Sortie Release - Info
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2024-01-09 07:12:54
The master levels don't directly give them more dark magic skill, but raising the level of their subjob via MLs increases the amount of dark magic skill they're getting from that.
Also, it's extremely likely that INT increases macc of Absorbs. It was tested that INT increases the macc of Bio, and the macc-increasing stat has always been consistent within magic categories in all of our other tests.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1844
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-01-09 07:37:46
If your sub job is 49, then you have the dark magic skill of a level 49 Dark Knight. At ML 30, your sub job is 55 and you have the dark magic skill of a level 55 Dark Knight.
Does a Dark Knight gain no dark magic skill between level 49 and 55?
It gains 28 dark magic skill. If that was a piece of gear, you'd immediately suggest getting it.
Log into the game. Check it yourself.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10273
By Asura.Sechs 2024-01-09 08:16:43
Yeah I misread your initial post Iocus! It makes perfect sense.
Granted that that's not the main cause generating a 50/50 result Toralin was claiming, in my humble experience.
By Taint 2024-01-16 08:21:27
I took a few weeks off from doing Sortie (which I highly recommend to anyone with limited playing time)
Anyways we went back last night and my first thought was why don't they have weekly ROEs for +1 cases, maybe 1 for upstairs and 1 for each basement boss?
Why don't they add teleport boxes to ABCD boss rooms? These small changes would make a huge difference in the content.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4537
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-01-16 09:29:22
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 767
By Asura.Lunafreya 2024-01-16 16:36:42
Trying to figure out optimal galli farming setup/path for myself and a returnee friend, need to get him some reforged empy to catch him up before trying full group sortie.
3 song honor brd (2box-ed by me)
Friend: PLD (excal, sriv, pretty well geared) or COR (rostam, most Malig, naegling, un-augmented Nyame)
Myself: various rema/ML25~ jobs - BLU drk drg dnc nin notably.
Mini NMs + A boss + additional objective nets us around 8-10k but trying to work out a route and setup where we can do A + E efficiently.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 539
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-01-16 18:40:50
Is the 2box BRD also able to melee/savage spam?
You BLU, Him COR
Buff at #00 w/ haste songs, split up. Blu solo's A objective / Obdella + Cor solo's B objective / Porxie (if it's nearby)
Go to A boss, rest for blue chest, kill it w/ zerg being careful not to distortion.
This should take maybe 10 mins? At worst 15
From there you have plenty of options;
Find the porxie (if not dead) > Go to C, kill Bhoot, 2 step light + Dia burst skeletons.
If you're confident you can 3 man C boss presuming the BRD also contributes DPS. Shouldn't be that bad to clear it in 3mins with diffusion Nat.med, Tourbillion, Dia3, Cor rolls + Bard songs
Hunt down Deliterious + 3 fomor
Go down to E, clear 15 flans, kill Botulus with COR leadening from behind and you holding it... go to E boss, Soul voice and multi step Light or Scission him. Use antidotes and long range healer trusts / white wind. This may be hard and will be a gear check
Expiacion> Detonator/Last Stand (Fusion)> Savage(Light) is probably a good option but you can certainly work out something that suits your needs.
If E boss is too much of a challenge you can simply run down into F, G, and H for bitzers + boxes for chances at starstones/+1's
Otherwise you can cleave A mobs on BLU + Aeolians from the other 2 for supplementary galli.
With a lowman like yours I don't see much else possible, maybe E's Nakuuals?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 767
By Asura.Lunafreya 2024-01-16 18:46:05
The 2box BRD isn't quite up to melee/savage readiness but working on it. Thanks for the input on the overall approach though, may give at least some of that a go and see how it plays out.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 539
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-01-16 18:49:01
You don't need to split up at the beginning but I recommend it because typically each job doesnt need help and the other teammate would mostly be watching. A solo for blu is easy, round up a bunch of acuex, cleave a couple of times to get them sub 10% then single target. /rdm isnt bad here but if you'd rather a melee sub like drg you can use single target blue magic.
Cor solo's fire elementals easily with leaden> viper> leaden and can usually get the blue chest by themselves presuming they have a Decent leaden set and haste cap (from the songs). You're not doing B boss certainly but its a free blue chest while the BLU is working on A's objective anyway and prep's the porxie
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1844
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-01-16 20:35:22
Just doing the full clear of getting the pops and metals for A+E is 15k. I usually do it solo with 20 minutes left for other objectives. With 2 people you can squeeze in a lot more.
