Sortie Release - Info
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 29
By Bismarck.Xagashi 2024-04-02 12:12:42
Proper management of TP, FMs, and ability cooldowns allows DNC to apply level 10 Box Step (DEF-23%), Haste Daze, and use 3x ~99999 WSes within the first ~6 seconds of each fight.
Just curious, how are you setting up a 3x ~99999 with CF? Or is more that it's CF > WS > RF > WS > tp gain and just another close capped 9s?
By alamihgo 2024-04-02 18:14:28
CF > WS(1) > RF > WS(2) > Jump (3) > High Jump (4) > No Foot Rise (+250TP) > WS (5)
You can afford 1 attack round without losing Climactic early, but it's tricky.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 181
By Fenrir.Positron 2024-04-02 18:59:09
Proper management of TP, FMs, and ability cooldowns allows DNC to apply level 10 Box Step (DEF-23%), Haste Daze, and use 3x ~99999 WSes within the first ~6 seconds of each fight.
Just curious, how are you setting up a 3x ~99999 with CF? Or is more that it's CF > WS > RF > WS > tp gain and just another close capped 9s?
What alamihgo said. Also on ground floor bosses I can often get a 99999 on the opener without Climactic (just Building). So the opener looks like:
-15s Presto
-13s Haste Samba
-10s Building Flourish
0s Box Step
1s Ruthless Stroke
(wait for TP, ~3s w/ Samurai Roll)
4s Presto
5s Climactic Flourish
6s Box Step
7s Ruthless Stroke
9s Reverse Flourish
10s Ruthless Stroke
12s High Jump
13s Jump
14s No Foot Rise
15s Ruthless Stroke.
Even if I fail to get the last WS inside Climactic, the fight should be just about over at this point if the other members are keeping their own WSes going as quickly as possible.
By buttplug 2024-04-05 14:07:44
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2024-04-06 01:05:47
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »we use PLD on KotR
Damn, is there finally a use for Excal now?
By LazyDude 2024-04-08 02:02:28
does anyone happen to know the exact evasion of what gartell is (F Boss) i can't seem to find it. i've been trying to have us shoot for 1700 accuracy but dont know if thats overkill or not
By buttplug 2024-04-08 03:14:06
Probably more than enough... What's your groups setup? If you run with either a GEO/RDM... Torpor/Distract helps if missing...
By LazyDude 2024-04-08 03:26:27
so we are doing a standard hard mode aminon 9 boss setup with geo/drk dnc/drg pld/run rdm/drk brd/drk cor/drk and we do Minuet X3 Madrigal X2(Marcato Blade Madrigal) Honor March. with entrust indi precision and we kite the boss with indi gravity and geo frailty. This assumes everyone is roughly 1200 accuracy without food or buffs or ionis. mainly do it that way if its in thunder hands mode since distract probably isnt going to land if it is.
was just thinking we can trade out entrust precision with fury but that puts us at about 1620ish on accuracy. Haven't really tested it myself
By buttplug 2024-04-08 03:49:58
Sounds about right... I do MB style haha... Was thinking DNC/GEO/RDM would be able to debuff them...
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-04-08 08:32:54
Looking for a general recap, finding pieces here and there but no general recap, something like:
Aminion (easy):
Don’t have a full group yet but a short, to the point recap will help tremendously.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1868
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2024-04-08 09:34:17
so we are doing a standard hard mode aminon 9 boss setup with geo/drk dnc/drg pld/run rdm/drk brd/drk cor/drk and we do Minuet + Minuet + Madrigal + (Marcato Blade Madrigal) + Honor March. with entrust indi precision and we kite the boss with indi gravity and geo frailty. This assumes everyone is roughly 1200 accuracy without food or buffs or ionis. mainly do it that way if its in thunder hands mode since distract probably isnt going to land if it is.
was just thinking we can trade out entrust precision with fury but that puts us at about 1620ish on accuracy. Haven't really tested it myself
Have you thought to look at the bg wiki page for him where it explicitly states his evasion or are you just a LazyDude
By Taint 2024-04-08 09:42:19
Phoenix.Gavroches said: »Looking for a general recap, finding pieces here and there but no general recap, something like:
Aminion (easy):
Don’t have a full group yet but a short, to the point recap will help tremendously.
We did that exercise last year but there are too many variables to make a list. BGWIKI has all the information you really need to maximize your party.
If you have specific questions I'm sure we can assist. I've personally failed/succeeded about every way possible in Sortie.
