Humble DNC posting some sets post odyssey
By Shuko 2022-01-26 22:08:16
ok, I think I get now why people who write guides reserve a few extra posts after. I didn't get it before but I understand now. When post counts are listed on profile I think some peeps love engagement in a gamification of the forums.
I thought I was very clear when I first made my post, my first sentance was, hey guys I don't know this well but I'm putting up some of my stuff
The level of support responses, and outright trollery (there is a whole troll post in dancer forum now I'm sure inspired by this ) At first def hurt me and made me not want to contribute. You can def see that in my early reaction.
I wish ya'll could see I was genuinely trying to help initially? but it gets real jaded when you read comments. So I probly will avoid that from now on.
I have a large amount of content proving I know my stuff, been playing a long time, and have mastery over many jobs, I really have nothing to prove to you guys, I was just trying to help
one example: YouTube Video Placeholder
And thats the full run w/o edits/commentary, that we made just to help shellmates or other shells on our server that were struggling with the concepts of dyna D. The commentary edited run is in the description.
I'm not trying to brag or anything by sharing this, its like 20 views or something and an hour and a half long. and I'm sure some will flame me for that too.
I'm trying to prove a point, non of those people there were multiboxing, we have full events of people that I enjoy playing with every day, and I was just trying to help them, and maybe others, I was just shell shocked by how this community all talk about gear, and all the positive and negative commentary that came from me trying to help
By Vankathka 2022-01-26 22:34:20
You're as basic as your sets, no one here was even remotely mean to you, all that was asked was clarifications on some of your sets, and advice was even offered on how to fix some of them and you went all 0-100 but my feelings! Relax and try again.
Oh and humble would imply you would be open to improvements, clearly you're not.
By Shuko 2022-01-26 22:46:21
everything on the internet gets criticized heavily. this shouldn't be a major revelation.
also you proclaim humility but want credibility as a knowledgeable dancer with authority on gearsets. this is a red flag as all of the guides here are likely collaborative or at least made with plenty of feedback.
having said that, thank you for trying to make a current dancer discussion with gearsets posted. don't give up and keep your mind open to opposing viewpoints. cheers.
Thanks, yeah I said humble meaning to all this forum stuff... not to the game... yeah I can be cocky in the game sometimes XD
But I really did want to help, and I'm gonna try to do a bit more formal of a thing, but clearly, I'll have to spend more time on it
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2022-01-26 23:21:34
hey guys I don't know this well but I'm putting up some of my stuff
This is where some people came in and questioned your sets before you got all upset about some ***here. You took some of that constructive criticism and marked it as trolling, which it wasn't at all.
A big problem, which someone also pointed out, was that a lot of people check gearsets for BiS sets, or close to it. When there's some pretty questionable choices with no context, it doesn't really take a rocket scientist to realize that someone is going to point out flaws.
I wish ya'll could see I was genuinely trying to help initially
Nobody was saying otherwise. You just took the criticism in a negative way instead of learning from it and adapting.
I have a large amount of content proving I know my stuff, been playing a long time, and have mastery over many jobs
So does every Tom, ***, and Harry on the forum.
By Shuko 2022-01-27 02:23:11
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »hey guys I don't know this well but I'm putting up some of my stuff
This is where some people came in and questioned your sets before you got all upset about some ***here. You took some of that constructive criticism and marked it as trolling, which it wasn't at all.
A big problem, which someone also pointed out, was that a lot of people check gearsets for BiS sets, or close to it. When there's some pretty questionable choices with no context, it doesn't really take a rocket scientist to realize that someone is going to point out flaws.
I wish ya'll could see I was genuinely trying to help initially
Nobody was saying otherwise. You just took the criticism in a negative way instead of learning from it and adapting.
I have a large amount of content proving I know my stuff, been playing a long time, and have mastery over many jobs
So does every Tom, ***, and Harry on the forum.
As I re-read over it again, I plan to learn from it and adapt. I was not really angry with most of the comments, there was one in particular, that frustrated me (edited? don't see it anymore). The rest I found constructive before it went a lil zany
I'd also point out, when I used the site for sets? I would look for pinned posts for the "BiS" stuff, I def didn't except what I got, not in a longshot. Most of my encounters here are either rival linkshells, or silence, or lurking.
The next time I post gear, it will look nicer, and explain my choices better, and still open to constructive suggestions, I edited my first post at first a few times before it derailed a bit.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 190
By Carbuncle.Yiazmaat 2022-01-27 05:28:30
I think, and its just my opinion, that this thread should be entirely deleted, because nothing make sense anyway here. Just relate to the main Dnc thread which is build correctly and with logical/efficient sets.
