Sortie Release - Info
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2967
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-08-07 20:51:23
Not sure how tenuous the tanking/CC'ing situation is, but if the mobs aren't likely to freak out at you for targeting them, Dispelga from Daybreak is another good option regardless of your subjob.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 22
By Carbuncle.Seankp 2024-08-09 11:58:53
Spawned the basement Aurum for the second time yesterday and it was the same process as described in my previous post. Same order, G, E, H, ending with F and the Aurum did not spawn from the enemies in the first room of F. Aurum spawned from the first Veela killed in the Veela room.
I have suspicion the Aurum would spawn for us in the first room of F if the two Veelas in that room were not killed simultaneously. We will separate the Veela deaths in our next run. It should be noted, the last enemies to die in the first room in both of our runs have been the Byrgens, but both runs had both Veelas die at the same time and the Aurum did not spawn until an additional Veela was killed. Multiple thoughts on these results, but will continue doing more attempts for more observations for more information.
I think it would be a good idea to keep track of what enemy the Aurum comes from. Multiple results from each area would help pinpoint if only certain enemies are required. For us, it's been a Veela both times.
By Virlym 2024-08-09 12:31:24
Aurum spawn spread for us has been BST SAM and PLD fomors in H and Vampyrs in E. It also happened to consistently be the last monster type of that given floor to die everytime.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-08-13 07:20:27
Wondering what is the now consensus on Gartell/aita gravity in the regular 9/9 melee setup.
My group does:
Gartell-bolster gravity
Aita-indi gravity
Just wondering if BOG/EA geo gravity would be enough for both? And so saving the bolster (CC is 60% chance of having it back before aminon dies)
According to BG, bolster gravity and BOG EA gravity should have same effect as there’s a cap, anyone does that, that could confirm?
By Taint 2024-08-13 07:38:36
We Indi grav both. Gartell with grav2 moves very slow, the PLD needs to stay between 20-25 yalms. Atia still moves at a decent clip but the kite restraints are much easier.
By Felgarr 2024-08-14 18:58:33
Our group is making the switch from Magic strat to Melee strat, so I made this spreadsheet to reduce what we have to commit to memory.
The order of the Bosses in this chart mirrors our strategy when Aminion is included. This is: A → Aminion → E → B → C → D → G → H → F.
If anyone spots anything wrong or something that I missed, please let me know. If you have an alternate suggestion, please share as well.
(Forum search function doesn't work, so if this has been posted or explained before, my bad).
By Taint 2024-08-14 21:16:49
We do Split DCBA Aminon EGHF with great success.
We also had a week of H split DCBA Amin EGF which went equally as well and ensures Bolster/SV for H and Aminon.
I’d also keep PLD off savage downstairs and let COR and BRD savage.
Kite E,F and H. Skip Bot for more time.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 539
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-08-14 22:36:31
Our group is making the switch from Magic strat to Melee strat, so I made this spreadsheet to reduce what we have to commit to memory.
The order of the Bosses in this chart mirrors our strategy when Aminion is included. This is: A → Aminion → E → B → C → D → G → H → F.
If anyone spots anything wrong or something that I missed, please let me know. If you have an alternate suggestion, please share as well.
(Forum search function doesn't work, so if this has been posted or explained before, my bad).
I'm an advocate for COR Hot Shot on C/G. Very easy to get 80-95k dmg on C, and 60-80k on G. This very easily makes liquefactions of 30-40k with ruthless (and maybe other ws's?) at the cost of 4% accuracy (Hot shot has 95% cap, savage has 99% cap). This is to not lower the brds Savage damage, but also is on par with savage at worst, or much stronger + skillchain at best while maintaining the benefit of faster TP via rostam.
It's ALSO quite strong against A/E, but less so and marginal at best.
Our GEO does Judgment on everything, not Black Halo.
PLD on upstairs bosses can savage, or whip out a great sword (Caladbolg or Hilheim). On downstairs they're just tanking except for Aminon, but if you engage G and E, CDC is totally fine and wont gimp the savage damage. Aminon Imperator is great as you can hold TP long and still get 40-60k dmg, but if they don't have prime sword, Knights of the Round is very strong.
