Sortie Release - Info
By Taint 2024-08-02 17:08:08
If Aurum gave a +1 (100%) it would make Sortie runs much more interesting for non-Aminon groups. But alas....
By Virlym 2024-08-02 17:12:29
I actually had a similar thought where it might be related to the mobs in the first room when I was doing it. I would say that I'd be willing to test it myself, but I don't think I have the capability to solo. It would take me more than 5 minutes to clear out E's first room, so I'd get locked behind naakuls. If I did E last, I'd get locked behind H naakuls instead.
Also, I'm not sure that I could solo 16ish more mobs in time anyways. E and G would probably be fine apart from being careful of dread spikes, but F was by far my slowest kills on elementals so I'm not even confident I'd be able to finish them all in the time I had left.
That all being said, I also have a bit less motivation to confirm haha. I was intrigued by the possibility of maybe adding a dozen mob kills to our 8/8 boss runs for the extra galli if it were that simple, but if it turns out to be needing 36+ of them killed there's no way we'd be adding that in sadly so in the end it won't matter for us.
Yeah that's fair, still, thanks for checking one possible option out.
That said, you wouldn't have to lock yourself on the wrong side. We've already confirmed it doesn't have to be the mobs within the diamond given the Byrgens we grabbed from F initially were from another room. The idea here is that the diamond room acts as a sort of guide or checklist as to what the hidden objective is.
You could check on which side the blitzer is, then kill the required mobs on that side. Just some food for thought if anybody wants to try that out as well!
I'd recommend triple checking exactly what mobs are in the initial diamond room if you're killing them elsewhere though, given the wiki might not be completely accurate.
By Kayte 2024-08-02 21:46:48
Yeah that's fair, still, thanks for checking one possible option out.
That said, you wouldn't have to lock yourself on the wrong side. We've already confirmed it doesn't have to be the mobs within the diamond given the Byrgens we grabbed from F initially were from another room. The idea here is that the diamond room acts as a sort of guide or checklist as to what the hidden objective is.
You could check on which side the blitzer is, then kill the required mobs on that side. Just some food for thought if anybody wants to try that out as well!
I'd recommend triple checking exactly what mobs are in the initial diamond room if you're killing them elsewhere though, given the wiki might not be completely accurate.
There's plausibility in this. People originally had some of the basement objectives as "kill all X" (flans in E, for example, have 3 spawns in the first diamond, and 12 in the end room) but it was later updated to just "kill 15 flans" where you could kill 12 in the end room, respawn mobs, and kill 3 more and still get the chest.
The objectives on BG still say "kill all Veela" but I'd wager money on it being similar for them in F. Dullahans state a specific 19, and I'd guess the same would be in H (for one job of fomor). So it's entirely reasonable that "kill the number of mobs in the starting diamond room" doesn't need to specifically done inside it.
If I have another day off running with the group, maybe I'll take a look again. The first room is still fastest for finding the specific combination of mobs it has, but I'd probably do them elsewhere in E like you say. My biggest concern is enough time to kill all the F mobs, as a melee they're extremely slow kills and the long terrors/stuns/petrify/etc they do doesn't help hah.
By Virlym 2024-08-03 15:10:53
Daily report time!
We decided to take one for the team and throw away a run to test out the diamond theory.
Turns out, that theory was correct. Mystery solved!
All we did was port to each basement, kill every monsters in the diamond starting rooms then port out. The Aurum Coffer spawned on the last Fomor killed:
With that said, here's the full conditions to spawning it based on all the infos we've gathered:
Defeat the following in their respective areas
Basement E mobs: 3 Flans, 3 Slugs, 3 Jellies
Basement F mobs: 2 of each types of Elementals, 2 Veelas
Basement G mobs: 3 Dullahan, 3 Hounds, 3 Vampyrs
Basement H mobs: 1 of each fomor job - PLD, DRK, BST, BRD, RNG, SAM, NIN, DRG. (8 total)
I've updated BGwiki to reflect this.
By Kayte 2024-08-03 16:34:40
Daily report time!
