Sortie Release - Info
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 539
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-04-12 21:38:30
My group hasn't even been doing Shell Crusher. Figure its not worth the PLD or GEO using in order to keep their shield/idris on respectively... so that leaves the BRD, who on pull is doing SV and extending it's duration, so best case the shell crusher wouldn't even be put on by the BRD until 2+minutes in the fight(?), which typically only lasts 8-12 minutes depending on hard/normal mode. It seems pretty unnecessary to me, but I'm not opposed to trying it
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2963
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-04-12 21:41:45
My group hasn't even been doing Shell Crusher. Figure its not worth the PLD or GEO using in order to keep their shield/idris on respectively... so that leaves the BRD, who on pull is doing SV and extending it's duration, so best case the shell crusher wouldn't even be put on by the BRD until 2+minutes in the fight(?), which typically only lasts 8-12 minutes depending on hard/normal mode. It seems pretty unnecessary to me, but I'm not opposed to trying it
IDK how your BRD's rotation is, but you don't need Carn until you NiTro, so you can be wearing a staff for the beginning of the fight, then switch to carn after ~3 minutes when SV is wearing off. Doesn't matter if your SV non-nitro songs are 4 minutes or 6, they're getting replaced in ~3 minutes anyway
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14
By Lakshmi.Haaydee 2024-04-13 01:33:44
The way we had been doing it is the PLD has staff on at start and is getting tp from tactician/gear regain etc which usually allows them to drop a 3k Shell Crusher when damage is about to start. Since it essentially takes place before anyone else touches the mob its pretty safe for the PLD to take damgage at the start of the fight as long as the Abs-TP cycle starts since it would be the mobs only source of TP gain.
The TP feed issue that people are bringing up would have been potentially happening ~8 min into the fight when the PLD would swap back to staff to be ready to drop a new Shell Crusher when the old one wore off at the 9min mark. Since people are doing WS on the mob at this time the cumulative tp feed is probably sending it over threshold esp below 25%.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 181
By Fenrir.Positron 2024-04-15 23:22:39
Cross-posted from the Prime WS thread: proof that DNC does not need Mpu Gandring to 9NM Sortie. I want to apologize if I gave the impression that it was required. Explanation of how to full clear without the prime dagger is in the video description, but I want to emphasize that this is just one approach and there are definitely other methods and probably other comps too. Now get out there and get some gallimaufry.
YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2024-04-18 17:06:44
Shower thoughts post since I haven't and probably won't be able to test this myself for the foreseeable future as I'm basically permaDNC: BLU tank for Aminon melee runs.
-White Wind and Magic Fruit aren't as efficient as Majesty Cure 3/4.
-No Aegis
-Potentially no regular status removal, heavier use of group medications for non-Erasable debuffs as a result
-Potential MP issues
-Significantly better damage output
-Access to easy to apply permanent defense downs
-Reaving Wind
-Sudden Lunge for A/E/C/G/Botulus
-Entomb for messy pulls and aggro
Plenty of enmity spike potential at the beginning of fights, cheap fast casting potent selfcast enmity from Fantod while kiting, won't match an Aegis for pure mitigation however with an MDB gearset, Magic Barrier, Saline Coat, and Mighty Guard w/ perhaps /RUN for Vallation the damage should still be manageable on Aminon. Offers Defense Down and potentially extra TP resets via Reaving Wind, more damage than PLD. Refresh III and MP Drainkiss/Magic Hammer(unsure how well this would do on an elementally neutral Aminon) and if necessary a Ballad in place of one of the Minuets or Aria should keep MP pretty stable. For the rest of the run BLU's performance should be practically indistinguishable and in some cases flat out better due to the utility on offer. Something I'd definitely like to try eventually. /SCH may be better but the extra enmity and magic damage reduction from /RUN is very compelling in exchange for the group having to use a few extra remedies to remove the odd Paralyze from ice Spikes or whatever.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 181
