Sortie Release - Info

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Sortie Release - Info
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2023-07-18 13:21:26
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
Asura.Toralin said: »
Looked back at looks like we were all getting consistent results. A Couple no effects, but that maybe a fluke and or frazzle fell off momentarily.

I turned to indi-focus just to try to make sure it wasnt a macc issue. everyone is empy+3 has all the gear available and ML40+ so the SCH GEO RDM shouldnt have macc issues, I wouldnt think

That could be an issue, for GEO/SCH most of the set should be focused on macc AND recast. So Agwu's mostly, Amalric Coif +1, Geo pants +3, etc.

We've found as long as frazzle is up, macc isn't too much of an issue.

Goal is 12-13 second recast and enough macc to land consistently.

Edit: RDM is harder because no agwu's, but Crocea Mors (locked anyway for sanguine spam on TP), Atrophy Head +3, and Lethargy Earring +1 cover most of the FC required.
Great tip, got my set from 17seconds down to 13, thanks. Medada's Ring looking pretty nice for this set, hah
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2023-07-18 13:42:30
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Kinda got lost in the mix but

Follow up question:
spam Stone until an elemental TP move is used, then repeatedly heal it to force Bane of Tartarus.

ie: if the TP move is Frozen Blood, is it always then blizzard to heal him to force Bane?
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2023-07-18 19:15:25
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Asura.Toralin said: »
Kinda got lost in the mix but

Follow up question:
spam Stone until an elemental TP move is used, then repeatedly heal it to force Bane of Tartarus.

ie: if the TP move is Frozen Blood, is it always then blizzard to heal him to force Bane?
Yeah. You match the element of the TP move, since he absorbs the same element as his last TP move.

It's kinda a pain when he uses one of the dark based ones
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
Our RUN focuses on Buffs like stoneskin and blink to negate as much damage as possible. Also takes an embolden Phalanx II before engage after bane. Basically spams stoneskin and blink the entire run when not doing anything else.

I think most or all damage done is magic (Don't quote me on that). So most any DT set will do with maybe an emphasis on meva/magic defense bonus. Can't speak to actual sets.

Edit: Our RUN also engages, and turns around for easy application of Rayke/Gambit and Sanguine/Seraph usage.
Do shadows even work on anything Aminon does? I was fairly sure anythign he did woudl ignore or wipe shadows, but since I assumed that I didn't actually test it. <,<
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: HyaAsura
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2023-07-18 19:36:04
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Do shadows even work on anything Aminon does? I was fairly sure anythign he did woudl ignore or wipe shadows, but since I assumed that I didn't actually test it. <,<
Our RUN has reported 2 Blink shadows absorbing some of Aminon's auto-attacks. Between Blink, Stoneskin, and all the debuffs from RDM, it shouldn't be generating very much TP at all from hitting your tank.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2023-07-18 19:38:21
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Hmmm. Well, I'm all for taking less hits. I'll try blink next Aminon.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2023-07-19 00:06:49
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So a follow up on this. Blink does work on one of Aminon's 3 types of melee attacks(Both hand sword swing). However, his other two attacks wipe blink every time, so assuming even distribution, you've got a 33% chance that blink will do anything, and a 66% chance that it'll just get wiped next round and you'll still get hit.

Personally, I don't feel like that's worth spamming Blink for.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: BlindLis
Posts: 164
By Asura.Splendid 2023-07-19 08:44:21
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I’m curious, has anyone tried having a NIN blink tank Aminon?
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2023-07-19 08:54:43
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Asura.Splendid said: »
I’m curious, has anyone tried having a NIN blink tank Aminon?

NIN or /nin?

NIN would probably survive with easy, but the whole point of RUN is Rayke/Gambit, otherwise you would simply bring a Duban PLD and take 0 from each hit.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Jinxs
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2023-07-19 09:54:25
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How much does ninjitsu lower resistances vs rayke gambit ?
Probably no where near comparable?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 3001
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-07-19 11:51:57
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Couldn't find the source on this but I believe the ninjutsu is a meva down debuff, Rayke lowers resistance tier (huge) and gambit provides a % increase to damage.

Doton: San - 11172
Doton: San after a Raiton: San - 11172

I also did the same with Ni spell cast before San, same result, exact same damage.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 129
By Asura.Cthaeh 2023-07-19 21:16:06
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Ignore all of the WS stuff on the Botulus. Did 2 runs tonight and tried something. Condition: One person needs to hold hate for 30 seconds. Nothing else matters.

Needs confirmation, but pretty sure that this is it.
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2023-07-19 21:22:03
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If true then it needs to live at least 30 seconds.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 129
By Asura.Cthaeh 2023-07-19 22:08:28
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Phoenix.Iocus said: »
If true then it needs to live at least 30 seconds.

Should be easy to test, and I'm not 100% on the time being exactly 30 seconds but I believe it is that. Here is my experience.

We normally go RDM/NIN WAR/SAM DRK/DRG COR/DNC BRD/DNC WHM/SCH. Typically on the Botulus WAR gets hate, and after his second provoke we all jump on it and rape in 5 seconds, and always get the chest. The only times we don't get the chest is if we start early and turn him, or if he charms near the beginning of the fight. We initially thought it was the WS from behind thing, but have gotten it a few times killing from the front so we wrote that off. Also the WAR typically does more than 50% of the damage from the front.

Tonight we had a streak of charm misfortunes. First fight, I jumped the gun and turned him... No chest. We respawned, second fight charm at start, DRK and WAR killed 2 people before we bound them. Afterwards we just killed quick and decided to repop, did last one our safe method and got the chest. War provoke. WS WS WS Provoke, then everyone jumps on.