Regarding E and what Taint said, we personally always kill botulus since we do Aminon 1st and the botulus will die within 15 seconds. However if we're doing Aminon last due to a wipe in our ideal route, and we're having a bad run where we're tight on time, then we'll skip it and kite. Having the PLD face tank it and just wail on it has only resulted in the PLD getting killed once or twice in the last 6 months, and even then the PLD was able to tank aminon weakened just fine. It's not much faster, but it feels a bit faster, so its worth the risk in my mind.
Noting your holy circle usage, I'm guessing you don't plan on doing aminons yet since it's not in your chart. If you do, on All other bosses including aminon, we have someone pop arcane circle as another naegling buff (and 1 less thing potentially absorbed by B?). BRD can pop pianissimo on very boss for more buffs as well for example. During Aminon use souleater + consume mana on cooldown (but make sure to drain 1st, then WS depleting you to 0 MP. By time 10seconds is up you should have 2 tics of refresh 3 and be able to drain again)
Use last resort on all bosses, ideally popping it about a minute before you engage the boss to ensure it's back up by the next one.
As far as route goes, Doing H or Aminon FIRST before anything else is a huge upside of being able to blow all SPs and having them for the end, but this requires a dedicated run to get all your KI's lined up (or a convenient wipe the previous day)
Generally you can Split > DH> CBA> GFE> Aminon OR Split> A> Aminon> E> BCD > GFH based on the groups preference, with there being subtle pros and cons to each option. The main one being mini NM placements. If you don't clear all 4 during the split phase, then you'll want to get them along the way if possible, so ending on A for example will guarantee an Obdella as you make your way to the basement, and there's similar quirks with all the others. If your group is fast enough/comfortable you can clear most minis and even F naaks based on your comfort level and efficiency (plus bitzer luck on F and H zones... better not be in narnia)
As a simple bit of advice. Our group splits BRD with PLD to get the D objective done. I highly recommend doing a square room with all 6 jobs in it, and having the pld grab them all and doing them in order. Shinging>Burning>Flat>Savage + Atonement>Savage kills majority of them, and if you do all 6 in order you'll get the metal, plus 2 bonus 300 point chests for some extra galli at the cost of maybe 1 minute, which should provide time for the others to find minis and/or gather together, and having the metal will save the RDM a huge headache against D. If he eroding flesh's, its a pain in the *** to re-haste everyone. We're generally at our 1st boss by the 53 minute mark. Cor rolls Miser on spawn, then Sam right as the Brd finishes songs.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 751
By Bismarck.Drakelth 2024-08-16 15:49:27
Could anyone point me in the direction or explain how you kill gartel with the dnc as primary dps aminon aetup?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 480
By Valefor.Philemon 2024-08-16 16:14:35
Chainspell Gravity II and kite it.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-08-16 17:11:54
Dexpro description is great. We do them in order as people miss run, do shouts to fill … etc … so we do ABCD FGHE aminon (hq if time allowed), but yeah great recap from both. The order doesn’t matter imo, the biggest difference is how fast are you on the move after NM kill or at destination. Everyone should have boots + memento
By Taint 2024-08-16 17:44:07
18% movement plus roll caps easily. Add Chocobo Jig after C and G. Save memento for DPS. I use STR/DEX/ACC.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-08-16 18:26:51
18% movement plus roll caps easily. Add Chocobo Jig after C and G. Save memento for DPS. I use STR/DEX/ACC.
That’s funny you said that, I wanted to try, but I’m on GEO so I was thinking the att 25 would be better
By Tathamet 2024-08-16 22:03:27
If a group is taking ~10 minutes doing regular Aminon, roughly how long should it take for hard mode assuming a pld dnc brd cor rdm geo setup? Assume things went well.
I've only done hard mode once long ago and can't recall how long it took :(
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-08-17 06:41:27
In our case, we do NQ 6min including pull and HQ sub 10, so 40% more time ?!?