By Fenrir.Positron 2024-04-18 18:11:15
As long as there's enough MDB to get the damage from Aminon's melee hits down low enough that Stoneskin/Diamondhide lasts longer than its recast, it seems like it should work. The only other thing PLD feels really critical for in the run is keeping the Fomors under control when farming D and escaping H, but BLU's Entomb is pretty clearly a better tool for that purpose than anything in our comp.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2024-04-18 18:59:15
low enough that Stoneskin/Diamondhide lasts longer than its recast
So Magic Barrier @ML30 is 43% stronger than a max potency Stoneskin (680 vs 475) on a 16 second recast. Unlike Stoneskin, it also happily overwrites itself. Shouldn't be a problem. Can sacrifice a bit of potency for more recast but I really doubt that'd be necessary here.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 539
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-04-18 20:02:05
I'd love to try it, but my group certainly wouldn't want to risk our Galli income lol
It definitely sounds viable. I don't fully expect reaving wind/tickle to be viable on him though, considering how fickle he is with resists and requiring SV or Marcato'd Dark Threnody to efficiently allow the COR and BRD to absorb TP
Also for Aminon itself, I'd argue it'd be more useful to UL Tourbillion and Diffusion Nat. Meditation for a faster fight (as opposed to mighty guard). I see no reason why it'd be any different from Bumba in terms of tanking, whether you use Empy+3 body or Adamantite, theres plenty of high MDT options to utilize, and you can easily weave in more skill in slots you dont need fast cast to get Magic Barrier quite high
The biggest shame to me is that BLU can't offhand Malignance sword for stuff like this
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2024-04-18 22:12:49
You wouldn't use Diffusion on MG to begin with since it would only matter on yourself, With resets and UW there's no reason you can't have good uptime on both MG and Tourbillion. 15MDB is a lot
By Chimerawizard 2024-04-19 02:18:46
So, what bosses does Absolute Terror work on?
get a few ez zergs in w/o breaking a sweat.
set winds of promy. for aoe erase. everyone's going to still need remedies and emergency panaceas still.
By K123 2024-04-19 04:16:39
I have all the BRD gear in hasn't except R15 Carn because 160M gil for 30 macc isn't high on my priority for spending gil. I was told I couldn't go BRD to HQ Aminon because of that, is that 30 macc really the difference between winning and losing?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2024-04-19 04:44:24
You pretty much aren't gonna land Elegy without NiTro on him, but that's about it, and you will land it with NiTro regardless of whether you have that 30 Macc or not if you have most of the other gear.
That being said, as someone who also doesn't wanna waste resources (more so my time, I have the gil to spare) on collecting rocks for it, Carn is worth upgrading. There's a lot of endgame fights you actually want to use Mordant Rime on so you aren't WS Walling with Savage. Ironically, Aminon is one of those fights. I personally use Savage and might occasionally wall the COR, so I am probably gonna finally upgrade my Carn and start using it instead. I was previously DRK so didn't care, but if I'm gonna be on BRD for Aminons going forward, it's something I should really do, and I would suggest the same to you.
By K123 2024-04-19 05:06:48
Carbuncle.Samuraiking said: »You pretty much aren't gonna land Elegy without NiTro on him, but that's about it, and you will land it with NiTro regardless of whether you have that 30 Macc or not if you have most of the other gear.
That being said, as someone who also doesn't wanna waste resources (more so my time, I have the gil to spare) on collecting rocks for it, Carn is worth upgrading. There's a lot of endgame fights you actually want to use Mordant Rime on so you aren't WS Walling with Savage. Ironically, Aminon is one of those fights. I personally use Savage and might occasionally wall the COR, so I am probably gonna finally upgrade my Carn and start using it instead. I was previously DRK so didn't care, but if I'm gonna be on BRD for Aminons going forward, it's something I should really do, and I would suggest the same to you. Believe it was for the Absorb TP more than anything. I thought BRD could use Rudras if DNC uses Mpu?
By Dodik 2024-04-19 06:49:39
Dnc can go back to back WS with reverse flourish so if they have prime they use both rudras and the prime WS to avoid wall.