We decided to take one for the team and throw away a run to test out the diamond theory.
Turns out, that theory was correct. Mystery solved!
All we did was port to each basement, kill every monsters in the diamond starting rooms then port out. The Aurum Coffer spawned on the last Fomor killed:
With that said, here's the full conditions to spawning it based on all the infos we've gathered:
Kill the following amount of each monsters in each basement areas
Basement E mobs: 3 Flans, 3 Slugs, 3 Jellies
Basement F mobs: 2 of each types of Elementals, 2 Veelas
Basement G mobs: 3 Dullahan, 3 Hounds, 3 Vampyrs
Basement H mobs: 1 of each fomor job: PLD, DRK, BST, BRD, RNG, SAM, NIN, DRG. (8 total)
I've updated BGwiki to reflect this.
Congrats, didn't get a chance to try myself but glad someone confirmed it. So basically it requires 36 extra mob kills and will generate roughly 6000 total galli if you do it. I'm not sure that most mage/melee comps doing 8/8 will have the time to fold that in sadly (and if they did could probably do Aminion instead for 30k haha) but it's great to answer one of the only unsolved mysteries left. Now people can go back to trying to figure out how to break Ixion's horn quicker than 20 minutes of weak WSes lol.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 288
By Bahamut.Jedigamer 2024-08-03 18:49:39
Daily report time!
We decided to take one for the team and throw away a run to test out the diamond theory.
Turns out, that theory was correct. Mystery solved!
All we did was port to each basement, kill every monsters in the diamond starting rooms then port out. The Aurum Coffer spawned on the last Fomor killed:
With that said, here's the full conditions to spawning it based on all the infos we've gathered:
Kill the following amount of each monsters in each basement areas
Basement E mobs: 3 Flans, 3 Slugs, 3 Jellies
Basement F mobs: 2 of each types of Elementals, 2 Veelas
Basement G mobs: 3 Dullahan, 3 Hounds, 3 Vampyrs
Basement H mobs: 1 of each fomor job: PLD, DRK, BST, BRD, RNG, SAM, NIN, DRG. (8 total)
I've updated BGwiki to reflect this.
Congrats, didn't get a chance to try myself but glad someone confirmed it. So basically it requires 36 extra mob kills and will generate roughly 6000 total galli if you do it. I'm not sure that most mage/melee comps doing 8/8 will have the time to fold that in sadly (and if they did could probably do Aminion instead for 30k haha) but it's great to answer one of the only unsolved mysteries left. Now people can go back to trying to figure out how to break Ixion's horn quicker than 20 minutes of weak WSes lol.
I think it yields a bit more than 6k galli to do that. My rough track math came up with something right around 15k.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2967
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-08-03 19:05:26
Bahamut.Jedigamer said: »I think it yields a bit more than 6k galli to do that. My rough track math came up with something right around 15k.
No need to be rough about anything, other than estimating the enemy levels:
9 E mobs: 675~729 muffins, average 702
11 F mobs (there's an extra in the starting room): 858~924 muffins, average 891
9 G mobs: 729~783 muffins, average 756
8 H mobs: 672~720 muffins, average 783
2934~3,246, average 3,132. Plus a 3k box, it's about 6k.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 288
By Bahamut.Jedigamer 2024-08-03 19:11:51
I'm the best mather ever.
By ratitz 2024-08-05 06:10:23
my group just attempted this just to guage its difficulty. went in as a melee lineup. sam brd cor whm dnc rdm.
we started by doing CAE and we got stuck unable to exit in E after clearing first room - naakauls - E boss. so we cleared all the flans at the end before moving to F.
Elements held us up harsh but we cleared the first room and naakauls then left.
Went into G and struggled on vamps but cleared first room before doing naakauls.
We were running low on time so we elected to test this aurum chest instead of boss.
We cleared all of the first room in H including the nm and to our dissappointment no aurum.
Is there a chance it was just the act of aoe'ing the fomors down?
from memory the jp forum had that the nm is supposed to require aoeing for the chest.