Edit: 66% more time, didn’t get that from maletaru
By Shadoni 2024-08-17 07:59:16
If a group is taking ~10 minutes doing regular Aminon, roughly how long should it take for hard mode assuming a pld dnc brd cor rdm geo setup? Assume things went well.
I've only done hard mode once long ago and can't recall how long it took :(
At one point the group i'm in was doing NQ in 10 mins, HQ in 14mins
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2967
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-08-17 09:03:52
Phoenix.Gavroches said: »In our case, we do NQ 6min including pull and HQ sub 10, so 40% more time ?!?
You're mathing backwards. That's about 66.67% more time.
By Taint 2024-08-17 14:06:21
Time is dependent on SV songs, Bolster, Grand Pas, 11 Rolls. The longer you are without any of those the long he takes. Lucky WC can really speed up a HQ.
10min NQ could easily turn into a 20 min HQ. Its just more time without one or more of the above. I personally would work on speeding up NQ to sub 7 then work on HQ. The more efficient you are the better.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 539
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-08-18 17:44:56
Time is dependent on SV songs, Bolster, Grand Pas, 11 Rolls. The longer you are without any of those the long he takes. Lucky WC can really speed up a HQ.
10min NQ could easily turn into a 20 min HQ. Its just more time without one or more of the above. I personally would work on speeding up NQ to sub 7 then work on HQ. The more efficient you are the better.
To build on this, every single little thing adds up to time saved. Regal Gloves on all your guys, Volte Harness/ Icarus Wing/ Frostbloom Tincture / Sodas. Cor max STP quick draw spam.
Have your DNC use trance for an extra icarus wing.
RDM using Impact with occult acumen, GEO doing Thundara III (or impact). If you can afford it, RDM chainspell drain/impact/WS/aspir is really strong as well. PLD doing KotR or Imperator to break up the wall.
Keeping up max buffs, soul eater, last resort, consume mana.
I can't begin to describe how much a big deal lucky, especially 11, rolls on Miser + Tact are. All that extra TP cascades into more TP due to higher frequency of bigger absorb TP's.
If you're doing Aminon 1st, extend your SV songs.
When you're doing hard mode... if your getting to the point where your SV songs are falling off, you're in big trouble.
By Felgarr 2024-08-19 01:56:48
Phoenix.Gavroches said: »In our case, we do NQ 6min including pull and HQ sub 10, so 40% more time ?!?
Edit: 66% more time, didn’t get that from maletaru
Wow, 6-10 minutes? How?
By zixxer 2024-08-19 02:01:54
Time is dependent on SV songs, Bolster, Grand Pas, 11 Rolls. The longer you are without any of those the long he takes. Lucky WC can really speed up a HQ.
10min NQ could easily turn into a 20 min HQ. Its just more time without one or more of the above. I personally would work on speeding up NQ to sub 7 then work on HQ. The more efficient you are the better.
To build on this, every single little thing adds up to time saved. Regal Gloves on all your guys, Volte Harness/ Icarus Wing/ Frostbloom Tincture / Sodas. Cor max STP quick draw spam.
Have your DNC use trance for an extra icarus wing.
RDM using Impact with occult acumen, GEO doing Thundara III (or impact). If you can afford it, RDM chainspell drain/impact/WS/aspir is really strong as well. PLD doing KotR or Imperator to break up the wall.
Keeping up max buffs, soul eater, last resort, consume mana.
I can't begin to describe how much a big deal lucky, especially 11, rolls on Miser + Tact are. All that extra TP cascades into more TP due to higher frequency of bigger absorb TP's.
If you're doing Aminon 1st, extend your SV songs.
When you're doing hard mode... if your getting to the point where your SV songs are falling off, you're in big trouble.
Solid tips. ^
If pld is sub /whm, can add auspice and bar spells to help beef up cors' sb.
By Taint 2024-08-19 08:00:15
Phoenix.Gavroches said: »In our case, we do NQ 6min including pull and HQ sub 10, so 40% more time ?!?
Edit: 66% more time, didn’t get that from maletaru
Wow, 6-10 minutes? How?
