM using Asylum before the fight begins is helpful to prevent him from stealing your buffs
If you're using Aminon jobs, you have to kite him the entire time and have the tank stay as far away as possible so he won't use his buff absorbing ability
If possible, use Blaze/Ecliptic or Bolster on your Gravity to slow him down even more
If kiting, RDM must use Saboteur Gravity II (with all available potency gear)
At the end of the day though, it comes down to killing it extremely fast. If the fight goes on for 60+ seconds, you're risking someone getting blasted by him and/or your damage stalling out.
By Taint 2024-08-21 09:52:24
Kite is the way on F. He's annoying. We use Sabo Grav2 and Indi-Gravity. Tank needs to stay at 20+ to avoid Stun/Absorb.
If you must do standard Melee method we found DNC,SAM,RDM,BRD,COR,WHM to be the safest combo. If wind Asylum right before pull. Open with DNC zerg. Grand pas Rudra spam. Close with SAM SP2. (Mumei or Impulse) Move him out of fetters and Erase/Panacea. WAR could work instead of DNC, but DNC was a game changer for us.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 540
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-08-21 12:37:52
For F you can even Entrust Gravity since he's alot slower than H, if you want a stronger Indi Fury or whatever.
I know that months prior when I was doing 8 boss melee zerg and pray strat, SAM SP2 (Yaeg) could nearly solo the damn thing if you decided to facetank the thing.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-08-21 12:57:03
Entrust gravity? How slow does he get with just that? We bring him to a pure halt doing a bolster geo gravity.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 540
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-08-21 13:43:48
Well you definitely dont need Bolster for F. That being said with Geo Grav he defintely slows to like 90 or 95%, but the reason I say you can do otherwise is even if he's at like 70% slowness, the PLD should be able to kite it just fine. You can opt for more damage bubbles if you take that route, but both options are just fine and we're nitpicking seconds, so if you're more comfortable having it stand still and the PLD stand still hitting buttons, then do what works for you.
By Dodik 2024-08-21 15:34:55
The -movement speed from geo-gravity caps without bolster iirc.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2968
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-08-21 16:03:14
The -movement speed from geo-gravity caps without bolster iirc.
Could be true but that means you're using Blaze and/or Ecliptic which means you're not using those on Frailty. We've been using Geo-Frailty, Indi-Gravity.
You don't absolutely need him to slow to a crawl, but if you want to be extra safe it can help, was why I mentioned it. F & H are the most dangerous ones so I would recommend using BoG/EA/Bolster on them, if you're not doing Aminon. Hell, until you can get those guys consistent, just do that because you won't be fighting Aminon if you can't kill them.
By Dodik 2024-08-23 10:02:11
Aminon with tp-denial is a super easy fight compared to any other of the basement bosses.
You need much more DPS in a much shorter amount of time to beat F than you need for Aminon, either normal or HQ.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2968
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-08-23 14:57:06
Aminon with tp-denial is a super easy fight compared to any other of the basement bosses.
Hard disagree. F and H can be complicated, but E and G are extremely easy fights. I'm confident I could beat either of them completely blindfolded, provided I was already in the boss room before I put the blindfold on.
Depending how many addons you're using, Aminon requires a lot more skill/execution. Also depends on your job. Kiting F/H can be complex, but for the GEO, BRD, DNC, and COR they're just walking forward and hitting a WS button. It couldn't get much simpler. Even RDM only has to cast a few spells, then walk forward and WS for 30-60 seconds.
Aminon involves keeping buffs/debuffs up, keeping absorb on cooldown, monitoring the boss's TP, maintaining stoneskin up on the tank, engage -> WS -> Disengage for every WS, using medicines, items, equipment, coordinating 1hrs and WC, etc. It's also 6-15 minutes of keeping all that going, as opposed to 45 seconds of hitting the same macro on repeat when you get TP.