By K123 2024-08-05 07:08:03
The elementals shouldn't hold you up if you just 4 step them on SAM. You can burst on RDM too.
By Virlym 2024-08-05 07:15:24
my group just attempted this just to guage its difficulty. went in as a melee lineup. sam brd cor whm dnc rdm.
we started by doing CAE and we got stuck unable to exit in E after clearing first room - naakauls - E boss. so we cleared all the flans at the end before moving to F.
Elements held us up harsh but we cleared the first room and naakauls then left.
Went into G and struggled on vamps but cleared first room before doing naakauls.
We were running low on time so we elected to test this aurum chest instead of boss.
We cleared all of the first room in H including the nm and to our dissappointment no aurum.
Is there a chance it was just the act of aoe'ing the fomors down?
from memory the jp forum had that the nm is supposed to require aoeing for the chest.
Doubt it's strictly aoeing fomors, given we've been doing a cleave strat for a while and never got the aurum to spawn until we started killing Byrgens in F, which, speaking of, we single out after cleaving given they're immune to Entomb.
The only difference I could see is that we do magic kills instead of physical (everything dies from blue magic with the exception of Byrgens being killed with magic weaponskills), or you forgot some rogue mob who was hanging in a corner of the room (it's quite big to the point where stuff don't load until you get close to the walls sometimes, we were using widescan to make sure everything was dead).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2024-08-06 07:10:33
Trying to get our 9boss Mage setup on Aminon time down. What skillchain+ numbers are people seeing on their Kaustras? seems like a nice Kaustra really helps the DPS. been having trouble getting consistent numnbers on it
By Tathamet 2024-08-06 18:10:35
Cleared the first H, E, F, and G diamond-shaped rooms, in that order. No aurum.
By Virlym 2024-08-06 18:24:49
That's wild. It has spawned for us every single run ever since we discovered it, including in runs where we only killed the first diamond rooms. We even experimented with doing ground floors objectives before going down to spawn it and it still spawned tonight. It always spawned on the final monster type killed.
At this point if there's anything else involved, it either has to be related to magic kills or something whacky like fomor hate, perhaps.
I guess another thing that's been consistent on our end is that we always have it spawn when there's less than 10 minutes left. Don't think that's related but hey you never know!
By Kayte 2024-08-06 18:38:57
Could also be something like simultaneous kills, if you're mobbing up and AOEing things. Or something esoteric like hitting element weaknesses, or doing more than X% of their HP at once, or killing them faster than X seconds from engage, etc.
Do you remember the kill methods/abilities/spells used or any other details from your run that you only cleared the first rooms in?
By Virlym 2024-08-06 18:49:16
Could also be something like simultaneous kills, if you're mobbing up and AOEing things. Or something esoteric like hitting element weaknesses, or doing more than X% of their HP at once, or killing them faster than X seconds from engage, etc.
Do you remember the kill methods/abilities/spells used or any other details from your run that you only cleared the first rooms in?
As mentioned, we just entomb everything to death bar the Byrgens whom the COR wildfires to death while we cleave the rest. That's also true of the diamond room only runs we did. Again though, we've always been doing it this way, and the chest only started spawning when we started killing 2 Byrgens.
Don't think it's a killspeed thing either, given we pull the entire zone before starting to cleave, which in some cases (namely in H) takes a long *** time to gather up. Could have something to do with killing the required amount of monsters within a certain span of time of eachother though? Like killing all 9-10 of the monster types required within a minute of the first one dying or something.
We could also try doing a run in reverse order and see if the Aurum spawn in a basement other than H, although it can get dicey if the blitzer is on the wrong side.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 181
By Fenrir.Positron 2024-08-06 22:08:40
So I just discovered something fascinating looking through my logs: all 40 of the times I got a Hexahedrite from a basement boss, I also got an Old Case. The only times I ever got a Hexahedrite without also getting an Old Case were from basement blue chests. What I cannot prove nor disprove is whether, when in possession of a stage 3 Prime Weapon, it's possible to get an Old Case without also getting a Hexahedrite. Does anyone who has held on to a stage 3 for an extended period of time have logs?