2nd run, we pull and BRD and COR immediately get charmed and kill DRK and WAR. I bind them (on RDM) and pull the Botulus off to the side and proceed to work it down while they get up/recover/uncharm. I had it by myself for about 30-45 seconds and then said ok let's just kill it. After 2 WS, weakened DRK pulls hate and it turns. My next WS brings it back on me, and one more WS from me kills it. Chest drops. Majority of WS done from front, killing blow done from front. Only consistant thing that seems to grant us the chest is one person holds hate for 30+ seconds.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kruel666
Posts: 287
By Siren.Kruel 2023-07-19 22:20:36
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Falls in line with my system, I've never bothered narrowing it down because my system always works, no point making things harder for myself changing it up to test.

I've wrote my method a couple times in the forums now, and use a trust tank, I caper enmity onto him after my first 3 step that pulls hate, then continue to kill with the trust tank never losing hate.

Because there has never been a need for me to test since I started using this method, I'd pretty much narrowed it down to holding enmity for a certain amount of time, or holding the enmity for a certain amount of the Botulus HP getting reduced, but I've had no reason to narrow it down further.
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-07-19 22:38:17
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Fenrir.Jinxs said: »
How much does ninjitsu lower resistances vs rayke gambit ?
Probably no where near comparable?

Ninjutsu is -30 res to the respective element. Doesn't matter if it's Ni or San, same # for both.

Gambit doesn't reduce magic resistance.

Rayke is much stronger by actively reducing resistance ranks.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2023-07-20 07:52:39
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Appreciate all the responses and advice. We killed Aminion on our 2nd attempt.
<20 min, alot to tighten up for sure. It got 1 TP move off, monks roll fell mid skillchain and then it tp'd.

Other than that it went smooth. The major difference I believe was RUN spamming stoneskin, our absorbs were 80-200 range as opposed to 300-480.
By 2023-07-20 09:24:08
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 129
By Asura.Cthaeh 2023-07-20 11:27:18
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Beau said: »
I started using 2 light carols (and 2 marches) upon entry as i go straight to E (having A shard from previous run) and havent gotten charmed by Botulus since, has anyone else also had luck with this?

Charm is just RNG from my experience. It's simple, he can use slimy proposal whenever he wants
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2023-07-20 11:55:27
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Most charms are light-based though, so it makes sense that Light Carol would help resist it.

This might also work for people doing objectives on corses (fairly normal when doing split objectives).
By Dodik 2023-07-20 13:33:26
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Botulus is also very stunnable if you have your geo or someone go sub blm. Is the method I use, though obviously depends on timers and timing.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kruel666
Posts: 287
By Siren.Kruel 2023-07-20 13:54:27
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I use Flat Blade on my RDM to stun, with all the magic accuracy gear in game now it's stupidly reliable. (The empy +3's having both magic acc and acc).

Although against Botulus not as reliable, since I'm using the RDM as the main skillchainer, so can't just hold TP for stuns.

Works a treat stopping the dispel moves on the mini naakuals and such though.
Posts: 261
By tallica 2023-07-22 21:09:54
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For those doing melee, how do you survive clobbering on the E boss?
By 2023-07-22 21:50:48
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Posts: 261
By tallica 2023-07-22 23:21:42
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kuroki said: »
no water damage, frequent poisona so the stacks don't add up
Ok thank you.
Posts: 104
By Tathamet 2023-07-23 00:12:06
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Asura.Cthaeh said: »
Ignore all of the WS stuff on the Botulus. Did 2 runs tonight and tried something. Condition: One person needs to hold hate for 30 seconds. Nothing else matters.

Needs confirmation, but pretty sure that this is it.
If this is true, it doesn't appear to be that simple. Pulled Botulus on DRK with stun and spammed spells/job abilities for a minute. No one was engaged and hate never left the DRK during that minute. After a minute, everyone engaged from the front. No chest.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 3001
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-07-23 00:43:24
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We did the same tonight, pulled for ~60 seconds through the split room door. Then we went ham on it from all sides, no chest.
By 2023-07-23 02:53:36
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Posts: 15223
By Pantafernando 2023-07-23 03:37:25
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Just to add, yesterday i tried to open for leaden with RUN in its front, failed miserably but 2 or 3 three ground strict with fragmentation on its front didnt prevent metal.

I think the most plausible explanation is %dmg on its back.
Posts: 15223
By Pantafernando 2023-07-23 03:39:58
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Another question about Setting the Stage:

- its triggered around with the clown center, or around the target?

- in the kiting strategy, suppose the target is out of the range, will the mob hold on the move till he can use it, or will he skip/forget if the timing has passed, and reset the timer?

Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Velner
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2023-07-23 05:41:23
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Pantafernando said: »
Another question about Setting the Stage:

- its triggered around with the clown center, or around the target?

- in the kiting strategy, suppose the target is out of the range, will the mob hold on the move till he can use it, or will he skip/forget if the timing has passed, and reset the timer?


Setting the Stage hits everybody within 30 yalms of the target. And if you kite him, he will hold it until the tank is in range (within about 15 yalms). In the early days when the WS wall was still ridiculous, we would Gravity and kite him and spank him with Seraph Blade every 10 seconds. It took more than 3 minutes to kill, but we never got hit by Setting the Stage. Here's a video on how we used to do it. Might be pertinent again with the enraged mode at Stage 4.
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