Sortie Release - Info

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Sortie Release - Info
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Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2023-08-27 03:27:33
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Just to confirm:

If someone gets disconnected and the party gets some KI. Then when that chat reconnect, he lost forever the chance to get that KI (in that run)?

Also, its really impossible to earm NMs keys/gally standing outside of boss arena?

Because I remember having triboulex frag a lot earlier than when I could actually beat it for the first time.

Just wondering how is that even possible, only if in some of those unlock runs LS did, they got it without me being in place.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Velner
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2023-08-27 04:50:08
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Pantafernando said: »
Just to confirm:

If someone gets disconnected and the party gets some KI. Then when that chat reconnect, he lost forever the chance to get that KI (in that run)?

Also, its really impossible to earm NMs keys/gally standing outside of boss arena?

Because I remember having triboulex frag a lot earlier than when I could actually beat it for the first time.

Just wondering how is that even possible, only if in some of those unlock runs LS did, they got it without me being in place.

(a) Yes, if you open a Key Item chest while a player is disconnected, when they return, they will not have the Key Item and will not be able to get that Key Item during that run. You can just wait to open the chest until they return.

(b) In order to get the rewards for a boss you have to use the Gadget and be in the boss area when the boss is defeated. You could be locked out of the fight itself if your group engages the boss before you cross the threshold from the corridor into the boss arena and the door shuts, but as long as you're up there, you'll get the reward, too, when the boss is defeated.

Fun note: If a player is locked out of a basement boss fight in the corridor just before the arena and the group fails the fight inside, the boss will go through the door and down the corridor to attack anybody out there.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ahlen
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2023-08-28 16:07:35
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Has anyone cleared E F G H wkr in 1 run? does this spawn the aurum?
By 2023-08-28 16:41:43
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Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2023-08-28 17:25:56
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Aurum must* be either from getting 4 chests from 4 basement roaming NMs, or from getting all 16 basement chests.

*Not really must, but where would it be otherwise
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ahlen
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2023-08-28 17:32:01
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ya I tried wkr today no aurum oh well
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ahlen
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2023-08-28 17:32:05
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Took a b team in and killed all the basement mini NMs and got brown chests to drop. still no aurum (I did E last and clicked aminon teleport)
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2023-08-29 08:45:56
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Fenrir.Ahlen said: »
Took a b team in and killed all the basement mini NMs and got brown chests to drop. still no aurum (I did E last and clicked aminon teleport)

All chests seems like the only option left then.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 694
By Shiva.Alistrianna 2023-08-30 20:51:10
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We had a messy Trib tonight so I gathered some info.

Light damage mechanic resets after using Setting the Stage. Initial did 22k split between 2 people. The next did 31k.
If he goes passive after using Setting the Stage, his first TP move upon reaggro will be Setting the Stage regardless of time passed. We triggering it twice in 30 seconds.
Each use of Setting the Stage also increases the total damage of the next by 1000. He did a total of 5 StS. The last 3 did 32k, 33kand 34k.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2023-08-31 06:53:40
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What I would like to confirm is if we can limit the amount of "fetters" mob can send.

I say that because today when i did Dhartok, normally his very first move cast silence on chars. i know that because i need to cast silena so my geo can use frailty.

I feel like it used less farts for a while.

I would like to test if there is a mechanism where mob check a specific debuff on players around. If its available, then it drops a fart/fetter.

I say that because normally when I used to do dhartok on burst strat, it barely farted any. On the other hand, melee strats quickly becomes full of those stuffs around.
By Dodik 2023-08-31 08:11:56
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Using a Taru to plug his *$$ reduces frequency of farts.

See clouds on burst strat pretty regularly. More if the fight takes longer. He seems to favour the move more at lower HP.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 129
By Asura.Cthaeh 2023-08-31 09:31:51
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Pantafernando said: »
What I would like to confirm is if we can limit the amount of "fetters" mob can send.

I say that because today when i did Dhartok, normally his very first move cast silence on chars. i know that because i need to cast silena so my geo can use frailty.

I feel like it used less farts for a while.

I would like to test if there is a mechanism where mob check a specific debuff on players around. If its available, then it drops a fart/fetter.

I say that because normally when I used to do dhartok on burst strat, it barely farted any. On the other hand, melee strats quickly becomes full of those stuffs around.