By LazyDude 2024-04-08 10:16:04
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »so we are doing a standard hard mode aminon 9 boss setup with geo/drk dnc/drg pld/run rdm/drk brd/drk cor/drk and we do Minuet X3 Madrigal X2(Marcato Blade Madrigal) Honor March. with entrust indi precision and we kite the boss with indi gravity and geo frailty. This assumes everyone is roughly 1200 accuracy without food or buffs or ionis. mainly do it that way if its in thunder hands mode since distract probably isnt going to land if it is.
was just thinking we can trade out entrust precision with fury but that puts us at about 1620ish on accuracy. Haven't really tested it myself
Have you thought to look at the bg wiki page for him where it explicitly states his evasion or are you just a LazyDude
dont gotta be jealous because you can't do hard mode aminon with all bosses bro
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1868
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2024-04-08 11:20:37
does anyone happen to know the exact evasion of what gartell is (F Boss) i can't seem to find it. i've been trying to have us shoot for 1700 accuracy but dont know if thats overkill or not
Sorry, I quoted the wrong one... you asked for literally some of the easiest information to find. But you "searched everywhere"
By alamihgo 2024-04-08 14:21:04
Phoenix.Gavroches said: »Don’t have a full group yet but a short, to the point recap will help tremendously. Would help to know your planned party composition.
By Chimerawizard 2024-04-08 15:06:23
I'd be interested to see a more thorough breakdown of melee 9boss myself.
If you're looking for a mage method one:
We were able to beat ABCDEFGH + Aminon all in one run today, albeit just barely. Entered with Fragments 1+2, no Shards or Metals, and beat the final boss (Gartell) with just 45 seconds remaining. Ended up with about 80k Gallimaufry from that run.
Job Composition: SCH/DRK, RDM/DRK, BLM/SCH, RUN/SCH, COR/DNC, GEO/DRK. BLM/DRK is not necessary if Monk's Roll is used and the GEO, RDM, and SCH keep using Absorb-TP off cooldown. COR/DNC offers more damage with Skillchain Bonus Trait and offhand Dagger vs. more TP with /SAM - we never really have TP issues after Tactician's Roll is up on Aminon, so /DNC seems better overall. RUN/SCH is mainly for Accession Sneak+Invis to speed things up after boss kills.
Initial buffs/Shard farming: Outside buffs: Naturalist's Roll -> Protect/Shell V, Aquaveil, then Regen V in full duration set just before entry.
Starting buffs: Head to Device -> Samurai Roll, Accession Firestorm II, Voidstorm II on COR, then split up for Shards:
RDM+RUN+GEO - Head South to D boss area. Pull at least 3 fomors and perform a 4-step SC using whatever you can (we do Seraph Blade>True Strike>Seraph Blade>Freezebite or some combination thereof), then kill them and proceed to D boss once all Shards are obtained.
BLM: Head Northwest from start, pull 3-6 Acuex. Mana Wall and AoE them to 5-15% then finish them off with single target nukes for A Shard (and Metal if 6 pulled), then head South to D boss area or C to help SCH if needed.
COR: Port to B and head South. Kill 5 Air Elementals with a multistep SC. Leaden Salute -> Viper Bite -> Leaden Salute 3-step usually kills them, but can close a 4-step with Wildfire if needed. After killing 5, port to start and head to D boss area or C to help SCH if needed.
SCH: Port to C. Kill 3 Corses, using SC -> MB at least once on each. Be very careful of blood aggro! MBing Helix II can speed up the kills. Once finished, port to start and head South to D boss area.
Ideally, Degei is pulled at around the 6-7 minute mark.
ABCDEFGH Bosses: Boss Order: If you do NOT have Fragment #4, D -> H -> C -> B -> A. Otherwise, D -> A -> B -> C is likely ideal. After first floor bosses, go for whatever Fragments you are missing, then Aminon, then the remaining basement bosses. In our first 9/9 run, we did D>H>C>B>A>G>Aminon>E>F.
Ghatjot / Dhartok: Stone SC, Sniper Shot -> Geohelix works with Distract. Burn and Vidohunir (MDB-10) land.
Leshonn / Gartell: Sniper Shot -> Geohelix or Split Shot -> Cryohelix SC depending on element, or just normal SCH SCs. Vidohunir lands with thunder hand active. Make sure RUN drops Shell, of course. You CAN use Helix I to close Skillchains if you have a Helix II with low damage already active.