By Virlym 2024-08-07 15:01:27
Alright, we made our run as whacky and whimsical as possible to test the stability of the coffer spawning.
We did a ground boss, a few ground floor objectives, did basements out of order (E > H > F > G), had multiple deaths, din't use some 1hrs at all, singled out some targets...
The Aurum offer still spawned, and once again on the final "mob type" of the given basement.
Naraka for scale: https://imgur.com/a/v8tJpbv
So yeah, idk. Clearly it's not related to order nor fomors and the assumed condition is correct, the only thing I see is that there's an extra condition of killing all required monster types within 5mins of eachother or something.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 462
By Bahamut.Greyfawkz 2024-08-07 15:07:54
So I just discovered something fascinating looking through my logs: all 40 of the times I got a Hexahedrite from a basement boss, I also got an Old Case. The only times I ever got a Hexahedrite without also getting an Old Case were from basement blue chests. What I cannot prove nor disprove is whether, when in possession of a stage 3 Prime Weapon, it's possible to get an Old Case without also getting a Hexahedrite. Does anyone who has held on to a stage 3 for an extended period of time have logs?
Went back the last two days I ran, and yes, each time I got a Hexahedrite, I received an old Case (from boss)
I have two stage 3 primes.
Edit: went back at least a month and every time I get a Hexahedrite and an old case together.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2967
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-08-07 15:08:13
Sharing some info from a teammate of mine who did a cleave run with a mule:
Cleared all of E, G, H basements (every single mob in all 3). Went to F basement, killed the first room, no Aurum. Went to the back Veela room, killed more Veela and the Aurum popped on the 6th Veela back there.
He can probably provide more details if there are other questions.
By Virlym 2024-08-07 15:24:06
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Sharing some info from a teammate of mine who did a cleave run with a mule:
Cleared all of E, G, H basements (every single mob in all 3). Went to F basement, killed the first room, no Aurum. Went to the back Veela room, killed more Veela and the Aurum popped on the 6th Veela back there.
He can probably provide more details if there are other questions.
Can you ask him if the Veelas in the first pull took an especially long time to kill? Perhaps there's a timer that starts when you first start inflicting damage on a per mob basis and the first few Veelas they killed took too long? Just spitballing here.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 22
By Carbuncle.Seankp 2024-08-07 16:12:57
Can you ask him if the Veelas in the first pull took an especially long time to kill? Perhaps there's a timer that starts when you first start inflicting damage on a per mob basis and the first few Veelas they killed took too long? Just spitballing here.
He did ask, but much easier if I reply!
Small correction to what he posted, but we did not kill the NM in H. In fact, she was in the starting room and initially I thought she was why the Aurum did not spawn.
Here's a rundown of our run: (PLD, BLU, BLU, BLU, COR, GEO)
Entered, went straight to G and had our PLD start their pull and bring everything to the hallway near the Vampyr room. Once everything was dead, we then went to E and did the same thing and killed everything in a similar location near the Flan room. Moved to H, noticed the NM was in the starting room and I wondered whether or not that would mess up the Aurum since we avoid her. Pulled everything except the NM to the hallway near the large open room, similar to the previous two. This camp changes depending on where the Bitzer to exit is located. Once everything was dead, we exited and went straight to F. We normally skip F and do minis, but today was an experiment to try to spawn the Aurum.
Once inside F, we gathered the first room of enemies in the middle of said room and killed them fairly quickly with the exception of the two Byrgen, which died about 45 seconds after the rest of the room. No Aurum spawned and I thought it was due to the H NM being in the starting room and still being alive. While still in F, I suggested we go to the Veela room and kill the remainder of them for their chest. We gathered them up in the room and proceeded to kill them. Once they started to die, the Aurum spawned from one of them. I wasn't expecting it and wasn't paying close attention to how many died beforehand or if multiple died at the same time. However, there were definitely 2-3 still alive after the Aurum had spawned because we had not received the Veela chest yet. Opened it for 3k, Old Case, then left and did minis.