Its all prep from the above list. Our HQs are all around 8min, less if we get a 5/6 WC. 11 Rolls are huge, we prep an 11 on the way to Aminon to help.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-08-19 08:49:24
Phoenix.Gavroches said: »In our case, we do NQ 6min including pull and HQ sub 10, so 40% more time ?!?
Edit: 66% more time, didn’t get that from maletaru
Wow, 6-10 minutes? How?
Prep your fight like Taint said. Prep prep prep. Time your abilities right, XI roll is a nice plus. Most have nyame 30 but I do think it’s less relevant than perfect synchronization, and as funny as it is, it might be easier if everyone has every timer min cap and SB 30+ in every set. Absorbs of 250-350 is common in my group, we definitely see 400-420 at least few times a week so we on the edge I guess.
I can answer any geo question about how I approach the fight and my observation of other. Also, my group is made of people that can communicate only by the chat, Japanese English European …. many different people that do not use discord, at least together. That might as a result create a situation where people are more focused and not distracted by jokes and other socialness
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 539
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-08-19 13:38:02
If I didn't have jokes and socializing on discord every run I'd put a bullet in my brain lol....
I commend your willpower
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1844
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-08-19 14:12:47
Cor max STP quick draw spam. Is anyone using ACP body with QD delay and store tp +4 or is it just malignance/ikenga?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 539
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-08-19 17:06:42
I use ACP body with +4 STP, yeah. 5 seconds off is much more valuable than what, 8 STP? whatever it is
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 767
By Asura.Lunafreya 2024-08-19 18:24:02
Phoenix.Gavroches said: »Phoenix.Gavroches said: »In our case, we do NQ 6min including pull and HQ sub 10, so 40% more time ?!?
Edit: 66% more time, didn’t get that from maletaru
Wow, 6-10 minutes? How?
Prep your fight like Taint said. Prep prep prep. Time your abilities right, XI roll is a nice plus. Most have nyame 30 but I do think it’s less relevant than perfect synchronization, and as funny as it is, it might be easier if everyone has every timer min cap and SB 30+ in every set. Absorbs of 250-350 is common in my group, we definitely see 400-420 at least few times a week so we on the edge I guess.
I can answer any geo question about how I approach the fight and my observation of other. Also, my group is made of people that can communicate only by the chat, Japanese English European …. many different people that do not use discord, at least together. That might as a result create a situation where people are more focused and not distracted by jokes and other socialness
None of our (Taint) group has Nyame r30 and we routinely do 5-6 min NQ and sub 10 min Hq Aminon. Last night we did HQ in 8 minutes without a WC reset but we did have crooked 11 tacticians which is, in my opinion, the single biggest boost to your kill time you can have. Worth using Random Deal to reset Snake Eye to hit 11 on crooked for tacticians, short of using Wild Card to get it.
All about maximizing that + all the right idle/regain sets + making sure everyone is abusing the things mentioned above (quick draw stp, impact, occult acumen, PLD using KoR, sodas, wings, proper alignment of SPs, etc.).
Our group stacks bolster with Grand Pas + Trance + Random Deal + Wild Card to burst as much damage as possible from the Dancer. By the time bolster wears off we are well below 50%.
Helps to have a baller DNC ;)
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1844
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-08-19 20:09:45
I use ACP body with +4 STP, yeah. 5 seconds off is much more valuable than what, 8 STP? whatever it is
Yeah 5 secs is like 12.5% of the time vs 7stp out of like 101 possible without tvr ring, so like ~7% with napkin math.
I'm just making sure I'm not overlooking something.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2967
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-08-19 20:59:18
Yeah 5 secs is like 12.5% of the time vs 7stp out of like 101 possible without tvr ring, so like ~7% with napkin math.
Half the STP benefit.
If your base QD TP is 100 and you have 94 STP you get 194. If you have 101 STP that's 201 TP, for an increase of 3.6%
By paladinepsot 2024-08-20 22:35:09
Is there an updated what the heck to do on B/F? We're having the absolute worst time with him and for the life of us we can't seem to figure out what to do. It seems like there's... missing pieces in the bg-wiki article.