June 2022 Version Update

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June 2022 Version Update
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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6138
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2022-06-12 04:53:51
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It's 700 per week (doesn't match the 500-per-job cap) and free. My GEO mule got his mythic clear that way, although I'm not upgrading his Idris.
Posts: 4268
By RadialArcana 2022-06-12 05:48:30
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XI has changed a lot over the years, it went from extremely hardcore to really easy during aby and has been slipping back into being more hardcore over the past 5-6 years. Job points were seen as a ridiculous grind when they were added, then we were powered up and boosts were added and they are now seen as pretty manageable to multi cap.

You have to know when you let some jobs roll back into being utility jobs, and keep jobs you really care about turbo pimped out. If you don't, you'll just burn out cause you ain't gonna max mlevel and rank 20 them all unless you're a fkin animal.

You don't need 5 capes / melevel 40 and rank 20 BIS on your 4th job cor, if you're seeing this stuff as a massive grind then that's a sign you need to roll it back. If you tell yourself to let some jobs slip on importance and concentrate on your mains, you'll feel so much relief and it won't seem like such a massive grind anymore.

Kylos is a prime example imo of someone that took too much on his plate and just got stunlocked because of it. I honestly don't think he wanted to quit for a year, I think he just couldn't face the massive wall he setup for himself to climb over and is hoping they will add Mlevel rings and stuff to make it easier when he comes back.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-06-12 06:46:45
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It's kind of crazy how SE can arbitrarily throw out some random character progression "Trackers" (Master Levels, Mastery Rank) and some people can get mentally defeated just by looking at the task, even though neither progression system has any real necessity or value (yet). It would be one thing if ml40 was required to complete something in the game right now. But it's literally just numbers on a screen, it translates to nothing tangible besides another rat race. You guys don't see how slowly SE trickles in content into this game? It might be another year until ml40 is even needed, if ever. Even the current highest level of Odyssey can be completed with zero MLs. I don't imagine the game will introduce any content in the future that would require that level of optimization.

Start looking at these progression systems for exactly what they are: systems designed to keep you playing for as long as possible. Hell, even Shinryu HTBF is designed entirely with the idea of keeping you doing "something". Odyssey is the exact same grind for the exact same reason. None of this is going away in the future either.

You can never ever say "There's nothing to do in FFXI" if they keep creating these systems or events that keep you pre-occupied into perpetuity. You can never login and ask "What should I do today?" when you have a long list of things that are always going to keep you busy for the foreseeable future. If those systems or events discourage you, just don't do them. It literally means nothing whether you do them or not. Just play the game and have fun however YOU feel works, or don't. Gotta drop that 'woe is me, i gotta grind for life' mentality and just enjoy whatever there is to do in FFXI. Or don't.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1198
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-06-12 07:23:46
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Exactly. There isn't content that is hard locking you out because you don't have max mastery levels on 1 job, much less 3+.

They are going to slowly release stuff this year. Maybe it will matter then. Maybe it won't.
Posts: 8285
By Afania 2022-06-12 09:57:07
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RadialArcana said: »
concentrate on your mains


I organize harder Odyssey NM clear runs from time to time, and I often pt with multiple people needing clears in the party, and it can be a struggle sometimes if they don't have all the best gears r20. In that case, ML 40 can help bridging that gap.

From my experience it's often easier to get a win with 2-3 super pimp players ideally on DD jobs, and much harder with 6 people spreading too thin between 10-16 jobs. This is because an NM that dies 2 min faster means the NM has 2 min less chance to *** up a clear run and waste 3k segs for everybody.

For healers, having pimp gears or high ML doesn't matter too much. For DDs, they can make more difference because of higher stats, accuracy/food change and HP.

If someone needing clear approach me and ask me to make a pt for them, I honestly prefer this guy has 1 pimp ML30-40 DD that works in the setup. Then I can build a party around this guy by getting average geared support and healerd, and the pt would still has good enough performance.

If you are doing RP 3x runs, everyone having 10+ jobs available is probably easier from organization pov. But you can get RP losing the battle, or get RP doing single NM run instead. It's not like v20 NM clear that's win or bust. In that case having 16 ML40 jobs perfectly geared isn't necessary.

Realistically, yes everyone having 16 ML40 jobs is the most ideal situation for pt leaders. But we all have a life, so we just have to make choices and not aim for the best scenerio sometimes.