Skomora / Triboulex: Sniper Shot -> Ionohelix -> Dimidiation SC, assuming TP isn't eaten. Burn, Vidohunir, and Impact all land. Use Crooked Bolter's Roll afterwards if you didn't get C and/or G Metal - C Metal usually isn't worth it, G metal usually is in our experience.
Degei: Put up Monk's Roll. SCH SC according to element. Vidohunir lands after Flashflood or Fulminous Smash, Burn lands after Flaming Kick or Icy Grasp. Nothing noteworthy lands after Eroding Flesh, sadly.
Aita: Same as Degei, except use Tabula Rasa, Bolster, and Cutting Cards (on the SCH). 3 minutes after pull, if it's not dead, RUN uses Sforzo to soak Vivisection and everyone else runs away.
Aminon: Before pull - Perpetuance/Accession Adloquium, Voidstorm II, Accession Regen V. SCH stays in Light Arts to Perpetuance Regen V the RUN after Bane of Tartarus.
RUN pulls -> spam Stone until an elemental TP move is used, then repeatedly heal it to force Bane of Tartarus.
Demonfire -> Fire
Frozen Blood -> Blizzard
Blast of Reticence -> Aero
Ensepulcher -> Stone
Ceaseless Surge -> Thunder
Torrential Pain -> Water
Impudence - No element, but if RUN doesn't have seal, this inflicts Doom + hate reset, so be wary.
After Bane, stop nuking immediately, and RUN pull it to corner. If Bane kills RUN, whoever has hate pull it to corner instead while RUN gets up and rebuffs. Start Absorb-TPs once Frazzle is on, and use it on cooldown.
RDM: Stymie+Saboteur Sleep II once positioned, then Frazzle III -> Slow/Paralyze II -> Protect V/Shell V/Phalanx II on RUN. Use Absorb-TP on cooldown. Lock main/sub for Seraph Blade for Skillchain.
COR: Caster's Roll -> Monk's Roll on backline in that order, then Crooked Tactician's Roll on self and RDM (and maybe RUN). Use Quick Draw, Icarus Wing, and other TP increasing things such as Volte Harness until Tactician's Roll active to keep up with Skillchains. Close each Skillchain with Leaden Salute - DO NOT use Wildfire, its damage is garbage. Use Random Deal on the RUN for Gambit/Rayke after first usage, so they hopefully are up for both Kaustra usages. Can Wild Card after the second Kaustra.
GEO: Indi-Acumen, Geo-Malaise, Entrust Indi-Haste. Absorb-TP on cooldown - if it's missing, either Frazzle is off or your sets don't have enough MACC. Switch to Indi-INT for Kaustra. Indi-Focus shouldn't be needed unless sets are lacking MACC.
BLM: If Death is up, Comet -> Death every SC. Otherwise, just Comet. Aspir and Myrkr can keep MP full. If Death cooldown is already 36 seconds (the minimum), can use Ebullience Comet instead.
RUN: Lux Valiance/Vallation for defense, Tenebrae Gambit/Rayke for offense. Use Sanguine Blade to assist with WS wall - Reikiko is great for this. Keep Stoneskin up as much as possible. Save Gambit/Rayke for Kaustra if possible. Make sure Valiance hits everyone for recasts.
SCH: Two main Skillchains: Luminohelix -> Stone -> Leaden Salute, and Omniscience -> Seraph Blade (RDM) -> Leaden Salute. Never stop Skillchaining unless COR doesn't have TP! Luminohelix -> Seraph can be used if SCH swaps weapons (only really needed for Kaustra damage). Try to use Absorb-TP on cooldown while still keeping SCs up. Keep capped Noctohelix II on throughout the fight, and MB with Impact in damage gear after BLM's Comet if Death is down. Use Tabula Rasa at some point, and do Kaustra twice. Embrava the backline and Regen V the RUN while TR is active. If fast enough, Storm/Adloquium should not need to be reapplied before the fight ends.
Total time from pull -> kill should be within 10-13 minutes. If you get lucky with Wild Card, it could be shorter.
IF Aminon gets a TP move off after Bane:
Incessant Void - Force Bane of Tartarus again. Be very careful of fetters, as he spawns a large amount of them at lower %s.
Any other TP move - Recover and continue as normal.
Overall, doing 9/9 bosses consistently is probably not going to happen right now - even with perfect execution, you still need at least some luck with Bitzers, COR, and Gartell/Aita element swaps. However, if you prioritize missing Fragments and keep doing Aminon every time you get 4, you can kill Aminon 3-4 times in a row before missing him on one run and just doing 8/8 instead, which is a higher average galli count than alternating runs.
