Sortie Release - Info
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-10-15 04:04:11
-50% value
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Asura.Alseyn 2023-10-15 04:56:50
I encourage everyone (but Asura in particular) to spend their languishing imprimaturs on the Scouts' Coalition missions associated with desirable tinctures.
A little optimistic when Asura keeps losing bivouacs, lol.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1849
By Phoenix.Iocus 2023-10-15 08:10:45
The TP+ one is 750 TP without medicated status, which is still not going to help a real DD.
I got excited at the Phalanx+ one but it reads that it just gives a Phalanx effect instead of a Phalanx received effect. Boo
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2023-10-15 08:19:56
I got excited at the Phalanx+ one but it reads that it just gives a Phalanx effect instead of a Phalanx received effect. Boo Ergon tinctures give the "Ergon Might" buff. Which is a separate buff from regular Phalanx, so it's very likely that you can have regular Phalanx, up and the tincture at the same time. That said.. 1 minute duration, SoA areas only, and non-stackable item... Still of limited usefulness but you probably can get a stronger total phalanx effect from it.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1849
By Phoenix.Iocus 2023-10-15 11:32:44
Yeah this 1 minute to win it just isn't selling well.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4544
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2023-10-15 11:37:13
1 minute duration, SoA areas only, and non-stackable item... You forgot rare/ex, so its not like you can bring multiple of the same one.
By alamihgo 2023-10-15 17:16:51
There are already players doing missions on Asura because the "easy" loci are max rank. All I'm asking is that you ride to the Ergon Locus that's 60 seconds away rather than the one that takes 40 seconds. You never have to sully your body or inventory with these totally useless tinctures.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10276
By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-17 01:56:10
Anybody mind sharing their updated Aminon strategies?
Thanks in advance.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2979
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-10-17 08:27:30
Anybody mind sharing their updated Aminon strategies?
Thanks in advance.
Not speaking for everyone, maybe people made some updates, but my group is just following the already shared and popular strategies with little/no updates. The strats shared by Mischief, Velner, & Papesse work, no need to update them.
Possible (minor) adjustment: Our BRD/DNC is doing Boxstep & Quickstep, maintaining both at rank 5. COR/DRK using Absorb-TP with somewhat limited success (depending on potency of Dark Threnody II). Pretty much just following the script otherwise though. It works and doesn't need any updating, unless someone has another revolutionary strat to share.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2023-10-17 08:54:40
We use pld/sch , cor/drk, brd/drk, dnc/drg, geo/drk, rdm/drk. Dnc did about half the dmg using prime dagger ruthless / rudra alternating. Tact / miser roll (with real dnc box step + bog eclips frailty + dia 3 light shotted + fury we didn't need chaos roll). Brd uses mordant rime to not wall dancer. Rdm uses black halo held TP to around ~1700 use full store tp / occult gear for impact. Our geo doesn't have a cloak but they could impact occult also. Geo WS with judgment. Pld uses CDC, vorpal or knights of the round if you have relic r15. brd / dnc / cor can safely use regal gloves for extra tp generation from damage taken. There isn't much risk the aoe dmg is very slow coming in and its easy for pld to keep up heals. With proper macc sets absorb tp always lands if dark threnody and frazzle 3 is up (we use marine stewpot for anyone sub drk).
Make sure you have ionis it gives huge bonuses and the save tp from it stacks with miser roll.
If no one has dancer, you can use drk. Brd would sub dnc to get steps up. With drk tp feed was a lot higher onto aminon so you need to be a little more careful or add some subtle blow to drk ws sets. Impact occult is vital to getting high TP values for origin / cross reaper whatever you are using. You need to time absorb stats for when impact is down and maybe delay impact if the bonus stats are falling off soon.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1869
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2023-10-17 09:30:21
We use pld/sch , cor/drk, brd/drk, dnc/drg, geo/drk, rdm/drk. Dnc did about half the dmg using prime dagger ruthless / rudra alternating. Tact / miser roll (with real dnc box step + bog eclips frailty + dia 3 light shotted + fury we didn't need chaos roll). Brd uses mordant rime to not wall dancer. Rdm uses black halo held TP to around ~1700 use full store tp / occult gear for impact. Our geo doesn't have a cloak but they could impact occult also. Geo WS with judgment. Pld uses CDC, vorpal or knights of the round if you have relic r15. brd / dnc / cor can safely use regal gloves for extra tp generation from damage taken. There isn't much risk the aoe dmg is very slow coming in and its easy for pld to keep up heals. With proper macc sets absorb tp always lands if dark threnody and frazzle 3 is up (we use marine stewpot for anyone sub drk).
Make sure you have ionis it gives huge bonuses and the save tp from it stacks with miser roll.
If no one has dancer, you can use drk. Brd would sub dnc to get steps up. With drk tp feed was a lot higher onto aminon so you need to be a little more careful or add some subtle blow to drk ws sets. Impact occult is vital to getting high TP values for origin / cross reaper whatever you are using. You need to time absorb stats for when impact is down and maybe delay impact if the bonus stats are falling off soon.