Brd still on mordant, they also need carn for macc yes. R15 Carn is not needed though, absorb lands fine with both frazzle3 and dark threnody on.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1844
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-04-19 07:42:14
Valefor.Prothescar said: »low enough that Stoneskin/Diamondhide lasts longer than its recast
So Magic Barrier @ML30 is 43% stronger than a max potency Stoneskin (680 vs 475) on a 16 second recast. Unlike Stoneskin, it also happily overwrites itself. Shouldn't be a problem. Can sacrifice a bit of potency for more recast but I really doubt that'd be necessary here.
It is the same slot as stoneskin, right? so if your recasts are a problem you can plop regular stoneskin over top of it. Probably completely unnecessary, but might as well have it thought out if you're trying something new.
Sakpatas sword refresh and/or prime sword would be attractive for MP needs if that isn't already thought about.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-04-19 07:42:22
- I’m speechless about reading a bard that gather all rema but somehow not R-15 the carn … amazing
- on top of, dude is working on aminion, so he’s playing plenty of hours… might even have the P-horn … funny
- no, I haven’t done much sortie, not even a prime I, but I do read those thread, and make notes
- the BLU idea is interesting, might make my friend happy, keep talking about it
- this sortie thread is better than the other one
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 137
By Asura.Chendar 2024-04-19 08:06:42
I have all the BRD gear in hasn't except R15 Carn because 160M gil for 30 macc isn't high on my priority for spending gil. I was told I couldn't go BRD to HQ Aminon because of that, is that 30 macc really the difference between winning and losing?
Just wanna point out, to avoid any confusion on why this might make a difference. Since you mention 160M I assume you'd need both the beitetsu and the astrals. If that's the case it's a fair bit more than 30 macc. difference. Base weapon itself goes from +25 to +40macc and magic acc. skill goes from 228 to 255. The +30 from astrals/RP is on top of that.
If you already have beits part done it's more like 60M and indeed only a 30macc difference (which can still matter a fair bit in same cases, but might not in this case, I have no experience on that one :P)
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2963
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-04-19 08:23:13
There's also the acc difference if you're wielding the dagger for WS and considering this whole fight is centered around stacking shitloads of accuracy because the mob has really high evasion, having a non-glowing dagger is kind of a big deal.
Or maybe they just didn't trust a BRD who doesn't bother to finish his weapons on the job. Might've figured there were other missing pieces like Mousai body+1 or something else that would harm the run.
IDK, if I were in that situation I would evaluate the situation a bit more in-depth than asking about a single item but from my understanding a lot of people are a bit more one-note when figuring out who to bring to their runs.
Either way, R15 Carn is helpful in dozens of fights on BRD, it should be done regardless.
By Dodik 2024-04-19 08:31:32
I was only talking about R15, obviously need afterglow or acc will suck big hairy balls.
FWIW I'd R15 an Idris way before a Carn for the Aminon fight. Brd does not have acc issues really, either magic or melee.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2024-04-19 09:37:54
Believe it was for the Absorb TP more than anything. I thought BRD could use Rudras if DNC uses Mpu?
Maybe? Ours was using a Twashtar, so wasn't really an option. There are some windows where the DNC also gets TP with reverse and will need to do a second WS regardless though, so it's not like Rudra will just be completely free for the BRD either way. Better to wall the COR than the main DD if you have to, but that is why Mordant is the best choice, so no one gets walled.
As for your question, yes and no? Obviously 30macc is gonna help a lot when you don't have any base skill, but it depends on how you are doing the fight. Are you in a group that is killing Aminon within 15mins during Soul Voice? If so, you will have no trouble landing it without the dagger, because I had naegling locked for absorbs and landed almost every single one during SV Threnody.
