You already have a few hints to my ID with the name and the suggestion, but since I am so nice I give you one more. I have a tendency to disappear and return to the game. Not like there were that many people in the LS who played that job. Man! I still remember how rude people were to my job... Anyway I want to come back but I have a little problem, well its not little. I will probably have to start from scratch since I think I can't even remember when I last played. However, thats not really the problem... I'm in China <sigh> ,and mainland China, Hong King is so much better if you ask me. I am supposed to be teaching English here but its a F'ing nightmare. I am new to this and didn't receive enough training to do this nor was I prepared for teenagers. I need to find out if it is legal for me to beat kids in class. If that wasn't enough I get the feeling this school is trying to screw me over so who knows I might be back home and able to comeback online sooner than a year. Anyway if wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all. Since I been away for such a long time thought I'd find you guys and give you an update and let you know I am still alive at least. If I can figure out how to get past the restrictions in this country I'd be able to play. I hope you guys can help me start out when I return.
An Old Friend,