Are they heavily in need of sapphires and star stones? If sapphirez then do the gold chest up top, the red chests that spawn it, and the double blue chests in D if you can. Star stones just run the 3 basement chests if they have unlocks, E is worth it if you get the tele in the flans for the double chest. If the gate has already closed and you didn't do the flans at the beginning, you can clear the 10 in the room and then respawn them for the other 3.
If you can get through most of that consistently and don't need stones then do E boss, botulus, and flans if double blue together. Peek into D to see if the mini boss is on wide scan and kill it if convenient. Split up, build A on BLU while COR does the blue and red chest in B. Come together for A boss. Finish red in A if not already found. Teleport to B and have one of you open the door that leads to the north ghosts by the air and lightning elementals while the other one waits to teleport into C as they open that door to look for the Bhoot. Kill the Bhoot together, then build C pop and kill C Boss. Finish up with D red chest and blue chests. Run through F,G,H for extra chest if time permits. Kill the G mini boss for galli if it's quick for you while you're runnijg through.
There is a collection of videos earlier in this post that shows different solo clears for the E boss if you want some extra info.
Spoiler with the videos in the middle of the page.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 767
By Asura.Lunafreya 2024-01-17 05:44:03
That’s some good info, thanks. One of the solo videos on that page is SCH which actually made me think of an idea - could do PLD SCH GEO (the 2box brd is master geo, no idris but still…). I didn’t even think to go a magic route, I typically do mage setup with my SCH.
I’m thinking that we can do A + E easily enough with that setup, just botulus might be a bit tricky.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1844
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-01-17 06:19:57
Lots of people run mage strats so I'm sure they can tell you what they do for Botulus.
Remember that PLD SCH GEO all get access to Shellcrusher and Shattersoul so you have defense and magic defense down on top of Geomancy. All the damage from E boss is magic so use your SCH mythic WS if you want to reduce incoming damage. Addle + Paralyze is decent too. In case of things going south, you can both gravity and bind to recover if you need it.
By K123 2024-01-17 07:35:45
Couldn't you just hold it on RUN and use Cataclysm to take it down on SCH or GEO?
By SimonSes 2024-01-17 07:52:55
On E boss and C boss, remember that sudden lunge is extremely OP against them. Especially on E boss it lets trusts take off poison from you before another tp move, so you may never notice poison cloud, which is the worst thing about this fight while lowman.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 82
By Asura.Oraine 2024-01-17 12:13:00
On E boss and C boss, remember that sudden lunge is extremely OP against them. Especially on E boss it lets trusts take off poison from you before another tp move, so you may never notice poison cloud, which is the worst thing about this fight while lowman. I’d love to go blu but no one ever wants them on asura for sortie. Always magic Strat
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 82
By Asura.Oraine 2024-01-17 12:13:51
Lots of people run mage strats so I'm sure they can tell you what they do for Botulus.
Remember that PLD SCH GEO all get access to Shellcrusher and Shattersoul so you have defense and magic defense down on top of Geomancy. All the damage from E boss is magic so use your SCH mythic WS if you want to reduce incoming damage. Addle + Paralyze is decent too. In case of things going south, you can both gravity and bind to recover if you need it. Malignance pole gives -20 dt also :)
By drakefs 2024-01-17 16:12:40
Trying to figure out optimal galli farming setup/path for myself and a returnee friend, need to get him some reforged empy to catch him up before trying full group sortie.
3 song honor brd (2box-ed by me)
Friend: PLD (excal, sriv, pretty well geared) or COR (rostam, most Malig, naegling, un-augmented Nyame)
Myself: various rema/ML25~ jobs - BLU drk drg dnc nin notably.
Mini NMs + A boss + additional objective nets us around 8-10k but trying to work out a route and setup where we can do A + E efficiently.
Depending on gear\DPS you could probably do A,C and E bosses as COR, BLU and BRD\WHM. For bosses: Diffused Haste 2, HM, 2x Minuet (HM, 2x minuet, 1 Madrigal for E boss, us CC and SV), Chaos and Sam. Your goal is to multistep lights (CDC > LS > SB > LS) and for C, the BRD can spam Dia as a safety if you take longer than 3 minutes to kill (you really have to spam dia constantly, so make a send macro on your BLU for it or automate it). For E Boss, keep it out of the clouds it spawns. It gains a stacking DEF, EVA and Regen buff while in the clouds, that will fall off if you keep it out of the clouds for long enough.