If/when we go again, we'll likely try again and I'll see if there are any additional details I can figure out.
Anecdotally, in the past with a different group, we had previously killed everything in E, G, H (not the NM in H) and killed all the Veelas and 10-20 Elementals (but never Byrgens) and we never saw the Aurum. This was months ago, so this was simply our run. Makes me wonder if we had killed some Byrgens if we would have spawned the Aurum back then by accident.
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-08-07 16:25:52
That's a name unseen in a minute.
By Virlym 2024-08-07 16:56:22
Can you ask him if the Veelas in the first pull took an especially long time to kill? Perhaps there's a timer that starts when you first start inflicting damage on a per mob basis and the first few Veelas they killed took too long? Just spitballing here.
He did ask, but much easier if I reply!
Small correction to what he posted, but we did not kill the NM in H. In fact, she was in the starting room and initially I thought she was why the Aurum did not spawn.
Here's a rundown of our run: (PLD, BLU, BLU, BLU, COR, GEO)
Entered, went straight to G and had our PLD start their pull and bring everything to the hallway near the Vampyr room. Once everything was dead, we then went to E and did the same thing and killed everything in a similar location near the Flan room. Moved to H, noticed the NM was in the starting room and I wondered whether or not that would mess up the Aurum since we avoid her. Pulled everything except the NM to the hallway near the large open room, similar to the previous two. This camp changes depending on where the Bitzer to exit is located. Once everything was dead, we exited and went straight to F. We normally skip F and do minis, but today was an experiment to try to spawn the Aurum.
Once inside F, we gathered the first room of enemies in the middle of said room and killed them fairly quickly with the exception of the two Byrgen, which died about 45 seconds after the rest of the room. No Aurum spawned and I thought it was due to the H NM being in the starting room and still being alive. While still in F, I suggested we go to the Veela room and kill the remainder of them for their chest. We gathered them up in the room and proceeded to kill them. Once they started to die, the Aurum spawned from one of them. I wasn't expecting it and wasn't paying close attention to how many died beforehand or if multiple died at the same time. However, there were definitely 2-3 still alive after the Aurum had spawned because we had not received the Veela chest yet. Opened it for 3k, Old Case, then left and did minis.
If/when we go again, we'll likely try again and I'll see if there are any additional details I can figure out.
Anecdotally, in the past with a different group, we had previously killed everything in E, G, H (not the NM in H) and killed all the Veelas and 10-20 Elementals (but never Byrgens) and we never saw the Aurum. This was months ago, so this was simply our run. Makes me wonder if we had killed some Byrgens if we would have spawned the Aurum back then by accident.
Thanks alot for contributing to the cause with a detailed writeup :P
It's honestly mega weird because we definitely spawned by ONLY killing the first room of each basement in the past, which would only include 2 Veelas. If you killed all of the elementals and Veelas of the diamond room very fast then I'm honestly at a loss as to what could've happened.
As for the H boss, rest assured we also avoid this thing like the plague lol. The aoe binds/silences are no good when cleaving.
Do you perhaps have an idea of what JAs were used within each pulls? And please do let me know if you go for it again, I'm very curious to see if and what the other side of that objective could be given we can't get it to not spawn ever since we found it on our end.
Probably unrelated, but we also noticed something recently. Our Entomb damage felt very inconsistent from one run to another, almost as if our GEO's malaise bubble sometimes did nothing. Thought about it for a bit, and noticed it mostly happened when he was putting it down after mobs were already entombed and he was essentially going idle after putting it down. Asked him to toss me a cure after putting down the bubble just to try and see if it had anything to do with him not being on the enmity table for some reason, and it immediatly spiked up our Entomb damage. We tried doing it this way again for every pull, and the before/after was very noticeable everytime (went from ~20k to close to damage cap on a buffed luopan). I don't play GEO so I have no idea if it's a known quirk for the job or anything, but thought it was worth pointing out anyways.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2967
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-08-07 17:13:49
Thought about it for a bit, and noticed it mostly happened when he was putting it down after mobs were already entombed and he was essentially going idle after putting it down. Asked him to toss me a cure after putting down the bubble just to try and see if it had anything to do with him not being on the enmity table for some reason
You are basically describing how GEO works so...yes...?