By Shuko 2022-01-27 05:48:54
Carbuncle.Yiazmaat said: »I think, and its just my opinion, that this thread should be entirely deleted, because nothing make sense anyway here. Just relate to the main Dnc thread which is build correctly and with logical/efficient sets.
Sure if I broke some kind of rule I'm unaware of, sure? report me to a mod? Or move this to where it is should be, but I'm gonna keep updating it if its not against the rules
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-01-27 08:41:25
Quote: ItemSet 383402
Aeo Edge, and other magical uses Cape augs are pdt 10, macc/mdmg, int, int, and MAB
It's an expensive piece, but there is nothing that compares to orpheus's sash in an aeolian edge build. The sash gives affinity bonus + 15 when you're standing on top of the target, and since aeolian edge is typically used at point blank range the most you lose is a point or two of affinity on a couple mobs that end up standing a bit farther back when you're cleaving. The difference between orpheus's sash and the next best piece is huge, which is why the price tag is what it is.
It's also worth noting that magic accuracy is usually not an issue with aeolian edge unless the mobs are resistant to wind, at which point you usually have resist issues no matter what (puks are a good example for this). If magic accuracy is not an issue then the baetyl pendant dropped from warder of love has 3 more magic attack than the sanctity necklace which translates to a higher damage potential.
There are two other pieces I would point you toward. And those are Ghastly tathlum +1 and Metamorph Ring +1. My unity is almost always first or second place, so I almost always get 10 or 11 int from ghastly tathlum +1, which I've found is enough to beat pemph tathlum +1. Aeolian edge has a 40% INT mod and int also affects magic weaponskill base damage via the dINT calculation. I've tested the two multiple times at 3k tp against different camps and ghastly +1 has consistently come ahead for me. Interesting note here: While ghastly +1 beats out pemph tathlum +1 in all my samples, it does not beat out seething bomblet +1. That's not a dancer equippable piece, but my thief can vouch for the accuracy of this statement. So the order for ammo appears to be
Seething Bomblet +1 is slightly better than --> Ghastly +1 which is slightly better than --> pemph tathlum +1
Metamorph ring +1 gives you 16 INT and 15 magic accuracy, which puts it slightly ahead of shiva's +1 for raw damage, and well ahead of shiva's +1 for magic accuracy. It's a unity piece like ghastly +1, so it's easy to miss if you just look at the items listed on the bgwiki page by armor slot (since the aug is only shown on the item page itself) but it's out there, and it's really good for aeolian edge.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 190
By Carbuncle.Yiazmaat 2022-01-27 08:42:33
This is not what i meant. I meant that this thread didnt turn the way it should have, so why not trying to restart ? This is what i meant. Taking considération of the OP and most of the answers to it.
By Shuko 2022-01-27 09:25:28
Quote: ItemSet 383402
Aeo Edge, and other magical uses Cape augs are pdt 10, macc/mdmg, int, int, and MAB
It's an expensive piece, but there is nothing that compares to oprheus's sash in an aeolian edge build. The sash gives affinity bonus + 15 when you're standing on top of the target, and since aeolian edge is typically used at point blank range the most you lose is a point or two of affinity on a couple mobs that end up standing a bit farther back when you're cleaving. The difference between orpheus's sash and the next best piece is huge, which is why the price tag is what it is.
It's also worth noting that magic accuracy is usually not an issue with aeolian edge unless the mobs are resistant to wind, at which point you usually have resist issues no matter what (puks are a good example for this). If magic accuracy is not an issue then the baetyl pendant dropped from warder of love has 3 more magic attack than the sanctity necklace which translates to a higher damage potential.
There are two other pieces I would point you toward. And those are Ghastly tathlum +1 and Metamorph Ring +1. My unity is almost always first or second place, so I almost always get 10 or 11 int from ghastly tathlum +1, which I've found is enough to beat pemph tathlum +1. Aeolian edge has a 40% INT mod and int also affects magic weaponskill base damage via the dINT calculation. I've tested the two multiple times at 3k tp against different camps and ghastly +1 has consistently come ahead for me. Interesting note here: While ghastly +1 beats out pemph tathlum +1 in all my samples, it does not beat out seething bomblet +1. That's not a dancer equippable piece, but my thief can vouch for the accuracy of this statement. So the order for ammo appears to be
Seething Bomblet +1 is slightly better than --> Ghastly +1 which is slightly better than --> pemph tathlum +1
Metamorph ring +1 gives you 16 INT and 15 magic accuracy, which puts it slightly ahead of shiva's +1 for raw damage, and well ahead of shiva's +1 for magic accuracy. It's a unity piece like ghastly +1, so it's easy to miss if you just look at the items listed on the bgwiki page by armor slot (since the aug is only shown on the item page itself) but it's out there, and it's really good for aeolian edge.