People have literally been saying this several times throughout the thread. Dhartok only puts up bubbles if a TP move he uses hits someone who is poisoned. Gartell has a similar mechanic with his debuffs
By Shichishito 2023-09-02 02:01:41
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wiki says there is no limit to how many cloudes dhartok can spawn, which might be wrong.
While soloing I didn't bother counting them but after maybe 15-30 clouds he seems to stop placing them completely.

during the fetter/cloud placing phase he also seems to poses a moderate regen effect that either gets weaker or also stops after he quits his fetter routine. Not sure about the regen part as it simply could be still active but less noticeable once you don't need to worry evading the cloud debuffs and start focusing entirely on DDing.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2023-09-02 02:58:52
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Yeah, we saw a video of guy soloing on DRG, and it stopped at 30 or so clouds.

About the regen, i once had a messed fight with the wipe pf my DDs, then i had to kite it with WHM till party could recover and finish it.

In the end, my final dmg deal was ~2.5M. I dont remember how long i kited, but that was an extra 1M dealt.
Posts: 464
By drakefs 2023-09-02 13:17:38
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Shichishito said: »
wiki says there is no limit to how many cloudes dhartok can spawn, which might be wrong.
The wiki is probably wrong, my group has ran into "max" clouds a few times. It is nice but in all honesty I would rather kill Dhartok in 1~2 minutes. I suppose you could speed up the max clouds by feeding it a ton of tp too.

Pantafernando said: »
About the regen,
As long as you are not kiting through clouds (may not be possible, I know), the regen, evasion and defense eventually wears off.

We use a melee setup, so the biggest change to or fight is using MNK roll. Purely anecdotal but we also noticed we do not get clouds before he hits ~50% HP when not SCing him. We have tried to ignore clouds (beyond moving ourselves out or them) and those attempts do not go as well as attempts where we are actively moving Dhartok out of clouds.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1851
By Phoenix.Iocus 2023-09-02 14:19:00
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You can fill up most of the room with clouds if you position him poorly but he does eventually stop.
Posts: 69
By Taeketsu 2023-09-10 15:57:21
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Would anyone be kind enough to either link a vid or give me a quick synopsis of a relatively easy solo route that gets me enough gallimaufry for it to not be a waste of time? Don't play much, and recently came back on and off, still need Empy +2 / +3 for all my jobs. I have pretty much all jobs leveled and geared decently. Thanks in advance.. just too much stuff on youtube for me to know whats good or not. Again not looking to light the world on fire, just basic route to make some progress
Posts: 112
By Trillium 2023-09-10 16:27:49
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Taeketsu said: »
Would anyone be kind enough to either link a vid or give me a quick synopsis of a relatively easy solo route that gets me enough gallimaufry for it to not be a waste of time? Don't play much, and recently came back on and off, still need Empy +2 / +3 for all my jobs. I have pretty much all jobs leveled and geared decently. Thanks in advance.. just too much stuff on youtube for me to know whats good or not. Again not looking to light the world on fire, just basic route to make some progress

On my dollar mules I do the quick D, Drop, A nude cast, B hurray, basement x5 empy (can be base from abyssea), run to c from b, get the box on the way, then the wait 30 sec in basement and out. a little over 1k muffins, will kill leech if I see it.

If you can sch kill bosses, you can probably solo for more, but it will take longer. 7-15 minutes you are done the route I mentioned. Suggest cor/whm for running and casting etc.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: DrGonzo
Posts: 12
By Bahamut.Eisenzahn 2023-09-10 16:33:26
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Taeketsu said: »
Would anyone be kind enough to either link a vid or give me a quick synopsis of a relatively easy solo route that gets me enough gallimaufry for it to not be a waste of time? Don't play much, and recently came back on and off, still need Empy +2 / +3 for all my jobs. I have pretty much all jobs leveled and geared decently. Thanks in advance.. just too much stuff on youtube for me to know whats good or not. Again not looking to light the world on fire, just basic route to make some progress
Off the top of my head, Im sure theres more

Easy A chests (open door, kneel, cast etc), Obdella kill
Check for Bhoot @ B + hurray
3 step B Elementals if your fast, check for Porxie
Check for DD @ D and follow up kills
F Lockstyle bitzer and sneak out
G stare bitzer and sneak out
H run through and return chest
Posts: 1184
By Seun 2023-09-10 20:24:50
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Bahamut.Eisenzahn said: »
Taeketsu said: »
Would anyone be kind enough to either link a vid or give me a quick synopsis of a relatively easy solo route that gets me enough gallimaufry for it to not be a waste of time? Don't play much, and recently came back on and off, still need Empy +2 / +3 for all my jobs. I have pretty much all jobs leveled and geared decently. Thanks in advance.. just too much stuff on youtube for me to know whats good or not. Again not looking to light the world on fire, just basic route to make some progress
Off the top of my head, Im sure theres more