I think 1-3 "main" jobs that's extremely well geared at ML 40 or close feels like the right spot for us average players with a life, but still want a chance to clear hard stuff. You can choose what to ML based on your group's job spread. But saying people need 10-16 ML 40 jobs for Odyssey is ridiculous lol. I think I'd quit if everyone tell me "gear up 10-16 top end jobs or don't do Odyssey with us" in game. And I'm glad that I haven't run into too many people like that in game, if at all.

Even if I have that kind of spare time to maintain that many jobs, I'm not paying SE $2 per wardrobes for these additional jobs just to do Odyssey. No thanks!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9792
By Asura.Saevel 2022-06-12 11:22:04
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You don't need to get all the EP all at once, something we do is put a limit of 90 to 120 minutes of actual grinding time. We gather up, go to a good location, then stop after 90 to 120 minutes. It prevents burnout and lets us enjoy the act without mentally exhausting ourselves.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2047
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2022-06-12 11:23:27
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yOu dOn'T NeEd tO dO iT!

Guys will talk ***about the anniversary but make every excuse in the book for the dev's regarding bad game design. I guess we going to wait till it's 1.5m to lvl up with no new areas to even XP at with them tieing Master lvls to new weapons or gear before people start to complain.
By 2022-06-12 12:07:12
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-06-12 12:08:52
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Odin.Stayfresh said: »
I just don’t understand how anyone can want to exp more. I was sick of that ***when they added capacity points. I don’t even want to spend one minute exping anymore lol.

Well you're kinda right, addicts don't want to, they have to.
Posts: 863
By Seun 2022-06-12 12:09:30
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Afania said: »
RadialArcana said: »
concentrate on your mains


Unsub those other 5 accounts and focus your main. Yeah, I didn't think so either.

Job mastery provided job specific bonuses so it made sense that you progress each job separately, but ML is generic. It should have been made so that you were still required to obtain a ridiculous amount of expertise, but you could earn it on any mastered job and the benefits extended to all mastered jobs.
By 2022-06-12 12:16:10
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Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2022-06-12 12:25:43
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Seun said: »
Job mastery provided job specific bonuses so it made sense that you progress each job separately, but ML is generic. It should have been made so that you were still required to obtain a ridiculous amount of expertise, but you could earn it on any mastered job and the benefits extended to all mastered jobs.

Agreed. I wouldn't even have minded bigger EP requirements if every ML automatically extended to any mastered job.

But the current requirements + having to grind out each job separately? Miss me with that ***. It's just another way of rewarding botters with free power.
Posts: 4268
By RadialArcana 2022-06-12 12:54:23
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Odin.Stayfresh said: »
I just don’t understand how anyone can want to exp more.

Because people who play mmorpgs tend to like progression systems (which is why they all have them still), leveling is desired and that is why they added it. When they added Mlevel a lot of veteran players came back right away.
Posts: 8285
By Afania 2022-06-12 13:07:29
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Aerix said: »
Seun said: »
Job mastery provided job specific bonuses so it made sense that you progress each job separately, but ML is generic. It should have been made so that you were still required to obtain a ridiculous amount of expertise, but you could earn it on any mastered job and the benefits extended to all mastered jobs.

Agreed. I wouldn't even have minded bigger EP requirements if every ML automatically extended to any mastered job.

But the current requirements + having to grind out each job separately? Miss me with that ***. It's just another way of rewarding botters with free power.

No it's not. I don't think you are going to make efficient aoe pt with botters.

Having to actually use that job for the progression is fine. It's the same as farming cards in Omen or RP in dyna. You need to be on those jobs to make cards/RP progression too. But somehow ML is not ok? What's the difference, outside of some people personally don't enjoy doing ML pt?

Also no thanks to more grind needed to cap. I'd rather stop doing Odyssey for 1-2 weeks, spend 15 hr of my time to finish ML30-40, feel satisfied, so I can move on and resume my Odyssey progression.

If the grind required to cap is double or tripled or increased by 5 times or something, I'd need more time to cap ML to move on, for 10+ of my other jobs that I don't even care to cap nor use it in v20 Odyssey runs. No thanks!

Odin.Stayfresh said: »
I just don’t understand how anyone can want to exp more. I was sick of that ***when they added capacity points. I don’t even want to spend one minute exping anymore lol.

It's a good way to meet new people in PUG, without the pressure of wiping and dying in the content. CP grind to me is also a pressure-less way to experiment jobs and builds.