Now, if it's longer than a 15min fight for your group, you will miss some when SV Threnody falls off and it's just normal NiTro one. Same applies to the COR for the same reason. Again, I do suggest you R15 Carn, but it's not going to make or break your run at all in terms of landing Absorbs.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2024-04-19 09:54:27
Phoenix.Gavroches said: »- I’m speechless about reading a bard that gather all rema but somehow not R-15 the carn … amazing
- on top of, dude is working on aminion, so he’s playing plenty of hours… might even have the P-horn … funny
Was too lazy to gather the beitetsu since I wasn't playing BRD on any fights where I needed a dagger for dmg or to land important stuff. Since we lost a member last week and swapped jobs around and I will likely be BRD though, I'll finish it off now.
Bonus pic: I've dropped 2-5 stacks of each of the stars/drites. Got enough Meisos for another Stage 5. Been doing Sortie for a little bit.
By K123 2024-04-19 11:12:50
I haven't dumped 160m for the R15 yet, no, because I play many other jobs and needed other things. I put loads into SCH then don't really enjoy doing mage strst anyway so that was kinda wasted. Made 2 R25 Rostams but haven't played COR much since then either! Didn't notice the extra macc on 119 3 Vs 119. I have accepted I need to do it, but that's aside from the question whether it is needed to land absorb TP or not.
By K123 2024-04-19 11:13:54
Oh and I realised Bastok was the only zone I never got wave 3 clear on before because this is my first and only mythic... so there's that to get done now too. Another 20m.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2963
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-04-19 11:42:20
Oh and I realised Bastok was the only zone I never got wave 3 clear on before because this is my first and only mythic... so there's that to get done now too. Another 20m.
It's free on Carbuncle :)
By K123 2024-04-19 11:57:00
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-04-19 16:16:20
Most just clear this stuff for fun/helping/farming, even on Asura I met those groups, only reason to pay 20M is to make room for your personal life, and I hope that’s the case.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 493
By Asura.Clintbeastwood 2024-04-19 22:30:10
In a Yuengling-fueled fever dream, I was really excited to put this idle set together for my DRK on hard-mode Aminon:
ItemSet 395453
When I slightly sobered up and realized DRG isn't DRK, I'm now wondering if just bringing WAR for HM runs instead wouldn't be better.
-Arke Corazza set?
-MP doesn't matter
-Can't give Dread Spikes to B/F boss
-No Absorb-TP
-No Hasso/Last Resort on regular bosses (assuming /DRG)
Rest of the normal bosses wouldn't be much different. Thoughts?
By Nariont 2024-04-19 23:14:31
also lacking impact, could probably work though
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 181
By Fenrir.Positron 2024-04-19 23:23:00
Arke set has 0 Magic Evasion. You will get hit with paralyze, amensia, etc. on nearly every hit.
Just realized you meant just for Aminon specifically. It's probably fine, not sure if you might take some extra damage from the AoE hits.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2024-04-20 01:17:32
Does Resist status ailments somehow translate to dmg reduction, or is it just purely for the TP gain? Because I feel like even with capped DT, Aminon is gonna hurt with zero MDB on armor. I feel like we have had some people in idle sets that were capped DT, but not good stuff like Sakpata/Nyame, and they were taking more dmg than the rest of us by a lot. Maybe it was some missing DT though.
As for the effectiveness, you are maybe matching a DRK's absorb rate or slightly beating it in TP gain, but you are losing 1700-ish TP from Impact every 20-30s and as you already mentioned, haste cap from no /SAM on basement bosses, where DRK gets LR cap. As well as having one less absorber. It's fine with DNC because they are replacing the BRD/DNC in the older meta, so you aren't losing an absorb person, but you do lose one when you go from DRK to WAR.
I also find it a bit spotty with a PLD healer for basement bosses. If poisona or remedy comes up a bit slow, you can get whacked for 2k, 3k or even some 4k clobberings. I usually drain on DRK before the boss fight so that I have 6k+ HP for that and spikes.
Seems like bigger risk without even a bigger reward. I doubt Warcry up 20-24% of the time is gonna make up for 5-10 extra 2k+ TP WS from the Impacts, but I am also not positive.