I love the suggestions, I have seen every single mimic drop exclusive to AMAN trove aside from that blessed sash, or some of my lucky mates saw it in NNI during bonus months. I have not been so lucky, but yeah I could see how that would be an amazing upgrade, I've never had a chance to play with one yet. I'll look into the ammo, I have the bomblet, and ring I'll give them a whirl
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-01-27 09:26:39
Quote: This is not what i meant. I meant that this thread didnt turn the way it should have, so why not trying to restart ? This is what i meant. Taking considération of the OP and most of the answers to it.
What was said was said, and the OP has already been revised a few times. Disagreements on the internet are normal and the drama in this thread is honestly pretty trivial. The OP has acknowledged the feedback and is in the process of moving forward with reworking his sets and their accompanying descriptions. I see no issues with this. It's no different from managing a project really. You don't just scrap it and start over every time something comes up you didn't plan for; you just adapt and move on.
Quote: I'll look into the ammo, I have the bomblet, I'll give it a whirl
Dancer cannot equip seething bomblet +1. I specifically mentioned that I did that testing on thief, and that I was listing it as a reference to show how the relationship between Int and MaB affect one another. No matter how many times you try to jam that bomblet in the ammo slot on dancer it just won't fit. Trust me.. I've tried.
By Shuko 2022-01-27 09:45:29
Yeah, I discovered that a few moments later when going thru gear, guess its back to more lower sheol farming for aug pieces on that other ammo, cause screw 800k a stack AH lol
Best part of the Gaols? Get your L. Wings while their hot lol, scales or hides? ; ;
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-01-27 10:10:01
Ghastly isn't that much better than pemph +1. I wouldn't build it specifically for aeolian edge unless I had spare resources (then again 10 mil also isn't a huge sum of gil nowadays either, so it's your call). I play black mage so I already had it upgraded when I went to do the testing, and the same goes for metamorph ring +1. Just throwing that out there. In the case of the ammo ghastly is better, but it's a lot of investment for a minimal return if you aren't using it to nuke with on mage jobs as well.
By Shuko 2022-01-27 15:33:34
Yeah I'm a mastered whm and sch, use them both regularly, so the ammo piece is probly worth it, have had the ring for a little while aug'd
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Server: Siren
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By Siren.Cswanny 2022-03-18 13:09:27
This whole thread is GOLD. Lmao
By Shuko 2022-03-22 07:01:58
heh, my original love hate friend returns! <3
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By rikus01 2023-02-02 12:59:35
Necro Post:
Are these sets still current given the new Emp +3 set and v25 Odyssey increases?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1092
By Asura.Bippin 2023-02-03 17:50:05
Are these sets still current given the new Emp +3 set and v25 Odyssey increases? Sets weren't really current when they were first posted...
By rikus01 2023-02-06 16:50:21
Are these sets still current given the new Emp +3 set and v25 Odyssey increases? Sets weren't really current when they were first posted... Ok. Any idea on where one can go to see current DNC sets?
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 90
By Bahamut.Skald 2023-02-07 19:16:04
Necro Post:
Are these sets still current given the new Emp +3 set and v25 Odyssey increases? You can check out page 1 of "The Last Dance" for spreadsheet oriented TP as well as ATK cap/uncap WS sets, they should be accurate and current.
Beyond that there is a lot to consider when it comes to DNC TP, long fight, short fight, having a tank or not, regularly pulling hate or not, Saber Dance/Fan Dance up/down/neutral, your actual role in the situation, AOE DMG, positioning and so on.
These are sets I am most commonly using and some more rarely which are near to glass cannon. As well, some absolutely niche for various tanking purposes if your friends like you enough to let you do such a thing.
