Dropped Epeo Quest Item, Quest Blocked. Help!!!

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Dropped Epeo quest item, quest blocked. Help!!!
Posts: 34
By shastax 2021-07-21 07:18:59
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I got to stage 3 on my Epeo quest, then accidentally dropped the Lexeme Blade II (quest weapon). I thought it was a trash item, based on its stats; completely forgot it was my quest weapon. About 3 weeks later, I realized what I had done but now the GMs won't restore the item for me because they say they can only do it within 1 week of dropping the item.

Is there any way to cancel or restart the quest or reobtain the Lexeme Blade? I don't care about losing quest progress, it's only about 12mil. I just want to be able to complete my quest and get the epeo.
Posts: 4751
By RadialArcana 2021-07-21 08:34:33
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Keep asking them to either reset the quest or give you the item back, some of them are lazy or don't understand.

Point out why this is a serious issue, as you are here.

The people you talk with aren't just employed to deal with help requests for 11, they mostly work with 14 issues so very often they don't understand why it's a big deal.

I never understood why they even let you throw away an item like this, ffxi is the only mmorpg I've played that lets you throw away items that are this important and cannot be replaced by normal means.
Posts: 42711
By Jetackuu 2021-07-21 09:04:57
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shastax said: »
I got to stage 3 on my Epeo quest, then accidentally dropped the Lexeme Blade II (quest weapon). I thought it was a trash item, based on its stats; completely forgot it was my quest weapon. About 3 weeks later, I realized what I had done but now the GMs won't restore the item for me because they say they can only do it within 1 week of dropping the item.

Is there any way to cancel or restart the quest or reobtain the Lexeme Blade? I don't care about losing quest progress, it's only about 12mil. I just want to be able to complete my quest and get the epeo.

Have you tried talking to the npc ?
Posts: 81
By Onimaru 2021-07-21 09:09:44
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I faced a similar issue with that quest. I thought i dropped that blade or some other item, but turned out I just wasnt meeting some other requirement to continue the quest, so maybe give the whole quest another look, check whatever key items you may need or not have yet. I had contacted a GM for that too, but as expected they were of no help. Its like they dont know this game.
Posts: 9132
By SimonSes 2021-07-21 09:25:35
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Onimaru said: »
I faced a similar issue with that quest. I thought i dropped that blade or some other item, but turned out I just wasnt meeting some other requirement to continue the quest, so maybe give the whole quest another look, check whatever key items you may need or not have yet. I had contacted a GM for that too, but as expected they were of no help. Its like they dont know this game.

I mean, if he wrote he dropped the sword and even wrote the reason why he dropped the sword, then its a fact that he dropped a sword and saying to him that maybe its something else its kinda weird XD
Posts: 232
By alzeerffxi 2021-07-21 09:30:40
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i nearley did that last week To be honest too but not dropping the sword, canceling the process, Try talking to talk to the ???? for the blade level u did last maybe it will give it back am not sure
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: sweden
Posts: 13
By Phoenix.Sweden 2021-07-21 09:37:03
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Try resetting the quest by starting the Idris quest line.
Posts: 14977
By Pantafernando 2021-07-21 12:01:22
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I think Runje offers you to quit the ergon weapons process.
Posts: 34
By shastax 2021-07-21 18:07:14
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Jetackuu said: »
shastax said: »
I got to stage 3 on my Epeo quest, then accidentally dropped the Lexeme Blade II (quest weapon). I thought it was a trash item, based on its stats; completely forgot it was my quest weapon. About 3 weeks later, I realized what I had done but now the GMs won't restore the item for me because they say they can only do it within 1 week of dropping the item.

Is there any way to cancel or restart the quest or reobtain the Lexeme Blade? I don't care about losing quest progress, it's only about 12mil. I just want to be able to complete my quest and get the epeo.

Have you tried talking to the npc ?

I tried. He doesn't really say anything related to the quest.

alzeerffxi said: »
i nearley did that last week To be honest too but not dropping the sword, canceling the process, Try talking to talk to the ???? for the blade level u did last maybe it will give it back am not sure

I tried talking to the one before and the one after the stage of the quest I am on, but no luck.

Phoenix.Sweden said: »
Try resetting the quest by starting the Idris quest line.

I might try this but don't want to ruin anything else.

Pantafernando said: »
I think Runje offers you to quit the ergon weapons process.

Since I finished trading her all the items I needed for the current stage, she doesn't actually tell me anything about the upgrade process right now. Just normal trading in bayld for H-P Bayld stuff.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Funkworkz
Posts: 1424
By Sylph.Funkworkz 2021-07-21 21:41:03
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Try these things:

Try talking to Gaddiux

Try the artifact reset npc in the spell shop lower jeuno

Try talking to Nunana in yhase hunting grounds

Talk to all quest npcs multiple times without zoning
Posts: 34
By shastax 2021-07-22 07:37:25
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Sylph.Funkworkz said: »
Try these things:

Try talking to Gaddiux

Try the artifact reset npc in the spell shop lower jeuno

Try talking to Nunana in yhase hunting grounds

Talk to all quest npcs multiple times without zoning

I appreciate these ideas. I had high hopes for Nunana. Unfortunately, none of them worked.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2021-07-22 07:46:58
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Phoenix.Sweden said: »
Try resetting the quest by starting the Idris quest line.

I was going to say this too - think it might be your best bet. Could quickly try delvl to 98 > talk to all npcs > relvl to 99
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Funkworkz
Posts: 1424
By Sylph.Funkworkz 2021-07-22 12:28:36
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shastax said: »
Sylph.Funkworkz said: »
Try these things:

Try talking to Gaddiux

Try the artifact reset npc in the spell shop lower jeuno

Try talking to Nunana in yhase hunting grounds

Talk to all quest npcs multiple times without zoning

I appreciate these ideas. I had high hopes for Nunana. Unfortunately, none of them worked.

Try trading 100 HPB to Runje Desaali again, maybe youll get another Vial of crimson catalyst KI for the BC.

Try talking to the door in the inventors coalition

Try talking to Octavien

Try going to the BC itself and see what happens.

Edit: try examining the Runic Overflow at (K-10) in Foret de Hennetiel (Biv #2)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tename
Posts: 535
By Asura.Arico 2021-07-22 15:18:54
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Have you tried trading the quest NPC 10m?

They replace your finished epeo if you accidentally drop it, I'd be very surprised if they didn't also replace the other items.
Posts: 34
By shastax 2021-07-22 15:43:06
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Asura.Arico said: »
Have you tried trading the quest NPC 10m?

They replace your finished epeo if you accidentally drop it, I'd be very surprised if they didn't also replace the other items.

That's an interesting suggestion. I gave it a try with both Gaddiux and Runje but nothing happened.
Posts: 14977
By Pantafernando 2021-07-22 16:15:02
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In case it doesnt work, you can try trading 10m to my char.

Maybe it can work.