Sortie Release - Info

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Sortie Release - Info
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tenkey
Posts: 132
By Fenrir.Svens 2023-01-03 13:24:23
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I don't have an account, and I'm not sure which moves were conal/circle, but do know that upon doing any TP move, it will draw in the target if they're too far, but you can outrange its auto attacks if it's grav'd or pathing awkwardly.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Velner
Posts: 413
By Fenrir.Velner 2023-01-03 14:26:08
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RiggityWrekd said: »

Aside from that how do you deal with poison cloud and clobbering wave in a melee Zerg strat? Do you move the boss outside of clouds?

We've been doing a melee strategy on Dhartok since the release of the basement. At the start, as tank, I run in and pop all of my abilities to spike the hate while the RDM gets Gravity and all other relevant debuffs on. I then stay just around 20 yalms away so I can continually cast Flash, Stun, and Foil. With this strategy, Dhartok never does a single TP move, never gets his aura, never casts any stink clouds, and doesn't Clobber anybody.

If you're not going to kite him and want to straight tank, you still need to move him out of the stink clouds. Just a few yalms away should be enough.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9814
By Asura.Saevel 2023-01-03 14:36:40
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Hmm about that guys aura, did anyone ever see if there was a way to proc it off him? Just seems like they would introduced some mechanic like they did the rest.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tenkey
Posts: 132
By Fenrir.Svens 2023-01-03 15:35:42
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Aminon's auras? I only know that Incessant void gives it glowing earrings, which causes its elemental tp moves to spawn fetters and change his elemental resistance accordingly, and after 2? minutes of not having wings, its wings will begin to glow like tartarus platemail, causing it to do 2 tp moves consecutively.

The only way these disappear is for it do use Bane of Tartarus, which gets rid of both and makes him vulnerable to dark elemental damage/enfeebles (at the very beginning of the fight before he uses the first incessant void, you can slap him with a frazzle3). While in this state, he can either use any of its tp moves and not spawn fetters, or use incessant void and repeat the fight from the beginning. When people used the tp suppression mage method, he would often have glowing wings, but no earrings, at least until he got enough tp and did incessant void. Rarely he would do 2 elemental tp moves instead of incessant void, keeping him in his dark-vulnerable state instead of having to repeat the bane cycle.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9814
By Asura.Saevel 2023-01-03 15:39:58
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Fenrir.Svens said: »
Aminon's auras?

We already know those, was referring to Dhartok as that gets an aura too and is when it can clobbering folks for 4~8K damage.

As long as you keep procing Aminon it should be fine, it's when you don't proc it that it'll eventually go nuts. The magic strat is to deliberately cause it to go nuts on the tank, then deny it TP so it never puts out a TP move to reset it's mechanics.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 517
By Phoenix.Logical 2023-01-11 18:24:02
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After lots of playing around with paths and such this is the run I've been doing the last month with very consistent success. Hope it helps other soloers score more of those rare Starstones.
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Posts: 1141
By Thunderjet 2023-01-11 20:24:41
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Fenrir.Velner said: »
RiggityWrekd said: »

Aside from that how do you deal with poison cloud and clobbering wave in a melee Zerg strat? Do you move the boss outside of clouds?

We've been doing a melee strategy on Dhartok since the release of the basement. At the start, as tank, I run in and pop all of my abilities to spike the hate while the RDM gets Gravity and all other relevant debuffs on. I then stay just around 20 yalms away so I can continually cast Flash, Stun, and Foil. With this strategy, Dhartok never does a single TP move, never gets his aura, never casts any stink clouds, and doesn't Clobber anybody.

If you're not going to kite him and want to straight tank, you still need to move him out of the stink clouds. Just a few yalms away should be enough.
thats so dumb i used to do it too now i just straight tank it and mages kill it in 1 or 3 minutes maximum lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 395
By Asura.Dexprozius 2023-01-11 20:46:20
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Fenrir.Svens said: »
When people used the tp suppression mage method, he would often have glowing wings, but no earrings, at least until he got enough tp and did incessant void. Rarely he would do 2 elemental tp moves instead of incessant void, keeping him in his dark-vulnerable state instead of having to repeat the bane cycle.

This is the only strategy I've seen, absorbing his TP, MBing darkness via Leaden Salute into Comet/Death.