I personally enjoy it with the current requirement. It wasn't nearly as bad as 75 era exp grind. And the grind doesn't even last that long in an AoE pt. It pretty much ended before I'm sick of it.
By 2022-06-12 13:13:08
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By 2022-06-12 13:17:39
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Posts: 8285
By Afania 2022-06-12 13:22:16
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Odin.Stayfresh said: »
RadialArcana said: »
Odin.Stayfresh said: »
I just don’t understand how anyone can want to exp more.

Because people who play mmorpgs tend to like progression systems (which is why they all have them still), leveling is desired and that is why they added it. When they added Mlevel a lot of veteran players came back right away.

Obviously I understand this. I am a player of said types of games.
I guess I should’ve worded it differently.

@Afania: yeah if I could ever find a shout party that isn’t only looking for BRD or GEO or healer. I’m clearly just on the wrong server. I never found an LS when I moved here years ago. I just kinda do whatever.

You don't actually need a geo to cleave, although having one is more efficient. You can use Cornelia and whm trusts for these spots.

One single PLD/RDM can solo cleave with trusts pretty much, then the rest can be whatever...leeches even. The more non-leech in the pt the more efficient it is. But they are not required.

The setup is extremely flexible tbh.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2022-06-12 13:35:37
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Aerix said: »
Seun said: »
Job mastery provided job specific bonuses so it made sense that you progress each job separately, but ML is generic. It should have been made so that you were still required to obtain a ridiculous amount of expertise, but you could earn it on any mastered job and the benefits extended to all mastered jobs.

Agreed. I wouldn't even have minded bigger EP requirements if every ML automatically extended to any mastered job.

But the current requirements + having to grind out each job separately? Miss me with that ***. It's just another way of rewarding botters with free power.
Or at the very least, you don't have to have the job mastered to earn the next stage of points, so that you could level them at the same time.

Wouldn't be much help to everyone with 22x*** though. I only have 2 mastered jobs on my main, and i wanna say like 1 each on 3 more mules.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 2727
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2022-06-12 14:15:56
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Ok, but the real question is:
Will the dude who said they refuse to enter Odyssey until all their jobs are ML30 enter the Odyssey foray, or will he wait until all his jobs are ML40 now?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2022-06-12 14:19:57
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Ok, but the real question is:
Will the dude who said they refuse to enter Odyssey until all their jobs are ML30 enter the Odyssey foray, or will he wait until all his jobs are ML40 now?
If they were smart they would at least get unlocks and start farming segs, the gear alone will make ML's even faster.
Posts: 863
By Seun 2022-06-12 14:36:17
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Leviathan.Draugo said: »
Aerix said: »
Seun said: »
Job mastery provided job specific bonuses so it made sense that you progress each job separately, but ML is generic. It should have been made so that you were still required to obtain a ridiculous amount of expertise, but you could earn it on any mastered job and the benefits extended to all mastered jobs.

Agreed. I wouldn't even have minded bigger EP requirements if every ML automatically extended to any mastered job.

But the current requirements + having to grind out each job separately? Miss me with that ***. It's just another way of rewarding botters with free power.
Or at the very least, you don't have to have the job mastered to earn the next stage of points, so that you could level them at the same time.

Wouldn't be much help to everyone with 22x*** though. I only have 2 mastered jobs on my main, and i wanna say like 1 each on 3 more mules.

You're asking to go even further before you've gone far. You have to achieve master to unlock master levels, but each subsequent job that reached mastery would instantly have access to full ML. Think of it as not having to do genkai for every joy you leveled at 50 again, then 55 again... ect.

It's still a *** of a grind, but you do it once and everyone contributes the same either alone or with their entourage of alts.
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2022-06-12 15:08:13
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Afania said: »
No it's not. I don't think you are going to make efficient aoe pt with botters.

Why would botters care about efficient aoe parties when they can just stay at a camp 24/7 to farm MLs? It makes no difference to them since MLs aren't immediately necessary for anything. Continuous EP over 16-17h each day while sleeping or working can easily match whatever you do.

Also, just because you don't care about more than your core jobs doesn't mean everyone else doesn't, as we've already established. I would much rather grind through MLs once and have it for all of my jobs forever, especially since I get a ton of free EP just doing segment farms.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2047
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2022-06-12 15:51:37
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Many people set up normal parties in CN and just leave the bots on...