If you're dead set on going for 9/9 bosses, my advice is don't do Aminon last. Try to end on Gartell, Triboulex, or Aita, to minimize bitzer RNG. Doing Aminon earlier also guarantees you don't miss out on 30k galli if you fall short.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 767
By Asura.Lunafreya 2024-04-08 15:10:46
A/E/C/G you want to use light aligned WS/SCs (avoid distortion or darkness on A/E especially). B/F you want to do darkness side of the house. D/H depends on the element but you will use WS/SCs aligned opposite of the current element.
Typical buffs...honor min min min aria (or herculean if you dont have prime). Sam Chaos. Dia3. Don't debuff (dia, paralyze,etc.) B/F if its thunder hand or Zap will pretty much wipe you. If its wind hand you probably want to kite. Swap one of the minuets to a madrigal for pretty much all basement bosses.
Like alamihgo said, probably would help to know your party comp.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Phoenix.Gavroches 2024-04-08 17:37:38
So we can do any style, my old group of friends is coming back, slowly, 1-2/week and we haven’t done almost any 6-8-9 NM sortie (no prime either), we did some pre/100K. And because we can get together so little, I was looking for a “recap” (to lessens the re-discovering the wheel) more specifically on WS combo, where debuff land (ex: can land impact on C/G but watch out for thunder hands?!?) or not (is there mob where defense down doesn’t land for example?).
Melee is more our style (every1 is R25/R15), we can do mage (can cover all there as well, 2 SCH, mBLM…) but we like swinging. We can cover the melee 9/9 setup as well.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2024-04-08 18:52:33
Sortie 9NM Melee Blueprint
Primary Route: A → Am → E → B → C → D → G → H → F
Recommended Consumables: Silent Oil, Prism Powder, Panacea, Remedy, Icarus Wing, Marine Stewpot (All), Oden +1 (All), Omelette Sandwich (PLD), Grape Daifuku +1 (DNC)
Pre-run suggestions: Naturalist’s Roll, Perpetuance Regen V from an outside SCH if possible (kick the PLD), Haste II, Protect and Shell. These all carry through, and the Regen will help deal with Ghatjot’s poison.
Buff Summary
BRD: Honor March, Minuet IV, Minuet V, Madrigal, Aria
First set of songs at Acuex (Nitro). Second set of songs right after Aminon’s on-pull Incessant Void (SV/CC). Third set mid-Aminon right before Soul Voice wears off (Nitro). Fourth set during Dhartok (Nitro). Fifth set during Skomora (Nitro). Sixth set during Triboulex. Final set before Aita (SV/CC/Nitro).
Can do a bit of optimization on fights where you’re reapplying songs mid-fight by WSing right at the beginning and singing after; you’ll build a bit of TP back between songs. If your RDM is particularly prodigious you can give them Dirge in place of one of their Minuets since they can’t use High/Super Jump to shed hate.
RDM: Haste II w/ Composure and Naturalist’s before entering. Reapply Haste II after E before splitting for B/C Fragments. Reapply Haste II in sets timed with BRD songs for maximum efficiency: 3 people at the end of a fight where the BRD is singing, the other 3 between or at the next objective. Don’t bother applying for D, simply reapply on the way to G.
COR: Bolter’s Roll between each objective. Chaos + Samurai Roll for bosses whenever possible. You will be using Cutting Cards on the BRD to ensure that their SV/CC are back up in time for the final 2 bosses. Crooked Cards as a bonus when you can, but because of how often you’re overwriting rolls you’ll never get full value out of it, it can be used to speed up problem bosses though. Because of Bolter’s, rolls can be annoying to keep up. Ideally you want everyone packed close enough that you can realistically roll your first new DD roll on the way to a boss, then apply the second as you get to the boss’s room. This will never happen because ‘reasons’. You don’t want 30 seconds on your Phantom Roll recast at the end of a boss, so for many of the upstairs (A B C D) bosses you don’t even want to apply a second roll because of this; with a sufficiently powerful group they die in less than 45 seconds without Chaos Roll; focus on Samurai Roll. For basement (E F G H) bosses, leverage Random Deal and Wild Card (if available) to apply both rolls. On Triboulex you can open with Chaos and then Random Deal into a Samurai (which may need to be done as the group is running to and beginning to fight the boss; you losing one WS is worth giving the rest of the party significantly higher WS frequency). For Aita and Gartell, you want to discard the chance of hitting the party with your 50% job bonus chance and start rolling before everyone is gathered. This is to ensure that your Phantom Roll timer isn’t misaligned and you can get both rolls up while still being able to Bolter after. Double-Up the first roll (chaos ideally) onto everyone when all 6 are in the boss room (or as soon as possible) and then do your second roll. Since the BRD is singing before Aita you have plenty of time for that second roll before engaging. For Gartell you don’t have the same benefit of extra pre-fight time where everyone is gathered, so instead wait for everyone to engage and hit him at least once after Gravity lands to drop Bolters, then roll your 2nd roll. Wild Card is detailed in the boss section for Aminon.