Compare that to E: put up distract III, dia iii, Gravity II, light shot, box step, and then spam WS until he dies. Maybe super jump on DNC...? I don't think anyone else has to take any non-WS actions until the mob is dead. After the first 6 seconds there's no reason to think about anything or talk to anyone until it's time to leave.
By paladinepsot 2024-08-23 16:47:22
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »WHM using Asylum before the fight begins is helpful to prevent him from stealing your buffs So the buff steal is blocked by Asylum? This is really useful. Is there any detail on this ability?
Quote: If you're using Aminon jobs, you have to kite him the entire time and have the tank stay as far away as possible so he won't use his buff absorbing ability
If possible, use Blaze/Ecliptic or Bolster on your Gravity to slow him down even more
If kiting, RDM must use Saboteur Gravity II (with all available potency gear) In this case is it sch skillchain and burst while a tank kites him around?
I see there's a proc to remove the DT stacks, but we have basically zero luck getting it to go off by the description in bg. How does this mechanic work?
By Taint 2024-08-23 16:57:48
Darkness SCs "Proc" him but I've never seen the DT removed. After a Proc he does have the chance to change hands. Each time he uses Zap or the buff stealing move he gains DT.
Aylum blocks him from stealing buffs during wind hands. I wouldn't bother using it during Thunder, instead save it in case he swaps to wind.
He has a WS wall, so keep that in mind.
Yaegasumi is extremely strong on him, I used to just stand in the fetters and zerg him.
Kiting him makes him tame, you still need good DPS but he won't stun or steal buffs. Kiter needs to stay at 20+.
We used to have our WAR zerg until fetters, off DD would super jump while WAR kites. Its however much safer to just kite with a proper tank using GEO and RDM for Grav stacking.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-08-23 17:21:23
In my old group, we use to do that, 2 war and bang at it with Asylum, an effing nightmare strat with a 60% success. Since I’ve squeezed into this group, I will tell you this, no one should try to deviate away from the Aminon melee strat, sacrifice a week or two if need be, invest into it, doesn’t matter if you can’t do aminon yet, just do it, practice… we take stupid wipe and still clear 8/8 even 9/9 (wasn’t a total wipe but bad enough), looking backwards I wish my old group tried sooner, it is the way. Talk to your folks, make calls, help each other toward it and you will take it for granted within a month.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2968
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-08-23 17:27:33
So the buff steal is blocked by Asylum? This is really useful. Is there any detail on this ability?
I don't mean to be "that guy" but I am, and I can't help it. What more detail do you want that I and BG wiki haven't already provided? It's the WHM's second 1hr, it prevents enfeebling including & especially dispels. It lasts 30 seconds, during which you (essentially) can't be dispelled. This dispel protection applies to wind hand F boss, preventing your powerful buffs from being dispelled, and preventing him from stealing them, turning him into a murder machine.
In this case is it sch skillchain and burst while a tank kites him around?
Sorry, when I was referring to Aminon jobs I was referring to the current "meta" for Aminon HM: DNC RDM BRD GEO COR PLD. There is no SCH, few SCs, and no MB. If you're not familiar with the various Sortie strategies I'd suggest acquainting yourself with them, then ask if you have questions. For mage strat (SCH RDM BLM RUN GEO COR) I never kited any boss, just straight tank with RUN while the mages blasted the hell out of him.
I see there's a proc to remove the DT stacks, but we have basically zero luck getting it to go off by the description in bg. How does this mechanic work?
I've never intentionally tried to proc him or kept track of any amount of DT he has on him. Essentially the strategy for F/H is: kill them very fast, before they can murder you. If you're fighting F/H for longer than 60 seconds you're in trouble. If it's over 120 seconds, it's a disaster. If it's over 180 seconds, you're probably dead, sooner or later.
Make sure you proc blue !! on H before you begin damage or he will build stacks. If you're not kiting, try to proc every time he switches modes. If you're kiting, he should never get a second TP move off to change modes.
