Sortie Release - Info
By IGDC 2022-08-18 07:57:58
Did the B boss for the third time. It wrecked us (first time was super easy tank and spank. 2nd time wrecked us until we did a darkness skillchain).
This 3rd time we opened with a darkness skillchain (CDC>Leaden) and it went apeshit. There was just 2 of us multiboxing today so didn't have a chance to pay attention to what the boss was doing/hand elements etc.
Not sure if killing those last few elementals would have made a difference.
Interesting. Curious now, for the first two times you fought it, were you in a group? The reason I ask is, your third time had trusts I assume and perhaps they casted/did something on him (king dia3, light based?) right at start that triggered him to rage.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 182
By Asura.Jokes 2022-08-18 08:04:08
Did the B boss for the third time. It wrecked us (first time was super easy tank and spank. 2nd time wrecked us until we did a darkness skillchain).
This 3rd time we opened with a darkness skillchain (CDC>Leaden) and it went apeshit. There was just 2 of us multiboxing today so didn't have a chance to pay attention to what the boss was doing/hand elements etc.
Not sure if killing those last few elementals would have made a difference.
Interesting. Curious now, for the first two times you fought it, were you in a group? The reason I ask is, your third time had trusts I assume and perhaps they casted/did something on him (king dia3, light based?) right at start that triggered him to rage.
We had only Cornelia as a Trust this time.
The first time we had 3 players controlling 2 characters each. Last 2 times I've used 3 (I brought a friend in who couldn't come to get him points).
Setup first run was DRG COR BRD PLD WHM BLU.
2nd Run COR BRD GEO PLD WHM + trust
3rd run was RDM PLD GEO SCH COR + trust
It crossed my mind whether going in solo the boss could be easier considering SE said it would be entry level content.
We also lost our temp items when we killed the Boss on our first 2 runs. Hadn't lost them yet when we timed out, so might be able to head straight to the boss tomorrow?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2022-08-18 08:30:42
Is it Geo spells? Or debuffs?
Just looking at your party composition
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Hades.Schalac 2022-08-18 08:35:59
Got Shard #B in yesterdays run with Leaden Salute kill on Light Elemental. Still only have Key#A and now Shard #B from 2 runs. Mainly doing Fudo --> LS for darkness. Are the earring boxes just random and does TH affect the drop rates there?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 129
By Asura.Cthaeh 2022-08-18 08:37:33
So we tried Leshonn last night, and someone in the group was missing the plate so he was in hard mode, but we fought him for a while and here is what we finally noticed:
Has wind element that can go up on one hand (left iirc) and thunder that goes up on the other hand. When he has one element up, for example wind, he is very weak to ice so you can push him quickly with big MBs. If he gets the second (thunder) up, he takes very low damage from anything and can one shot just about anyone from a distance, so start kiting. Hit him with a thunder 1, which will heal him for anywhere from 20-40k depending on job/gear but the thunder will go away from his hands around 10 seconds later. We did this 3 times last night to verify that was what was happening.
So strat that I am seeing, (if you don't get the plate), is darkness Skillchain / Blizzard MBs. If he puts up second element, start kiting and hit him with a thunder 1 and wait about 5-10 seconds for the thunder to drop from his hand.
Unfortunately we timed out doing alot of testing on him, but we timed out at like 30%. Also our setup was not ideal: PLD, RNG, BLM, GEO, SCH, DRK as most of us were mainly getting unlocks.
edit: don't try higher than thunder 1. thunder 2 with shite gear cured him for 65k. Also, you can choose if you want to do blizzard or stone for your main damage. If he puts up both, just heal him with Aero to drop the wind element.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 81
By Bahamut.Spookyfish 2022-08-18 08:41:32
Rather disappointed that every job is getting accuracy and magic accuracy in slot 1. COR and RNG really should be getting RACC since the base stats are obviously ranged focused...
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2320
By Bahamut.Negan 2022-08-18 08:45:26
Bahamut.Spookyfish said: »Rather disappointed that every job is getting accuracy and magic accuracy in slot 1. COR and RNG really should be getting RACC since the base stats are obviously ranged focused... When COR and RNG shoot again, I'll agree with you.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2022-08-18 08:45:39
Couple logistical questions mostly pertaining to Asura but seeing if anyone had any experience:
Do you have to enter with the same 6 players you queue with?
Can your party zone out/back in while in queue without losing place(ie get meds/job change)?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-08-18 08:49:56
Bahamut.Spookyfish said: »Rather disappointed that every job is getting accuracy and magic accuracy in slot 1. COR and RNG really should be getting RACC since the base stats are obviously ranged focused... When COR and RNG shoot again, I'll agree with you.
By SavageJoke 2022-08-18 08:51:00
Setup first run was DRG COR BRD PLD WHM BLU.
2nd Run COR BRD GEO PLD WHM + trust
3rd run was RDM PLD GEO SCH COR + trust
It crossed my mind whether going in solo the boss could be easier considering SE said it would be entry level content.
