Noob Token Farm

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Noob token farm
Posts: 9
By dobrakragnarok 2022-04-05 18:42:20
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Hello, i don't know much about blu and it seems complicated enough to learn the basics. I want to use this job just for token farming because i hear its the most efficient. I have decent weapons and ambu gear. No remas

Can someone give me some tips on how to get started for Nyzul Isle token farming?
ex: subjob, spell selection and weapon selection? If

Thank you for taking the time to read my post /bow
By 2022-04-05 19:09:22
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By Hopalong 2022-04-05 19:43:50
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There's not really a most efficient token farm job.

Thief - movement speed/aeolian edge
Corsair - movement speed/ aeolian edge / instant kill abilities/ws without engaging
Bard - movement speed/aeolian edge songs etc
Beastmaster - instant kill stuff

It really doesn't matter what job you bring to Nyzul Token farm, what matters for efficiency is to have a friend or a mule at the flag to warp you up when objectives are done or help with lamp floors.
Posts: 514
By Aerison 2022-04-05 19:45:24
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Posts: 112
By Trillium 2022-04-05 20:45:15
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Depends if you are solo etc. If 2 or 3 boxing I like blu/rdm, and like others have said, pay the money for the 18% movement legs, as you will want them eventually anyway.

For solo I might opt for /WHM if something crazy happens (no blu magic)... I mean rdm is ok too probably for the regular NI, but nice to have the na spells. I know some people swear by /sch, but I never got comfy with it/am lazy and like to keep things simple even if it fails 1% of the time.

Basically buff up to where you feel comfy to have things hitting you at the start of each floor.

If it is lamps, run around and try to find the lamps, solo you are def hoping for same time (within 5 mins) or code (click one lamp). The worst one is order... the biggest issue with it, esp on 4/5 order is remembering what you did and where you are and not getting turned around. Generally you want to go 12345, 23451, 34512 etc to test, except putting ones that are in the right order in the right spot. E.G. first is always 12345, if 3 is lit next time do 24351, then if 2 lights up you do 25314 etc. You get used to it...

It doesn't always work, but esp. solo it makes sense to hug left wall or right wall all the way around. About 5-10% of the time you will encounter 1 floor in your whole run that has something in the center that you could miss. Generally I liked to note every exit in the room despite sticking to traveling generally using the "hug the walls" rule. This helps you spot solo enemies which might have you back tracking and losing time.

Specified Enemy
You are looking for one enemy... I generally try to check as I am running and just have things hit me as I am going if they aren't the "nm" (regular mob checking impossible to gauge), if you get a room with 5+ it is usually faster just to subduction 1-2 times and be done with them (just check for the message that you completed the level).

All Enemies
Group enemies where you can, but you can lose them... anything that casts or is slow just take out... you can try to use blue spells and aoes close to the walls to take out hidden enemies that you can't see, in case they are there.

Similar to Spec enemy, run to find the one mob and take it out. Be prepared to engage here as some are magic resistant at times. Nothing ambu weapon doesn't destroy.

Blu spells
Can use what you like but subduction is great, some sort of healing (magic fruit?). I don't bother with wings of promy, but you get dia III'd a lot, so that might help if you don't counter with mighty guard. Other than spamming subduction I have T. Crush, and Spectral flow for essentially puks... I hate seeing puks... the good news is they are fast movers, so you can group them pretty easily so you aren't waiting on timers. E. Flutter helps with this too. Generally everything else I set to increase my MAB to boost the chance subduction one shots all the things.

I like having the Absolute virtue ranged weapon in a /ra macro for avoid discovery. For avoid kill... you can use your judgment if it is worth the time avoiding. With multiple characters you can sometimes have one char aggro the gears and hold them.

2 and more box
I typically like blu blu cor, prior to that I did either blu geo, blu cor, or blu and brd. With two blus you can save a lot of time going in two directions at the same time; however, this will drive you insane... or at least it does to me at times lol. Always laugh when you see the two characters meet but didn't see it in your head. (Best practice would be to have one person hug left wall, other hug right wall generally, letting autorun take control while you are switching between characters.) Generally when 5 minutes left I out, cause I am a chicken and hate redoing runs... only time I tend to push things is if I am trying to help someone to 100 for their clears, as it is sometimes worth risking to try for the even 5 levels.