I would suggest finding others who also would like to start sortie and have jobs that fit into your setup. PLD is not a great job for sortie, while COR is basically required (Bolters Roll > than everything else).
Also, making the Empy Harp is probably the BRDs biggest upgrade and will help a lot on physical setups.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34
By Leviathan.Tsukki 2024-01-18 00:54:22
Anyone figure out the mechanics for breaking Fetid Ixion's horn? Tried multiple things but nothings actually worked yet. Supposedly requirement for popping the box.
By Taint 2024-01-18 08:20:00
Anyone figure out the mechanics for breaking Fetid Ixion's horn? Tried multiple things but nothings actually worked yet. Supposedly requirement for popping the box.
Get his HP low and then spam weak WSs seems to work.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2024-01-18 09:55:32
Sechs, I’m ML 50 with a Bis macc specifically for this fight with a linos and cape made just for absorbs, loughnashade stage 5 and carn ammurapi shield for threnody. Our average kill time is bit over 8 minutes with our fastest being just over 7 minutes with XI rolls and bolster reset. A slow kill is 10 mins when bad stuff happens but we are still able to do 8 boss plus HQ Aminon. Not trying to flex (maybe a bit) just speaking for BRD why should have no problems with resists even if threnody isn’t SV.
Trying to fill in on bard a bit, anyone care to share bard Absorb-TP set?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14
By Bahamut.Phinneus 2024-01-18 14:43:39
Quote: Trying to fill in on bard a bit, anyone care to share bard Absorb-TP set? ItemSet 394512
Linos has MACC, 3% Haste and INT
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2024-01-18 15:22:10
Quote: Trying to fill in on bard a bit, anyone care to share bard Absorb-TP set? ItemSet 394512
Linos has MACC, Fast Cast and INT ok I started out like this but then haste wasnt capped and thought that recast may not be floored
BRD cant even wear Erra Pendant, have Moonbow Whistle +1 atm
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2967
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-01-18 15:37:08
Got me thinking, since the spell casts so fast to begin with, this could be a good opportunity to wear quickcast gear and hope for procs. Could replace precast with your midcast set + quickcast pieces, and if it doesn't proc, midcast set is the proper gear.
Not sure how well this would work out, I've also never BRD/DRK for this I always do BRD/DNC, doing steps. I assume BRD/DRK is for setups with DNC main in them?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2024-01-18 15:47:40
yes DNC being the main in our strat
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14
By Bahamut.Phinneus 2024-01-18 16:50:31
BRD cant even wear Erra Pendant, have Moonbow Whistle +1 atm
Oops sorry.
Updated the set. You could get 3% haste on the linos instead of 6% fast cast and use Witful Belt or keep the fast cast on the linos and use any 6%+ belt. The options on belts that have 6%+ haste are all about the same, so whatever you already have for other jobs would be fine.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14
By Asura.Bakerboy 2024-01-18 23:06:01
Sechs, I’m ML 50 with a Bis macc specifically for this fight with a linos and cape made just for absorbs, loughnashade stage 5 and carn ammurapi shield for threnody. Our average kill time is bit over 8 minutes with our fastest being just over 7 minutes with XI rolls and bolster reset. A slow kill is 10 mins when bad stuff happens but we are still able to do 8 boss plus HQ Aminon. Not trying to flex (maybe a bit) just speaking for BRD why should have no problems with resists even if threnody isn’t SV.
Trying to fill in on bard a bit, anyone care to share bard Absorb-TP set?
Ammurapi Shield
Linos 20 MACC 6 FC 8 INT
Bunzi’s Hat
Moonbow Whistle + 1
Crepuscular Earring
Fili Earring +1 Cap
Zendik Robe
Inyanga Dastanas + 2
Weatherspoon Ring + 1
Metamorph Ring + 1
Intarabus’s Cape INT Macc FC
Acuity Belt +1
Volte Brais
Fili Cothurnes + 3
11 sec recast, have done 100 + HQ Aminon runs with no problems resisting
By Taint 2024-01-19 10:06:20
Bakerboy, whats your party set up? 7-8 min is very impressive! What was your time before having stage 5s?