The GEO needs to be on the enmity table of the mobs so either they need to cast on them (dispelga, sleepga, etc.) or someone needs to act on them first then the GEO needs to act on the person who touched the mobs. This is on a per-mob basis and can happen any time before or after the bubble is put down.
If the GEO placed a bubble then went idle and never did any aoe or cured anyone, their bubble was only affecting the single mob that he cast it on.
For your reference, look at the bold/red text.
By Virlym 2024-08-07 17:16:21
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Thought about it for a bit, and noticed it mostly happened when he was putting it down after mobs were already entombed and he was essentially going idle after putting it down. Asked him to toss me a cure after putting down the bubble just to try and see if it had anything to do with him not being on the enmity table for some reason
You are basically describing how GEO works so...yes...?
The GEO needs to be on the enmity table of the mobs so either they need to cast on them (dispelga, sleepga, etc.) or someone needs to act on them first then the GEO needs to act on the person who touched the mobs. This is on a per-mob basis and can happen any time before or after the bubble is put down.
If the GEO placed a bubble then went idle and never did any aoe or cured anyone, their bubble was only affecting the single mob that he cast it on.
Sortie has party hate on aggro similar to dynamis though, so it din't make sense for us for it to work this way here (we never had this issue when cleaving in Dynamis).
Then again, enmity and overall mob behaviour seems different on the ground floor compared to the basement so could be a quirk relating to Sortie specifically.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2967
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-08-07 17:52:07
Hmmm hadn't considered that part in the basement, good point. I wonder if that counts. It should be easy enough to test it (if one were so inclined). I'd be interested to hear what your results are; my group rarely, if ever, fights mobs in the basement with a GEO that aren't NMs.
By Virlym 2024-08-07 17:59:22
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Hmmm hadn't considered that part in the basement, good point. I wonder if that counts. It should be easy enough to test it (if one were so inclined). I'd be interested to hear what your results are; my group rarely, if ever, fights mobs in the basement with a GEO that aren't NMs.
Our problem specifically pertained to the basement, we were already making sure the GEO was on the enmity table on ground floor given monsters reset and have no party hate in there.
Given how aggressive the party hate is in the basement though (you could aggro and get killed by a mob in a different goddamn post code it'd still run after another unrelated party member afterward...) we weren't paying any mind to it in there until recently. We first thought the damage difference could've been something else like relic/empyrean procs until we gave the enmity table thing a try and it turned out to be that in spite of basement enmity being the way it is.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 22
By Carbuncle.Seankp 2024-08-07 19:35:10
Our problem specifically pertained to the basement, we were already making sure the GEO was on the enmity table on ground floor given monsters reset and have no party hate in there.
We have a few contingencies to mitigate this issue. The GEO subs SCH and they apply AoE Sandstorm during the cleaving. In addition to this, once the Bubble is cast and the first set of Entombs have been cast, the GEO will /heal until everything is dead. Of course, AoEs or enemies running in late will instantly aggro the GEO and smack them once or twice, but an Entomb is almost always sure to go off soon after, but they will resume /healing. This helps mitigate the issues with inconsistent hate on the GEO. It isn't perfect, and maybe something like /whm and doing a Curaga 1 every few seconds or a Barspell would be more ideal, but then BLUs lose the ever so slight benefit of Sandstorm. In the grand scheme of things, there are ways for the GEO to try to maintain being on the hate list for everything in a active manner rather than passively with party hate.
That's a name unseen in a minute. Don't believe I recognize your name, sorry!
By Virlym 2024-08-07 19:47:32
Sandstorm for enmity is definitely a good idea. Our geo doesnt have sch right now so I've been taking care of the sandstorming on blu but I ll definitely keep your suggestions in mind for later uses :P