Easy A chests (open door, kneel, cast etc), Obdella kill
Check for Bhoot @ B + hurray
3 step B Elementals if your fast, check for Porxie
Check for DD @ D and follow up kills
F Lockstyle bitzer and sneak out
G stare bitzer and sneak out
H run through and return chest

If the hidden objectives can be cleared, killing a party of Fomor is worthwhile. Solid earn for all the chests they reward and several chances at cases. I would also add Ghatjot to the list. Easier for some jobs than others of course, but it's worth it if you can obtain shard/metal quickly on your way to the gate.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2979
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-09-10 20:44:18
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If you have a job geared enough to kill E boss, it will beat all of the above. I've never really tried to solo Sortie, but I think RDM, BLU, SCH, and maybe some others can do it.

If others are more versed with the fight, they can explain how it goes down. I think it involves dropping a bunch of his farts all around the room until he stops doing it, then killing him normally. SCH strat is helix and wait AFAIK.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Myamoto
By Shiva.Myamoto 2023-09-10 20:56:06
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SCH can solo Sortie runs quite well in comparison to most other jobs imo. My best solo runs on SCH were 17k, with the average about 16k. I don't typically do it often but if the couple players I usually go with are busy and I happen to be bored, I will still run through it solo on SCH. It's still 16-17k more galli than I had before. AE boss, and a bunch of random stuff along the way, including the top floor minor NM's etc.
By Shichishito 2023-09-10 21:19:46
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Dhartok solos I could find range from ~29 minutes on BLUL, ~24 minutes on DRG, ~14 minutes on SCH to a insane ~6 minutes on WAR.
Couldn't find a RDM solo of dhartok but pretty sure they can solo it.
Posts: 464
By drakefs 2023-09-10 21:23:48
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
If others are more versed with the fight, they can explain how it goes down. I think it involves dropping a bunch of his farts all around the room until he stops doing it, then killing him normally. SCH strat is helix and wait AFAIK.

You need to get the metal if you are going to melee or be in melee range. AAEV can hold threat for the condition for getting the chest.

Amchuchu does an decent job tanking Dhartok, though she will likely die. RDM + Gravity II = easy mode. SCH is another good option for kiting + MBing. Neither options are particularly fast but not that dangerous either. You can also melee Dhartok (there is a DRG vid somewhere out there) but it will likely require a lot more skill than a mage kill.

Sortie will always be better with more people. If you can do 1 basement boss solo, just getting down another Basement boss is likely going to cut your time to Stage3/4 in half.
Posts: 1184
By Seun 2023-09-10 21:50:16
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Dhartok doesn't really fit the idea of "a relatively easy, basic solo run". Certainly an option, but I think a bit more than they were asking for.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2979
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-09-10 23:59:28
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Sure, but I would call a 1k run a waste of time, and spending 5 minutes to get 300 muffins from the basement chest is...questionable.
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-09-11 00:27:44
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Failing a Dhartok run, jobs like BLU and NIN can do at minimum A B C bosses, no reason to ignore those. If you can down all 4 thats 8k galli right there, plus around 2.2~3.5k from Aurum depending on how many of the blue chests you can trigger (those NMs give like 750 or 800 thru their raw galli drop + the 300 from their chests). Degei can be pretty challenging solo though so let's not assume it's something most people can do.

