Sortie Release - Info

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Sortie Release - Info
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Posts: 184
By buttplug 2024-02-05 02:47:53
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Only have SCH for Sortie
For ABC >>> GEF pick up groups
Have had runs were we lost the BLM @ 5/6
Group still was able to clear GEF @ 5/6


1st GEO > Bolster
Geo-Malaise + Indi-Acumen
Entrust-Refresh > SCH

2nd GEO > Blaze of Glory + Ecliptic Attrition
Geo-INT + Indi-Haste
Entrust-Refresh > SCH
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Bursto
Posts: 14
By Asura.Gashnir 2024-02-11 17:19:44
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Is there a reason monk or another heavily subtle blow configured dd is not used for hard mode aminon and allowed to engage with the rest of the setup staying the same? At least on paper it seems like minimal tp feed and higher dps than only doing ws from tact, reverse flourish, absorb tp and impact, but maybe I'm missing something.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2967
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-02-11 17:35:28
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There's a big difference between "subtle blow dd" and "only TP given is from WS"

With our setup we have DRK as the DD which is not only not meleeing, but they're also using Absorb-TP with the benefit of the JSE. Taking that away and replacing it with a DD who is meleeing full-time, even with 75% subtle blow, seems like a rather large risk.

I think since there's a lockout and a single WS getting off means you're very likely to wipe means very few people are willing to experiment with riskier strategies. If you wanna try it out and report back if it works, I'm sure people would love a faster/more engaging strategy.

MNK should be able to take the spot of the DRK or DNC either way, with Boost/Ask Sash, they could have some pretty solid damage and the SB would be nice.
Posts: 3649
By Taint 2024-02-11 19:40:54
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Monks not dropping 90k Climatic bombs though.
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2024-02-12 02:44:29
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This could be the first time, when Boost mechanic would actually be very useful. I would like to remind, that it's not only Ask Sash advantage with Regain, but also MNK does a single super punch at the end of boost duration that makes significant damage and gives significant TP gain. That super hit can proc empy AM3 too for very significant damage. That being said idk if that hit would be worth more than doing WS before that hit and doing higher WS damage. Boost being on 60 sec timer is kinda meh though. With 30 sec it could probably be competitive, but at 60 sec it's gonna be sub optimal for sure, if you only gonna use Boost/WS.

Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
There's a big difference between "subtle blow dd" and "only TP given is from WS"

Afaik MNK feeds like 13TP per hit with Penance effect and 75%SB. So it's not really enough imo to flop this tactic. You could build some TP set that maximizes TP and damage per hit, instead of multi attack. Just rely on boost/tactician when Penance if down.

Overall I dont think it would beat DNC, but it should be doable.
By K123 2024-02-12 05:11:32
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If Shijin Plague lands, does it not counter 13TP a hit? How much does it reduce every tick?
By K123 2024-02-12 05:12:37
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buttplug said: »
Only have SCH for Sortie
For ABC >>> GEF pick up groups
Have had runs were we lost the BLM @ 5/6
Group still was able to clear GEF @ 5/6