What's the more modern strategy? Awhile back post WS wall nerf I inquired if there were any melee centric strategies being put to use, but it seemed there was not as no one chimed in. I do sortie with a smaller group of people, and I'm just trying to learn how these fights can be tackled with a sub-optimal setup. Usually we're 4 to 5 people and just getting by on basement bosses. Have yet to event attempt Aminon.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 9925
By Asura.Sechs 2023-01-12 01:07:05
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Question about the metal for upstairs bosses in sortie.
We all know that having the metal allows for the boss-specific debuff to be removable.
What are all these debuffs?

A boss => Poison
B boss => ???
C boss => Curse
D boss => ???
By 2023-01-12 01:58:09
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By Dodik 2023-01-12 07:55:46
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Phoenix.Logical said: »
After lots of playing around with paths and such this is the run I've been doing the last month with very consistent success. Hope it helps other soloers score more of those rare Starstones.

Thank you for these videos, very helpful for other soloers of Sortie.

Had wasted so much time doing Ghatjot first before any of the basement objectives before seeing your video.
Posts: 3415
By Taint 2023-01-12 10:15:56
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Do you all kill Fetid Ixion?

We are consistently doing ABCEG but sometimes time out on F mainly due to stun spam. We've been skipping Ixion due to the unknown chest spawn.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 9925
By Asura.Sechs 2023-01-12 10:47:41
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We personally always skip it and do bosses in this order: C>B>A>G>E>F

We've had a few times where we time out on F because of mistakes, lost time here and there and blahblah, but usually we always kill all of those without any big problem.

We Bolster+Tabula on G, then another Tabula on F (using WC right after for a chance at another Bolster)
Posts: 3415
By Taint 2023-01-12 10:58:03
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Asura.Sechs said: »
We personally always skip it and do bosses in this order: C>B>A>G>E>F

We've had a few times where we time out on F because of mistakes, lost time here and there and blahblah, but usually we always kill all of those without any big problem.

We Bolster+Tabula on G, then another Tabula on F (using WC right after for a chance at another Bolster)

Yeah thats pretty much us. We do GABCEF. 3 humans, 1 player running 3 alts. We started doing G first so SPs were guaranteed to be back up for F.
Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2023-01-12 11:45:55
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Im surprised none tried to look for info how to pop Ixion chest and how to pop Aurum chest (one might be related to other). Red chest in basement has 100% drop rate for at least 1 item. Meaning Aurum is probably 100% drop for 2 items, including Starstone and random case, but it could even be 100% +1 case. I was hoping JPs will find it. Im starting to think it might be bugged, seeing how many things SE *** up recently.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Abdirazak
Posts: 25
By Bahamut.Zaga 2023-01-12 11:50:27
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What party setup do you use? @sech
Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2023-01-12 11:55:45
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Bahamut.Zaga said: »
What party setup do you use? @sech

I will answer, because I do it myself too.


You can also use 2nd SCH instead of RNG. RNG destroys G and E, while 2nd SCH is better for F.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Caliber
Posts: 2446
By Asura.Fondue 2023-01-15 14:52:56
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What would be better set of zones/objectives to shoot for with more of a melee centric setup? Right now the best I've been able to do is like 8k/run doing A nm+boss/b nm/c nm/d nm+some fomor objectives/empy bitzer in the basement

Most runs its just me on run, blu, brd, trusts. neither of us have fantastic gear
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9814
By Asura.Saevel 2023-01-15 14:53:57
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Did we ever figure out or confirm how to get the metal for Area F / H bosses, and what that Metal might do?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 9925
By Asura.Sechs 2023-01-15 15:27:25
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Bahamut.Zaga said: »
What party setup do you use? @sech
2x SCH, 1x RUN, 1x COR, 1x BLM, 1x GEO

I've also gone with
1x SCH, 1x RUN, 2x COR, 1x BLM, 1x GEO

Second setup is fun but requires:
1) People to sneak/invi themselves with temps
2) A lot of coordination between the CORs, their Random Deals and their Wild Card, so that the SCH never runs out of stratagems
3) Sometimes requires good positioning, if the RUN is in need of Random Deal too to reapply Gambit/Rayke

This setup grants double elemental shot on the bosses, so twice as much as the setup above. Also 2 more rolls of course and, last but not least, one more Crooked Cards roll which can be kept up fulltime, aside from dispels.
Oh! Also double Cutting Cards I guess and twice as many chances to reset Bolster so it can be up on 2 bosses.