Some optimization: before Aminon you can apply rolls on Botulus; this also allows you to try to fish for 11s.
GEO: Indi-Fury, Geo-Frailty. For Gartell and Aita you will be kiting, so this changes to Indi-Gravity, Geo-Frailty, Entrust Indi-Fury. By this stage of the run you may be able to get a reset on your Entrust from the COR to be able to get it up on both of them. For Aminon, Entrust Indi-Precision or Indi-DEX.
Route Summary
From start, run North to Acuex. You need to kill 3 of them with a magic spell; you can set this up for quick kills with Pyrrhic Kleos -> Evisceration -> Burst Blizzard V. By the time these three are dead and you have Shard A, buffs should be in order.
From Acuex, run North to Ghatjot (Gadget A). You can have someone rest briefly to spawn a bonus chest anywhere between Acuex and Ghatjot; depending on your buff timings you can send someone like the BRD to go do this while you finish up the Acuex. Engage and kill.
From Gadget A, run South back to the Entrance Device and teleport to Device A, or run East and South through the Hecteye directly to Bitzer A (in my experience they’re about the same amount of time); cast any spell next to Device A for a bonus chest. You can also have someone touch Bitzer A while naked for another bonus chest. Go down to Basement E. If you have Regen V from outside this isn’t an issue, but if you couldn’t do that you may encounter some problems with Ghatjot’s poison. Try to stick with someone who can heal you if necessary until you reach the next target: Botulus. Find him and pull him to a safe hallway, then kill. You want to deal a majority (51%+) of your damage from behind the Botulus to get the Metal E chest. Magic weaponskills work well here to avoid pulling hate, DNC can be a bit lax on damage output to avoid hate issues if the rest of your team is pulling their weight. Can use Shield Bash and Violent Flourish to stun TP moves, especially Slimy Proposal. You can also have the BRD stun every TP move with Flat Blade.
From Botulus, run to the unlettered Gadget in the Western hall of the Flan room. Select “To the deepest dark!” for Hard Mode and get ready to engage. Kill Aminon and head back out, run back down the hall to Dhartok (Gadget E) and kill.
From Gadget E, find the Bitzer (if you haven’t already) and go back up to A. From here you’re splitting into two subgroups: group 1 goes to kill 5 elementals at B (COR and GEO), group 2 goes to kill 3 Corse at C (DNC BRD PLD RDM). COR kills elementals with Leaden -> Wasp/Viper -> Leaden and Indi-Regen is enough to keep them going. DNC kills Corse with Ruthless -> Ruthless (Fire V) -> Ruthless. Alternative split strategy: DNC BRD PLD, COR GEO RDM; Ruthless -> Ruthless -> Savage -> Ruthless w/ Flash, Lullaby, or Threnody burst for objective credit. Group 1 can do a /hurray emote on Bitzer B to spawn a bonus chest before going for their elementals. Group 2 can pull the Corse over to Device C for a bonus chest as well but whether this is worth the extra time is up to how comfortable your group is with the run. You can also materialize at Device C after killing the Corse and then touch Bitzer C (which you have to do later anyway) for a bonus chest.
After both objectives are complete, group 2 should put up Chocobo Jig II then go and meet group 1 at the elemental room/Device B to receive Bolter’s. From there, run North to Leshonn (Gadget B). Engage and kill.
From Gadget B, run South to Skomora (Gadget C), engage and kill. After this you will have an unremovable Curse. Bolter’s Roll + Chocobo Jig II to counter this, with Crooked Cards on the Bolter’s if you have to (you shouldn’t need it with 18% movement gear and Jig).
From Gadget C, run West past the first large room full of fomors into the 4 smaller rooms separated by hallways; find a room or hall with 2 or 3 fomors and pull 3 together. Kill all 3 after performing a 4 step skillchain. For DNC, do Wasp/Viper -> Gust -> Wasp/Viper -> Ruthless -> Ruthless. For PLD, COR, BRD, and/or RDM you can do Burning/Red Lotus -> Shining/Seraph -> Burning/Red Lotus -> Shining/Seraph -> Savage with any combination of those four jobs. I recommend having indi or geo wilt in case someone pulls hate as these things can kill squishier team mates very quickly.