This is more or less what we're doing with DRK. Brd is /dnc in that one like Ahlen says below. And we do Chaos instead of Misers. We've had a few instances where we've been sloppy with TP feed, but we've always been able to recover.
Our RDM does Ruthless Stroke and our GEO (me) does Black halo too. I also have an occult acumen set, but only ML36 so it's somewhat gimped.
We had an instance this week where all of a sudden cor/drk kept getting resists on absorb-tp, so I stopped using Impact for TP gain.
Brd does extended soul voice songs, sing without nitro and then reapply with nitro before soul voice wears off. We did 2 madrigals/minuet/aria/honor. When soul voice wears off we swapped the aria to a second minuet.
I don't see a ton of difference between bolster fury/frailty, and bog honestly, so there is possibly some changes we could make.
By SimonSes 2023-10-17 11:27:28
We use pld/sch , cor/drk, brd/drk, dnc/drg, geo/drk, rdm/drk. Dnc did about half the dmg using prime dagger ruthless / rudra alternating. Tact / miser roll (with real dnc box step + bog eclips frailty + dia 3 light shotted + fury we didn't need chaos roll). Brd uses mordant rime to not wall dancer. Rdm uses black halo held TP to around ~1700 use full store tp / occult gear for impact. Our geo doesn't have a cloak but they could impact occult also. Geo WS with judgment. Pld uses CDC, vorpal or knights of the round if you have relic r15. brd / dnc / cor can safely use regal gloves for extra tp generation from damage taken. There isn't much risk the aoe dmg is very slow coming in and its easy for pld to keep up heals. With proper macc sets absorb tp always lands if dark threnody and frazzle 3 is up (we use marine stewpot for anyone sub drk).
Make sure you have ionis it gives huge bonuses and the save tp from it stacks with miser roll.
If no one has dancer, you can use drk. Brd would sub dnc to get steps up. With drk tp feed was a lot higher onto aminon so you need to be a little more careful or add some subtle blow to drk ws sets. Impact occult is vital to getting high TP values for origin / cross reaper whatever you are using. You need to time absorb stats for when impact is down and maybe delay impact if the bonus stats are falling off soon.
Nice to see that someone used DNC for it. I was always talking about exactly this in my static, but we have never tried it in the end.
By Taint 2023-10-17 11:57:04
Everyone just WSs, no one engages right?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2979
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-10-17 12:05:47
Everyone just WSs, no one engages right?
If you're doing a TP denial strat, absolutely nobody can engage at any point except to WS. We have had DRK engage during Soul Enslavement and it worked out alright for us, but that's the only exception to the "no auto-attacks" rule.
BRD/DNC (and I presume DNC) are engaged with back turned to do steps
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1869
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2023-10-17 12:19:47
Macro usually:
/attack on
/wait 1
<insert WS or JA here>
/wait 2
/attack off
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2979
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-10-17 12:54:11
May want to combine those waits on the same line to save space, especially if you're not using gearswap.
/attack <wait 1>
/ws "ws name" <bt> <wait 2>
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 219
By Asura.Rekcuf 2023-10-22 03:06:33
By Taint 2023-10-22 08:33:02
PUGs have been good for me lately.
Typically 42ish Galli a run, did a 54k run with a semi PUG. (4 from a static, me and a LS mate filled in for their missing members)
Having an easy plan to execute is the key.
By Minaras84 2023-10-22 09:29:24
Did anything happen to Sortie?
Like, raised the difficulty or something like that?
I went in today (solo), and my SB were hitting for 5k, 15k with phys. def down from zhivago, Light for about 20k.
I usually hit for 60k SB and 99'999 Light.
I also missed a couple of SB, this is with 1290 accuracy.
Oh, and Sylvie casting accuracy instead of Fury... even with Kuyin out.
Out of curiosity i switched to aymur/malevolence and 1k tp Primal Rend was hitting harder than SB but still, Sylvie using precision even with 1435 accu.
This has never happened before.
By drakefs 2023-10-22 10:27:49
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »Macro usually:
/attack on
/wait 1
<insert WS or JA here>
/wait 2
/attack off
If you are using gearswap, you can WS without engaging by using a macro with just the WS, like:
Did anything happen to Sortie?
Like, raised the difficulty or something like that?
Nope, what where you fighting?
Hitting for 60k solo seems a bit optimistic, especially if we are talking about basement bosses. It takes a BRD and COR to get my RDM in the 60k range.
Normally, when I see abnormally low numbers, it is because my GS didn't load properly and therefore is not swapping gear.
I am not sure what Sylvie's trigger condition is for ACC (ie. do you have to be ACC capped, ~97%+ or do you have to be above a specific hit rate, like say 80%+) but I will note, 1290 is no where near ACC capped for basement bosses.
By Minaras84 2023-10-22 13:37:55
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »Macro usually:
/attack on
/wait 1
<insert WS or JA here>
/wait 2
/attack off
If you are using gearswap, you can WS without engaging by using a macro with just the WS, like:
Did anything happen to Sortie?
