Sortie Release - Info
By Taint 2024-04-27 12:57:34
Beating a dead horse here, but they could easily add Emp-1 armor drops to all the bosses.
10% drop upstairs. 100% drop downstairs plus a 10% drop at a second item.
Random drops (lot-able would be ideal)
ex. Boii -1
Boii-1 plus sapphire = Boii+2
Boii+2 + Boii-1 + Starstone = Boii+3
This will allow players to catch up faster as they see fitting, plus allow people to hoard galli for Primes. It will also let people upgrade other jobs while farming their prime and lets groups progress faster to Aminion HQ. (can get stage 4 faster, instead of Emp+3ing a job which sets you back 5-10 days)
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2024-04-28 02:26:49
I wouldn't cry if they added that, and it would allow me to get the full sets of shitty pieces I am missing yet will never use on random jobs, but I don't want my inventory clogged with more ***, tbh.
Just remove the muffin cost and let us use the stones instead for armor. Or double stone cost to skip muffin cost etc. The same effect, but without having to deal with more inventory or added items to the game.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Thunderjet 2024-04-28 07:38:54
there is no way they are going to leave Sortie as is, remamber they changed omen once or 2wice if i recall, one for allaince and 1 for KI i think if i remember right
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 210
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-04-28 08:25:55
LS and the general community would love to at least have the base 9/9 alliance open. You can keep HM aminon 6/6 or scale it up, but for the farming so you don’t loose your friend 7/6 or go in 4/6 because only 10/12 are on, that in itself might be responsible for the general decline of subs and definitely for the big LS disappearing as ppl makes tiny groups and don’t talk openly anymore. Sortie in itself is limited to +/- 100K muffins or so, doing 9/9, Nakuals and killing quite a bit. So even that playing every day in an alliance will take 2 months for a stage 4 and 90 days for a stage 5 which is still time locked.
By drakefs 2024-04-28 09:20:03
there is no way they are going to leave Sortie as is, remamber they changed omen once or 2wice if i recall, one for allaince and 1 for KI i think if i remember right
and once for scales too
By Godfry 2024-04-28 14:15:56
there is no way they are going to leave Sortie as is, remamber they changed omen once or 2wice if i recall, one for allaince and 1 for KI i think if i remember right
They have changed sortie a couple of times also. So, idk. I have zero hopes of getting anything else from FFXI.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2024-04-29 01:27:04
Didn't they officially state after Prime stage 5 was released, the game is in Maintenance Mode? I don't think they said that at any point before, even though it felt like it was, so it wasn't shocking that Omen and such got some changes. I would be very, very surprised if they change anything in Sortie. I want to be wrong, I want so many primes and the time gate sucks absolute ***, I just don't see them doing that.
They want us to take forever to get the primes we want so that the last of us still subbed have a reason to stay and give them $25+ per character for *** wardrobes each month, of which there still isn't enough of. *** you, let me give you another $2-$4 a month for more wardrobes you greedy ***.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2024-04-29 02:57:27
Carbuncle.Samuraiking said: »I don't think they said that at any point before They sort of said that during the big anniversary, which was super hyped (probably more by us players than by them).
Altough with the vague way they address that sort of thing and with everything that gets lost in translation, it's hard to say.
After that, surprisingly, we still got several new things and even a full mini-expansion (TVR) and everything that came with that.
When they shifted the throne to Fujito though they said it in a way that makes it even more clear, beyond any possible doubt or misinterpretation.
Still, a couple of small things are coming nonetheless. Peach Power, the new Master Trial, yet another trial/something in may.
Small things for sure, but better than "absolutely nothing" I guess.
As for them adjusting Sortie to alliances... Nope, never going to happen.
But finding new, alternative ways to upgrade Empy+2 and Empy+3?
Uhm, I don't expect it, but I can see it happening.
I'm torn because the issue of the currency being shared between Primes and Armor is a problem for some of us here, it's not really a problem for 99% of the players out there, because the large majority of those who go for Primes, are already done with Empy+3.
And those who still have to begin with Empy reforge, quite likely aren't interested in Primes, so... I can see how this appearently due to happen change, wouldn't really affect a lot of people after all.
Which is why I'm saying that I'm not really sure it's ever goin to happen.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1843
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-04-29 05:34:32
They don't have an end game past sortie, so adjustments don't seem as likely as I'd want them to be. I assume we'll see them when they run out of something to throw at us every 3 months or to coincide with some other content to create interest to get more returnees.