From the fomor, head further West to Degei (Gadget D). Engage and kill.
From Gadget D, head North to the starting Device and teleport to C. Go downstairs to G via Bitzer C, make sure everyone is topped up on HP, and run to Triboulex (Gadget G). Engage and kill.
From Gadget G, find the Bitzer if you haven’t already, stare for 30 seconds to pop the bonus chest, and go back upstairs.
From Bitzer C, run up the ramp and take Gadget C over to Gadget D. This is a good time to get that rematerialize bonus chest at Bitzer C if you didn’t earlier, and you can also grab the final upstairs bonus chest of the run by dropping your Obsidian Wing at Device D. Use Bitzer D to go to Basement H and run to Aita (Gadget H). You can also send someone to check the side rooms for the Bitzer which guarantees a 1 minute time loss but could save 3+ minutes depending on Bitzer placement. Engage and kill.
From Gadget H, find the Bitzer and return upstairs. Take Device D over to Device B, and take Bitzer B down to Basement F. If you find the Bitzer on the way to Gartell (Gadget F), touch it while wearing a full set of Empyrean armor (lockstyle works, doesn’t have to be +2/+3) for a bonus chest. Engage and kill the boss.
You’re probably out of time now, but if you aren’t you can go upstairs and kill Porxie/Leech for some extra free Gallimaufry and red bonus chests, or if you are a groupie of the God Tier patreon level you can have someone exit at Bitzer F and reenter Basement F from Bitzer B which will spawn a set of Naakuals. Killing each one gives just under 100 gallimaufry each and killing all 6 gives a red bonus chest containing 1500 gallimaufry.
Boss Strategies
Ghatjot: Tank and spank. Dia III and away. Avoid making any water based skillchains; DNC using Ruthless Stroke instead of Rudra’s Storm avoids Distortion. Everyone else can use Savage Blade/Black Halo.
Leshonn: Tank and spank, or if your group isn’t strong enough, you can theoretically grav kite it just like Gartell by casting Spontanaeity Grav II -> Grav II. In any case, pop Dia III. Losing songs here really sucks and is generally a run ruiner. It also makes him hit really *** hard when he sucks off your buffs. You want to avoid wind or thunder skillchains. DNC should stick to Rudra’s Storm, everyone else is safe to use Savage Blade/Black Halo/Imperator/Mordant Rime.
Skomora: Tank and spank. Dia III. Avoid darkness based skillchains. DNC uses Ruthless Stroke, everyone else is safe to use Savage Blade/Black Halo/Imperator/Mordant Rime. Don’t let two Imperator go off in a row somehow though or you’ll make compression. If that’s happening you have bigger problems though.
Degei: Tank and spank with a caveat. Dia III. If you’re having trouble with the knockback, pull him to a corner before fighting. His element changes depending on whatever TP move he uses. This changes which WSs you should be using as well as adds a proc element: if you can’t kill him fast enough, anyone who can cast a T1 spell (aka ⅚ of your party) should cast the ascendant element of the element that he is in; for example on Eroding Flesh, cast Aero. Do this a couple seconds after the TP move or it doesn’t work. Failing this will cause him to build tremendous damage resistance very quickly, so either kill fast or respect the mechanics. For Astral elements, Rudra’s Storm/Savage Blade/Black Halo. For Umbral, Ruthless Stroke/Savage Blade/Black Halo.
Dhartok: Mostly the same as Ghatjot. Distract III, Dia III, murder. You’ll be able to remove the poison this time. Shouldn’t live long enough to spawn any poison clouds. Ruthless Stroke/Savage Blade/Black Halo.
Gartell: This one is a kite fight. It happens after Aita so you will still be superbuffed from that fight w/ SV songs. PLD runs in and does hate stuff while the RDM Chainspells Grav II and Dia III. Getting him close to the center of the room before GEO bubbles go down can make kiting easier. Then the PLD runs it in circles to keep it in the Geo-Frailty bubble and you can go in and beat the ***out of it as normal. Rudra’s Storm/Savage Blade/Black Halo/Imperator/Mordant Rime.
Triboulex: Frazzle III -> Distract III, Dia III. Very similar to Skomora except now with more annoying status ailments. You can sort of avoid some if the PLD stands at max melee range on one side and the rest of the party stands at max melee on the other, but knockbacks can make this really agitating. Ruthless Stroke/Savage Blade/Black Halo/Imperator/Mordant Rime.