Like, raised the difficulty or something like that?
Nope, what where you fighting?
Hitting for 60k solo seems a bit optimistic, especially if we are talking about basement bosses. It takes a BRD and COR to get my RDM in the 60k range.
Normally, when I see abnormally low numbers, it is because my GS didn't load properly and therefore is not swapping gear.
I am not sure what Sylvie's trigger condition is for ACC (ie. do you have to be ACC capped, ~97%+ or do you have to be above a specific hit rate, like say 80%+) but I will note, 1290 is no where near ACC capped for basement bosses. No basement sorry, should have specified it.
And up there, with Zhivago or Sefina, it's extremely easy to reach this numbers. Especially in A and B.
But that is not the point, the point is that today, after God knows how many months, i wasn't able to reach not even the 10% of the DMG output i usually get, and that, no matter what, Sylvie kept casting precision instead of Fury. ( the only time that has happened a couple of times is fighting the demisang deleterious).
By Hopalong 2023-10-22 16:04:57
Quote: It annoys me immensely how they keep excluding enspells from working for effects like this.(Kei, etc)
Not sure if this makes a difference, but I was disappointed that Lunge/swipe do not count as magic damage on leeches to get the metal.
By drakefs 2023-10-22 16:12:46
Quote: It annoys me immensely how they keep excluding enspells from working for effects like this.(Kei, etc)
Not sure if this makes a difference, but I was disappointed that Lunge/swipe do not count as magic damage on leeches to get the metal.
Strangely enough, I am pretty sure, Spikes do count for magic damage kills (at least Ice Spikes). I noticed that an Acuex killed itself on my spikes and we still got the chest.
Especially in A and B... i wasn't able to reach not even the 10% of the DMG output i usually get
I ran sortie last night and it was business as usual, so I am not sure why your DPS took a nose dive.
By Hopalong 2023-10-22 16:13:46
Quote: Having an easy plan to execute is the key.
What's the easy plan? Do tell.
By Minaras84 2023-10-22 16:14:40
Did anything happen to Sortie?
Like, raised the difficulty or something like that?
Nope, what where you fighting?
Hitting for 60k solo seems a bit optimistic, especially if we are talking about basement bosses. It takes a BRD and COR to get my RDM in the 60k range.
Normally, when I see abnormally low numbers, it is because my GS didn't load properly and therefore is not swapping gear.
I am not sure what Sylvie's trigger condition is for ACC (ie. do you have to be ACC capped, ~97%+ or do you have to be above a specific hit rate, like say 80%+) but I will note, 1290 is no where near ACC capped for basement bosses.
Sorry, back again.
Now, not for e-peen war or else, but this is how i "behave" on locust worms lv 131-133
Set up : Kuyin, Qultada, Koru-Moru, Sylvie, Monberaux
Accuracy 1190 with grape d. (+50 from tandem strike)
V15 Nyame
Precision, No Dia
Precision, Dia III
Fury, Dia III
In Sortie, i swap Kuyin with Ulmia.
It takes me 1 Light + 1 SB to kill a worm.
It used to take me 1 Light only to kill regular mobs in Sortie A & B.
Now it takes me (only once, now i gotta wait 20 hours) 3 to 4 lights to kill an acuex.
I use windower with tp and pet tp add-on.
I dont use Gear Set, i use FFXI sets, so i dont think my macro failed every single time during 60 minutes sortie....or they did.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2023-10-22 16:54:55
Know your attack values.
If your value is below a certain point it will trigger Sylvie to use fury just like if you are low on accuracy it will do accuracy.
I don't know the order of priority but if you went into the fight with a high chaos maybe it said you don't need fury.
By Minaras84 2023-10-22 17:31:15
Know your attack values.
If your value is below a certain point it will trigger Sylvie to use fury just like if you are low on accuracy it will do accuracy.
I don't know the order of priority but if you went into the fight with a high chaos maybe it said you don't need fury.
That would be the first time Qultada would roll a chaos that big to let Sylvie cast Precision lol.
And i don't even think she would cast precision just because your attack is capped (but someone who has it capped can help me here).
What I'm trying to say is this:
- Haven't changed my gear in ages, nor upgraded it.
- Haven't changed Trusts setup.
- Literally haven't done anything different since all of the other times i ran Sortie.
Even if what you said was true it doesn't explain why she used Fury when i went to the worms to test her out.
She worked as intended over there.
She would cast Precision without Kuyin, she would cast Fury with Kuyin out.
And qultada was in pt.
Anyway, ill find out in 16 hours.
I just can't believe it was a glitch, but im no expert in programming or whatever.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2023-10-22 19:13:19
Your accuracy is bad if she's casting precision without kuyin.
By Minaras84 2023-10-22 20:10:04
I assume you just went straight your way without even reading a single line.
It's all up there, if you want to understand, all you need to do is to read.
Meanwhile, talking about it in game, I'm not the only one this has happened apparently.
I'll keep an eye if something pop up on the SE's jp forum