Maculele toe shoes can be a swap to Horos toe shoes, safety, merits and positioning dependent. TA herc boots are a consideration as well, I fullt-time Empyrean since +3 for DT reasons and because I dump Closed Position merits to Fan Dance 5/5 for tanking. Still no +2 Maculele earring here (big sad face), this could easily be a swap to something like Telos but it's in there for reference. Setan Kober is B. Ranked Coiste, Acrontica and Gleti's. Blank waist in Counter is Cornelia's Belt. Basic Waltz undercaps at 44 without Gleti or Acrontica offhand.
ItemSet 387956
ItemSet 387955
ItemSet 387952
ItemSet 387950
ItemSet 387949
ItemSet 387948
ItemSet 389719
ItemSet 389720
ItemSet 387869
ItemSet 387868
ItemSet 389723
ItemSet 389724
ItemSet 389725
By Taint 2023-02-08 06:26:24
Setan B/Cento. Is a really strong combo for SB builds.
By Hythla 2023-02-09 08:37:22
Would anyone be willing to share an updated (and current) dancer GS?
Ok, I'm really not used to formatting this all nice like all these great job guides out there, but I'm gonna share some of the sets I use with my DNC, my linkshell members have asked as its a rarely played job.
*This is just my opinion, please take it with a grain of salt*
Merits are in: 5/5 haste samba, 5/5 reverse flourish. 1 saber dance, 1 fan dance, 3 no foot rise, 5 closed position (side note have 5 in crit hit rate / SirD in other cat)
(Several edits after constructive points, I personally don't own the malig headpiece I'd note many hundreds of tries)
ItemSet 383395
Use this set a ton lately with how hard stuff hits lately, and with all the magic and AOE flying around, +Edit with Reisen T2 belt, I love subtle blow. Cape augs are pdt 10, acc/atk, dex, dex, and double atk
ItemSet 383397
Full out dps, I only use this if I'm not in danger of damage, and timer is larger enemy then death - can also use herc feet with some TA/QA aug? especially if attacking from the back, the shoes would lose their bonus then Cape augs are pdt 10, acc/atk, dex, dex, and double atk
ItemSet 383398
Good set for Evis, or any time your shooting for a crit ws. Cape augs are pdt 10, acc/atk, dex, dex, and crit hit rate
ItemSet 383399
If I got a dollar each time someone died while using their weaponskill I'd be rich, in high danger hybrid WS sets help. Cape augs are pdt 10, acc/atk, dex, dex, and WS DMG
ItemSet 383400
This is how dancers hit cap damage with rudra storm, gotta use it with climactic flourish, and you are in serious danger if your in this set for too long - my herc aug has wsd and crit dmg+ but the crit dmg + is more important, CHR a bonus Cape augs are pdt 10, acc/atk, dex, dex, and WS DMG
ItemSet 383401
More regular Rudra storm and other dex based WS's Cape augs are pdt 10, acc/atk, dex, dex, and WS DMG *Note, Grunfeld rope is also good, but 1% procs of free WS from fotia doesn't sound like its often? but oh man does it proc often, esp with both pieces? but even with just 1 like this set
ItemSet 383402
Aeo Edge, and other magical uses Cape augs are pdt 10, macc/mdmg, int, int, and MAB *Edit - Been noted the Osash is a great belt, I'm inclined to agree, testing other pieces, don't own osash (yet)
ItemSet 383403
MACC setup, mostly for V.Flr stun +edit suggestion taken for malig having higher macc then nyame, I use the aeo edge cape, but you could gear one stronger
ItemSet 383404
Waltz set, the old sets put me into too much danger without iLv. Cape with CHR CHR waltz + pdt eva/meva
ItemSet 383405
Sometimes you gotta hit stuff with blunt damage, this is great for /mnk and counterstance, if your gaol gear is cap, this is cap counter with counterstance up +Edit on gear haste taken Cape augs are counter, acc/atk, dex, dex, and double atk
ItemSet 383406
Universal light armor enmity set, works with many jobs
ItemSet 383407
Light armor fast cast set, mostly for shadows, fast cast on ambu cape
ItemSet 383408
Holy water set, like 80+ percent effective
ItemSet 383409
Treasure hunter set for TH4, need oseem for the last th though
ItemSet 383410
AGI based ws like Exenterator Cape augs are pdt 10, acc/atk, agi, agi, and WS DMG
All Nyame Gear is on path B, but path A also would be good. Personaly I lean towards the set as a universal job ws dmg set with protection.
Moonshade earring has TP bonus
Adhemar is all on path A for melee
I hope that helps people, there are def more complete guides out there for DNC? but I wanted to throw some updated gear suggestions out there for my shell members and others
Thanks for reading!