We also lost our temp items when we killed the Boss on our first 2 runs. Hadn't lost them yet when we timed out, so might be able to head straight to the boss tomorrow?
Malaise is Thunder based, and Frailty is Wind based. Perhaps that has something to do with him going crazy?
Edit: Formatting issue with multiple qoutes.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 81
By Bahamut.Spookyfish 2022-08-18 08:51:05
Bahamut.Spookyfish said: »Rather disappointed that every job is getting accuracy and magic accuracy in slot 1. COR and RNG really should be getting RACC since the base stats are obviously ranged focused... When COR and RNG shoot again, I'll agree with you.
If I don't get to pewpew, my RNG stays at home. I already use Naegling more often than I'd like to.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1869
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-08-18 08:53:12
Couple logistical questions mostly pertaining to Asura but seeing if anyone had any experience:
Do you have to enter with the same 6 players you queue with?
Can your party zone out/back in while in queue without losing place(ie get meds/job change)?
I can't answer the first one.
For the second one, only the person that queues up has to stay in zone, and even stay in party. What a lot of groups were doing on day 1 was having someone queue up, and then the rest of the group would drop party, go do omen or odyssey for a while, and then come back as the queue got close for Sortie.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2022-08-18 09:05:35
Hope the lines being so slow has something to do with the bugs/incomplete parts of the events that have been mentioned already.
If not... chapeau to SE for yet another 6men instanced event kept busy by soloers instead of an open world event.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-08-18 09:11:18
The event is an hour long and you're encouraged to spend the whole time farming, so there's going to be some wait to enter. I will say that last night the queues were drastically faster than on Tuesday. It looked like after the emergency maintenance there were 3 queue lines to me, and they probably added more instances as well. I think the fix to alleviate congestion was pretty effective.
Quote: kept busy by soloers instead of an open world event.
If this was an open world event it would be dominated by whoever could claim the relevant mobs the fastest or trade a thing to an ??? before everyone else could. You'd be turning it into a bot-fest. That would be a vastly worse experience.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-08-18 09:17:42
If this was an open world event it would be dominated by whoever could claim the relevant mobs the fastest or trade a thing to an ??? before everyone else could. You'd be turning it into a bot-fest. That would be a vastly worse experience.
I do agree, but you'd think after how many (3? 4?) 6man instanced contents, SE would figure out how to do it well.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2022-08-18 09:18:46
I dunno, yesterday night I had to wait 47 mins in zone to be able to enter and right now a friend told me there's 70 numbers wait and the game doesn't allow you to enter the queue because the line is too big.
Just sayin'
I love and hate the fact that this event is 1hr long instead of the typical 30mins. Pros and cons but I'm mostly positive on that.
If the consequence of this has to be lines this long though I'm gonna quickly change my mind about it.
Given the huge issues the instancing system has in this game (are they even aware of it? God bless packetflow!) it's kinda peculiar they decided to go for an instanced event again, with no minimum party members required to entry, 1hr duration and daily reset.
I mean... Doesn't take rocket-science to know these would be the results, does it?
Wouldn't be surprised to see them double the reward and make the KI recharge time 40hrs instead of 20.
If this was an open world event it would be dominated by whoever could claim the relevant mobs the fastest or trade a thing to an ??? before everyone else could. You'd be turning it into a bot-fest. That would be a vastly worse experience. Well of course they would've had to structure it in a different way to make it work in an open world system. But it doesn't seem to me like the 3 Escha Zones were THAT bad?
Even Abyssea, after they added 3x ??? spawn points to most (should've been all!) wasn't really that bad now was it?
Yes for Empy weapons building you had the cockblock of some mobs being on a 15 mins repop and the annoying competition to claim it, I can acknowledge that, but the system had so many different things to do ultimately that, I don't know, I think it was full of very fresh and synergetic game design choices.
Sortie looks fun despite the bugs, but the things I said about the technical side of the event still stand.
By Guyford 2022-08-18 09:26:04
Ok so here's how our 2 lesh fights went.
First time was rdm/nin and 5box run/brd/cor/geo/whm. Had killed no elementals, had no metal. Enstone seemed to lock him into just thunder hands and experienced no dispel. However, he spammed stunga moves and eventually songs fell and brd couldn't re-sing through stuns. We limped on but wiped around 10%, got back up and kept kiting until rdm unweakened then rdm was kiting/fighting and got it down to 1% before dying (Dia was intense def down). Started kiting again but when we got back to re-engage had a MASSIVE Stoneskin? (Invulnerable?) that took a few minutes to get through but when we did it was taking dramatically reduced damage and we couldn't get that last percent down.
2nd time had metal too, went in sam dnc brd whm sch cor. Had not killed more than a couple elementals. Dnc died fast but sam tanked it and fudo leaden scs wrecked it and repeatedly proced blue. Both hands were up at one point but blue proc took them off. Super easy and fast despite the dead dnc.