By Ranoutofspace 2024-04-29 06:00:35
They'll let you upgrade with the stones as soon as I finish all 110 pieces at +3. Please look forward to it.
By Nariont 2024-04-29 06:52:47
Letting them upgrade emps on a diff path than galli would mean someone who's making a prime might by the end have most of their emp armor done at the same time, and the only thing they might have left is a +2 earring to get. gotta keep you coming back any way they can, wouldnt have been surprised if the 1st idea was to have stones be locked to the vendor goblin but that was a step too far.
Only change i could see them doing is dropping the galli cost of items from ruspix, maybe adding a +1 case for 100k
By IGDC 2024-04-29 07:15:16
Letting them upgrade emps on a diff path than galli would mean someone who's making a prime might by the end have most of their emp armor done at the same time, and the only thing they might have left is a +2 earring to get. gotta keep you coming back any way they can, wouldnt have been surprised if the 1st idea was to have stones be locked to the vendor goblin but that was a step too far.
Only change i could see them doing is dropping the galli cost of items from ruspix, maybe adding a +1 case for 100k
I see them adding NQ/+1 items to Trove (granted, not NQ/+1 boxes but rather a specific job drop) so you can get your belligerent bangs to get your nq pup earring.
By IGDC 2024-04-30 13:43:09
On a side note, from someone that does Sortie religiously, what are the rate on even getting a +2 earring? I've done enough Sortie (estimating here from the number of +2/3 I have and currently saved towards a weapon) to amass about 4 million gali and have never seen a +2. Is that about par for the course?
By Godfry 2024-04-30 14:12:07
On a side note, from someone that does Sortie religiously, what are the rate on even getting a +2 earring? I've done enough Sortie (estimating here from the number of +2/3 I have and currently saved towards a weapon) to amass about 4 million gali and have never seen a +2. Is that about par for the course?
They have changed the drop rate considerably. When basement came out, and we started doing aminon on a daily basis, I got 7m muffins and 9 earring+2 (not to count the repeated ones). One of our static members finished his stage 5 with a +2 earring for every job (not to count the repeated ones also).
I got 3 +2 earrings in my last 8m muffins. Our group probably goes a whole month without anybody getting one.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-04-30 14:54:10
I don't think they've made any changes to the drop rates at all, I think it's just anecdotal evidence with a low drop rate.
My group has had at least 4 consistent members going for 15m+ muffins. One has 12 or 13 earrings, one has 11, another has 2, I believe the last one has 8? A member who has gone with us halftime-ish (6m muffins or so since primes came out) has 0.
We've been doing Sortie since it was released, pretty much every night. The guy with 0 was going more regularly before the basement came out.
Ask 100 people what the drop rate on +2 earrings is, you'll get 100 different answers.
By Godfry 2024-04-30 15:07:34
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »I don't think they've made any changes to the drop rates at all, I think it's just anecdotal evidence with a low drop rate.
It makes no sense that you used anecdotal evidence as a counter-argument to my anecdotal evidence, lol. But jokes aside.
Did you experience a somewhat similar distribution of muffins/+2?
Absolutely everybody that I talk to said that they got most of their earrings in the early days. Everyone that I have played with in my group have experienced the same thing.
By Dodik 2024-04-30 15:17:23
I've had 3 +2s in a couple dozen +1 cases.
Then nothing for more than double that.
It varies because it's (pseudo) random.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-04-30 15:37:44
Did you experience a somewhat similar distribution of muffins/+2?
Absolutely everybody that I talk to said that they got most of their earrings in the early days. Everyone that I have played with in my group have experienced the same thing.
Pretty even distribution, TBH.
My character who got the first prime has 5 earrings, the one who is working on hers later has 6, for example.
The guy with 12 gets one a month or so, like clockwork. If anything, he's been getting more lately.
Wish I had recorded the exact details of all the runs where we got the +2s but honestly it seems totally normal to me. We have people all over the spectrum and have gotten multiple +2 in a week and also had month+ periods where nobody got a single one.
It's random and I've not noticed any observable pattern. Maybe there is one and maybe someone can show it with some data.
It makes no sense that you used anecdotal evidence as a counter-argument to my anecdotal evidence, lol.
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Ask 100 people what the drop rate on +2 earrings is, you'll get 100 different answers.
We're all just speculating wildly. Here are 2 examples of people's theories, who wants to be the next 98?
I'd say the box has a 3~5% chance to have a +2 in it and that's true for every +1 case that's ever been opened since Sortie began.
By IGDC 2024-04-30 15:56:10
I'm on a 19 run (7-8 boss casual group) without a +1 box even. It's crazy on the drop rate imo.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1843
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-04-30 16:01:45
You just need to check your luck stat! Craft during the new moon!