-3x Acuex (6 if you're not confident in killspeed); NIN and BLU can do this easily, among other jobs. You just need the killing blow to be a magic spell. T1s/T2s/Ninjutsu from sub works fine if you can make a MAB set for them. Shantotto II can also do this.
-This will take a minute or two but it can save you a headache later. Go south of the southern Acuex toward the D Gadget. Deleterious likes to spawn in the hallway that leads into the big fomor chamber adjacent to the Gadget hallway. If he's here, kill him now. Again this can save you a headache. If he isn't there, move on and cut your losses. A Hermes Quencher or some precharged Powder Boots can help you mitigate the time loss here.
-Kill Obdella if it's on the way
-Rest on one of those little elevated diamond platform things for a chest. The one right at the A Gadget works.
-Kill Obdella if it's on the way to B and you didn't get it earlier
-Kill 5 Elementals, WS them at least once each; killing them fast enough gets you the blue chest, opening that lets you get red chest from the Porxie. I believe there's also some kind of minimum range on the killtime requirement; if I go too fast on COR I don't get the blue chest a lot of the time.
-Kill Porxie if it's nearby
-Leshonn; Gravitation/Distortion/Darkness skillchains work great here, can burst appropriately to try to get a Blue !! to reset DT. Try not to use Trusts that cast tons of debuffs. Don't stand in front of him unless you have no choice, Counter sucks.
-Kill Porxie if you find it on the way to C and you didn't get it earlier
-Skillchain and Magic Burst 6 skeletons. The MB doesn't have to kill or anything, they just have to be magic bursted once each. You don't NEED 6, but without Bolter's Roll I would highly recommend it so that you can Holy Water the curse off from the boss.
-It's outstandingly uncommon but Wide Scan for the Bhoot here. Sometimes you might see him moving out of the skeleton room.
-Go to the Corse room adjacent to C Device. Bhoot will be here 99% of the time this far into the run. Kill it.
-If you didn't get Obdella earlier, he's either among the Acuex north of the starting Device or in the fomor room to the far east of it.
-If you didn't get Porxie, he will 99% of the time have *** off to the Fire Ele room north of B Device by now. If not he's probably fluttering around the Device itself.
-Deleterious is tricky. If you aren't on BLU it could suck ***, but there are ways. First of all, find him with Wide Scan. He likes being in one of the large rectangular rooms so that he can be as inconvenient as possible. Once you find him, you'll need to pull him. Easiest way it to put up every defensive buff you have, engage, and have Valaneiral sacrifice himself for the motherland w/ Uriel Blade. After this, run the *** away. Deleterious should chase you while the others deaggro once Val eats ***. Kill Dele from this point. If you aren't confident that you can survive his WSs, have a second tank out to grab it off of you.
-You should have just gotten your Aurum chest. You can now either go kill 3 fomors (easiest place would be one of those 4 small rooms w/ hallways in between, find a room or hall with 1 or 2 fomors in it and kill until you have murdered 3 for Dele's red chest) or continue on if you aren't confident
-Go to A Device. Cast any spell while standing next to the Device for a chest.
-Teleport over to B device. Use /hurray emote on it for a chest.
-Go down to F basement. Find the Bitzer, examine it with a full set of Empyrean gear for your job equipped, open chest, exit.
-Go to C. Find Bitzer, stare at it for 30 seconds, open chest, exit. If the area is hot you can either sleep/entomb on BLU or repeat the Valaneiral sac from before to give you time to open the chest and pull the rip cord.
-Go to D. Find bitzer, exit. Reenter, open chest.

That'd be an optimal TRUE solo run I think for jobs that can't handle Dhartok. Obviously you might need to cut some things out depending on personal ability to kill the NMs/do things fast enough. If you're bringing mules then you can look into doing a solo 5 or 6NM run. Possible I missed some *** little 100galli chest somewhere. Goes without saying but if you can afford to bring things like Remedies and Panaceas with you, you should. Being able to erase your debuffs off all at once without waiting for trust AI to try to do it for you can be big. Antidotes for Ghatjot can help if you kill slowly, Holy Water to remove Skomora's Curse is a must. Powder Boots, Telaria, Sprinter's Shoes, etc. can help you make up some of the time of not having a COR, if you really want to min/max. Don't stand there waiting for them to be usable. Equip them after finishing an objective and use them after they've charged, if it's safe to do so.
Posts: 1184
By Seun 2023-09-11 00:48:55
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
Sure, but I would call a 1k run a waste of time, and spending 5 minutes to get 300 muffins from the basement chest is...questionable.

Nobody is suggesting 1k runs. The baseline is closer to 10k depending on your ability to complete extra objectives.

The point of running through the basement is the chance at starstones, not the galli reward. Spending galli on starstones is also questionable.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1851
By Phoenix.Iocus 2023-10-08 20:10:07
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Has anyone tested to see if Enlight from PLD works for Triboulex for reducing setting the stage?

Edit: nvm found it in the spoiler explaination
It is possible to decrease the damage done by Setting the Stage by repeatedly dealing light-based damage. Note that autoattack-based damage does not count towards this amount.
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