By paladinepsot 2024-08-23 21:48:09
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »I don't mean to be "that guy" but I am, and I can't help it. What more detail do you want that I and BG wiki haven't already provided? I meant leshonn's ability not asylum
Please keep in mind, my group is new to this. We don't have the benefit of having been through two years of people collectively trying to figure this stuff out. A lot of things people think are obvious, to us at least aren't.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2968
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-08-24 00:12:25
I meant leshonn's ability not asylum
Sure, I supposed there was a misunderstanding with the quoting because you quoted me saying "WHM using Asylum before the fight begins is helpful to prevent him from stealing your buffs" so I assumed when you said "this ability" you meant the ability I mentioned.
There is what I would consider sufficient info on BG wiki about Gartell stealing buffs, it's just one of his WS.
Quote: Chokehold: Steals one buff from each party member in range and transfers it to Gartell
Combine this with the Asylum knowledge and you got a stew goin' baby. If you don't have a Asylum and he's in wind hand mode: he steals your buffs and transfers them to himself. If you have Asylum, no dispelling, no stealing. Once Asylum wears off, he will start stealing. You get weaker, he gets stronger. You die.
Also generally melee strats won't be procing him, so he will be gaining DT stacks over time. This is also mentioned on the wiki.
Quote: Gains a stacking DT Effect (approx. 5%), and a stacking damage up effect (approx. 5%) for every time Gartell uses a nameless attack. Which looks like he is sucking in the air around him.
Strongly recommend reading the wiki pages for all these guys, their abilities and mechanics are laid out in excruciating detail.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 767
By Asura.Lunafreya 2024-08-24 06:23:27
Phoenix.Gavroches said: »In my old group, we use to do that, 2 war and bang at it with Asylum, an effing nightmare strat with a 60% success. Since I’ve squeezed into this group, I will tell you this, no one should try to deviate away from the Aminon melee strat, sacrifice a week or two if need be, invest into it, doesn’t matter if you can’t do aminon yet, just do it, practice… we take stupid wipe and still clear 8/8 even 9/9 (wasn’t a total wipe but bad enough), looking backwards I wish my old group tried sooner, it is the way. Talk to your folks, make calls, help each other toward it and you will take it for granted within a month.
I second this. We banged away at x2 melee + WHM for a little while and it does work on occasion for 8 boss but the meta melee approach is almost always a full clear with a few minutes to spare once you get the routes down and folks get comfortable in their roles. Even on hard mode.
By Dodik 2024-08-24 07:07:42
If your DPS is low on hard Aminon, worst thing that happens is the fight takes longer.
It's a ridiculously easy fight mechanically. Keep absorbs going, debuffs, songs/buffs and ws.
If your DPS is low on F/G/H your entire group has wiped within 2-3 minutes. Most of those need procs also.
It takes setup, as all things. The fight itself is very simple mechanically.
Our Pld literally has to be woken up irl to throw cures once we start fighting Aminon it's so boring for him.
By Taint 2024-08-24 07:57:35
I find PLD pretty fun on Aminon. Had my best parse at 477k two nights ago. Sure I could stand there and heal but the min/max is engaging like most jobs.
Also what is everyone's Meso luck like? We went 1/2 and now we are in the 1/15 range.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2968
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-08-24 08:22:02
If you don't have enough DPS to kill G then you don't belong in the basement of Sortie. That thing has absolutely no HP, isn't resistant to Distract/Frazzle in any significant way, and takes GOBS of damage from anyone with any gear.
The proc on H can be done by anyone in seconds without any effort, you don't even need to make macros for it and in every setup there is at least 2, sometimes 4-6 people who can do them.
If you *** up Aminon, your entire group has wiped within 5 seconds, at any time during the fight which is 5-20x as long as the other basement fights.
F/H require better gear than Aminon, I guess, but they are not more difficult. Most importantly though.
any other of the basement bosses.
E ia a basement boss. E is a complete joke. People solo him, on multiple different jobs. G is, in my opinion, an absolute joke. I literally cannot remember the last time we've ever wiped to him. I know it's happened, but it's been so long that I can't even remember what the circumstances around it were. Maybe someone DC'd?