The first group I ran with got a small tear of them for everyone that was going a month into basements opening up. I think it was 2+ for everyone. Then very little. We did switch strats from hunting objective chests to basement bosses when we could do more than 1, which resulted in potentially 4 less blue chests and maybe more. After everyone burned out and drama bombed, I quit for like 3 months.
I came back and began running with people who started at 7 boss and focus galli over chest chances. I have gotten more +2s than everyone else and we rarely see them. We run more days a week and more consistently than before.
I interpret this as you really need to open all those chests to have reasonable odds and we're just not doing that anymore because we care about galli more. RNGesus wants you rolling those slots if you wanna win big! ...with a minimum rolled +2 for a job you don't want to play.
By Nariont 2024-04-30 16:03:08
You basically have to throw aminion in there to have what id consider a decent shot at a +2 just cause +1 case rate is abysmal elsewhere, maybe if nq cases werent in the pool for basement objs
By Shiva.Myamoto 2024-04-30 16:07:29
I have mentioned this before to individuals that I play with, but a simple solution to solve some level of earring woes would be to offer a trade system similar to the WKR capes. The earrings are rare as hell and SE wants it to stay that way, but unless its a job I am super invested in... +1 is good enough. I would gladly take my +2's and trade 3:1 for the specific job +2 earring that I want. SE can keep the random rolls even, just let me have some control to work towards what I actually want lol. Three +2's still takes a long while to get for the average group unless you are quite lucky... and the random rolls on trade in would still keep individuals hopeful to get more and perhaps roll that perfect +2 again and again. Its at least a slightly more sensible and balanced approach.
But hey, what do we know right? we're all suckers who moaned about 8.5 mil galli requirements upon release and look at all those new glow sticks lol
By Nariont 2024-04-30 16:13:39
I have mentioned this before to individuals that I play with, but a simple solution to solve some level of earring woes would be to offer a trade system similar to the WKR capes.
And cut down the grinding? Blasphemy. We cant even get omen job cards down to a reasonable rate
By Trishula 2024-04-30 16:25:49
I have mentioned this before to individuals that I play with, but a simple solution to solve some level of earring woes would be to offer a trade system similar to the WKR capes. The earrings are rare as hell and SE wants it to stay that way, but unless its a job I am super invested in... +1 is good enough. I would gladly take my +2's and trade 3:1 for the specific job +2 earring that I want. SE can keep the random rolls even, just let me have some control to work towards what I actually want lol. Three +2's still takes a long while to get for the average group unless you are quite lucky... and the random rolls on trade in would still keep individuals hopeful to get more and perhaps roll that perfect +2 again and again. Its at least a slightly more sensible and balanced approach.
But hey, what do we know right? we're all suckers who moaned about 8.5 mil galli requirements upon release and look at all those new glow sticks lol
Yeah RNG's a pita, in my group we have both ends of the luck spectrum. Our residential leprechaun has just gotten her first dupe +2 after getting like 12 or 13 unique ones, and then myself just last night got my second perfect +2 roll. Only problem is that it's the same earring as my first perfect roll SMH, although can't complain too much.
By Godfry 2024-04-30 16:41:07
ur residential leprechaun has just gotten her first dupe +2 after getting like 12 or 13 unique ones, and then myself just last night got my second perfect +2 roll
The rest of us:
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1425
By Asura.Pergatory 2024-04-30 17:54:27
The children yearn for Ra'kaznar
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2024-04-30 21:05:22
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »The guy with 12 gets one a month or so, like clockwork. If anything, he's been getting more lately.
I've got 10 unique ones, but have gotten 13 in total. The rate went up when we went back to Aminon and started getting the guaranteed one. We also ended up getting some good random +1 drops on non-Aminon nights. So luck all around.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1868
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2024-04-30 23:08:03
I've definitely not been consistent. I got 1 from my very first +1 case when basement wasn't even out yet, just getting unlock on a job. I didn't see another one until august of last year. Between August and September of last year, I got 9. I got maybe 2 or 3 more through december, then didn't see another one until late march.
Only 1 has been perfect (ironically, also BLU). I've got 2 dupe SMNs. 13 total.
I've been running with a static almost daily since basement came out. We've been doing some variation of Aminon since June last year. For the first months or so, we'd do a different path every day, and do Aminon + 6/7, so we'd get 3-5 Aminons in a week.
I'd say I've probably opened somewhere around 500 +1 cases at this point.