Different pros and cons, I find the second more fun and more challenging but I wouldn't really use that setup with a PUG.
Used the first setup in PUGs plenty of times instead.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3184
By Asura.Geriond 2023-01-15 16:33:38
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Did we ever figure out or confirm how to get the metal for Area F / H bosses, and what that Metal might do?
JP Wiki says this (after google translate) about H metal:

Defeat Haughty Tulittia after shaving more than 50% HP by involving ranged attacks.
It can also be achieved by cutting 50% by involving MB in NM only for collaboration.

(Collaboration means skillchain.)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9814
By Asura.Saevel 2023-01-15 21:05:14
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Asura.Geriond said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
Did we ever figure out or confirm how to get the metal for Area F / H bosses, and what that Metal might do?
JP Wiki says this (after google translate) about H metal:

Defeat Haughty Tulittia after shaving more than 50% HP by involving ranged attacks.
It can also be achieved by cutting 50% by involving MB in NM only for collaboration.

(Collaboration means skillchain.)

That is almost nonsensical. It says deal at least 50% ranged or SC damage, or defeat her after dealing 50% of her HP?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Hillclimb
Posts: 77
By Asura.Warmoose 2023-01-15 23:32:07
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SimonSes said: »
Bahamut.Zaga said: »
What party setup do you use? @sech

I will answer, because I do it myself too.


You can also use 2nd SCH instead of RNG. RNG destroys G and E, while 2nd SCH is better for F.

If COR has 1570+ in range acc, or can hunters roll himself off to the side, we usually just turn WF>WF as fast as we can and MB stone/ice off thatfor F boss. We'll cut the SC window off 1 second early just to restart the SC again, and just keep a periodic SC window up.

Also on G.. TF>Pyrohelix>Thunder>TF melts G boss with rayke up. Lots more SC up time.

But finding a COR with that kinda acc or with a midlevel acc toggle has been difficult. My static is usually down a 6th member for whatever reason, and that's usually the deal breaker for us when trying to PUG a COR.

But in a perfect world, when the COR is great, we usually do ABC GEF, E flans/bitzer room and WKR obj, and F WKR in that setup, and get a 48k+ run with lots of old cases. I want to say our group has seen atleast a dozen +2 earrings by now doing it this way.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9814
By Asura.Saevel 2023-01-15 23:43:17
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We found that COR + RNG is just monstrous for muffins farming, they can form a very powerful fragmentation to murder most everything while also being able to do the boss specific SC's. SCH Fusion -> True Flight wipes out A/E/C/G bosses and WF -> WF with SCH/BLM/GEO bursting makes the B/F bosses pretty straight forward.

In the basement I just tell the COR to fulltime Hunters and Sams since burst team really doesn't need rolls, we already hit 99K on practically every burst window.
Posts: 68
By RiggityWrekd 2023-01-16 02:37:52
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With my group we are now being successful in doing AECG with a melee zerg setup: RUN DD (either DRK, MNK or SAM) COR BRD RDM yagWHM or SCH.

We kite E boss and zerg G boss.

On E boss to hold enmity safely RUN needs to hit everyone with valiance and One For All at the start and have a decent enmity set for flash, foil and stun.

SV HM MIN MIN MAD on E, cutting cards on BRD which allows SV to be available again for G. On G boss BRD does SV CC HM MIN MIN MAD Ice Carol.

For G boss you either need a Yagrush WHM to spam aoe erase and paralyna or a SCH using tabula rasa to do the same thing. We don't really bother with cursna since the curse only reduces max hp slightly (initially we were killing Naraka for metal but we are skipping that now).

Usually we have enough time to get blitzer and/or flan chest in A, and blitzer chests in F and G.

It's definitely not the most ideal setup but it works and it's usually easier to find well-geared DDs than BLM or RNG.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9814
By Asura.Saevel 2023-01-16 09:52:22
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E boss can be made super easy, no need to kite. Get the metal then make sure your WHM is removing the poison.
Posts: 4348
By RadialArcana 2023-01-16 10:13:32
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If someone wants to make maps for this I can turn them into dat file mods.

These are the split map images that need to be edited

The image size can be 512x512, 1024x1024 or 2048x2048, png format.

If 2048 you can put the bigger overall maps people made for context in the bottom right corner of the split maps too. To zoom in on.
Posts: 3415
By Taint 2023-01-16 10:17:09
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Asura.Saevel said: »
E boss can be made super easy, no need to kite. Get the metal then make sure your WHM is removing the poison.

Just need to kill before the Aura. (3min) Clobbering with Aura can still one shot.
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