Aita: The other kite fight. Everyone stand way back as the PLD runs in to bait the first TP move, you want to be well out of range in case it's Eroding Flesh to avoid being Slowed. Doesn't matter as much if the RDM gets hit, can Panacea and rehaste yourself. Stymie Gravity II, Dia III and have someone proc whatever element he started in (PLD could do this if they have time). Getting him close to the center of the room before GEO bubbles go down can make kiting easier. Bolster for this fight for a stronger Indi-Grav as he runs faster than Gartell does, and even with Bolster he will end up faster. Keeping him in the bubble is more annoying as a result of this, even w/ Widened Compass. Do ur best. Stay against the walls and basically run corner to corner to ensure you stay far enough that he won’t try to fire off any TP moves. This keeps him elementally locked and also prevents shitty status effects like Slow. Beat his *** as fast as possible to avoid potential shenanigans and ensure that you’re managing enmity with Jumps/Dirge as needed because it is a catastrophe if he turns from the PLD and spawns fetters on your ***.
Aminon: The big kahuna. He's actually pretty simple. He starts the fight with Incessant Void which 9.9/10 times your PLD will get hit by, so don't buff until after that. An 11 on Tactician's Roll is one of if not the most important buff in this entire run for saving time, get it if you can. Pull him to the corner near the door and choose one of two layouts: 1) the PLD can wear knockback prevention gear and stand away from the wall, letting everyone else stand with their backs to the wall (besides DNC) and not have to worry about being kicked out of WS range. The other, worse imo way is having the PLD in the corner and everyone else without a wall behind them, forcing constant repositioning for the whole party. In the rare event that the PLD still gets knocked back, dont panic. Let them run it back into the corner and turn back around. Otherwise it's a game of keeping his TP as close to 0 as possible with Absorb-TP and shitting on him with TP that you get from Tactician's Roll and Absorb. The DNC also gets TP from Reverse Flourish every 30 seconds. DNC also wants to keep Box and Stutter Step as high as possible w/ Quickstep tossed in if needed. Keep Dark Threnody II, Frazzle III, Slow II, Paralyze II, and Dia III on the entire fight. If your PLD is struggling with keeping people alive, you can immunobreak Slow and have the BRD apply Elegy, then immunobreak their own Slow II. This will reduce your TP generation via Absorb-TP however it will also make the fight much easier to keep up with healing-wise. Everyone can use Last Resort for another attack boost and should be using their strongest weaponskills; DNC alternates between Rudra's Storm and Ruthless Stroke, RDM can do Black Halo or Imperator, GEO Judgment, COR Savage Blade, BRD Mordant Rime, PLD Chant du Cygne or Atonement. For keeping up steps, DNC needs to be engaged, but you don't want to ever actually melee Aminon and you want to stay in range for WS: to solve this, either idle in a knockback resistance set at max WS range and apply steps from there, or reposition to max WS range every time you're knocked back. Keep up with the absorbs, debuffs, and WS and he should go down before Soul Voice songs wear; if you lose SV songs you're going to have some serious problems that I don't actually know how to solve.
On Random Deal and Wild Card: your DNC controls these. Call for RD after the Climactic/Reverse Flourish post-nitro songs. Call for WC after using the final Climactic Floursish in your Grand Pas/Trance rotation. In the case of Wild Card resetting itself, use it again only if Aminon is still above 30%. Sub-25% gets risky with feeding him extra TP from more weaponskills. You could use the second Wild Card to reset the GEO's Entrust later on for H and F boss.
RDM should use a big Impact TP generation set (Occult Acumen/Store TP) and should have remarkable Aspir gear to keep up with MP.
Amendments will be made as necessary in collaboration with Positron and anyone else who wants to put in some information that I've missed. I don't play all of these jobs in Sortie so my knowledge on them only goes as far as the obvious. Minmax optimizations are lost on me for PLD, BRD, GEO, etc. Worth noting that it's probably possible to do this with DRK as the main DD w/ an Impact TP generator set and Origin to refill MP, maybe NIN with Ambuscade Katana, but I have 0 experience with any setup that doesn't use DNC so I'm not going to write about them. If you want to know about a normal 8NM run using SAM or WAR and DRK though I got you. Positron and Velner both have full runs posted on their Youtube channels if you're a visual learner. Almost everything I know about the 9NM melee setup comes from learning from their trials.