Good luck all!
Server: Asura
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user: toralin
Posts: 1428
By Asura.Toralin 2022-04-05 20:57:51
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BLU does aoe/1-shot things(subduction), brd sings mazurka every floor and does lamp, runs to closest order if needed
Server: Bismarck
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user: Snprphnx
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By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2022-04-05 22:27:13
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dobrakragnarok said: »
Hello, i don't know much about blu and it seems complicated enough to learn the basics. I want to use this job just for token farming because i hear its the most efficient. I have decent weapons and ambu gear. No remas

Can someone give me some tips on how to get started for Nyzul Isle token farming?
ex: subjob, spell selection and weapon selection? If

Thank you for taking the time to read my post /bow

As others have said, go learn subduction. Its a fast casting, short recast AoE magical spell. You can recast it within 2-3 secs. Learn a few other AoE magic spells, from the Seekers areas dual element Elemental mobs. each type has 2 spells you can learn, one for each element they represent.

Learn Battery Charge (refresh), Regeneration (Regen), Erratic Flutter (Haste), and Wild Carrot (Cure).

For gear, have a basic TP set, WS set, idle set, and MAB set. Use MAB for subduction and all other magic AoEs.

SJ, really anything. though /rdm and /blm give an MAB boost. Good luck
Server: Bahamut
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user: Suph
Posts: 382
By Bahamut.Suph 2022-04-05 23:07:50
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Start from floor 96, it’ll roll over to floor 1 after floor 100 but you will still get the high token per floor. With dualbox bard you can get to maybe floor 15 for almost 10k token a run.

Exit when you have 5 mins left on the timer unless the current floor you’re on is a lamp floor, then can go for 1 more
Posts: 112
By Trillium 2022-04-05 23:12:36
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Bahamut.Suph said: »
Start from floor 96, it’ll roll over to floor 1 after floor 100 but you will still get the high token per floor. With dualbox bard you can get to maybe floor 15 for almost 10k token a run.

Exit when you have 5 mins left on the timer unless the current floor you’re on is a lamp floor, then can go for 1 more

Ah, great point. Floors will not be the same objective consecutively. not sure if this applies to NM and 20,40,60,80,100, as those are special cases. With 5 mins, you always have time for those floors unless... not sure how you wouldn't have time with 5 mins left given the gear creep over the years
Posts: 9
By dobrakragnarok 2022-04-09 12:46:49
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Wow thank you for the great info everyone. This was exactly what i was hoping to learn :D
Posts: 93
By Finbar 2022-04-09 12:51:53
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Trillium said: »
Bahamut.Suph said: »
Start from floor 96, it’ll roll over to floor 1 after floor 100 but you will still get the high token per floor. With dualbox bard you can get to maybe floor 15 for almost 10k token a run.

Exit when you have 5 mins left on the timer unless the current floor you’re on is a lamp floor, then can go for 1 more

Ah, great point. Floors will not be the same objective consecutively. not sure if this applies to NM and 20,40,60,80,100, as those are special cases. With 5 mins, you always have time for those floors unless... not sure how you wouldn't have time with 5 mins left given the gear creep over the years
It's nothing to do with gear, it's five lamp order floors that are the fear inducer. A perfectly optimized five lamps can be done in a few minutes, but it's a risk and nothing is sadder than 30 wasted minutes with zero points.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Rudra
Posts: 190
By Carbuncle.Yiazmaat 2022-04-09 13:05:58
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Hopalong said: »
There's not really a most efficient token farm job.

Thief - movement speed/aeolian edge
Corsair - movement speed/ aeolian edge / instant kill abilities/ws without engaging
Bard - movement speed/aeolian edge songs etc
Beastmaster - instant kill stuff

Dont forget geo with -ra spells and 18% movements speed af
By Shichishito 2022-04-09 13:30:32
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SMN can also do lamp duty and reapply garudas fleet wind for movement speed or hastga on every floor.
they can also roam the map with ramuhs AoE thunderspark, shock squall can also be usefull if bloodpact rage is down and there is a mob near a lamp.

DNC can also aeolian edge and brings his own movement speed.

token farming really isn't something you need to be very picky over jobs, be happy if you find 2 others to team up with and get it done.