1st GEO > Bolster
Geo-Malaise + Indi-Acumen
Entrust-Refresh > SCH

2nd GEO > Blaze of Glory + Ecliptic Attrition
Geo-INT + Indi-Haste
Entrust-Refresh > SCH
I've thought about this before, how it's not the only setup that could work fine. I have run with RUN GEO COR SCH RDM BLM before which was fine and I think RUN GEO COR SCH SCH SCH could work really well too.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [31 days between previous and next post]
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2024-03-14 16:03:04
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So we ran into a strange issue today, the game refused to let us enter G Boss Chamber,
after a few minutes wondering we left and did F Boss, then it refused to let us enter E Boss Chamber.
We had 0 aggro of any sort.
Posts: 187
By Manque 2024-03-14 17:37:06
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This happened to me yesterday but if we continued to click on the device to try and enter over and over again it eventually gave us the menu. It took me 4-5 tries.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2024-03-15 00:25:06
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Manque said: »
This happened to me yesterday but if we continued to click on the device to try and enter over and over again it eventually gave us the menu. It took me 4-5 tries.
We were all standing on it trying for a good 2-3 minutes even going back in the zone to check for any aggros.
Posts: 89
By wick 2024-03-15 06:37:44
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Has anyone confirmed def down from ageha and armour break actually sticking? Particularly Aita. I’ve been using Rayke but it’s hectic to know :/ I can test but thought could check here first.
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2024-03-15 07:45:32
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It works on A and E, B and F if wind hands but not thunder, have never landed it on C G, D H if he's in wind or earth mode haven't seen it land in any other element. That said I never have Rayke in melee setup, so with that you might get it to land on other elements more easily

Typically unless Aita leads with wind or earth I don't bother, he dies faster if he does but he still dies b3fore Yaeg wears without
Posts: 6
By TallyHo 2024-03-21 06:03:09
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For the melee 9 boss method what is the split for objectives on the top floor?
Guessing the RDM solo Acuex and the COR solo Elementals, but is everyone else together the knock off the other two or are they split somehow?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 539
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-03-21 06:35:26
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We have GEO + DNC run to C and kill ghosts (from B teleporter). We initially had them on Corse but charm became annoying and added more time.

PLD + BRD team up and do the skillchains on Fomor in the square hallways to pick single ones off rather than larger partys.

RDM solos both acuex objectives by the ones right of spawn, near D boss, as they have plenty of time.

COR solos elementals Leaden>Wasp>Leaden then meets the GEO + DNC @B teleporter to bolter them. Everyone should finish relatively fast and be at D at a similar time.
By K123 2024-03-21 12:48:11
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Isn't it Leaden>Viper>Leaden? Or Wasp works the same?
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2024-03-21 12:53:14
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They're both Scission (easily available information)
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2024-03-21 13:00:08
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K123 said: »
Isn't it Leaden>Viper>Leaden? Or Wasp works the same?

It can be anything with Scission. Best for damage is Aeolian Edge (also best not to miss, since is magic), but AE could be problematic in that scenario, because of other elementals in range of AoE.
Posts: 13
By Afrohatch 2024-03-21 14:25:03
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K123 said: »
Isn't it Leaden>Viper>Leaden? Or Wasp works the same?

COR/DRK doesn't get Viper Bite
Posts: 3649
By Taint 2024-03-21 14:41:18
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Fast blade works great. Leaden > Fast > Leaden
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2024-03-21 15:10:58
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Tend to prefer Dagger just because it's faster (lanun or rostam slap)
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Velner
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2024-03-21 15:11:20
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TallyHo said: »
For the melee 9 boss method what is the split for objectives on the top floor?
Guessing the RDM solo Acuex and the COR solo Elementals, but is everyone else together the knock off the other two or are they split somehow?

My favorite path goes
Everybody to A at the start > A Shard > Ghatjot
To E > Botchi > Aminon > Dhartok
PLD, BRD, DNC to C and get the C Shard on corses; ignore Metal
COR, RDM, GEO to B to get B Shard
Reconvene at B > Leshonn > Skomora
Everybody together to D and pull 3 Fomors in the halls
PLD&COR proc one, DNC procs one, and RDM&BRD proc one
Degei > Trib > Aita > Gartell > 80k Galli

TL;DR: Our group only splits for B and C. We always do A and D as a group.
Posts: 6
By TallyHo 2024-03-21 16:18:14
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Thanks, those splits make sense. Guessing with a DNC you can ignore the metals as Choco Jig II makes up the difference with a bolters?