I'm also not going to write a guide on how to cheat. If you need speed hacks and anchor to do this that's your business but I'm not going to accommodate you, figure it out yourself.
By LazyDude 2024-04-08 19:56:21
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »does anyone happen to know the exact evasion of what gartell is (F Boss) i can't seem to find it. i've been trying to have us shoot for 1700 accuracy but dont know if thats overkill or not
Sorry, I quoted the wrong one... you asked for literally some of the easiest information to find. But you "searched everywhere"
First off said i couldn't find it not i "searched everywhere" learn to quote better. my bad i couldn't see the part on the page for the evasion you don't gotta be a *** about it. so how about you learn to be a better person and not a giant asshat.
By Godfry 2024-04-08 20:07:26
First off said i couldn't find it not i "searched everywhere" learn to quote better. my bad i couldn't see the part on the page for the evasion you don't gotta be a *** about it. so how about you learn to be a better person and not a giant asshat.
Calm down, child.
By Ranoutofspace 2024-04-08 21:23:06
A bit ironic coming from the guy that had a meltdown about someone in 'your' group playing with other people (in completely different content, no less).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 539
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-04-08 21:56:07
Spill the tea gurl
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 114
By Bahamut.Boposhopo 2024-04-08 22:18:15
I often see ppl recommend CDC or Atonement for PLD. Atonement I see no reason for, hate is never really an issue, but I'm curious about CDC. Are ppl seeing decent numbers from it? Or are ppl just using CDC for lack of a better ws? I've just been using an Excal and get 20-30k KoR out of it depending on Chaos Roll/bolster/etc.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1868
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2024-04-08 22:20:59
Bahamut.Boposhopo said: »I often see ppl recommend CDC or Atonement for PLD. Atonement I see no reason for, hate is never really an issue, but I'm curious about CDC. Are ppl seeing decent numbers from it? Or are ppl just using CDC for lack of a better ws? I've just been using an Excal and get 20-30k KoR out of it depending on Chaos Roll/bolster/etc.
Best I’ve seen is excal and kotr. Honestly, if I played pld, I’d consider throwing a mil at caliburnus just for aminon
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2024-04-08 22:22:46
Bahamut.Boposhopo said: »I often see ppl recommend CDC or Atonement for PLD. Atonement I see no reason for, hate is never really an issue, but I'm curious about CDC. Are ppl seeing decent numbers from it? Or are ppl just using CDC for lack of a better ws? I've just been using an Excal and get 20-30k KoR out of it depending on Chaos Roll/bolster/etc.
It isn't for damage, it's for helping to keep the WS wall rotated. You ideally want to be wearing Malignance Sword for Aminon so those are your "best" choices.
Also Atonement is extremely useful on other NMs where holding hate is tenuous.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 114
By Bahamut.Boposhopo 2024-04-08 22:23:48
Valefor.Prothescar said: »It isn't for damage, it's for helping to keep the WS wall rotated.
Figured, was just wondering if ppl were using it for the dmg numbers or just to break up the wall and CDC just happens to be the best they have. Thnx
Valefor.Prothescar said: »Also Atonement is extremely useful on other NMs where holding hate is tenuous.
Agreed, I should have said in my post specifically for Aminon, pretty much anything else gets the Atonement treatment from me.
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »Best I’ve seen is excal and kotr. Honestly, if I played pld, I’d consider throwing a mil at caliburnus just for aminon
Well I had 0 intention of making the sword before, now I'm wondering how much of a difference it would make...
By Ninjaxtasy 2024-04-09 12:15:09
what 4 step WS do you use as SAM against Dhartok?
Are there any other jobs that can obliterate Dhartok like this?
SAM should be able to do similar, if not better. Kasha and Shoha have big attack bonuses, so they should do pretty competitive damage and Fudo is just strong even without attack bonus.
MNK could probably pull this off too. Just not sure how reliable you could 4 step without Sam roll.
By Taint 2024-04-09 12:52:55
what 4 step WS do you use as SAM against Dhartok?
Are there any other jobs that can obliterate Dhartok like this?
SAM should be able to do similar, if not better. Kasha and Shoha have big attack bonuses, so they should do pretty competitive damage and Fudo is just strong even without attack bonus.
MNK could probably pull this off too. Just not sure how reliable you could 4 step without Sam roll.
Fudo > Kasha > Shoha > Fudo. He goes down decently fast as a solo DD using this 4 step.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4535
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-04-09 14:22:09
That 4 step should be engraved in any sams muscle memory at this point.