I find it really funny that people find things like Aminon boring where you have to be actively doing things (keep up buffs, stoneskin, maintaining hate, curing, WSing, whatever) but they don't find EFGH boring where your only task is to walk forward and hit Alt+1 when your TP hits 1k. I think Peanut Butter the dog could beat E/G bosses, and would have a pretty solid shot at F/H.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10273
By Asura.Sechs 2024-08-24 08:55:41
Also what is everyone's Meso luck like? We went 1/2 and now we are in the 1/15 range. My group recorded a bit lowe than ~20% drop rate with TH4 (supposing it even works, nobody knows)
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-08-24 09:06:15
Also what is everyone's Meso luck like? We went 1/2 and now we are in the 1/15 range.
Funny you said that, started hot with 2/2 and now 2/??? lol
By Dodik 2024-08-24 09:07:26
Even E will be trouble if you don't get metal and can't kill very quickly.
If you want to nitpick and compare Aminon to E with metal and a solid group that can kill in 30sec then by all means.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 767
By Asura.Lunafreya 2024-08-24 09:55:25
From an engaging stand point give me Ami over EFGH all day.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 480
By Valefor.Philemon 2024-08-24 12:19:24
I think once you practice and get in a groove, Aminon is easier to pull off but it took a lot more in the way of gearing and leveling to get it a point where we could kill it in a reasonable amount of time.
By zixxer 2024-08-25 23:19:03
I find PLD pretty fun on Aminon. Had my best parse at 477k two nights ago. Sure I could stand there and heal but the min/max is engaging like most jobs.
Also what is everyone's Meso luck like? We went 1/2 and now we are in the 1/15 range.
Indeed and probably the easiest job in sortie imo. The best KoR average I've gotten was 38,9xx.
We kinda stopped farming hq after we got 3 sets of mesos. Used th4 on all but I didn't keep a data set so I'm not sure if it made a huge difference if any.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1844
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-08-26 07:51:12
I saw people posting about using Imperator instead of KotR for PLD. Any decent numbers on that?
I assume there is a lot less TP overflow vs someone who is using absorb tp and occult acumen sets, so you'd be firing it off at 1000~ + moonshade normally.
By Taint 2024-08-26 08:30:00
KoR is a 7ftp at 1k. STR40/MND40
Imperator is 7.5 at 2k DEX70/MND70.
I don't see it being better unless you start with it.
Imperator, Wing, Imperator, Tinc, Imperator. Then swap to KoR.
By paladinepsot 2024-08-28 14:27:15
KoR is a 7ftp at 1k. STR40/MND40
Imperator is 7.5 at 2k DEX70/MND70.
I don't see it being better unless you start with it.
Imperator, Wing, Imperator, Tinc, Imperator. Then swap to KoR.
KOR is 5 fTP and does not scale damage with TP, Imperator scales from 3.5 to 11.5 and hits 5 at 1375.
KOR has lower stat bonuses and base damage, but a +68% total wsd augment.
By Taint 2024-08-28 14:33:20
KoR is a 7ftp at 1k. STR40/MND40
Imperator is 7.5 at 2k DEX70/MND70.
I don't see it being better unless you start with it.
Imperator, Wing, Imperator, Tinc, Imperator. Then swap to KoR.
KOR is 5 fTP and does not scale damage with TP, Imperator scales from 3.5 to 11.5 and hits 5 at 1375.
KOR has lower stat bonuses and base damage, but a +68% total wsd augment.
I was trying to keep it simple since any Aminon PLD would be augmented.
5*1.4 = 7
Spamming at 1k is very feasible when the only TP gain is from Wing,Volte,Tinc and Regain. During the Wing,Volte,Tinc you will TP with over 1k which is why it should be a gain during that period. After that you can WS right at 1k and KoR will be stronger.
By SimonSes 2024-08-28 18:45:18
5*1.68 = 8.4 though right?