For Aita and Gartell are you face tanking it or kiting? We've only done them with the WAR + DRK 8 boss method so always had Soul Enslavement and Asylum to make them really tame fights.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Positron
Posts: 181
By Fenrir.Positron 2024-03-21 16:24:42
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Fenrir.Velner said: »
TallyHo said: »
For the melee 9 boss method what is the split for objectives on the top floor?
Guessing the RDM solo Acuex and the COR solo Elementals, but is everyone else together the knock off the other two or are they split somehow?

My favorite path goes
Everybody to A at the start > A Shard > Ghatjot
To E > Botchi > Aminon > Dhartok
PLD, BRD, DNC to C and get the C Shard on corses; ignore Metal
COR, RDM, GEO to B to get B Shard
Reconvene at B > Leshonn > Skomora
Everybody together to D and pull 3 Fomors in the halls
PLD&COR proc one, DNC procs one, and RDM&BRD proc one
Degei > Trib > Aita > Gartell > 80k Galli

TL;DR: Our group only splits for B and C. We always do A and D as a group.

It's not my favorite method we've ever used but it's very effective and works even if someone doesn't have any pops saved up at the start of the run. Some more context on the method:
- Staying together at the start helps songs and rolls get on everyone. DNC does not need any buffs to self-SC, and RDM+GEO can effectively nuke down the Acuexes while all the buffs are happening.
- The routing works particularly well for song timing. Re-singing during Dhartok eliminates the need to hold before doing the split, and those songs last all the way until Skomora. The only complexity is singing without NiTro at Triboulex to do Soul Voice songs that will hold through both Aita and Gartell.
- Leshonn at the start of the BCD sweep is probably not ideal, as the chance of losing a song that won't be reapplied until Aita is high. We can probably route it better.
- I basically never use Saber Dance. The ability to spot Healing Waltzes is way too valuable, and I generally end each boss fight with a Contradanced one to get a bunch of debuffs off and save the PLD's Stratagems. Remember that unlike Panacea, Healing Waltz works while being knocked back (and as a bonus, it doesn't cost 20k). I can also cast Curing Waltz on people as we head to C or G without having to stop to cast, saving valuable time.
- We use Chocobo Jig both to counteract the Haunt effect and reach max movement speed, and to bridge to Bolter's Roll when it's on cooldown or the party is split. Generally C is just barely enough faster than B to get the Shard that with Jig we can make it back to the group at B just as they're finishing up and grab Bolter's there.
- This is more of a general DNC thing, but remember that Presto and Building Flourish both have a longer duration than cooldown. This is a Big Deal when engaging bosses that most other DD jobs have no obvious analog to. Proper management of TP, FMs, and ability cooldowns allows DNC to apply level 10 Box Step (DEF-23%), Haste Daze, and use 3x ~99999 WSes within the first ~6 seconds of each fight.
- The COR getting an 11 roll while heading toward Aminon is critically important. The difference between being able to fish for an 11 on Tactician's/Miser's and being stuck with 9s is a solid 3-4 minutes of kill speed, and by far the biggest variable in the run's success.
- It's generally worth having someone run ahead in H to check the Naakual square for the Bitzer. It wastes about a minute but is insurance against a 3.5-minute loss.
- When exiting G and H it's really important that everyone is together. Someone getting aggro and then leaving the sector before the rest of the party can lead to unrecoverable scenarios. The BRD and/or RDM should generally try to be the last ones out of the basement.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Velner
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2024-03-21 16:26:40
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TallyHo said: »
Thanks, those splits make sense. Guessing with a DNC you can ignore the metals as Choco Jig II makes up the difference with a bolters?

For Aita and Gartell are you face tanking it or kiting? We've only done them with the WAR + DRK 8 boss method so always had Soul Enslavement and Asylum to make them really tame fights.

Kiting all the way. Bolster Indi-Gravity + Stymie&Sabo Gravity II on Aita and Blaze of Glory Geo-Gravity + Chainspell Gravity II on Gartell
Posts: 3649
By Taint 2024-03-21 16:36:54
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Which WSs does the DNC use on each boss? This is great info, thank you!
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Positron
Posts: 181
By Fenrir.Positron 2024-03-21 16:37:22
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Fenrir.Velner said: »
TallyHo said: »
Thanks, those splits make sense. Guessing with a DNC you can ignore the metals as Choco Jig II makes up the difference with a bolters?