On other notes:
The chests/coffers/caskets are all labeled like A1-4 ect. Might help if people report what the chest is called when it pops.
The dats show 7 chests for each A-D and a 29th chest called aurum coffer. This is probably the #? 0/1 objective that can spawn in any A-D (the #?).
So the keys let you move on to the next area, A key takes you to B ect., so where does D key take you? Is it just those D doors at the start? Or does it also open some boss room where the hades/plutoun boss is hiding. Presumably the Skomora (Palloitorius) is the C boss and Degei(Perfidien) the D boss. This leaves the "Achieve Master" (Hades) to be somewhere. Also, there is a diaphonous gadget with no letter associated with it in the dats, probably for the achieve master. Killing him might do something annoying like destroy all your keys/plates.
Edit: So looks like achieve master isn't a real thing as it has showed up in dats before. Guess the Hades mob just isn't here, maybe for +3.
By Viciouss 2022-08-18 09:27:20
Today was the longest wait I had, about 45 minutes. It does seem like they have increased the amount of instances though. Didn't see the Leech NM today, that's 1 out of 3 times I have seen him. Is it random?
Edit- Wait times will likely decrease quite a bit after the free period ends.
By Thunderjet 2022-08-18 09:55:17
how can people find this fun its vague and stupid iv killed the nm and no key tie mto etner any of the devices or even a sapphire why is this a *** 20hr lock down event Time Gated? jesus square they should allow us to make content this is so stupid...
By Slowforever 2022-08-18 09:56:03
0447 / 0518 asura que 4 hours
FFXI has many amazing qualities but this *new* content makes me want to go play WOTLK re-release. The leveling experience was super fun.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Bismarck.Nekhekh 2022-08-18 09:56:48
So we tried Leshonn last night, and someone in the group was missing the plate so he was in hard mode, but we fought him for a while and here is what we finally noticed:
Has wind element that can go up on one hand (left iirc) and thunder that goes up on the other hand. When he has one element up, for example wind, he is very weak to ice so you can push him quickly with big MBs. If he gets the second (thunder) up, he takes very low damage from anything and can one shot just about anyone from a distance, so start kiting. Hit him with a thunder 1, which will heal him for anywhere from 20-40k depending on job/gear but the thunder will go away from his hands around 10 seconds later. We did this 3 times last night to verify that was what was happening.
So strat that I am seeing, (if you don't get the plate), is darkness Skillchain / Blizzard MBs. If he puts up second element, start kiting and hit him with a thunder 1 and wait about 5-10 seconds for the thunder to drop from his hand.
Unfortunately we timed out doing alot of testing on him, but we timed out at like 30%. Also our setup was not ideal: PLD, RNG, BLM, GEO, SCH, DRK as most of us were mainly getting unlocks.
edit: don't try higher than thunder 1. thunder 2 with shite gear cured him for 65k. Also, you can choose if you want to do blizzard or stone for your main damage. If he puts up both, just heal him with Aero to drop the wind element.
So everyone needs a plate for the effect to actually work? How does someone in the party not get the plate?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1869
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-08-18 09:59:44
For people that don't see the leech, when I went last night, it spawned in the rooms to the south of the start point and was initially outside of my widescan range.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10275
By Asura.Sechs 2022-08-18 10:02:34
0447 / 0518 asura que 4 hours
FFXI has many amazing qualities but this *new* content makes me want to go play WOTLK re-release. The leveling experience was super fun. Naxx was super fun too! And so were the initial bunch of dungeons <3
By IGDC 2022-08-18 10:05:54
So everyone needs a plate for the effect to actually work? How does someone in the party not get the plate?
could have not been in first run when they got it or out of exp range when chest popped.
By Thunderjet 2022-08-18 10:10:14
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »For people that don't see the leech, when I went last night, it spawned in the rooms to the south of the start point and was initially outside of my widescan range.
i dont understand why they would make this a queue daily entrance when people waited 5-6 years do thye really *** think its good design this is why the queue is *** how easy is it to put am aw in Raksznar and just do w/e they did with sortie there this is so vague and stupid
By Thunderjet 2022-08-18 10:10:45
0447 / 0518 asura que 4 hours
FFXI has many amazing qualities but this *new* content makes me want to go play WOTLK re-release. The leveling experience was super fun. jesus
By RadialArcana 2022-08-18 10:15:05
0447 / 0518 asura que 4 hours
FFXI has many amazing qualities but this *new* content makes me want to go play WOTLK re-release. The leveling experience was super fun.
By Thunderjet 2022-08-18 10:40:32
every mmo ever has queue problems on launch of something new. you think after 20 years you might realize that. less bitching about lines, more info about sortie! so dumb if you think every MMO has Queue Problems FFXI never HAD YOU QUEUE UP THINGS outside of dynamis and einherjar, 2 hours to 4 hours wait time QUEUE IS NORMAL EXCUSE ME some of us work and have families what DO YOU MEAN ITS NORMAL have you only been playing FFXI the past 5 years??