Whm curing. Brds be barding, Cors Dding while buffing while having 3 other DPS slots. This was (and still is by RMT and a few others) prevalent for Job point farming, except this time they don't have the stop gap of turning in points every time they get to 500.

If you think about it... They gave RMT another avenue to make money because I am sure the Job point market was drying up lol. Awesome work SE
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-06-12 15:57:09
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Happy bots are (multiple) sub paying bots.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2047
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2022-06-12 16:06:50
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I think we cracked the code -

SE is in cahoots with RMT

They started taking a hit due to players capping Job points so SE decided to make Mastery levels and make typical Job point mobs obsolete by increasing gains from the added 5 camps.

Seems Afania is compromised... either the RMT or SE has gotten to them.

Blink twice if you are ok Afania...
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-06-12 16:13:53
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Exemplars would be fine if they had released these massive "TNL" amounts in companion with scaling returns to match.

Capacity Points and Master status (2100 JP) were introduced before Apex Monsters came out. But I think its probably safe to assume that they were at least in planning while they were releasing the Job Points and the gifts associated. So while we had a few months of generic bitching of "holy hell this is a lot of points", soon we were given camps and enemies to match the challenge put before us.

All the next "Exemplar Camps" that have been added since MLs were introduced are a pale mockery of that prior system. They're supposedly "new" camps aimed at those working on Exemplar Points, but there is no great leap in returns to match the new demands. Maybe eventually we'll see it- but I think if they ever do release something where we get that level of growth, SE will need some way to gate access to it, and I sure hope its not yet another timed lockout system with a KI we have to grab every 20 hours....ie yet another task on SE's schedule instead of ours as players.

I'm not sure how SE would implement such a thing in today's game, but I sure do miss where story progression was a challenge and often some of the rewards were less-crowded, better-yield EXP camps...not just instanced content with time lockouts.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1198
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-06-12 17:18:26
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They are making more camp spots every patch so eventually everyone will realize that they should beat bumba and aoe apex mobs. Maybe they'll make it easier some day, but it's not hard right now if people already made it to ML 40 2 days after patch.

Anyone that hasn't 'cracked the code' that this game is still profitable and reached 20 years because of numerous RMT bot accounts and that SE is fine with it has not been paying attention since before abyssea. If RMT bots are annoying enough that people report their names, then SE makes them go bye bye. If not, they are paying customers. I personally see a lot more actual players that are using 3rd party programs to do their XP for them than the RMTs that are doing shouts.
Posts: 8285
By Afania 2022-06-12 18:07:32
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Aerix said: »
Also, just because you don't care about more than your core jobs doesn't mean everyone else doesn't, as we've already established. I would much rather grind through MLs once and have it for all of my jobs forever, especially since I get a ton of free EP just doing segment farms.

It's more than that. If the system works as you described, real ML parties will have a hard time filling up as endgame players cap EP in seg runs. But returning/new players that don't do seg won't.

With current system, you still need to join ML/CP pt on different jobs, and new players needing CP will have more people to do a proper pt with.

If you need 20 hrs to ML0-40 on 1 job, how many hours do you think it's fair for all jobs using your system, since there are 22 jobs? 100 hrs(x5)? 200(x10)? THAT is a lot of grind lol. No thanks.

I think your system is something that benefits small amount of hardcore endgame players with 10+ high end jobs but not returning players needing CP, nor casual endgame players who focus on a few jobs with their limited time.

If you want easy ML for all jobs, wait for EP campaign or newer zone/battlefield. Pretty sure they'll come eventually.

I don't see a problem to get progression playing the job. Current system is fine. It's fast enough to finish 1 jobs and a few job to 10-20 in a few weeks with AoE pt setup. Plenty of pt slot for new player needing CP. Win win imo.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Richybear
Posts: 1193
By Fenrir.Richybear 2022-06-12 19:07:32
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
but I think if they ever do release something where we get that level of growth, SE will need some way to gate access to it, and I sure hope its not yet another timed lockout system with a KI we have to grab every 20 hours....

inc "53 hour lockout" event.
Why 53? Because it's not 20, but also not as much of a wait as Ddyna is. Please look forward to it
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2047
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2022-06-12 19:11:19
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Afania said: »
If you want easy ML for all jobs, wait for EP campaign or newer zone/battlefield. Pretty sure they'll come eventually.

This so much. I mean look at double segments, I love when that comes around.
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