For Aita and Gartell are you face tanking it or kiting? We've only done them with the WAR + DRK 8 boss method so always had Soul Enslavement and Asylum to make them really tame fights.

Kiting all the way. Bolster Indi-Gravity + Stymie&Sabo Gravity II on Aita and Blaze of Glory Geo-Gravity + Chainspell Gravity II on Gartell

Yeah I miss face tanking them back when we did non-Aminon runs. It was a lot more fun than kiting, but kiting is a compromise that lets us do all the other bosses with the same comp.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Positron
Posts: 181
By Fenrir.Positron 2024-03-21 16:40:58
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Taint said: »
Which WSs does the DNC use on each boss? This is great info, thank you!

A C E G: Ruthless Stroke
B F: Rudra's Storm
D H: Whichever one makes the skillchain that won't heal, based on the last move used.
Aminon: Switch back and forth between them on every WS to avoid wall (make sure to wait for someone else to WS before you cycle back around, when using JA/SP to WS in rapid succession).

Acuex: Pyrrhic Kleos -> Evisceration = Darkness (burst Blizzard)
Corse: Ruthless Stroke -> Ruthless Stroke = Fusion (burst Light)
Fomor: Wasp Sting -> Gust Slash -> Wasp Sting -> Ruthless Stroke = 4-step Liquefaction. Ruthless Stroke #5 for Fusion to kill.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Tomasello
Posts: 313
By Quetzalcoatl.Tomasello 2024-03-31 09:22:22
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Dodik said: »
It used to be any WS, now it's consecutive same WS regardless of person doing it, not any WS.

SimonSes said: »
It was also a 10 sec window and penalty was -90%, while now there is no window and penalty has tiers, which replicates previous implementation (Dynamis D).

I'm looking for some clarity on how the Aminon wall works.

So do I essentially have to rotate weapon skills (example Origin and Cross Reaper) the whole fight regardless of time elapsed between them? Does other jobs weapon skilling in between not matter? It almost felt like to me the damage penalty if you are walled is now 50% and I felt like people were hitting it often.

These are all "feelings" with no evidence so that's why I'm looking for a definitive explanation. I couldn't find one.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1831
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2024-03-31 12:50:44
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Quetzalcoatl.Tomasello said: »
Dodik said: »
It used to be any WS, now it's consecutive same WS regardless of person doing it, not any WS.

SimonSes said: »
It was also a 10 sec window and penalty was -90%, while now there is no window and penalty has tiers, which replicates previous implementation (Dynamis D).

I'm looking for some clarity on how the Aminon wall works.

So do I essentially have to rotate weapon skills (example Origin and Cross Repear) the whole fight regardless of time elapsed between them? Does other jobs weapon skilling in between not matter? It almost felt like to me the damage penalty if you are walled is now 50% and I felt like people were hitting it often.

These are all "feelings" with no evidence so that's why I'm looking for a definitive explanation. I couldn't find one.

Dodik and Simon's info on how it was released is completely accurate. Now it works a lot more like the WS wall in Dyna-D on the wave3 boss and is much more manageable with 3+ players WS'ing. You on DRK will WS more frequently than the other members of your PT on Aminon due to true potency Absorb-TP and (hopefully for you) an Occult Acumen set for Impacts, so you may wish to alternate WSs between 2 strong options (I know our DNC alternates between 2), but it also may not be necessary at all times.

Its worth experimenting with on your party to see what works best for your group and its WS pace. Most setups I hear discussed try and ensure everyone has "their own" WS- we use PLD on KotR, COR on Savage, RDM on Black Halo, GEO on Judgment, and BRD on Mordant Rime. What works best for your group could vary, so play around a bit^^
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